f�'3. .:k�t}�t:" ;e ` F . 'F'k� .
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<br /> �. • ..�.' .._� - ��;�
<br /> �:"
<br /> ���
<br /> Ins�nrsace. Borrower shall keep the impmvements now existing or hereafter erecte� ,u�ne �
<br /> S. �iazen1 or ProgertY � __-
<br /> . p�FenY insured against loss by fite. hazurds includ��viThis inseurance shail be mainYtainede^in the amounu an�s�P�O� � �
<br /> ��' floads or floa3iag.for cvhich Lender requires ir►snran at �der s
<br /> .� ; u;res.The insurance carrier P*oviding the insurance shaln�ve°�e descn ec1`abovebLender�nyer s approval � ---
<br /> � that I.ende tEq �
<br /> " ��� which shall rtot tse►inmasonably�vith�eld. If Borrower fails to mamuu �
<br /> • �.'� o don.obtain coverage to protect Lender's righu in the PropertY in aa_'ordar►ce wi�p�����7.
<br /> ' p �ce ����s and renewals shall be ascx�ta��e to Lender and shall includz a standard mortgage clause. �i�of
<br /> � All insu � tl �e to Lender all re�eiF �
<br /> � ��'`t sha11 have the ri�ht to hotd the policies and renewals.If Lender rer.luires•Borno�ver��PTO� y�'
<br /> � . �a . and renewal notices.In the event of loss,Borro�ver sh211 give promPt notice to che insurance cazriet a�d Lender. W -
<br /> .�� _ paid pmmiums b Bflrrower. T ai the
<br /> - ' • �.e►tder m�)<mak�proof oE lass if not mz�e promptiy Y shall he apPiied to restoratian ar rep�i .-
<br /> • ���F Unl�ss Lender and Borro�ver othenlise asree in writing, imuranfl-P��
<br /> -�`� propErty�g�,if the c�taration or r•pair is etonomicaliy feasible fu►d Lend�r's secnrit r4c edsec�hall b•aPPI��o�hx sum
<br /> �� �<<� repair is ttna econamically feasibte or Lender's security wouid be lessenzd. che in`-`uran'x p
<br />� `� • sesuced by this Sccurity in5trumeni. w1�3�in�ni ce fmm u[.c�rtdE that the insurance cam r h s oi�'ered t se�tde a claim.then
<br /> � . �- Praperty.ur docs not anhw•er within 3D d y or to pay sums
<br /> ' Lend.r may co�lcct thc insuramr procecds. l�idcr m�Y ��$ the prar,eeds ro repair or restore th� PropertY
<br />�;.,�.. .. riud will begin whcn the noticc is given.
<br />----�-;�� n��• ���.�Y�4l�;�e�, whcther or nat thdn due.The 30-day p� �,� �Prittciq�al sha11 nat extend o!
<br /> yo--�- - SCCUfi��jT tC..�StOti ilE� -
<br /> � ' Unless Lcn der a n d Borrower othcr.�i�agccr in writing, uny � 1 �ti� 2 or c h a n ge the amaunt of the paymems•�
<br /> Ts�"' �, postpane the du�e date of the monthly payments referred co in pa7ab*raP ��u���ir�es and procceds resniting from
<br /> - � under p�g�P�21 the Prope�ty is�r4u�red by Lender. Sorro�vrr s right to any this S�curity Instniment
<br /> .'? .' •'���. dvnage to the PropertY Prior to the ucqw�ition shaJl pass to Lendzr ca the eAtent of the sums secur�d bY
<br />_�.::. . lIrattan4�ho1Qs.
<br />;�r:�'.:�:f: icnmediateiy prior to the accluisition. Borrower's Loan App
<br /> �' 6.OcruPaccY.Preservat[nn.Maintenance und Pratectton of the Property;
<br />��,�_e.__�. _ Borrower shall occupY�establish,and use ths Prop�Y�Horro�v��'s prin�igal residence vrithin sixcy days after the execution of
<br /> ►
<br />:._;;�':?;�R;j�' this Seeurity Instrumeni and shali continue to oocupY the Praprrty us Borrower s principal residence for at withheld. �r
<br /> _��:�z::`..
<br /> the date of oocnpancy,unless Iznder otherwiss agrees in writing� a�ich cunsent shali nni be unreasonably e or impair the
<br /> __;:.,;wx��• ��t�n9zs exist which are beYond Borrower's c�ntcol. Borruwer sh�ll n�t destroy. damag
<br /> e��g �, gorrotiver shall be in default if any fa�Feimr�
<br /> �``a�i u to deteriorate.or commit waste on th$ProP- l.
<br />=�:=;,�=�',�. p�operty,allow the PmFertY
<br /> -_ -`':�:.i:;-�• acaan or proeeedin8,whether civil or criminal.is b$gun thr�in Lender's good faith 7udgment wuld�nterest.Bnmov�er�Y
<br /> -��;fi�e. Progemr or othenvise materially impair the lien created by thie 5�urity b�s�ume�u or Lender's securitY'
<br /> h 18.by causing the s�ction or ptoceeding w be dismisse3 r�ith�culin�
<br />_""=;`.;:`'��_ cure_�a default and reinstate.as provided in�iu�3�fa►fe�uu� a€the Borrower's interest in the PropertS+ ar other caaterial
<br /> • Uff
<br /> -=°'=��-�' �., in i.ender's good faith determfiation,P or i.endei's se�uritY interest. Borrower st�zU alsa Fse in d�autt t
<br /> -::-:��_�,��� ����nt of the lien created by this Securit7i u►�'� fnise or inaoauate infom�ation or stat..m�n�to I.eIIder lor failed
<br /> __,*3�`..-��. gor�v'.:ct,during the lcan applirarion proass.gavo m�iesiEl!}' the Note,iricinding,but a�t liadted
<br /> �� �,,T�� w pta-oitin.�.ender with any material information)in coun�tiau v�-eth the l�n�i�al residbirr..�.Sf this Security Instn�is on a
<br /> .�.,;..=_•_.-� of W°Pm as a P� P �st� the
<br /> - --_=- - to.cqsn��ons conceming Bormtiver's occupancy F�Y �s fee ade w the Pmt� l�
<br /> -=- - IpSeI�.ct�.. Borrower shalt camPty�vzth alt the pravisions aT it9e lease. If Borro�ver a�g.
<br /> p
<br /> lea�.e�t�znd the fee title shall aaY mzrge unless Lender a�Ho�er faila ta p rfomn th:covenanu and agreements ccf*����
<br /> ��" 9.Lfiotedion of g.cnder's RIgMs 3n ihe PraptrtY
<br /> --,�_:�-.� � g roceeding that m�.5• significandy affect I.ec�'er's��1 then l.ender+suiy+aa and
<br /> this�3au�sy Insttument,or there i_a le al p Lender's a�i�;r.s maY
<br /> ,,---___- pra�r�:�i;;n banIuupuY•Proh.�:� Cnr condemr►ation or farfr�tn�e��Lenderes ghts in t�he Property
<br /> ___ ��,� ,;�gn Hhatever is necessazY ta pntect d►e value of�h. �'no=�over this Sacurity Instrumemt• aPPe�ng in a:uT�- paYing
<br /> � r^• � sums secured'oy a lien �vit�'h has p LY
<br /> � im9c;,.,e paying any A ta mzke repairs• Atthovgh Lender may take actinr•_under this paragraph
<br /> _ �r,�zn,ri�le attomeys'fees and ent::ing an�E���-�'
<br /> - 7.fs�ua�does not have to do so. � J, 7 snall become sdtlitional debt of i3j�TS�.•er sa.�.r�:�i by this ,
<br /> � 1�yy aniounts disbursed bY F�=der under this pae".-i.r�"'= ment,these amounu�►�t�'�'�� �T°��e
<br /> �� Security Instmment. Unless Borr��'�r and Lender agree W���'1s terms of pay
<br /> �� date of disbarsement at the Note rate and sliall be payabte. :��ith interc�� upon notice from 1.���'`�'�'� �0�°}.i�';':''u��
<br /> � pa}��nt. <u��as a condirion of m:sing the loan secured bY thi�Sec�ri�y
<br /> __--_-__-- tg'.Mortgage Insurauce.If YU�-der cequired mortguge i,w._ e insurrce in effect. If, for any��+�..son. the
<br /> Ur�nu�ent. Borrower shall pay �',.premiums re9uired tc� ���n�n the rnurtgag
<br /> � _ �rn:,�:oa e i»surance coverage recluired by l.ender lapses a���'rance�revi usly'�in eBffect.tat a coast suabs ant ally�vs:en�t t�the
<br /> -- •' g uivalent to ths mortgage_nsu P
<br /> -- , ,;I;cr,n covenge substantiallY e9� reviousl in effect, from an altemate mortgage insurer approved bY Lender.
<br /> �t. ,,;,�::o$ono�+uer of the mortga,e insurance P Y � i�,-r���
<br /> m
<br /> �-=$g . sw���t:r�r►tiaflg equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is R=�^3��1��eBo�wer when,he in urancee�°��b o!�-�"a sum equat to
<br /> - one-twelfth of the yeaz1Y mortgage insurnnca premiUm b�.-'L�-� y a e insnr�.ss=s• L���s ressrve
<br /> �--� be in effett.Lender wiil arcePt,use and retain d►ese payme:3:s as a loss reserve in lieu of mortg S �rm «028 9190
<br /> � -- - v¢po 3 0}s
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