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. 1 � <br /> -�- <br /> �1 Lrnd�r r���rnant .ind:i�;rcr a.ti�Ui���, �� ���` i Q si 61 <br /> l'�iFnk�tC����� tia��� H��r�uarran. <br /> 1. 1'ayment of!'rincipai und Interect; ['repAymcnt and I.u�e t'hur�;c.. Hurr�}arr .hall ��n�mp�h ��.�� ��h�n �1ur <br /> the��nnr�p:�l��f and�ntcre�t wi the drbt e��denccd h} the'�otc an�i,,�,� r��r,��mrnt;�n�l la1e:harF:.duc under thr�i�ir <br /> .. �und�fo�Taxe9�nd In�ur�nce. �ul��ect t��aprh�ablr la�� ��r tu a«nitcn��anrr h� 1 rndrr,H��rr�,�vrr.h,ill p.�� <br /> � t�L�nder��i thc day montht}� pn}-ments are due under thr '���tr. unitl thr tivir ir{►ciid in i'ull,:+����»t"f u���l,")r��ual��� <br /> onc-Iw�clflh �,f• (,il �carly taxc. an.i a«c��mcn�. whirh mu} atia�n pn��nt�� �,�cr tht� SrrurU� Imt�umri��: Ih► �rarh <br /> leasehc�ld paymentc ��r gr��unci renh �n 1he Pro�xrty, �f .�m: �rl �•earh hat�rd �nsuran�e premiums; ,�nv (d� 4•early� <br /> mur�gagc imurunce prem�um�,if�ny. I'h�e item��re c�ll�d "e�cro���item�." Lcndrr may e�umatc the�und�due un Ihe <br /> bacis of current duta and reusanable esnmatcs��f Puture e�cr��w itcm�. <br /> The Funds shAU 6e held in u�in�titut�on the deposits or arcounts�f«�hich arr insured ur guarantred hy a t'ederal o� <br /> stute agency (including [.ender if'Lender is such an institution). Lendrr shall apph• thN Funds ta pay the escnxti items. <br /> Lender map not charge for holding and applying the fiunds, analyzing the account ��r��eriPying the escraw•items,unless <br /> Lender pays Rorrow�er interest on the Funds and applicAble law• permits I.ender to makc such a charge. Horrower and <br /> Lender may agree in wnting that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Unle�� an agreement is made ar applicablc la��• <br /> requires interest to be paid, Lender shall not be reyuired to pay Horrc►���er any �nterest or rarning��m the Fund�. Lender <br /> shall give to Borrower,without charge,an annual accounung of the Fund�shuwing credit�and debits t�thr Funds and the <br /> purpose for which each debit to the Funds��•as made.The Funds are pledged as additional security for the sum�secured by <br /> this Security�Instrument. <br /> If the amount of'ihe Funds held by Lendcr,together«�ith the future monthl� paymentc of Funds payable prior ta <br /> the due date�of'the escrow items, shall excced the amaunt required t�pay�the escrow•items�ti•hen due,the excess�ha11 be, <br /> at Borrow•er's option,either promptly repaid to�orrau•er ar credited to BorroH�er or� monthly payments of Funds. If the <br /> amount nf'the Funds held by Lender is not�ufficient to�+ay the escro�v items when due,Borrawer shall pay ta Lender any <br /> amount aecessary to make up the deficiency in one��r more payments as reyuired by�Lender. <br /> Upon payment in full i�f aU cums secur.d by this Security Imtrument, Lender�hall pramptly refund to Borro�ver <br /> any Funds held by Lender. lf under para�raph 19 the Yr��pert}�i.cold or acquired h�• Lendcr, I.ender shall apply,no later <br /> t}ian immediately prior to thc tiale��6 the Pro�xrt}•��r itti aryui�ition b� Lender, any� Fundc held by Lrnder at ihe time��f <br /> application as a credit again�t the sums secured hc this Serunt�•In.trument. <br /> 3. Application ot Payments. l'ntess applicable law p•o��ides�therw�ise,al��+apments receiced by Lender under <br /> paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:f�rct,to late charFec due under the Note;second,t��prepayment charge�due under the <br /> Note;third,ta amounts payable u�d��paragraph 2;fourth,ta interest due;and last,tr�rrincipal due. <br /> a, Charges; I.iens. H�rr�a-er�hall pay all taxes. a�,essments,charges, fine:c and impositions.ittributable to the <br /> Property� whir,h may attain priorit}� over this Security Instrument, and lea�ehold payments or ground rerats, if any. <br /> Borrower shall pay these obligat�om in the mar.ner pratiided in paragraph 2,c�r if not paid in that manner, Aorrower shall r <br /> pay them on time directly to the person��wed papment. B�rrower shall promptly furnish tu I_ender al)notices of amuunts <br /> to be paid under this paragraph. lf Hc�rrawer makes these payments directly, Borrower shpll promptly furnish to Lender � �, <br /> receipts evidencinr t he nayment�. . - ' <br /> &�rrower sh;��l promptt}•discharge any lien which has priorit}•o�•er this Secunty Instrumcnt unlcss Borrrn1cr:(a) i ;� <br /> agrces in writing to tfie payment of ihe obligation+ecured by thc lien in a manner acceptable tu Lender;ib)contests in good =- <br /> faith the lien by,or defends a�ainst enforcement of the lien�n,legal pruceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to , _ <br /> prevem the enforcement of the lien ar foi�e�ture of any part �f the Pro�erty;or(c)secures from the halder of the lien an ;� <br /> agreement satisfaetory to Lender�ubc�rdinating the lien tc�thu Security Instrument. It�Lender determines that any part ot' '� <br /> the Pmperty is�ubjeet to a lien which may attain priorih c��rr thi� Srcunty fnstrument, Lender may gice Borrower a <br /> notice identifying the lien. Borrower shall satisf� the lien or take�ne or more of the action<<et fc�rth abo�•e w•ithin 10 days _ <br /> of the giving of notice. - <br /> 5. Hazard Insurance. Burrowcr+hall keep the impro�•ement,no�►•cxistin�ar hereaftee erected on the Prapert� <br /> insured against loss by fire,hazar�is induded within the term"extended coverage"and any�uther hazards for which Lender <br /> requires insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in thc amuunts and fi�r the periods that Lender requires. The <br /> insurance carrier prc��iding the m}urance shall he cho�en hy Bc,�rnwer�ubjrrt to Lender's :�p�rc�val which shall not be <br /> unreasonahly withheid. — <br /> All'snsurance�licies ana renew•als:�hall he acceptable tc� Lender and sha!! n�clude a titandard mortgage clause. � <br /> Lende�$�a�Y have the right to h��13 4he policies and renew•ae�. If L.ender reyu�rt�. Borrower�haU promptly gttie to Lendrr <br /> all receipts of paid premiumx and rereaa)notucw. ln the e�ecnE�r ios,. F3��rrower sha�t gi�•e pr�mpt notice to ahe insurance • �: <br /> carrier and Lender.l.ender may make prcx�f vf loss if nat madr pn�mptl�•by Horrrnver. "' <br /> Unless Lender and Horrowcr otherwise Agrrc in wn�ing,tmurance proceeds shall be appi�ed ir re�toration or repais <br /> of the Property damagcd,if the restor�ti�n or repair is economirally feasible and Lender's,ecurity i�not lessened. If the • <br /> restoration or repair is not econa�ically feasible or Lender's secunty w•ould be le��rnrd. the�nsurance proceeds shall be <br /> applied to the sums secured by ih�s Security lnstrument, whether or ttot then due. with any excess paid to Borrower. If <br /> Borrower abandons the Property, or does not answer within �0 day�.a notice frc,m Lender that the insurance carrier has <br /> offered to settle a claim,then 1_ender may c�llrrt the incurancr proceedti. l,ender may use the proceeds to repair or re�tore <br /> the Property or tc�pay sums secured by this Secunt}� Instrument,whethcr or not then duc. 7he 30-day period will begin <br /> when the notice is gi�en. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower��thenvitie agree m writ�ng,am•application c�f pri>ceeds to principal tihall�iot extend or <br /> postpone ihe due date of ihe mont hly paymrmt referred to in paragraphs I :�nd 2�r change the amount of the pay�ment�. If <br /> u�tder paragraph lq the Propeny��s aryu�red by Lender. Horr�»cer'ti right t�any in>urance policie�and pr��ceeds re�ulting <br /> from damage to the Yroperty pnor to the acyui.�u��n�haU pati,tc� l,cndrr�o the extrnt of the�ums.erured by thi�Security <br /> Instrument immediately prtor to the arqui�num <br /> 6. Yreservation and�taintenunce of Yroperty:I.easeholds. Bnrruwcr�'�atl nc�t detitru�,dama�c��r���h�tantially <br /> ehange the Properry, a11��w the Praperty to drtennrate ur comm�t wa�te. !f tha,Securn}� In�trurnent �� ��n a lra�eh��ld, _ <br /> F3orrowrr�hall comply auh the prn.�.�on�uf thc Ira�e.:�nci it Ai�rrnwer acyuire;.`cc.;:tic tc,thc Yro�erty.the lra�ehold and • - =T <br /> fee tulc�hall nrn merge unlc.s Lcndrr agrce�to the merger in a rn ing. <br /> 7. Protection of I.ender'!� RiKhts in the F'ropertv; �1�rtKaKe Ins¢r�rnce. lf Ri�rr��wrr f�aih t�� rerf��rm the <br /> c��cn�nts and a�;rcrment�a�ntamcd m Ihi�Secunt�In�trument. <,r thrrc i�a;erai;-r.�recd�ng tttay tiiknlfi�.tnlly:iffect <br /> l.ender'ti nghtti m the F'r����irty I�u�h ar a pre�cerdiri�; in hankruptcy. pre�hate. for ���ndemnati�+n ��r t�� rnf��rce la«ti ��r <br /> re�ulation�).then l.etider ma}di�anu}�a� fi�r ah.+te�cr i�nec�etitiar� tn�+--Ftrt the�alue of the}'n=;+criy �ind 1 cnder'ti n�;ht� <br /> �t7 thr {'n,prrt� I.rndrr'�ertii�n� m.+} inrluifc r.tyin�; .ui� wm� �cru:_ti.'. �y .► hrn ��lnctt h.:.�-r�:�nl� mrr thi� Sc�un�_. � <br /> L In�ttumrnL appeanng tn ii�urt.��.�yui�;rra,nnahlc.nti�rnr��' frc�and cnt<r:r���.: .'.� 1'rnrrrt� ���mal�r rr�.+ir. Alth��u�i �� <br /> I,cn�lrr rn�y takc.icti��n uu�lrr th�.��ar.�gr:►plt�.t �•���i��<i,��.�����t���.<<<,�i�„�� � <br /> 4n} .m:�,unt�ih�hin�cd h� I cn,lcr undrr Ihi�F�.�ra�:r.►rh' tih,ill he�a�rnr;�,'..::;.�,�irht,,I fi��rr��t►i•r .rrnrcd h� tl:�, �, <br /> ��_�•,Er�tti {��tii••i�t l�nl�•�• �i�,rr„��cr.inil I :•niler.��te:•ti,,•thcr ':•t�n� •�;:itir.�r: �.rt!c••t•.�rn,�unt��1!.�ll t,�•.�r inr�•rr•t tt�•n -�e.,o� <br /> thc �L�tc nt �htihut�rmrnl .+! ihr \�,Ic r.�tr .�ni1 �fi.�ll hc ��.��.ihlc. ���5• �.�ctr•r ,i�, .n u��n�r li�,ni 1 :�n.tcr t�, M��i„nr� Jl� <br /> r'� �. <br /> it•����•�t�r��:r:�nit•`i! p, .. <br /> _� <br />