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_' � � <br /> �,g-- lO fa 9.3 J <br /> ti. Aee��n��r hereby cin�enanti+t�nd wt�rranlH tu tht�A:�Hig�i��e lllti[(tll AHNI';Iluf F1k►N Ilu[t•rcrut��d ai►�•pnue uMeigm <br /> � ment uf the I.c�fiae ur�f ita�ri�;ht,t�tle and mtrrc��t th��re�in��r th�mntale t�nccrue ther�uniier;(hl t�NyiKn��r hnH�iut perf�►ra�ed <br /> �nv Act ar exerutrd aav mxtrument�vhich might prevent the Aee��nee fmm�perHtinrt un��er r�n>•uf th��ti�rn�N�md cunditi��ne <br /> ht�renf,nr which would limit th��AP»i�aee in Auch uperntion;lr�AHHI�`III�T f1NB tlllt tlCCept�v!�ent under the I��+�er for an}•periud <br /> auhsequent to the current peri��d fi»r whit�h rent hne alrFad�hPr��mN dueand pt���n61e;1d1 th4�reie nudefnult now exiet�n�undrr <br /> the l,eaee,and(e?AseiRnor hae not executed or Rranted any modifirAti��a ar E�mendment�vh�►tever of the I.c�ase eithFr orally or <br /> in writting except ae aet fnrih in Schedule H,nnd th�t the I.ease ia i�fuU P�rcP and �ifect. <br /> � B. IT IS MUTUALLY AGREEQ WITH Rk:9PECT TO I:ACrI LF.A9N:THAT: <br /> l. Aeaignee here6y grante permiebion to Aeei�,►n�r to collect upan,but nat prior t�acctuAl,all rents,ieauea,depoeita <br /> �nd prafite from the eaid Premisee and ta retain,snd use and onjo>�the eame,but reasrvea f he right to revokeauch permieeian <br /> at any time.with ar without cauae,by notice in writing tu A.seignor by certified m�i)eantta thc�addreea hereinafter prescribed <br /> for aending noticea.In any e�ent,surh permieaion to Ac;ei�nnr shull i�e itiutomuticlly revoked upan default,hy Aeeiqnorin the <br /> payment of sny of the QbligaticTns eecu�ed hereby or iR LI�e performance of any obligatian,convenant.aqreement <br /> eaid mortgage or deed of truet,ie�che l.ease or in any of the ubligntioae eecured hereby.or in any aecuring document qiven in <br /> connection thetewitlz,tall of which will be referred to herein ae"Default").In the event that the Aeaignee ehould revoke euch <br /> permiseion or after the nccurrence of a Oefault,the Aseignee,may at it�option,after natificAtion to Aeaignor,by certified m�il, <br /> t.o.the addreee hereinaR�r prescribed for aendin�t notices,direct any or all of the tenante of the Premiaea to pay to Aeaignee,ite <br /> �et�te orite attomeyr>;.GeEh rente,ieeues,pro�te,revenues,depoaite,riRhte and benefite ae may now bedueor ehall hereinafter <br /> B�c:ome dur�;,�nd Aea'r.�ee may colleet the same.The affid�vit or written atatement of an officer,agent,or attorney of Aseignee <br /> etetin�t�:+�t theTe Feas L'�ean a De�i�u�:�ehall conetitute caaclueive evidence thereof,and any tenant or ather persona ia authorized <br /> and direcied to relg thereon.The:�c� farther agreeH,that in the�vent the permiseian to use and retain the rents,income, <br /> iiseuee,depoeits and aaofite,eh6mld�L�,teruzinu.t.�d or upon the occuraRCe of a Default,to immediately turn over to Aaeig�ee,at <br /> • the time and in the manner reqneFt�.'by Aesignee,all security depoaite or other maniea depnaited by T.esaees of the Pre�ses in <br /> , Accordance with the provieiona af tT�e I.eaaes. <br /> 2. Notwithetanding tbe provieions of paragraph 1 hereinabove,upon or at any tirnet�f[er a Default,ae defined hern <br /> inabove,the Aaeignee,at its option,may declare all Obligatione aecured hereby immediately dueandpayable,and may,atite <br /> option,withont notice,and if any auch Obligatiune be aecured by deed of truet irrespective of whether a declaration of default <br /> under eaid deed of truet hae been delivered to Truetee thereunder,exercise all righte and remediea cantt�iaed in esid mortgage <br /> or deed of truet and without regart!for the adequacy of eecurity for the Obligatione hereby eecnred,either in pereon or by agent , <br /> with ar without bringing any action or proceeding,or by a receiver to be appointed by a court,enter upan.tske poeaeaion of, <br /> � manege and operate eaid Premiaea or any part thereof,meke,enforce,modify,and accept the acnnender of Leasea,obtain and . <br /> evict tenante,fix or modify renta,and do anv acte which the Aeeegnee deeme proper to protxct r�.he security hereof,and either ; . <br /> vaith or without tairing possesaion of the Premiaea,i n ite own name,eue far ur otherwise callect and receive all renta,iesuee and � <br /> � p1'ol�te,ileCiuding thoee past tiue and anpaid,anci apply ine eame,leas cvai and expenseo vi a�ruuv�i ur�u coliecuun,3i.ejad'ai,g, <br /> . but not limited ta,paymente for aaagee and payrol)taxee,compensation of mansging agent and other management coate and <br /> . expeneee, real eetate taxee and aseeeamente, water,eewer, and eimilar chargea,ineurance and workmen'e compeneation _ <br /> � premiuma.ground reaeta,cuetomery real eetate commiaeion,and reaaonable attorney'e feee and court coete,upon any Obliga• -. - <br /> � rioas eecured hereby,�nd in auch order ae the Aeaignee msy determine.The entering upon and Laking posseaeion of the Prem• - <br /> ises,the oollectian of each sents.iseues and profite and the spplication thereof ae aforeeaid,ehall not ture or waive eny default <br /> or waive,modify,ur ei'fect notice of default under aaid mortgage or deed of truet or ic�validate any act done pureuant to auch ' <br /> notice.Aeaignor hereby releases aj�y and all claima whic&e it hae or might have a�ainetAsaignee arieing out ofauch collection, � <br /> management operation and maintenance.excepting the liability of Aeaiqnee to account for amounte collected and expended ;� <br /> by it. <br /> �. The Aaeignee ehal!not be obligated to perform or discharge,nor does it herehy undertake to perform or diecharge. <br /> any obligation,duty or liability nnder the Lease,or under or by reason of thie Aseignment.Aseignor ehall and does hereby <br /> agtee to indemnify the Aaeignee againet and hold it hbrmleae from sny and all liability,lose ordatnage which it may or might <br /> incur under the Leaee or under or by reaeon of thie Aeaigr�ment and of and from sny and all claime and demand whatecever � <br /> which may be asaerted againat it by reseon of any alleged obligation or undertaking on itB part to perform or in the diacharge � <br /> of any of the terme,covenanta or agreemente contsined in the Leaee;ahould the Aseignee ineur any eueh liability,lose or• . � <br /> damage under the Lease or under or by reason af thie Aseignment,or in the defense againet any euah claime or demende,the . � <br /> amount thereof,including coete,expenaee and reaeonable attorney'B feee,together with interest thereon at the highest rate eet <br /> forth in any of the Obligatione eecured hereby,ehall be secured hereby and by the eaid mortgage or deeai of truet,and Aseignor <br /> shall reimburse the Aaeignee therefor immediately upon demand,and upon the failure of Aesignor eo to do the Aesignee may <br /> declere all Obligalione eecured hereby immediately due end payable. <br /> C. IT IS FURTHER MUTUALLY AGI���I�•THAT: <br /> 1. LTnt1 Ck�e Obligationa eecwrer.i hereby Phal!have bee*e�acrti in fuEi.�teaignnr envpnanta and agre�.e to kee�n Ieased <br /> at a good end suf�tcient rental the Premisee:az�d upon demand to trna�fer snd a�aign to the Aseignee any and all eubsequent <br /> Leases upon all or eny part of such Premisex upon the eame or subeiantially t6���,�.me terme and conditione ae are herein con- <br /> tained,and to make,execute,and deliver w the Asei�nee,upan demand,any ernd:3TP rrsatrumente thatmay be neceasary ordeeir <br /> able therefore,but the terme and prvvieiune of thie As�i��.�nt sr all apply to bny euch eubseyuent Lease ur Leaaee whetheror <br /> not so aeeigned and traneferred. <br /> 2. Assignor ehall,upon request�f Aseignee,t'c�rnieh it a camplete liet ae uf th�date uf the requeat of all Leasee and <br /> other tenanciee of the Premisee in euch reaxonab➢e deteil as may be requegted by Aesignee. Further,if re�ueated,Ac�eignor ' ---� - <br /> eht�ll deliver to Aesignee executed or certi�Zeci copiee of al{Leases and other written aqr��emento,correepondence,and mema � <br /> randa between Aaeignor and Leeseee and uther tenante aettinK forth the cuntractual nrrangementti between them. Such <br /> requeete m�y be made ut any reasonpbJe time. <br /> 3. 7'he failure to liet ony epecific l.easea under Schedufe E3 hereto,ehHll nut inve�lidatk or f�fff�ct in Nny manner,the� <br /> aenerel aae�Rnment nf rente und lebseA provided for i�erein. � <br /> � 4 [�pi�n the�payment�n 1'uli uf fill()bbKatinne sec•urc:d hE•reby,siy��videnred hy thN rc�r•��rdin�;��r fil�n�;��f an inNtru• � <br /> rru�nt��f eat�efnrLiun ur full relensc•of seid murtKUKP or deed uf trupt,u nlr8e therN Hhall hf��•t�ht�t•n rr��•�ud�•��an nthFr mnrt K+�K�'��� �`i� <br /> de�v!of truet�n ft�vur��f tht•A�Hiknf•r r��v�•►Ill{(L}lE'W}1(1If oli'(III}��Flf�Clf�F1P IYiiHr�i PTf'ff11HE�K,tMIN AHHIKtliflfTll ti}771II Iil•�•��m�•null �`t <br /> i�nd vnul f�nil ��f no F•ffrri <br /> . �'! <br /> � <br />