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<br /> , ' TO�ETHER WITH all tlie improvements no�v or herzaRer etected on the pragerty,a,-id a12 easemenu,appurtenances.and -
<br /> . ����' fiztuns no�v er hereafter a part of the p:opsrty. All repl2seicenis and additinns sball also be oovered by this Security �
<br /> • Insuvment All of the foregoing is referred w in this Secwity Insuumeat as the"Property."
<br /> �� BURROWER COVEIVANTS that Borrower is lawfiilly seised of the estate hereby conveyed aad has the right to grant arcd j�
<br /> � • `� convey the Property and thax the ProPert3+ is un�ncumber�l.eacepi for encumbrances of record.Eurrower warranu and will �
<br /> , , defend generaity the tifle to the Property against ail claims and demands,subject to any encumbrances of record.
<br /> . � � THES SECUIi1TY INSTRUMENf oombirces uaiform ooveaants for national use and aon-uniform wvenants with l'united �
<br /> i� � variations by jurisdidion w oonstitute a uniform security insavrrssnt oonering reaf progert}+.
<br /> � � U���C��:�TANTS.Barrowea and I.ender covenani and agreP as foliows: �
<br /> .� 1. i��a�tc: �'�acip�l actd �Yt�rest: �'repa3�nen8 and II.ate Charges. Borroiver shall pm.��� 7ay when due �he
<br />,•;;..:-��" ` princip�tS�:�.::�:�•�:��the debt evidsnced by the Note and anp P�aYment a�d iate char�due une��I�ote. -
<br />`;:�p�;�,i�i � 2. ��s Cc�It�� ►L���uaace. Sutr;a�.�n applicable law or to a�v-dsr.:3��•,-�:Es� I.ender, Brtcr�wer shaIl pay to _
<br />:-;"nT:;�;q"J`� n , g.- Y
<br />;_:�;,�:�,•::��r i;,,�� Ixnder on the day��iiir�,-�-�'+,s�re d::e::.:3�t�s Note,until the Note is .,csl:i.�fiill,a sum("Funds'}for.(a)yearl taxes
<br /> `f.�' �`` and assessmenu which�ay attaia�pricrity over this Securiry insmement as a lien on the Property;(b)yearly Leasehotd payments
<br /> '` or gmurrd renu on the Pr+operty,if any;(c)Yearly ha7ard or property insurance premiums;(d)Year1Y flood insurance premiums.
<br /> if any: (e)Yearly mortgage insurancx preminms. if any:and(�any sums payable by Borrower to L,ender. in accordance with
<br /> -==T�_ .;; � tt�e�visioses of p�h S,'sn lieu of the payment af mort$age insurance preatiums.Thess items aze calted"Escmw Items."
<br /> °�°�<:.: ��
<br />';� .' � . Lender may.at any time.collect azcd hold Fumis in �n amount nat to eacee�the maximum amount a Icrzder for a federaity
<br /> . : relate� rrtattga�e loan may require for Borrower's escrow atcount under the federni Read Estate Settlemcnt Frocedures Att of
<br />,.;:.,., ,�,.' • 1974 as am:nded from time to time. 12[1.S.C. Sestion 26U1 et seq.("I�FSPA").unless another law that agplies to t�e Funds
<br />;z�-: � :• seu e lesser amount. If so. I.ender may. at any ame. coltect and hotd Funds in an amount not to exceed the lesser amount.
<br /> . �• ' , r.� Lender msy estimate the amaunt of Funds due on the basis of current data and reasonahle estimates of ea�penditures of future
<br /> '�. :,_' Fscraw[tems or otherwise in ascordaace with upplicable law.
<br />' � The Furtds shall be heid in an instit�don�vhose depasits are insured by a fedcral agency. is�sirumentality, ar entity
<br /> � - _ - (irtcluding L�nder.if l.ec�der is such an institution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.Lender shall apply tke Fumds to pay the
<br /> -.'? � J� Escrow Items.Lender may r_ot charge Borrawer for t�olding aad applying the Funds,annually analyzing the escrow account,or
<br /> _ '��-���;.; verifyin�the Fscrow Items,uniess Leader pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law permits Lender to make sach
<br /> ;�,�- :., '� a charge.However,I.ender may require Banower to pay a one-time charge for an independent ceal estate tax regortin�servica
<br /> . used by Lender in wnnection with this loan. unless applicable law provides oiherwise. Unless an agreement is made or
<br /> '��-��t^Y;; :'�' applicabie law requues interest co bc paid,Leuder shall not be cequireci to pay Borrower any interest or eamings on the Fands.
<br /> --.�_,�r.o,.,.;�.
<br /> ��:..: Horrower and Lender may ag�ree in writing,however, tliat intcr�'si�all be p�d on the Funds. I.ender shall give to�orraw+er,
<br /> ='_'4i�::��_ .
<br /> -,�-;.-�.� without charge, an a�nual acoeucu.iag of the I'ands. showing credits am+��d.a.:s to the Funds and the paigose for whic6 eac
<br /> ==�:"if debit to the Funds�s:�rr.:�:.T�:r�=uls are pl�zd as additional security►+1:�i�.�`.sums secured by this So�rity Insuument.
<br /> � _>�;,�:�.---
<br /> =- ""'•'�=� If the FuQd:�E�1ai:t;,•:,e�;x�e.2oaed the amflunts gemutted to be�celd l����_plicable la�v, I.ender�halt asoount to Borrower
<br /> _�;:���t�'�� for ths excess Fund:s��;,con►��:vith the reyuirements of applicabte law.ii ihe amatna ef the Funds held by Lender ut any
<br /> ,_���_� time is not suffici:.^:ilr�:ay the L-crx�w Items when due,Lender may so n�ti�s�Sorrower in v:�i�ng.an�,in such case Iiorrower
<br /> �;;ar-== shall pay to l.e�der tjs:�nflunt nerzssary to make up the defrcieary. �em,h::r shail make ap the dzFciency in ao more than
<br /> ,�;���� .
<br /> _-_-= twelve inonthly�aycr:��ts.at Lender's sole discreuon_
<br /> _=_- L7Tsan payment in full of ali snms secured by �his S�urity InSsru.^�.�nt, Lender shali prompuy�d to Borrower uny
<br /> --- ��r•*� Fur.ds L~.:3 by Lender.If,under p��agraph 21. I.ender shall ar,n,�.r���r sell the Propere!�.Lr��er.prior to the acquisitie,:or sale
<br /> =�"=`_� of the Pbperty,s1�a11 apply any�unds held by Lender at the ti�ss�:c•,`acqeisition or sa:L.:,e.a credit against the sums s��+i:ed 6y
<br /> -_�- __- --= this Security Ins'�.rwr�t.
<br /> � 3.Appl[cafifn�s.cf Ir:--�nnts•Unless applicable lAw provides otherwise,,��'payments received by Lender under pacagraphs
<br /> -- 1 and 2 shall Ee���i. Ii.Rs,r.�any prepayment chazges due under the hc:�;second,to amounts payabie under paragraph 2;
<br /> third.to interest c�.,:i.�:tL_rz�;s�r_�ipal due;and lasi.to any late charges due under the Note.
<br /> Q.Cha�ges;�„G-�s.Eazru:.�a shail pay all taxes,assessments.charges, fines aad impositions attributable to the Properiy
<br /> - which may aaa%n��y��ity over this Security Instrument, and leasehold payments or ground renu. if any. Borrower shall pay
<br /> — these obli�tions i.0+i:e manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner.Borrower shall pay them on time direc�ly
<br /> - to th:,p�erson c�en paymen..Bonower sha11 promptly fumish to l.ender all notices of amounts to be paid under this paragrapb.
<br /> If�osr3::r m�k�es these payments direccly.Borrower shall pramptly furnish to Lender receipts evidencin�the paymenu. .
<br /> _= Eurrower sP:all promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security 1rr.�szument uNess Borrower:(aj at;e�s in
<br /> wri6ng to the�a;��isr�t of the obligation sLCUred by the lien in a manner acceptable to Gav.ier: (b)contests in�ood faiw tule Iien . .
<br /> -- by.or defertds s�;�ii;r_•t enforcement of thc lien in. legal proreedings �vhi�a� in rlr.•a�,.:nder's opinion aperate to pc+event the .
<br /> — enforcement of tl��s lir.n;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien ah a�rc+an�a�r�:,�li�,l:uNqry to Lender subordinating the lien to
<br /> ^'�'�`*--� this Securiry insir.:�-ent.If I.ender determines that any part of che PraprcT-,��•�:���lsj�xa,ia a lien which may attain prioriry over
<br /> `� '��r-��� this Security Inscr¢r^ent,Lender may give Borrower a rtotice identifyin�,titr:ii�a1. 13�Sm�.�wsr shall satisfy the lien or ts�ke one or
<br /> "=��,..� more of the 3ctians�et forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice.
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