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<br /> &�r�owe�s�tH1 I.eode�covena�l�nd s�Rree py inlia��: ur d Ihr Lrndct acywrrs Ihc pru�xrt�utherwire aftrr defauU,Ihe
<br /> l.cndcr�hall applr,at�hr unm„1�hc commenccment of such
<br /> 1. 1'fiA1 l3�utow�er wdl pav Ihr indrhtcdnes.k:u hcrc�nhefure pr�x;eed�ng�,or at Ihe time thr pn�prny is otherwise acNuired,the
<br /> • provided. Pri�►iege ic rr�crvc�i t��pay �hr utrht in��•h��lr��r m pan�m hala�ce thcn remainiog in the funds accumulated under la)of
<br /> any instaUinent due date. paragraph 2 precrdmg,as a c�edit against the amount uf pri�cipal
<br /> thcn rema�mnK unp�id unde��aid notc.
<br /> 2.Thal,togrthe�wuh,a�d in adduiun to,the monlhlv pavmente
<br /> af principal�ad intetest p�yabte unde�thc terms uf the notc securcd 4. That the f3orrower will pay graund�ents,taxws,assc�.smen�s,
<br /> herrby,the Born�wer will pay to�he l.ender,an�hc fint day ui e;ich wate��utea,and other governmental or municipal chargcs,fines,or
<br /> month until the said note is i'ully paid,thr G�II�►win�sums: iaipc�sitions,for which p�o�ision has�u�been mada hereiabat�re,
<br /> aad i�default therec�!the Lendcr may pay the tame;and thu�the
<br /> (a)A sum eyual ta the gu�und reots,if any,next due,plus the Bntrow•e�wiU promptly deli��cr the of�icia)receipGs iherei�r ta lhe :
<br /> premiums that will�ext txcume due and payable an p��licies of firc [.ender.
<br /> and athe�hs�zard insurance cavering the propeny,plus taxes a�d
<br /> ass�sssmenu nex�due on the p��peny(atl as estinraterl hv tke/.cndc�l S. Thc Borrower will��all taxc�which may bc levted upo�thc �
<br /> less all sums alreaidy paid thercfar divided by the�umber of monthc Lender'�intcrc�t in said real e,�tate aad impravemen4�,a�d which
<br /> ta elapse befure ane(1>month prior ta the date when such grounJ may he levied upon th�s ins��ument c�r tRe deht secured hereby(6ut
<br /> rems,ptemiums,wxes and assessmen�S wi11 hea�me deliyuent,such unly t��the extcnt that surh is nn�pmhibtted by law and only to the �
<br /> sun�s ta be held by I.ender in�rust�u pay w�d gmund rents, extem that such will not make this loan usurious),but excluding any
<br /> premiums,taxe.a and special assessmenu;and incnmc tax,Stste or Federal,imposed an i.ender,and will Gle thc
<br /> (b)All pa}menLs mentioned in the prrceding subsectwnot thi� ��cial receipt showing such payment with the I.ender.Upan
<br /> paragraph�nd ali paymena ta be made undc:�the nate srcured ����ation of this undertaking,or if the Borrawer is prohibited by any
<br /> hereby shall be added together,and thc a�grr►,ate amount ihereuf 1aw now ur hereafter exi�tine from pa�ing thc whulc or any portian
<br /> �.Ra�i be paid by the 8or�awer eath m��nth m a single payment tu he ��f�hr afore�aid taxc�,c►r u�n the re�denng of any court decree
<br /> applied by the Lender ta the f�1t.-•wing,t:ms in the ordc�sct furth: Prohihiting thc payment b} thc Horr�H�er of any such taxes,or if
<br /> such law ur decrer provides that any amount so paid by the
<br /> (1)ground rents,taxes,assessment�,Gre and other ha7ard insur- �Trower shal!be credited on the debt,the Lender shaU have the
<br /> ance premiums; right to gi��e ninety days'H ritten natice to the owner of the premises,
<br /> requiring the payment oF the debt. If such notice be given,the said
<br /> i'll►interest on the note securcd hereby; deht ahall ixcosnc due,payable and mllectiMle at the ex�i►ation of
<br /> (UIl amortization of the principal of said aate:ar.d ��d ninety da�s. �
<br /> ;
<br /> • (IV1 late chargec 6. That should the Borrower fail to pay any sum or keep any
<br /> c.�o�-enant pra�idcd for in this instrume�t,theo Ihc Lender,at its } '
<br /> Any deficiency in the amount af.uch aggregate morethly payment �ption,may pay or perfarm the same,and all expendiwres so made
<br /> shall,unless made good by the Bor►owe�p�ior to thc duc datc af thc shall be added to the principal sum owitU[on the said note,shall �-•�
<br /> .s:t ou,^.ts�;,.3a:astt;�naotisutr a.�r�c��.o€.,rf��lt ur�de.t�u, be securcd hereby,and sha!}laear intcrest st the rate set forth in thc ' '`
<br /> mongage.The Lender may cotlect a"late charge"not to exeeed four �?' �
<br /> said note, until paid. —
<br /> cents(4¢)for each dollar(Sl)of each payment morr than fiiteen . -
<br /> (151 days in arrears to cocer the cxua expense invoh•ed m hartdl�ng 7 That the Barrower hereby as.signs,lransfers and seu over to tAe ,'°`
<br /> delinyuent payments. Lender,ta be applied Ivward the payment of the note and all sums �
<br /> 3. That if the tota!of the payments made hy the Borrower under �cured hereby in case of a default in the performance of any��f the '
<br /> terms and conditions of this instrument or the said note,aU the rents,
<br /> (a)of paragra�+R 2 precedmg shall exceed the smount of payments revenue�and incame to be derived from the said premises during
<br /> actually made by the Lender for ground rents,taxes and as.�essmentti such ume as the mdebtednes.�shall�ema�n unpaid,and the Lender
<br /> or insurance premiums,as th�rase may be.such excess,d the luan is shall have power tu appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the
<br /> currem,at the option of the F3orrawer,shall be crcdued by thc purpotie of repairing said premises and of renting the same and �
<br /> Lender on subseyuent payments to be made by the Borrower,or ���ecting the rents,revenu�and income,and it may pay out of said
<br /> refunded to the Borrower.If, however,the monthly payments made �ncumeti all expenses of«pairing said premises and necessary
<br /> by the Borrower under(a 1 of paragraph 2 precedmg�haU not he �i,mm�s�ufn+and ezpenses incurred in renting and managing the
<br /> sufTicient to pay ground rents,taxes and ac.�essmenu or insurance �me and o(a�llectmg rentals therefrom;the balance remaining,if �
<br /> premiums,as the case may be,when the same shall become due and any,w be applied toward the discharge of said indebtedness.
<br /> payable,then the Borrower shall�ay to the Lender any amaunt ;'�:
<br /> necessary to maice up the deficiency.on or before the date when g.That the 8orrower will keep the improvemems now existing or
<br /> payment of surh ground rents,taxes,assessments,or insurance herea(ter erected on the property,insured as may be reywred from �
<br /> premiums shall be due.If at any time the Borrower shall tendcr t�� t�mc tn t�me bv thc Ixnder against loss by fire and other hazards,
<br /> the Lender,in acxordance with the provisions of lhe note secured casuall�es and ccmtmgenc�rs in such amounu and for such periods as
<br /> herehy,full payment of the entire indebtrdness rcpresentcd thereby, may t+c reyuired by the 4ender and will pay promptly,when due,
<br /> tho Lender shatt,in computing the amount oi such indebtedne�.ti, aay premiums on such i�surance,provision for payment of which
<br /> etedit to the account of the Borrower any balance remaining in Ihe has not been made hereinbefore. All insurance shaU be carried in
<br /> funds accumutated under the provisions of fa)ot pa�agraph 2 hereof u�mpanies approved by the Lender ana Ihe palicies and renewak
<br /> [f thefe shali be a default under any uf thc provision�of�hi� there��f chali i�r��eld by thr Lender and ha�re at[ached thereto foss
<br /> iasttument resulting in a pubtic sale of the prem�ses covered hereby, payablr c}au�cs m favur af and in form aaeptable to the Ixnder. In
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