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__ _ , - .__ _____ <br /> _ . _—_ �._�. .� _ T[I1:�.a�� __—_ <br /> �� <br />—1 � � <br /> a9-� 10 612� <br /> r. — _ _.—__- ------ <br /> � event oi loss Barrawcr will give immedi�te�tiutice by mail to the any of the canditions or agreem�nts cantained in this inst�umem,or <br /> l.rnder.who may make prooF of t�.cc if nat made pramptly by the nate which it secures,then the entire principal sum and aec�ued <br /> Barrower,and each insurance company concerned is hereby interest shall at ance became due and payable,at the clection of'the <br /> authotized and directed to m�kC payment for such loss directly ta Lender. <br /> the Lc�der instead af to the 8orrow�r and the L.ender jointly,and <br /> the insunna proceeds,or sny p�n thereof,may be applied b}+the Le�der chall give notice ta Barrawc�pria�tn acceleratian <br /> I.tnder at its option either to the reductioa af the indebtedness faltawi�e Rar�a�ver's breach a!any cavenant or agreement in this <br /> hercby secu[ed ar ta thc restoration or repair o[the propeny instrumeni(but nm priar ta acceleratian under pa�a�raph 12 unl�ss <br /> damsaed.In event of foreclasure af this ianrument ar ather transfer applicable law provides othenvisel.The natice stiaU specify:(a�.thp <br /> of title to the mortgaged propeny in extingu+shment of the default;(b)thc action required tn curc the dofault;(c)a data,rtol less <br /> indebtedness secured hereby.aU right,title and i�terest of the than 30 days from the date the nntice is given ta Borrawer,by which <br /> Borrower in and to any insurance policies then in force shall pas.�to the default muct be cu�ed�and(d)that failure to cure the default on <br /> the purchuer ar granta. or before the date specified in th�natice may re.sult in acceteration <br /> af the sams secured by this instrument and sale af the Property.The <br /> 9.That as additionAl aad collateral security far the payment of the notice sDafl further infarm Barrawer af ihe right to reinstate after <br /> aote described.and all sums to become dur under this instrument, acceleration a�d the right to bring a mun actia�to assert the non- <br /> inr&,i�uwer hereby assigns to the I.ender aii pratiu.reve�ues, existeace of a deFault or any other defense of Borrower to <br /> �oyalties,rights and t+enefiu accruing to the Barrow•er under any and acceleration and�sale.If the default is not cured on or before the date <br /> all ail and gas tases on said premises,with the right to rcceive and speciiied in the notice,Lender at its oplion may require irnmediate <br /> reaipt for tAe same and apply them to snid indebtedness as well payment in full of all sums secured by this instrument without <br /> Ixfore as aRet defiult in the conditions of this instrument,and the further demand and may invuke the power of sale and any other <br /> Lender may demand,sue for and recover any such payme�u when remedies permitted by applicable law.Lender shall be entitled to <br /> due and payable,hut shai!�ot be requi�ed su ta do.This assignment collect all expenses incurred i�pursuing the remedies provided in <br /> is to terminate and bewme null and void upon of thit this paragraph 13,including,but not limited to,reasonable <br /> instrurt:ent, attorneys'fees and oosu of title evidence.� <br /> 10. That the Bonower will keep the buildings upon said prem�ses It the gower of saie is i�voked,Trustee shall record a notice of <br /> in good r�pait.and neither commit nor permit waste upon said land, default ia each caunty in which any part of th: Propeny is Ic�eated <br /> nor suffer the said premises to be used far any unlaw�ul purpose. and shall mail copies of such notice in the manner prescribed by <br /> applicable law to Borrower and to the other persons prescribed by � <br /> 1 l. That if the ptemises,at any part thereof,be condemned under applicable lsw.After the time requiru!by appliable l�w.Ttustee <br /> the power ai eminent domain,or acqoired for a public use,the shall R��e Dublic natice of sale to the persons and in the manner _i - <br /> dsmages awarded,the procads for the taking of,or the prescribed by applicable law.Trustee,withoat demand an Bonower, .1�.— <br /> eonsideration for such acquisition,to the extent of the full amount of shall sell the Property at public suction to the highest bidder at the � • <br /> indebtedness upon this instrument and the note which it is given to time and place and under the terms designated in the notice of sale �' <br /> secure remaining unpaid.are hereby assigned by the Borrower to the in one or morc parcels and in any order Ttustee determines.Trustee - <br /> Lender.and shall be paid forthwith to said Lender to be applied by may postpone sale of aU or any parcel of the Propeny by public <br /> the latter c�n aocount of the next maturing installmenu of such announcement at the time and place of any previously scheduled <br /> indebtedness sale. Lender or its designec may purchase the Property at any sate. _ <br /> 12.The 8orrower further agrees that should this instrument and Upon receipt of payment of the price bid,Trustee shall deliver to <br /> the note secured hereby not be eligible for insurance under the the purchaser Trustee's deed conveying the Property.The recitals in <br /> Nstional Housing Act within eight months irom the date hereof the Trustee s deed shall be prima facie evidence of the�ruth of the <br /> - (written statement of any ofFcer of the Uepartment of Housing and statcmertts made therein.Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the sale <br /> Urban Development or authorized agent of the Secretary of Housing in the following order:(a)to all expenses of the sale,including,but <br /> and Utban Dtvelopment dated subsequent to the eight manths'time not limited to,l'rustee's fecs as permitted by applicable law and � <br /> from the date of this instrument,declining to insure said note and rea5onable attorneys'ftes;(b)to all sums secured by this Security �,I,. <br /> this mort�ge.b�ing dcemed candusive proof of such ineligibility). Instrument;and(c)any excess to the person or persons IegaUy _ <br /> the Lender or holder of the note its option,declare all sums entitled to it. .� <br /> secured heteby immediately due and payable.Notwithstanding the <br /> foregoing,this option may not be exercised by the l.ender or the 14. lipcm acceleration under paragraph 13 or abandonment of the � � <br /> holder of the note when the ineligibility for insurance under the Property, Lender(in person,by agent or by judic�alty appointed � <br /> National Housing Act is due to the LendePs[ailure to remit the reaiver)shall be entitled to enter upon,take passession of and ' <br /> mortgage ia5urana premium to the Depanment of Housing and manage Ehe Property and to collect the renu of the Property <br /> Urban Development. inclnding those past due.Any renu collected by [.ender or the <br /> receiver shall be applied first to payment of the costs of management <br /> 13.That i[the Borrower fails to make any payments of mone� of ihe Property and eallection of rents,including,but not limited to. <br /> when the same become due,or fails to conform to aad comply wfth ������s fees,premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonabie <br /> attorney's fees,and then to the sums secured by this instrument. <br /> ---- --- ---- - - . . ------ -� --------- - -------- ---..... . . . ._ . _ . ..._...--- � <br /> Page 3 ot 5 HUD•92t�3DT•1 ' <br /> � <br /> L � � � � <br /> .� <br /> �� <br /> r, ��� <br /> n � <br /> L� � <br />