' r------�-- ------ -- - -... . . � ' - � -�`� .
<br /> ' 9�- �.�sz�� � . .
<br /> - �=-�j (d� Gterit�r 6ss 4�tight s�sd ts dut��il's�ta e�s�l�tQ P'��!�►�Qbltgations under tiiis Dead of Trust and thes9 actions E10 not und . -- --•__-
<br /> ahall na!coriftic!w�tt►ths proviGons of any statute.resgulatlon,otdinance.NIO Q}18YI,contrac!or C•her agreemorrt which may ma 6�nGHtg�n �
<br /> • QtBntor at any tlme; � .
<br /> (e) No aetion ot proceading fa or 8ha11 Ds pendtng oi Shreatensd which migfit msrtadal►y:. °ect tho PropsrtY.end ,
<br /> (fl GraMar has rtot vtolated end shal!not vtolate a�y statute.nsgalation,ardinanoe,n+�s ot iaw,contrsct or other agreamam(inCluding,but not F ,
<br /> Iimi2e0 to,ihosa govaming H�ardous Materi�(sy which mtgM msterialty aftaoi the Proparty or Lender's rights or IMerest in t4�e Propeny pursuarn �
<br /> • to this Destl af Tn,st
<br /> 3. PAIOA OEEOS OF TFiUST.Carantor represeMS and warrn�tha4 there are no prior deads of uust sftactin9 any part of the Property except as set - .
<br /> � torth an Schsdul9 9 att�ct►ed to this Oectd of TrusK.wtiet►Gtantor agreas tupay&nd porform in a timely manner. H thora ere any priot deads o4 trust • ,
<br /> • • then Granmr egreos to pay all arnourtts ov�ed,artd pertarm all obllga�ons requtred.under such deads ot trust and the indsb�ednass secured theraby
<br /> rem di3s�8 aine he�ofn oran'the Obligah'y�rpis to which Lendersarou►d b eMitled in the evheM ot any otho dsfault ail entitte Lender ro all rights and .
<br /> 0. TRANSFERS OF TNE PROPiE4iYY OR B£N�tCtfU.fivTEiiESZ51N GRAS�TO.e1.S 09 80AR4i�lERS. In tha svertt of a sala.canveyance.Ieese, ,
<br /> contra�for dsed or uansfer to any person o!all or any part of the mal proparty descrbed in SThedule A,or any intersst therein,o*of al►or eny
<br /> . - banefieial iMerest tn Bottov.�tr or Gramor(f Borrowar ar GraMOr is not a na�ral perscn or parsons but is a oorporatton.timited liabtlity oompany. �
<br /> , � partnetship,trust,or other tegal entiry),Leadar may,at its option,dedere the outstanding psindpal bal2nce ot the�biigations plus aecrusd intnrest
<br /> ; thereon immediatety due and payabls. At Lemler's request,Grantor ar Borrorrer,ss fhs ease may be,shalt fumish a oomptate statement�etting torth
<br /> . � atl of its stockhotders,memhers,or partnars,as appropnate,and ths extent of thetr respective avmersh�p irtterests.
<br /> 5. ASSIGt4MEN'f OF R�lTfS�In cor�s(derffiion of the ObiigaYions wh{ch are sacured by this 08ed of trust,GtantOr absalutely assigrts to lEn�ar aA
<br /> GraMOr's estate,ttS�f. ' e,irRerost,claim and demand noH ovmed or hereafter scquired in all existing and future leases of the ProPartyr Gnduding
<br /> � extensions,cenawats and subleases),ali�qreert�erhs tor use and aaa,panty of the Properry(all such lea.,�ns<nd agceamems whethar rrritten or orat, ` --
<br />- � �re hereafter retem�.M to as the'Leases'�,and all guarantfas ot lessaes'Rertortnanoa under the Leascs,tag�er with the immsdiate anq aorttlnuing ��-,::.�.
<br /> � right to coltect and recetve e1i of ths rents,inooma,reoeipts,rovenu�s,tssues,profits ttnd other tcecome of asy nature naw ar hereafter due(tncluding
<br /> a n y income of any nature aaming dua duBng any redemptlon perto�under the Leases or fram ot arising e�-i of the Ptoperiy,induding minimum _ __
<br /> � �1 ce�sts�addttr�!rems,pere:sM�gs rems.Park[ng or common area maimanance aor�tributEans,tax az d i:r�.�nea c o n t r i b u tt o n s,d e ft d e n a y r e m s. :-� --
<br /> ��qu�d3te�r;�+r.,tges fo(locving defauR in r.ry Lea�e.ail proceeds Payable urtder any potiey of insur-�rw cavering toss of renis resutting from �.—
<br /> � untena�-,�b.��used by desvuctien or�sr�e to the Property.all pca�c�s payabte as a result of a lessss s exercise of an option to purehase the •; �.�=%-
<br /> .i Property,s:��ceeds derived from the ter.�:-atfon or rejectian o!any L�•n a bankruptcy or other(nsolvency proceeding,and all prooeeds from
<br /> any rigMs a,d daims of arry kind which Qrantor may h�ie 2ganst a�r�[es�_�dor the Le-�s or arry occupants af the Property(ail af the above are '�
<br /> - hereafter wlfectivaly referteQ to as the'ReMS�. 'fhis as;:�^-�^t is sy��`;��e right,R�x*and authority g'nren to the G�dar to oollect and aPPN ��"`
<br /> s '
<br /> � the Rerris. fiis assigmr.c-�t:�s recorded in socardance rc':`�,.�::w..°':e s�law;the i�a^c.eated by this essigmnent is:�iended to be spe�fic. , fl:sF.
<br /> � • perfected,s-�r.�ate c�.W'."�a recording of th:s Qesd af T:.a_s:.'as:-�:.zd bY aAPfi;.�_a state l�v�s amanded tr:^+��e to Urt[e. As long as ,�a,
<br /> •'''�' there is rto d��t ur.Cer�a Obligationa or this Deed of tr.s3.:.e:.C�s 6-�.=��or a revacable licer.s:>.���'act al��-5 from the leasas when
<br /> � -. . due and to�.s3 s�:xh p:..�eeds in Gramor's bustrtess opera":*s. Fev:�e- lander may at eny tima r�W�sran'cr t��epnsit ell ReMS irtto an • .:.'`l:-
<br /> ' aecouM mainrdined by:'��.�Mor ar Lender at LendePa insti°�=an. UpC�s:�i1t in the payment of,or in�1-x p_-'ormar.w�'.anY of the ObGgations, _
<br /> Lender may at its optic.r`�;*�possession of the Properry�.�'.ave,hold.r.:a.��qe,lease a-�d operate the Praparty on ta.«a 2n0 tor a pariod of tlme .
<br /> that Lender deerns pr_;.ra-. �endar may procesd to coS.�and reoeiva all Rerns fra�tte property,and Lender st!a:::�-vs full Power to make
<br /> e
<br /> alterations,renovations,�a'.,a,'s or replacemaMs to the Ptoparry as lendar may deem R��.lander may appiy eU Ren���renders soia disc�tion . . ..
<br /> I: to paymerd of tha Oblig�.:��s or to the paymertt a}the oost af such aFterations,renavahons,repairs and replaeemeMS a.��.y expensas inetden!to �_�_
<br /> ta{dng and reta3nirtg po�zssan of tha Properry periodEaally and the m3 agemerd and oparaUon of the Property. Lencter may kevp the Property . �:
<br /> < � � proparty insured an�m��C'ischarge any taxas,chaz9es�Galms.asse�:..�+^o�and otfi3r Itens which may aocrue. The expanse and oost of those _
<br /> actlons may ba pa�d frce++�-.�Renta reaetved,and eny unpaid amaurtts��a•be added to tha pt�ncipai of the Obligationa. fiese amouMS,togeYher
<br /> with other cosm,Shffi16e�r.-:a RaR of the Obitgationa seoutad by this Oe��P Trust. :-
<br /> . 6, LFAgEB ANO 07f+�:4:G613i1EEMEPl7�. Grarttor sh�=�^:t take or 4ai1 to tnke a-y ar4ian whteh may cause ar Re�rr�tha tarm3naSon or the . �., .. -
<br /> . � withhotding af ar►y pz��p-r:r conneetton wlth arry Lease��:.irtg to tt.e P�operty. i:�a7s:�'an,t3rantor,without Lsnder's a�cr wriden aoraent,shell �. , ..
<br /> r o t(a)eollect an y rr.c-:x;.a Y a bte under arry tease mc��'a�one mcr.�f in adva.�o��)modify any Lease;(o)a�'�''�'altaw a Iten,security ;�.,;;,.
<br /> iMarest ar c.;�.zs er.aumbranoe to be placed upon Qrsu�mr's^aMS,tit!e��t Irrte r e s t(n�.�-s':�a ny L e a s e o r t h e a m o u M S;.y a b l e t h e i e u n d e r,o r{d) ::t��,;4;,�-
<br /> ' term(nete�7 w�tal any Loase except tor the nonpayment of ony sum o�:har mateflal C.2ach by tha athsr p8rty thereto. ff Qrarrtar reaeivas at any ,.;,�,,^N
<br /> time arry cTi�oommunication flssarting a detautt by firanWr under a Lease or purpo►�n�to terminata or canoal any Lea�,Grantor shatl promptiy ' �� .-�
<br /> fanvard a oopy ot such oommuntcatkon(nnd arry subseqae�t oommun:cations relatlng th2^ato)to Lendsr. All such Lea�a�d the amovnts due to ,
<br /> � tiremor thereunder are heroby assigrte0 to tander as addti.c-a1 sewrityr tor ths ObligaUOns. ���'
<br /> � 7,COLLECTl0�1 OF INOEBTEDHESS FROM THfAD PA.�:Lender shall be e�tted to rtotity ar raqulra Grarttor to rtati'y��+/third party Grt�uding, •.;�: . '
<br /> � but not i(mited to,lessees,Iloensaes,gavommental authorntes and inauranoe companie�)to ay Lender anyr indabtadr.ess or obtigation owi�to
<br /> Grantor with respect to ths ProportY(cumulaUvety'Indabtednas.°)whether or not a detautt o�sLS undar this Deed of Truat. Grentor shall ditlgenliy �- �
<br /> coiiec!tha Indobtedness ow(ng to Cirantor from th3s9 third partiea un4il the giving af such notificatton. In the event lhat GraMOr possacses or roneives , a_
<br /> possassion of arry instrumeMS or other cemittartoes with respect ta the Indebtednass fotlovring tho givfng of suct►notiHcaUon or H ihe insC�umattis ar _ __.;,�<�r_
<br /> - othsr remitt�n�s oonstituta tha prepaymeM of arry Indebtedne�.a or the payment of any insuranoe or condomnation prooesOs,(irantor s`aii hoid �_.�:;.---_
<br /> � suol►InsVumer►ts and other rom'rttanoea in trust tor lsndar apart irom its other p�oporry,���orse thfl instrumaMS and other remitlsnaos to Lsnder, -
<br /> and immcdiately prouiCr3 f�der with po,sassion of tha InswmsrKs end other remtttanc.^:. lendat shail De entitled,but aat roqutced,to coliecl(bY '.�
<br /> � tegal prooeeding^.ar c�^r�ca),extond tha tlme for p2;�me-t.compromtse,ezchange c��.at�e anyr ob11gor or collaterFJ-��tt�srvrtse settte arry ai �•
<br /> • � the IrtdeL^�3rtsss vnc�".^��r.not an Evert of Detauit c:i��urtdor thts Doed of Trust U�r„r:r shall not be tiabte to Gr�.-^sr tor anY e:*_'o_n�.err 2 (•
<br /> •� t� mistai:c._r�wion or¢a:�,�rtain(ng ta�a actionsde�L�ed in this p�ragraph or any E�:�-.�;es resulUng therefrom. Notwithstanding tt":o u�^=� - '�_-==�°�
<br /> . 'i �"�;'-�i�rn�r shail e�:.^a tandar to be d:a�-ed a mas�:gin-possee�icn. • •_
<br /> . - p. �,,C�L',I�R1A{liT�y..;L4CE OF PR8"�4� Grw^��a^all take aii acCons and maks any repairs naedad to mairnain tha Prc:.r���^ �:c� �'�`�=:�-u:
<br /> � � '! �r.a��-. Crantar s•.-1-�:aommit or pertnit an�r�r�:n be committad w(th respect ta the Property. Qrentor sna11 use the Prapa^f s:r���r n �',%r��
<br /> , ', compf:2-ce with ayp�:.uu5�e:aw artd Msuranoe po6�e�� '�•aMor cAall not make any a►te�=ans,addiflons ar Improvertrerda to the Property v�,Yh�:." '::���F
<br /> =+ Lender's pr'.or written�^afl-t 1fYthout limiting the torr�mg,all alterations,additiano e:��d improvemerns made to the Property shall be subject t: �-_.-
<br /> � the benc`.'a)IMerest be�c::gin�to Lender,sha11 not ba romoved without Lender's prior wriY_en consant,and shall be made at Grarrtor s sole expense. •;__
<br /> � s g, I,ipS.S QC�pNYlAOE Granior shail D2.:r-�:e emira rlsk ot eny toss,theft,de�tructton or damage(cumu��.*_°vely'Losa ot Qamaga�to tha?roperiy or :,;�_
<br /> ''.��� � any porticn thereaf irom any cause wt;�erer. In the event of any L,oss or�mage,Grantor shalt,�tf�opiton of Lander,repr�ir tifta�ffeeted :i�.._
<br /> �� � Property to ita pre•riaus��Crtton or Qay cr�usa to be paid to Lander the decrease in the taSr market v�iu.ti c��!we aNacied Property. -,.;__.__
<br /> 10 lNStfAANC�. Tl�a P-ica9rty wip h,e kept tnsured tor its tutl insurable value(roptaoemant cost)ay:.,st a0 ha=ands Inctudirtg le�,�-:amage ��,�z.;��LL;v_
<br /> • aaused by ilood,earth4��f•�.�mado and ftre,theft ot oYher casualry to the exterrt reqatm�Q/Lendar. Grantor may obt3'.n insuranoe on�^.a?rc�er�,� •,.�;T���_
<br /> � from such cempanies r��r�acoePt2�le to I�nder in its sole discrotion. The insuranag�ciicies shsll ropulte th�irt��=nce oompar:y to provi':° °y��;�;�-,
<br /> Lender witlt at leaa4 d�is written nat:ce betors such policfes are alteres or cancetled�.^.arty manner. �1-s insurance Gt::c'.�s s.`�..: ,. ;r:�=-.
<br /> name I�nCet as e lo:a payee and pcs�n�'�at no act or omissloa of(iraMor ar any othsr person eh�:atfee2lho right of Lender t�bL^a:d s5�
<br /> :.,•.:..,.
<br /> insurunco praxeda peRalning to ttse Ic�or damage af the Property. b tha evaM Grar�tor falis to ecquire or malrrtaln insuranee.uu'r..r(2":ar • ' �' _�:_
<br /> • providing rr�tioe as may 6e raqulred by Iaw)may in its discrollon procure appropdate tr�suranoe oavatage upan tha Property artd tho ima:r.rae ws� ;_;;,��,.,-;.
<br /> • . sha11 be an advanae payable and bearing irrterest as deacrtbed tn Peragraph 23 and aecured heroby. GranWr BhaO turNsh Lendar�xiUi c�'_ence c. ��.�,��_
<br /> � imuranee Irtdtaabng the required ooveraga. Lender m�:p enct a3 attomey-in-tact for Czramor in making and settlinD claims under insura,�ze pes�G�rs, •'�„�_;
<br /> � cartxriing erry poliey or enQorsing Grantor'o rtarr�e on em��ratt or neQotiab:e Instrumerrt draxn by arry tnsurer. Ail sueh insuranoe pa'cies s7:�.1 b.. .�.�-.:._
<br /> immediately assTgned,pladgod ertd delivared to Lendor asfurth�r ssevrrty}or tha Oblig�'ans. In th9 eveM of loss,Gra�or shall tmmed:aa_s:��� ,.•,.�
<br /> IBnder wrftten rtotioe and lertdor ta nutfsndxed to make pmof o1 to:s. Each inaurartae compsny is dlreoted to malce paymenb Clresfrj to �enQ�r
<br /> insteud of to Lender and Qrarrtor. L�snd¢r chall have the right,at its cole aptlon,to apply such monloa ta-Nard the ObligaUons ot ter+acd th�cost e` :
<br /> rebutlding an�re�foArtg tha Property.krty amoanta may at Lendar'o aptton bo app:ted in tha inwtso ordor ot th�Eua dat!oa ihsreat.
<br /> 11.a0N1HG AND PAIVATB COVEHIlFiT3• Gratttor shail not initlate or consett4 to any chango in th�mning provision�or prlvate oovenants affactin9 • .
<br /> ths use of tRe Properiy w►ttiaut Lender's prior written consom. q Grantor's us3 ot tho Prop�riy i:or beoomts a rtortoorrforming use urtdnr any zonirtg
<br /> � provision,Cirantor shsll not causo or parmit su�h uso to bo disoontinuE�ar abandonod wdhaut tha prior written conson4 of Lendor. G�or vrill ,
<br /> . immediately provide Lendar witti v�ritten noLoe ot azry proposed changes w tP�e=oning pravisior�,s or privtr.e oavenarro affeciirtg t��ProPerty.
<br /> 12 CAHDENIHAI'IOH. GrMfor shall tmmediate,y prarlde Leacter�Yith written rtotice o1 anY actual ar thre�aed oondemnatton or em[nent Camun ,
<br /> ' . proaeeding perEnlr.teg Eo tha Property. AII monies payable to(irantot fram cuah oartdemnsUon or taking are henby a.ssigned to lander and ahall Da . .
<br /> aypltsd 5rat to the psymar�4 0! ttadni's attomaya'tees. legal exper�ses and othat wsts Gnetudirt9 appratsnl tse�) in oonnecttan wlth ths .
<br /> oondemnation or emineri4 domain proceedirsgs end tn�n,at the opSon af LonQer,to tha paymar�t of tt�e ObligaUons or tho resioraHon or repsir ot the ,
<br /> Propsrry. . .
<br /> 13. LEHDEH'S RItiNT TO GDMMENCE OA OEFEHD LEtiAi ACTtOHS. (irantor chall immodiataty prav:da Lender vdth writton notter.�of cny actunl
<br /> � or threatenod aatIon,suit,m ather proceeding aNecrirtg tho Pro��rty. Grantot hereby appoinb Lertder a9 its attomey-tn-faot to cemmenoe,trrterveae ` ;
<br /> i in.end detond such ae2iona,su'�ts.or ather tegai prooeedi�ared to eampromi�cr sottte eny elaim ar ooMrovarsyp�rtaining theretn. Lensler shall I
<br /> ' nci be tiabte to QreMnr tor any ectton.error,mistake,amisstan or delay perWning to the ecKions descrided in thts pare�grapn or Eny dam�qea 1._ .
<br /> ' � resuJtng tT�erefrom.tVothtng eantAirtad herein wilt pr�event lenQer irom tak�rtg the aations described in this paragrePh in its axn name• :
<br /> � 1�. INDEIIT211FlCATtON. Lertder shatl not assume or bs rospan�iD:e for tt�e peAOrmartc9 01 any of Grantor'a obtigation3 wdh respect to the Property �� .
<br /> undar arry clrcum�arsCes. Gmntor shall immsdiatery provlEe LenEer wiih wr�tten nati�ot nnd indemnity end hotd Lontt3r en0 its sh3retto:ders.
<br /> dlrectorn,aNle3ra.employce3 rirtd egants harmtoss trom cll cta3m�.dIIm8gCS.liabilitios (ncluding nttomeyrd'feas and tegal expenses),cause9 of .
<br /> acfion,aetior�.:aiit�end ot►+cr Iog�l pro�edirtgs(cumulativety'Claim�')p�t4alnlrtg to the Prop3rty prtslutiirtg,but nm l;mited to.those Imro"rtn9 1 • �
<br /> H9tIItQL113 G�trie39}. �elii'vi,uyin'�ur�!'�ii o3 L`t LL'S.'�.."t.:•"•�!L!4!°'�.°!CQ_�tt�9#to Agta�A lendar lrem&uab Clsims.end OaYthe attomeys'1EC3. L •,. :_ _. _
<br /> � ; tegJ exp�n:sa und oth�t w�is irtcurro�In canrtec�tien 9hsre:vilh. In the elt9mat�va.Lortrle�s�a11 bs ontiL'ed to nmp:oy it�c,xn Isg�l caunrtit m tietart� t- ,
<br /> sueh Ctalms tit Grcv�tor's ao�t. GrarM�i s obtigation to indemnify LanQar urtdsr t�is parc�graph shu11 sunriva tha termina4ion,re'ease or tores:a� of
<br /> t '�
<br /> � � titis QCed of Tru:i (�
<br /> ' Po�2ot� �'`��, �
<br /> t
<br /> ' l➢ME9ttg[Com'.A':cntcttr.aapa�.in-..�tt g�£Gl 1:A0)fX1737� ' .
<br /> ; ,
<br /> , _ , - -
<br /> , . . . .
<br /> --�- -._...- -- _- ---- �.r _
<br /> � , _ .
<br />