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<br /> 1 'PHI�i AA'i1t;NMI�:N7'� mnde ehid_�.------._dey af_
<br /> b U���i�i A. I:�►il���►iz�i F'.l.�is3e �i. Rafle, husband and wife
<br /> Y
<br /> reeiding st or having an affiee at� 'i i 1�1 �l.�ussen fioad, C,rand I sland� NE 688�3
<br /> (herein called "Awi�nor"),to_�irsT�.ei- Rank, National Associa�ion, omaha. NE 1•avin�
<br /> it�principal office a!Om�hp,Nebrs�ka(he�ein celled"AasiRnee").
<br /> W1TNE89E'1'H:
<br /> FOIi VALl1E ItECE1V ED,Ai�ignor hereby granta,tranefera and uaeigne tu the Aesigaee all af the right,Htle
<br /> and intera►t of A�signor in and to any and�;1 leaaee and ather tenanciee now or hereafter made on ar with napect to ehe real
<br /> estate located in Hall county, Nebraska and morepssticule�rly deacribed
<br /> in Schedule A hereof�which real e�tate shall be referred w hereinafter ss"Premisee",including.butnotUmitedtothatcertain
<br /> I.esee or thaae certRin I.ea�e�,with modificationa,i f eny,descsibed in 3chedule B hereof,covering the Premiaes;together with,
<br /> (1)eny and all e�cten�ion�or renewels thereof,(2)any and aU guaranteea af the Leaaee's obligatians�nder any thereof and
<br /> under any and aU eaLen�ion�or rcnewals of any thereof,and(3)all rente,ieaues,profite.revenues.deposita.earnc�t money
<br /> paymenta.ri�hts and bene5ts now or hereafter ariaing from euch lease and tenanciee or for the u�e and occupanoy of the
<br /> Premises.and any aad all exten�ions and renewals thereof.Said leaees and tenancies or othes use of the Pretaises together
<br /> with any and all Quernnteee,modifications,eacteneione,and renewale thereofehall be eometimee hereunaRer refe:red to ae the
<br /> ••Lease"or"Leaeee":
<br /> ONE: Payment and performance of each and every debt,liability and ohligsrion olevery type and de�criptio� �
<br /> which Aisignos may now or anytime hereafter owe to Aesignee.including.but not limited to,the�sd�bt,�,�ede�e�of Assi or �
<br /> eecured by that oertain mort�age or deed of truet made by the Aasignor to the Assignee dated 198�
<br /> and recorded or to be rec:orded at or prior to the recording of this A�signment,or any other mortgage or deed of trust hereafter !
<br /> covering the whole or any part oi the Premisee.(whether each debt,liability.or obligation now eziet�or ii hereafte:c:eated or
<br /> iI'a'�sivi 8Fii3::w�:�:.:!tL tC J:�S� `L..°�L*!£t�Sr in�irar�. �nw n*fn tiM�lTtfA f�13Ai AIfdOIII�OY COIlL1AII8IIL=nZIIDaIN O?�ECOIIdSly. �- __
<br /> liqnidated or unliquidated,os join��everal,or joint and eeveral,e�U�such debt��liabilitiee and obligations being herein collec- -`
<br /> Nvely seferred to eometimee as the"Obligatione");and � "-
<br /> TWO:Performance and diecharge of each and everyobligation,covenant and agreement of Aaeignor contained ��.s.
<br /> herein or in a»y such mortgage or deed of truet or any note or bond eecured thereby.or in any obligation or any eecuring -
<br /> document given in connection with any of the Obligatione eecured hereby;. �
<br /> �
<br /> TO EACH LEA9E: �
<br /> 1. To faithfully abide by,perform and diecharge each and ev�r�ebligation,covenant and agreement of the Leaee
<br /> by I,e�aor to be performed.to give prompt natice to the Aaeignce of aay aotaax of default on the part of Asaignor with respcct to
<br /> the Leaie received from Le�aee or guaaantor,together with an accurste attd rnmplete copy of eny ench notice;at the sale oost �
<br /> aad expense of Aaaignor,to enforce or secure the performance of each and every obligation,covenant,condition and agreement �`
<br /> otthe Lesee by the Lessee to be performed;not W modify or in e�a y�ivay alter the terme o f Ctze Lease;notto terminate the term of
<br /> the I,eaae and not to accept a suaender of the rente thereunder ar to waive�e:cuse,cuttdcne or in any manner releare or dis- :��
<br /> charge the I.eeaee thereuader from the obligatione,convenente,conditian.a�ad agreements by the Lesaee to be performed,
<br /> induding the obligation to pay the rental called for thereunder in the manzcerand at the place and time specified therein,and
<br /> Asaignor does by theae preaente expresely release.relinquiah and surrender anto Lhe Aaeignee aIl Aseignor's right,power end
<br /> suthority to modify or in any way alter the terrae or provieione of the Lease,as to termin�c��ke term or accept a eunender there�
<br /> of,and any attempt on the part of the Aasignor to excercise any euch right without tne written acrthority and coneent of the
<br /> Aaeignee thereto being firet had and obtained ehall conetitute a DefauFt af tlte terme hereof,es cieff aed hereinafter.entitling
<br /> the Aeeignee to declare a118ume secured hereby immediately due and p�pal�Is. •
<br /> 2. At Aneignor'e eole cost and e:penee to appear in etted defend any action�r praceedin�Be,tiainA under,growing ont
<br /> of or in any manner connected with the I.ease or the obligatiama.duties or liabilities of I,e�ffar.Leesee or guarantor thereunder.
<br /> and to pay nll coste and exDenser of the Aasignee,including ettaartey'e Feed an e reaeuna&Ce�um.in any such action or proceed-
<br /> ing in which the Aeeignee may appear. ' : �
<br /> 3. That ehould A�aignor fail to make any payment or Ca da any act as trere5ce provided,then the Asseignee,but
<br /> without obligation eo to do and without notice to or demand on�leaignar,a�ad witho�treleseing Aesignor from any obligetion
<br /> hereof.may make or do the eame in euch manner and to Puch extent ae the Aegignee maydeem neceeeary to grotect the eecurity
<br /> hereof,including specifically,without limiting its general powere,the rigt�t to appear in and defend any action or proceeding r--_ -
<br /> putporting to affett the security hereof or the righte or powere of the Assignee.and also the right but not the duty to perforrn �
<br /> and di�charge each and every obligation, covenant and agreement of Leeaor in the Lease contained;and in exerciaing any
<br /> such powers to pay neceeeary coete and expeneee,employ counsel and incur and pay reasonable attorney'e fees.
<br /> 4. To pay immedintely upon demend all eume expended by¢he Aeeignee under the autharity hereof,together with
<br /> intereet thereon at the hi�heeL rate set forth in any of the Obligatione eecured hereby,and the aeme ehell be edded to the Obli- �t
<br /> Lgatione end ehaU be eecured hereby and by the eaid mortgage ar deed of truet. ��
<br /> �i. 't'�hc+t Aaaigru►r will nnt tret�efer or convey to the Leegee the fee title to the demised Premiees,or eny part thereof, v
<br /> unl�ss the l.egxee aeaumes�n writin�end uKreee to pAy the debt aecured hereby in are��rd�nce with theterme,convenante�+nd j��
<br /> rond�tiune nf the e�td n�,te u� bond eec�rEd hy Kr��d mc�rtge+Ke ur dred <�f truqt. �
<br /> ��,�!t��
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