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<br /> 8or�awer s�nd I,toder corro�M�ad aR�ee as folbws: or d thc Lcndrr acyuires Ihc property nihcrw isc uftcr drfauU, Ihc
<br /> I.rnder�hnil apply,at�he t�me��(the cummencemen�a(such
<br /> 1. That�rr�wer will pay�hc mdebtedoess,as hercinbcf�rc pnxtircfi�gs,ur nt the t;mc thc pr�►perty is��therwise ac�yuircd,the
<br /> � prm�ideJ.Priviiege is r�xerveJ to pav Ihe deht in whole or in part un bal�nce then rcmaining in the fundc aa:umulated under la)nf
<br /> any in�tallmcnt duc datr. paragraph 2 precedinR,as a crcdit againtt!hc amount af pnncipa!
<br /> 2. That,together with,and in additi�m to,the monlhly payments �heo remaining unpa��under said note.
<br /> aP principal and interest payable under tAe te�ms of Ihe nate secured 4. That the&�rrower will pay ground rents,taxes,asses�menl�,
<br /> hcreby,the Barrowcr will pay to the I.ender,an the fi�st day of cuch water rates,and olher governmental or municipAl cha�ges,Gnes,i�r
<br /> manth until thc said nate is fuUy�►id,the fullowing sums: impositia�s.for w hich p�ovisiun has nat been made hcreinbefi�re,
<br /> and i�default thercof the Lender may pay the same;And that the
<br /> (a)A sum equal w the ground renu,if any,next duc,plus thc &�rrowe�will p�vrniptly deliver the afficiul rec�eiplc Ihcre(or to the
<br /> premiums that will next become due and payable on policies of fire Lender.
<br /> and other hazard iosurance coveric�q C�e property,plus taxes a�d
<br /> assessmeats ncxt d�e on!ho proper�u faFl us esti�nated Ay the/.ende•r� 5. The Bor�owcr wil)pay a11 taxcc which ma}be Ievicd upan the
<br /> lesc a!1 sums�tready p�id therefor di�ided by il:e rambcr of month� l.endcr's interest in said real estate and improvemenu,and which
<br /> tu cla�ue before onc(1)month priur tu the date when such ground may be levicd upcm this instrument or the de�ii secured hereby(but
<br /> cents,premiums,taxes and ac�essraec�u will becc�me deliquent,such only ta the extent that such i�not prohibited.b�v law and anly to the �
<br /> sums tm br held by Lender in�rust t�gwy szid g�ound rentc, extent that such w�11 not make this loan usuriaus),but excludi�g any
<br /> �remit�ms,taxes and s�cia!asse�rrrena;and income tax,Stace�*Feder�l,ir*��sed en Lensies��ad�i!!f!e thc
<br /> ib? �Il payments merttioned in the preceding subsection af this pRcia!recci�+t shi�wing such pacment with the I,e�dev.Upon
<br /> pac9grsph and a!!Fvkm�nts ta bc made under the note secured v���tatian of this uadertaking,or if the Borrawet is prohihited 6u any
<br /> hertE�shall 6e addrd togethcr,and the aggregatr amounl thereoi 13w naw ar fiereafier existi�g from paying the whate or an�portian
<br /> shall Rc paid by the Borrower each month in a single payment to he of the aforesaid taxes,or upon the rendering af anY court decree
<br /> applied hv the Lender to the following items in the order set forth: P��hibiting the payment by the Borrower of a�y such taxes,or if ,
<br /> such Iaw or decree provides that any amount so paid by the
<br /> (I)ground rents,tax�,ass�..-csments,fire and otheP ha�ard insur• �nower shall be c�edited on the debt,the Lender shall have thc
<br /> ance premiums: right to give niae�y day.s'written notice to the owner of the ptemises,
<br /> requiring the payment of the debt.lf such notice be given,the said
<br /> 111)mcezeu on the nute secured he*�by: debt shall became due,payable and coUectihle at the expiration of
<br /> (1111 amurtizatioo of�he princ�pa!�f said note;aad ��d ninety days.
<br /> (IV)late charges. 6. Tha�shnuld the Borrower fail�to pay any sum,or keep any � J
<br /> Any deFciency in the amount of�uch aggregate montAly payrnent covenant provided for in�his instrument,then tha-Lender,at its �;;;"
<br /> shall,unless made good by the Borro�aer prior to the due datc o(thc °Ption, may pay or perform the camo,and all kxpertditures sa made ` �
<br /> shafl 6e adde�i tn;ht�+titl�iFa!ssm:o�tiis 8ii 2�i[�ii�ituit.,naii � 1-"
<br /> sxz!ou�s�3:.i.-r.t,::,tt�.�iuic ui�cvcni ui oeiauit under this �secured hereby,anJ�hall bear interest at the rate set forth in the �
<br /> mortgage.The Le�der may collect a"late charge"nat ta exceed four i -
<br /> cents(4Q►for each dollar fSl)of each payment more tt�an fifteen ���note,unUl paid. .
<br /> (I S)days in anears to cover thr extra expen+e mvolved in handling 7. That the Borrower hereby assigns,transfers and set�c over to the '''?'�
<br /> ddinquent payments. l.endcr, to bc a lied toward the
<br /> PP payment of th0 note ar�d all sums _
<br /> 3. That if the total of the payments made by the Borrower under �curcd hereby in case of a default�(n�the pertormance of any pf the .,
<br /> (a)of paragraph 2 preceding�hall exceed the amount of payments �erm�aod cbnditions of this instrument or tAe said note,all tRv�enc�,
<br /> actuaUy made by the l.endc�foT ground rents,taxes and assessments �evenues and inwme to be deri�ed from the said premises during
<br /> or insurance premiums,as the case may be,such exoess,ii the loan ;. such timc as the indebtedness shall remain unpaid,and the Lender
<br /> curren�at the option of the Borrower,shall6e credited by the shall have�wer tu appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the
<br /> Lender on subsequent paymenu to be msdt by the Borrower,or Purpose of repairing said premises and of renting the same and
<br /> refunded to the Borrower. If,however,the monthly payments made rollecting thr renu,revenues and income,and it may pay out of said
<br /> by the Bortower under(a1 of patagraph 2 preceding shall not be �ncomes all expen�es of repairing said premiscs and neccssary —
<br /> sufficient to pay ground renG�,taxes and assessmenu or insurance 1°mmiss�ons and expenses incurred in renting and managing the
<br /> same and of collecting rentals therefrom;the balance remaining,if '�
<br /> premiums,as the case may be,when the same shall become due and '�:'��-
<br /> payable,then the Borrowe�shall pay to the Lender any amount
<br /> any,to be applied toward the dischargc of said indebtedness. �'•""°
<br /> naassaty to make up the deficiency,on ot hefore the date when g.That the Born�wer will keep the improvements now existing or
<br /> payment ot such ground�ents,�axes,assessments,or insurance herrafter erected on thc p�c,perty, insured as ruay bi;required trom
<br /> premiums shall be due.If at any time the Borrower shall tendrr to time to timc by the l.ender agamst Ioss by fir�and��thcr ha�ards,
<br /> the Lender,in aecordance with the prm�sions uf the n�te securec! �sualties and coetingencies in such amounu artd far such periods as
<br /> hereby.full payment of ihe entire indebtedness represented thercby, may t+e reyuired by the Lrnder and•wiH pa}pcomptly,when due,
<br /> the Lender shall,in computing the amount oi such in�iebtedness, any premiums on such insurance,provision for payment of which
<br /> credit to the account of the Borrower any balan�cema�nmg in the has not�been made horeinbefnre:AU insaraRCe shalt be earned in
<br /> funds accumulated under the provisians of(a)of paragrapb 2 hereof. �mpanus appruved:by the Lender and the pul�cies and renewals
<br /> 1t thcre sh�it be a default under any of the provisions of this thercof shall bc held by thc I.ender and have aESached thereto loss
<br /> instrume�E resulting in a public sale of the ptemises covered hereby, payablr clauses in favur of anci in form acceptabte to the Lender. In
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