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I � <br /> � �9-.. <br /> rif [.euder reyuire�l iu��rtgage �n�urance,i. a wnd�uon �,i' mAk�ng the i��an ,rrurr.i h� thi���1�.�t�umeut, <br /> � Ho�ra��cr�hall pa>thr prem�um�requued to ma�ntain the�nsu�ance in�f�ect unul,uch timc as the requiremem tar the <br /> incurance termmates in accurdance a��th$urrc��rrr'a und Lender's H•ntten agrrrmcnt ur applirubtr la�v. <br /> R, Inspectiun, l.ender or its agent may make reasanuble emries u{wn and �nspections of t��e Preperty. Lender <br /> shaU gi�e Ro�ra�ti�zr not�ce at the time of'or pnor to an inspection cpec�f�ing rea�snnahle cause tor ihe inspection. <br /> 9. Condemnatlan. The procced�oPany a��•ard or claim for damages,direct or ronsequential,in connection with <br /> any condemnation or ��tiier taking of an�• part of the Property, or for com�eyance in lieu nf condemnatian, are herehy <br /> assigned and shall be paid to Lender. <br /> In the eve�t uf a total taking u1 ihe Praperty, the pro�eeds�haU he applied to the cums secured by this Security <br /> lnstrument,whether�u not then due,�vith any excess paid to Harro�cer. In the e�•ent oP a partial taking of the Property. <br /> unless Bottow�er and Lender othenvise agree in writing,the sums secured by this Serurit� Insirument shall be reduced by <br /> the Amount af the proceeds multiplied b�• lhe follawing fractian: (al the total amount af the sums secured immediately <br /> befare the taking,divided by(bl the fair market value of the Property immediately befbre the taking.Any balance shall be <br /> paid ta Borrower. <br /> If the Propert�• is abandoned by Borro�tier, or if,After notice b� Lrnder to aorrow�er that the condemnor offers to <br /> make an award ar settle a claim for damages,Borro��•er fails��o respond tu l.cnder H•ithin?0 day�s after the date the natice is <br /> given.Lender is authorized to collect and apply the prc�ceeds,at its.�ption,cither to restoration or repair of ihe Pro�rty ar ' <br /> to the sums secured by this Security Inst�ument.w•hether�r not ehen due. � <br /> Unless Lender and Borrow�er olherwise agree in wriung,an��application of pra.eeds to principal shall not extend or <br /> postpone thedue date of the monthly payments referred ta in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount oPsurh payments. <br /> 10. H�orrower 'Vot Released; Forbearance Hy I.ender \at a ��'aiver. Extensian of the time for payment or <br /> modif�cat�on of amortization of the sums secured by this Securit}• lnctrument granted by Lender to any successor in <br /> interest of Borrower shall not operate ta release the liabilily of the original Borrower or Horrower's cuccessors in interest. <br /> Lender shall not be required to cammence proceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for <br /> payment or otherwise mcxiify amortization of the sums�ecured by this Security In�trument hy reason of any demand made <br /> by the origias}Borrower ar Borrower's successors in interest.An}•forbearance by l,ender in exercising any right or remedy <br /> shall not be a upiver of or preciude the eaerci�e of any right or remedy. , <br /> ll. Successors and Assi�s Bound;Jo9nt and Sever�l I.iability;Co-signers. The co�•enants and agreementc ui' � : <br /> this Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Leader and Borrowrr,subject to the provisions <br /> of paragraph 17.Barrower s covenants and agreemenls shaU be joint and several.Any Borrawer�cha co-signs this S�curity � ;.:;„ <br /> Instrument bu¢does not execute the Note:(a) is ca-signing this Security Instrument anly to mongage. grant and+:om•ey '� <br /> ��!3�L�Ftn�or'S!.TlL�'££�!2P.�h£pF^j..+?II�'LS!dpr*.he tp�ms��!'!hi�Sw�!!i!!� !!2SlIi�..^.!@I3i::�`2!S:l�I�is^tt8!!y o�llg3te:3 2L Y.a.� � `i*z <br /> the sums secured by this 5ecurity Instrument; and(c)agreec that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend, `� _ <br /> modify, forbear or make any accommodatiuns tiith regard to the terms of this Secu.-ity Instrument or the Note without '�:�'3 <br /> that Borrower'sconsent. <br /> 12. Loan Charges. If the losn secured h��this Securitr Instrument is subject to a law which sets marimum loan �'`r' <br /> charges. and that law is finally �ncec�.+:eted so that the interest or other loun charge� collected or to be collected in <br /> conneetion aith the loan exceed the Fsermitted limits, then: 4a) any sueh loan charge shall be reduced by the amaunt <br /> necessary to reduce the charge to the permitted li�t;and(b)any cums alrea.dy collected from Borrower whirh exceeded � <br /> permittrd limits will be refunded to Borrower. Ler_der may choose tn mskc this refund by reducing the principal owed � <br /> under the 1\oee or by making a direc:t pa�•ment to Borrow•er. lf a refund reciures principal,the reduction will be treated as a <br /> partial prepa}a�ent without any prepayment charge under the Note. <br /> 13. IRgislatian Afreeting I.ender•s RightS. If enactment or expiration of applicable laws has the effect af <br /> • rendering any provision of the Note or this Secun:� instrument unenforceable according to its term�.Lender,at its option, <br /> may require immediate payment in full of all sur�:s secured by thi� Secunty Instrument and may �ntFike any remedies <br /> permitted ay�aragraph 19. If Lender exercises this option,l,ender shall take the steps specified in the second paragraph of <br /> paragraph D?. �, <br /> 14, tiotices. An}•notice to Horrow•er pmvided fc�r tn,c::s Security lnstrument tihaU he given by delivering it or by ,� <br /> tttailing it by first class ma�}unless applicable law requires use ef ancthee raethod. The notice shall be directed to the <br /> Property Address or any other address Borrawrr�esignates b�not�ce tr Ce:�der. Any notice to Lender shall be given by � <br /> tccst class mail to Lender's address stated herein cr sm other addres,Lendei designates hy nonce�o Borrower.Anc notice <br /> �+ravided fi�r�n this Security Instrumcr.t shall be�ieemed tr ha�:been givrn to Iiorrower c�r I.ender when given as p�o�•ided <br /> ir,Fhis paragraph. � <br /> 15. Governing Law;Severabi(ity. This S�cerity lmtrument shall be go��crned by fcdcral law and thc law of'the <br /> jurisd�ction in which the Propeny is located. In the event that any provision or clau5e of thiti Security Instrument nr the <br /> Note cot�flicts with apphcnble taw. such conRict shatl nut afTect other proviti�ons of th�c Security Imtrumeni �r the Nnte <br /> which can be given effect without the conflicting provision. To this end the provisiony of this Security Instrument and the <br /> Note are declared to be xeverable. <br /> l6. Borrower's Copy. Rorrower shall be grven cme ronformed copy of the N�te and of'thiti Security In�trument. <br /> 17. Transter of the Property or a Beneficial lnterest in Horrower. If all or an}• part of the Property or any <br /> interest in it is sotd or transferred(c�r if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or tramferred and Aorrc�w•er is not a natural <br /> per�on)without Lender's prior wr�tten cament,l.ender its�ption, reywre tmmed�ate payment in full�f all tiums <br /> secured by this Security ln�trument. Hnwever, this��pti��n tihall not he exerc�tied hy i.cnder�f rxerc�tie iti pr��hihited by <br /> federa!law as�f thedate o1'this Securnq InStrument. .--- _— <br /> 1f Lender exercises this optian,Lendcr shall g�ve Bortower n�>ttce of acccicratiorti.Thc nrnu•c shall pt�vidc�peru�d ' <br /> af not Iess than�0 days from the date the notice is del�vered or rnailed wnhin wh�cl�Borro+cer rnust pay e!1 sums tiecured by <br /> this Serunty Instrument. lf Borrower failc to pay these sums Fri�or to the expiratic�n nf thi.reruul,l.ender may im�•kc uny <br /> cemed�es persnitted hy this Security Irstrument ��rthout furiher r.e�ticr or demand nn 13c�rrr�wer • <br /> 18. �3orrower's Ri�ht to Reinstate. If I3o.:rower meet�certa�n cnnd�ti�m�. 13c�rr��wer�hall hati•r the n�;hE C�! F:avc <br /> rnfur�cnnrn�af tfiis Sec��nic Instrumcnt dticonnnucd at any timc�+r�nr t��nc�canc�r��f (a)s d�y�lor tiurh�thcr rcri��d a� � <br /> L apphcablr I�w may tipe�i`y fc�r rcinstatementl hef�tire tiale uf the Prc�rcrt} pur.uai�t tu an� r„«cr„f.ale ��untairiccl tsi thiti <br /> Serunty Ir.strument;��r fh�entry i�f a)udgment enf<�rc�ng th�5 Serunty Intitrument I he��r c�mdtti�m�.�rr th.+t 1�<�rrm��rr � <br /> (al {�ay� �ll tiumti µ•hirh then wc►uld he ciuc under thi� �crunty In�trumcnt and thc ti��tc h:ui n�� .,c��•Icr�tinn � <br /> ut•currcd. (bl �utr� any drf�auli �,f any ��thci �oecnaut� nr .i�rccrnent.. i�1 �a}ti .ill rt�cn�rti itxurrcd m cnt'nr�an� tfn� �`"' <br /> S;cure!t lntit�u�t�rnt. >>:cluclinF. hut nnt I:m�tccl I;,. rcau,nahlc .iit�,trir�:' fcc� ,ind t��1�.u.h .irti,:n .+� 1 cn�lrr rn,iti �� <br /> re��unahl} rrymrc tn :t�wrc Iha1 thc hcn ��I thi� tir�urilti In�lrumcut. (rncicr'. ni�i�t. n� thc 1'r���,crf� .�n�l H��ir����c i'� r.• � �� <br /> ��}1�I�,:llll,f� l�� T41� IfIC tiUt)h �t'l0tt•ti F�� t�tl� tiCl�lf�l� �h1lfltt11CI71 ti}I.1�: �,r�tllll�� :IU� ►i:I71'�'t� � �,�'1i ��'�li.i.!l�Ir'.�tll ��l �"` . <br /> lintr,�wct. thi,4r�unt� In�lruini•nt an�i Ih<•��l,i�r,�tnm��,�•i urr�1 hcrrF�, .h.�ll r• ny.,�.,luli. ��l.•,'�t•�.�. �1 n.. ��.• b i ��: ,n +,.,,t <br /> .�� �nrr�1 11��u�•�:•r.�Inti tu���l I��rc�t��•�Ir�il t���t :�(�j�l� in thc .��: �.f � .� .• r.r�. • .i��� � ���• ,.i ��.�i, t . ., � <br /> _� <br />