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<br /> event af loss Borrower wil)give immediate notice by mail to the any of tne conditia�s or agreemenls cootained��this�nstrume�t,ur
<br /> I.ender.who mav make praaf of lass if not made pramptl}�bti the note tivhich it secur�,then the eatire principal sum and accrued
<br /> &xrawe�,and each insurance company conce�rted is hereby interest shall at oace become due und ppyable,at�he electian of�he
<br /> authorized and dire�Gaed ta make payme�t for such los,v directly to l.c�der.
<br /> the Lender instad af ta the Bo�rawer and the l.ender joiatly.and
<br /> tAe insurana proceedc,or any part thereof,may be applied by the Lender shall give notice to Borrower priur to acceleration
<br /> I.end�r at iu option either to thc�eductian at the indebtedness fallowing Barrower's breach of any a�vena�t or agreement in�his
<br /> horeby secured or ta the restoratian�c repair ai'ihe p�openy instrument(but not prior t�acceleralion under paragraph 12 unic.cc
<br /> damaged. In event of foreclosure af thic insirumant or other transfer applicable taw•pra��ides otherwise).The notire chall specify:(a)the
<br /> oi title to the mortgaged propertr in extinguishment af the defaul�;(b)the action�equired ta cure the default;lc)a date,nat lec�
<br /> indebtedna�s sccured hereby,aU righ�title and interest of the than 30 days fram the date the notice i�giveo to Bor�awer,by which
<br /> Hor�awe�in and to a�ny insurance policies then in force shaU pa.�.c to the default must be cured;a�d(d)that failu�e to cure the default on
<br /> the purchase�o�granta. or 6efare the date specified in the notice may result in acceleratiun
<br /> of the sums securcd by this inst�ument and sale of the Property.The
<br /> 9. ThAt as additional and eoUacetai�ucity for the paymen�of the notic�s6a11 further inform Rorrawer af the right tc+reinstate after
<br /> note dateribed,and all sums to hecame due unde�this�nst�umeat, a�eleration and the rigi�t ta bring a caurt action to assen the non-
<br /> the Hortow•er hereby assigos ta the l.endet all profiu,�evenues, existence af a default or any other defense of Borrower to
<br /> ruy�lties,rights and benefits accruing to the Barrower under any and acceleration and sale.If the default is�ot cured on or before the date
<br /> all oil and gas lesses on said premises,wilh the right to receive and specifed in the notice,l.ender at its optian may require immediate
<br /> rece�pt fnr the same and app{y them to said indebtedness as w•ell payme�t io full of all sums secured by this instrument without
<br /> betarc a.c aflcr detault in the canditeans af this instrument,and the further demand and may invoke the pawer of sale and any othcr
<br /> l.ender may demsnd.sue for and recover aoy such payments when remedies permitted by applicable law.l.ender shall be entitled to
<br /> due and payabl�,but shall not be tec�uired so to do.This assignment wllect alf expenses incurted in putsuing the remedies provided in
<br /> is en tcrmmate and bewme null and void upon release of this this paragraph 1 i,including.but not limited to,reaso�able
<br /> inst:umcnt. attumcy�t';.rs and costs of sitl�evid�nc�.
<br /> 1 U. Thai the Ebrrower will keep the buitdings upon said prem�ses Ii the power af sale is iavaked.Tructee shall record a notice of ;
<br /> tn g�w+c1 re{�ir,and neither commit nor permit waste upan said laad, default in each caunty in which any part of the Property is lacated
<br /> not sufier the wid prcmises to he used for any unlawful purpose. and shaq mail copies af such nalice in the manner prescribed by '
<br /> applicable Iaw to Borrower and to the other persans prescribed by � �
<br /> i i.i nai ii ine prcm�sc�.ui ai,y yaz i�e.�;,�.t�t�zd��ncc3 u��c: aj'.�liw's��::.w•. °,K:.i.�::,::rtc::,�uir:,3'�y o�s�Z::.:hl�l.:�:.TrustC:. �_.�-
<br /> t6e power��i em�nen�dom�ia,or acquired for a public use,the shall give public notice of sale to the persons and in the manner
<br /> damages aws�rded,the Rroceeds far the teking uf,or the prescribed by applicabte law.Trustee,withou!demand on Borrower. :
<br /> cnns�deratiun fur such acquisition,to the extent of the ful!amount of shall sell the Propeny at public auction to the highest bidder at the "
<br /> indebtedne.�.�upon th�s inst�ument and the note which it is given to time and place and under the terms designated in the notice of sale �=�
<br /> secure remaining unMid,are hereby assigned by the Borrower to the in ane or more parcels and in any order Trustee determirtes.Trustee
<br /> Lendcr,and sh�ll be p�id fonhwith to�id l.ender to be applied by may postpone sale oi all or any parcel of'the Property by public _
<br /> the latter o�ac�:ount of the next maturing ieistallmenu of such announcement s�the time and place of any previously scheduled �
<br /> indebtedness. sale.Lender or iu designee may purchase the Propeny at any sale.
<br /> !2.Thc Borrowcr furthe�agrees that should this i�strument and Upon recxipt of paymeat of the price bid,Trustee shatl deliver to
<br /> the note secured hereby not be eligible for insurance under the the purchaser Trustee's dced conveying the Properiy. "i'he recitals in
<br /> ' Nationsl Housing Act w�thin e�ghl months irum thr date herr.�f tiie Trustee�derd shall be prima facic evidencc;of the truth of the
<br /> (wntten sutemcnl uf any officer oi the Uepanment af Housing and statemenis madc therein.Tr►utee shall apply the proceeds of the sale }
<br /> Urban Dcvelopment at authorized agent of the Secretsry of Housing in the foflowing order:(a)to all expenses of the sale,iocluding,but
<br /> and Urban Ihvelopment dated subsequent to the eight months•'time not limited to,Trustee's fces as permitted by applicabte law and
<br /> trom the d�te oF this instrumenl,declining to insure said note and reasonable attorneys'fees;(b)to all sums secured by this Security �.�
<br /> this mart6age,being deemed conclusive proof of such ineligibility), Instrument;and Ic)any exces�to the penon or persons legally ' '�
<br /> the l.ender ur hotdcr of thc note may,at its option,decfare all sums entitled to it.
<br /> secured hereby immedtstely duc and payaale. Notwithstanding the
<br /> forego��g,this opt�on may nc��he exercised by the I.ender or the 14. Upon accelerauon under paragraph 13 or abandonment of the
<br /> holder of the n�Ue when the ineligibdity for msurance under the Property,Lender(in person,by agent or by judicially appointed
<br /> National Housing Act is dur te�the L.ender's failure ta remit the reoeiver)shall be entitled to enter upon,take passession of and
<br /> mortp�e insuran�:e premium tu the Department of Housir►g and manage the Property and to collect the rents of[he Propeny
<br /> Urbtn Uevelopment. including those past due.Any rents collected by Lender or the
<br /> receiv�r shall he appfied first to payment of the wsts vf management
<br /> 13. That if the Burruwer tads tu make any paymenu of money of the Property and col(ection of renu, including, but not limited to,
<br /> when the same becumr due.��r failti to umtorm to and comply with �iver's fees,premiums on receiver's t�onds and reasonable
<br /> attorney's fees,and then to the bums secured by this instrument.
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<br /> -.—- Pa�(�i J r ' HUD-92113DT-t
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