� . . _- - � . .._.i .
<br /> .�� .. .
<br /> ---=--� _ � whon duo�nd immedlatel rovida Lendar �- ---
<br /> � 1,. T&�S�D d�ESS�.�TS. Gr�t�r st�!�tp ttlt tAxas�nd��s3rtkMS re�ting to tRe Pmp rty Y P = —,-
<br /> evidanca ot paymeM of sama. Upon tha request ot t8ndar,�tantor shall daposit with Lender each mcnVi orto-tweiith(t/12)of tha estimaffid annual �
<br /> insurartce dremtum,taxes and asssssmerro partainfng to the Proparty. So�ang as tAere ia no detautL thesa arnounts shall trt+applisd to the payrtsam
<br /> i of laxe9,essessmsrrts and irtsur8nte ea tequired on tha Proparty. tn Ut9 eveM of detauit,lartdar shall hSVO the dght,at fta so[9 option,tA apply tha
<br /> � funde sa held to pay any taxes or egeinst the Obligatlona Affy turtds appiied may,at Lender's option,ba applted in reversa order ot Ne du8 dat5
<br /> � thereof.
<br /> 1�. I1dSPECTION Of PRO�EHiY,BQOKSti RECOADS AHD RERBHTS. Grantor shail aL'ow Lsndar or its agenta to exemine and�nspect tha
<br /> � Propsfty artd examina,insp�et end ma{ce copies of Qraritar's Eaoks and raoorda psrt8lning to tho Propsriy from time to Uma. Qmntot shall pravtds
<br /> ¢ny assinartee requ►red by l,ender{or thess purpases. Atl of the signatures ae�d intartrtatton co�inad in GraMOYB E0olm IIrtd reeotd�aha!!b�
<br /> S genuine,true,ecwrate and oomRlete in all rospans. GraMOr shall nota ihe exlstenee oi lender's Ganefictal intsrest in ita boola and reeerda
<br /> perfaintng to the Proparty. Ad6itionally,Gtantor;hail refsort,in a torm satisfaetory to Lender,such i:�tormation as tsrtdar may reque�t reg�rdinfl � f
<br /> • Grantor's finandtel conditlon ar tha Proparty. The iMormati�on shall ba for sach pariods,shall reflect Grantor•u rccorda at eueh tima,and shaU Da � I
<br /> � � rendared vui2h sueh frequency fls i.nrtdar tnay d83tgnata. All irtfarmaltan tum{�:s!by f3stu+tos to l.eader shall'bs lru9.acturei9 end eompi�ste in all D ( .-
<br /> respscts,and stgned by Granur ff Lender requests.
<br /> �~ j 17. ES'fpppEl CERTIflCATES. Within tert(t0)dayr after any tequtsi by Lender,Grantor shatl drstiver to Lender,ar arry fnt5nded transferea oi
<br /> i LcindePS rigMs witt�resprct to tha Obilgations,a signed and acknovrledged statament spsatying(a�the outstandirtg baiance on ths ObGgaUan�;and �
<br /> i (b)vrha'tDer Grantor po�essas any ctaims.Cetenses,set�oHs or oourner�tatms with respaet to the Obiigations and,it so,the�swre of sueh ela3ms, �
<br /> deienses,set�it9 cr courrierGafms. Grantor will ke oondusively 6ound by arry represaMation that lender may mako to the intendesl UanMerea with � 1
<br /> � respeet to these mattets in tha event that GraMar fails to pmvide the reqaestetl statemeni in a Nmety masmar. %+_ .
<br /> t8, EVEtiTS OF QEFQULT. An Evertt of Qefauft shali occur under thts Dead of Trust and the Tru�o's pax�a[shat!hcoarrta cR�taWe in the evant that� .
<br /> ;�ar.tar,Botroxat or any guaranmr af the Obligationx '
<br /> (2� fails to Pay arty Obllgaticn to iender whsn dua;
<br /> „ . N} fa11s to perfatm any Qh!tgarza cr breaches arry vfartanty c�cs:s.^.aru w Lendor corra:r,e�;^9'-'S OaEd af Tn:s!or arry athcr preseM or tuture
<br /> i.. .� � agreamer�
<br /> ti { (��de�py�,r�cs or damag25 t"3 Pra�2:ty i�e�-;rr.aterial re?�2ct or sutr;s�s�e?roperiyto saizure,cor�s�a�.er candemnation:
<br /> • (d) seeks tv c�:ra.terminate or o�:n�sn:sa:.:+i�t�abiliry undar any gucua.:_f•.:...ar.der;
<br /> (e) dies,��tegatly fncemF2�r.i,s c:�=vz�or termlr.�d.becomes i'���nt,makes an ass!gnmE-*'l�r�e bartaflt at acditora,laUs to
<br /> ' � paY debt8 as they bacome d�:3,fi'�a p�»..�_ar the feGs W:sr:fcrupt;.y:s�..�.!r-.�an L^t�`_^�!.y petit[on in Iz2nkruptcy filed!n vfiIch Qrentor, ,
<br /> Bormwar or any guarantor is rr.�r+e:,cr tas��Fa:ty takan�-�a-�-y��-rit a:��ss of cew"_
<br /> : (� allows goarJS to be used,tans�orted cr�a�on me��t,=`.�Fo�.�i;.�.transpc�-�'a�„�r use of vrh!ch�fs i�egai; , .
<br /> .< s (9)allows sny pany ottter than Grantor or&.i-°z�r:to assurr.a�-_-�_-�°�-,��sl:gation wix;t:.t the vrtitts:��isoM of lsnder,or
<br /> �• (h) o8uses Lettdet to deettl IL58M Insecure�:2 Lv 8 signifieant deci:�.:�.:.r��!.a ot the Fro�erty:or tf Le-wcr,:n gao0 taith.for any reason. `. ---
<br /> . ':,��i beltevas that the prospsct of paymErrt or perfotmence is impaired. .
<br />- «'� .
<br /> 19.RIGHi'S OF LENDER ON EYENT Of�EFAUl.T. Upon tha occi:.^:�w��'��cit of De9auit under this Qead at TRSt,Lendsr��a116e ernitlad to
<br /> c3zordse ane ar more of ths foitowing cemedies wuithout notice ar d�.-3 i�x�as tequired by law): •
<br /> , (a)to deciaro tha Obligations lmmedtately due and payabte i^f�l ;.„axeteration shall bs sutomatic and immeda�if tt�Crer�t of Defauit is -
<br /> a fiiing urtdar trie Bankruptry Code;
<br /> ° � (D)t000llacttheoutatandingObiigat[onswtthorvrithoutresorti.:5�;::�''�°'��aces� .-. ..
<br /> .���� ; (c)to require Granmr to deliver end maka avaiiabte ta Lender at.y t_�sc-:.�T:pariy m q�attets cons6biUng tt-e�e.^.r��F������N
<br /> � ' • : � oonveniem to Gra�mr and lender,
<br /> r�
<br /> � (d)to emer upon and take pos�ession of the Proparty withaut��:;:^g for ar obtaining the appotenmern oi a:c���e*ar3,��nder's option,to
<br /> •;�•„' appotM a reoetver without tand,without fiist bringing suit ert e��.ligations and without othenN(se mesUng�:��:�r-f�ations rogard3ng
<br />-..,'tY;: • � reoeivels,it being Irnsnded flr�:l�rder shall have this aor�rn�.i j.:,�ht to appoirn a receiver:
<br /> ��;:�,;� (e) to emptay a ma��qtr.3�joM oT the Property arid Ist tha same,either in Trustee's s+m nams,tn tho c.;ma��r.Crr�in tha namt of
<br />. ,;;;."� � Grantor,and m..ssive tha rems,incemes,issues nnd proflts of the Property and appiy the same,aft�r�pr,c�:.��:r.�ary charges and
<br /> z eapanses,an.u,..art af the Obilgattons; �e=
<br /> ' (fl to pay arr��:..�s in anytonn or mannor deamsd expfld[snt by Lender to protect thu security of thts Qeed el Trw-t or to curo any detault other ��1-
<br />- � than paymerft�4 iMarest or prindpal on the Obligations; �
<br /> - (g) w foreolose thts Dead of Truat judidatly ar nonjudtetatiy and W direct the cate of tha pro�rty throagh exercIse of the powar of eale as ---
<br /> � • refe�enad in patagraph 20,hanJn,in acoordanee w(th appllcabla law; �
<br /> ��-" � "�"- (h)to satcff GrsMoYs Obttgations ega;nst any amounta owed Qrarrtor by Lertder irrcludirrg,but not Iimfted to,monfes,ins�rumerrts,and de�osft __-
<br /> acoour�mainminod wfU►Lendar or any curtentty exi�tirtg ar fuwre affifiate af Lender,and - -__
<br /> (�W exercise atl oiher�ighls avattable to Lender under any othsr written agreemeM or appleabte taw. _
<br /> • lnndor'8 rights are cumulative and may be exerc[sad togethor,separately,and in any order. !n tfie eveM that Lsnder institutes an acUon seeking
<br /> tha rer�avery of arry af trie Firoperty byway o}a prejudgmer�t temady in an action�qalnst Grantor,GrFintor waive�the posting of any boad whIeh L ==--
<br /> � ' . � might othamise be requl:osf. Lender or lender's deslgnea may purcha3e the Property at nny saie. Proceeds of sny►Trus�e's saie herauadar !
<br /> � �zil bo appl2ed fifst,to th�co�ts and expens�s of exerci�in�tha pawer ot sate and of tha sale,inoiuding the paymsrtt ot ths Truates'e te�s _
<br /> . ss
<br /> 11' � a�uaily inwrred and rtoi tn exc9ed the amount wh(ch may 6o pravided tor in thls Qeed of 7ruat,second,to paymeM of tha ODUgatlons eecurod --
<br /> �'� �zereby.third,to tha paymmt of Junior trust deeds,mo�gagos,or other lienhotaera,artd the batsnoe.N arry.te the Percar►or persons tegalry —
<br /> ;;.; entitle9 th:c�rs. The Property or any part thereot may be sold in one parcel,or in such paraels,manner or order s�Lender In its sote diseretkon
<br /> . �� :'���:;: may elsst,tus.�i t^e or moro exercise3 of the pawer herein grartted shall not extlnguish or e�d�aust the paxrur urte3s the er►firo PropsRy ia sotd ar
<br /> •• ihe obUgatic•^s are patd in tuU.
<br /> � ?A.TRUSTEE'S E7�RClSE OF POWER BF SALE OH DEFAULT. Upon 6sfau12 by Borrawar in payme�of fury Obligattons secured henby Lendor __
<br /> may deUare au suma,seeured hereby,immetliatery due and ayabte artd shall mau�e to bs fiiod o?r000rd a writtan notIoe of detault and eIecHon So —
<br /> e
<br /> • cefl tha Property. After the tapsa ot sueh Ume as than may go required by law following reoorda�on ot sueh noUce of dafautt,and notioe o!�i� _
<br /> having hcen ghre^as then required by law,Tn,stea,wtthout demand on Grantor,shall se11 such Property,efther es a whole or in sapaeate paroet�,and
<br /> � in such order�2�r.:r Lendar rnay determine,�_�'blto auction to tha highest Ctdder. Trus�tea may posKpone tf*.a sate o!all or eny porttan of the =-
<br />= Properiy by pch�:r�t�.nounca:na�t ffi tRe tirtte utr.�:laca ot sale,and trom tir�e Le�me thareafter may postpone tha sala by publta annourtoemeM a4 =
<br /> . • - � the�me and p1a.:r fxed by the preceding postF:.rn:�nent Trusisa sh�11 Qsliver.n.c:ich purchaser its deed oomreying the proparty,or Fortton thereof, �:,:-
<br /> � � cu�ld,bvt+�rithoz,t any�ovenant or warraMy,express or imF:ir,�!• '!ie�eeimis�.^such deed of any matters o f f a o t or o t he r w is0,s h a l t b e ao n c iu s i v e ��__
<br /> u
<br /> �rrr.�:f of tha truthtulnass there�f. My person,ineluding Gr�n'cr T��u�ae or Lsnder,may purcha:e at sueh sufe. _
<br /> � 1;. REQUE9T FOA HOT{�ES. GraMOr roquesis that a ecn,a:us�s lotioe of detaullt and a aopy ot arry noTlce ot sal0 hereunder bo matted ta each
<br /> petson who is a aarty heroto,M the addtess o}secl!Rersan c,ua�iaSla lorein at the same 8me and(n the same mannar requirBd ns though a separate =
<br /> • . roques!thamof had been filed by each such pecr:art.
<br /> -� � �= ?Z SECIJRI'f�f INTEREST UHDER TFIE UN[C�Qi+ffl COMhI���:lAI.CODE This Oeed of Trust shall be aonsldared a financin s7atement and a
<br /> � � fixture fillrtg pursuar�t to the prevtsions of the L'::`.orm Ca�rm�.'yJ CAde(as e:cpted in the sffite whsre the Property is lomietl�envartrtg fuweea.
<br /> ehat�is,+utd ertictea of pe�anef property now oxned ot heresflm•,4�raohed to or to be usad in oonneet[on with trie Property together with any nrtd a11
<br /> mp!aamemq theroof and eddnicns thetMO(tha"Chatte:a'),trtd�3�.�ot herahy grents Lender e seeu�ty it►ferest in such tfiatteSa. Tho debtor Is tRe
<br /> � G-raMOr d[ssc�ibed above. ltto:�r,;ued party is tha Lender d�a'�u:atrova. Upon deman�,Grantor shafl make,exeeute and Qellver such secufily •
<br /> egre�me�s(as such tarm is CNi:�•ad in said Urt'!ortn Commere3al:.sde)as Ler[dpr at any time may dcem nac�..ufy►or proper or requtred to grant to
<br /> ' � Lender a pertceir�security ir�terest in the ChW'tr.l�i,and upon CiraMOfa tailuro to da a,Lendor ts suthafimd to si s�uny sueh agramerii es the$qcnt
<br />_ ' ! of OraMOr. Qmn:ar haroby autha�?zas Lender ta fll�a financing statemantn(aa cu.rJ�ta�-m is dnfined in staId UnHorm C�emmerclal CoGe)vrdh rospect to ,
<br /> ; the CAattets,a2 any Urtro,withaut�`�a signatu:e r.i�ranwr.t3ramor wlll,howarer,ct arry Uma upan roquat of Lander,slgn such Anaftctng statemortts.
<br /> , (iraMar wil!pay at1 fillrtg tee�far tlso fiiing o}ss:�tlnancirtg slaMmems artd tor the reHting thsreo?at ths Umts requtred,in tha op3n'.an a!Lander,by
<br /> r,aid Unitorm Cammerc(N Coda If rha Ilen o}this Deed ot Trust(s suD;ect to arty rawfity s,qresmtM eflverirtg 4he�attei9,ther+in the eveM of any
<br /> datautt under thls Ooed of Trun.:,:!the right,titte snd irtterest of Gr•uifor tn art0 to eny and all o?4hs Cfiattels is henhy asslgnod to tander,togsthsr
<br /> witA the Eerttfit o?arry doposits or paymanb noiv�r hereafier maCe tAereof by Grenmr or the predeoessors or sn�cassara in tiYe a1 Grarttor in ffia
<br /> � ProPerty.
<br /> 23.NERdBliA��A.hENT OF AMOUNTS EXPEtiat'.t�BY LENDEB. Lertdor,at LendeYS opUOn,may expsnd funda(inoiuding attorneys'teas ansl teqnl
<br /> expsnse3J to pcstorm any act required to be takon by Gra�tor or to exem.ise arry rtgM or remedy ot Lendcr undar th(s Deed o!Trust tJFon dcmactd,
<br /> Grantor shafl imm�dlatsty�aimburs�ls�ndor tor all such amounts oxpended by lendar togethar wiUf int3rest tharean at the to�rer oi tha h:gRast rete � ,
<br /> � descriDed in any Obfigation or the higha�t rato aum,nred by Iaw trom tha date a}paymerit until tha date of relmbursemeM. ?hese sums shall be .
<br /> Ind¢8sd in tha dofinition o10hltgaSons hdroin tmd shall bs csscured by tha Eaneficiul irrtorest gren�d harotn. B tha Obf?gations ars patd nftar tha
<br /> � baginntng of pvblicaUon o?rtoiice of sate,as herem pmvided.ar in tha mmn!Lender shall,at its sole opiion,parmit Grantor to pay any psst e!the
<br /> Obl;gatan9 t�ftet tha Eeginnio�oi pubIIcatlon o!notlea of saEo,e9 hsrein pravid6d.thEn,GreMCr sh�li pay on Qemartd all eYpensea irteurted by ihe
<br /> � Trusfee and Lendei ln eonrtse�on with satd pubfiaatiorf,tnctuding reasonabie attameyr3'tees to tha atterrtays 4or tha Trustea end tor ths Lartder,and s
<br /> reasonabfa fee to the Trosiss,ersd this Deed of TruK shalt be security tor all such expanse�artd taea.
<br /> 21,APFLtCd1TIDl�I OF PAYME[s1TS.Alt paymsrns ma�a by a�on behal!of Gfar�tor may ba appl:ed o,gain�t the errtauribs pa'.d by Lertder(n�tudirtg
<br /> �ha malnirtg Obltg.3tt'nns in whateva�r o dar�lendm choase���a��9�or ramad!es d�..enh��m thls Daed o1 Trust ead tnen to the payrtsani
<br /> 25. F�'NEA OF AlT0At7EY GraMOr heroby appairtis Lortd�r ea its attomoy-in-f�ct to endorso Grantor'a nam9 on alt instrumems end athet �
<br /> . : uflcni�ier�.a{,s��nfr�g ta i!a Cs:'s�.�rs�3 0!Tr.s.M.[n���±�ion,lartttm st+ap ee entittsd.out net requited.to Gertorm nny as�on or oxewt!8n
<br /> documant roquired to b�tnken or exec�tted EY Csrarrtor undct this Oced af Trusi Lnnd�r's psAormsn�of sueh eetion or extcutton at su� , �
<br /> ' ; dar,umsnb 5ha11 rtot roliavo Qm..ntot from any Obiigation or eur0 any datnuit urtd�r this�td of Trust Rll po�t�ts of t3ttomey/d�ctiLsd in t�ia QreL1 a!
<br /> � Ttust ate coupted eiitA an interost artd uro i�revoeab:o.
<br /> C � 28. SUDROt#ATIOl7 OF LENDER. Lond�r shall ba subrogatc�to ths ri�ht3 of 9hv he:dor e?any pre+ious lien,s�curity in�rest ot ensu
<br /> � . � di3ohntgss vfitt�tursds udv3r[eed by Lender regard:ess of erh�th�r th�so lian�,security intzrosG ar othcr enwmbran�s h�vo b�o 'Cy.:s �
<br /> y-` . . I.P,\ES11C E FO�mAt:CnTtt?+.�c:cgel.Ina111JD/9G7 (:00193�3TCJ P�3of9. � .
<br />._�[� � . — . . _ . . . -
<br />