S . . F .:o.'T;:.4
<br /> S� � ,
<br /> °a;+;e� t , . , - - -- -�-- —
<br /> �:'T�"��i'�a�f�h 1? � . - � � , t r � . � . . �.
<br /> f� 5�5�
<br /> nt- f4 �E h �r��l t� S� r. 4 �s_F'ix� � . , • . . . . . �
<br /> ' �'+o*Lrs�{�.,-tl,r�,,�- 'S4_'��t �.-;���ai,� . ' . ` , . . � . . . . � �� ..
<br /> }':�`'Er�',{15�5..��JSiY:.i' . ,R . . .'�r�y.�<�. . , . . . ' . . . • " ___.
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<br /> >isr . _ '
<br /> : -�,,�;,���i.�.____�__... ... - - . gg- g���� ,.
<br /> ;,:.,.
<br /> � . ' � � � or nn incerst in it `
<br /> g7.'�Yas.�ar o4�h�&'Yngerly os a BeaefEslsi Yaterzst[n Bssrower.If all or any part of the I'rogertY Y !' ':
<br /> is sold or uansfe�(oS if�be�efrcial interest ia Boaower is sold or transfereed asd Borro�+er is aot a natural persan)��ithout ti. .
<br /> i.eader's prinr wcz..� eo^aent. Lea�1��Y. az iu option. require immediaze payment in full of ull sums secun°d Uy thia �;�.
<br /> � ' , ' ' S����.g����,thi,s optioa sball aot he exerois�bY i.ender if exercise is prohibited by federal law ns of tito dutQ
<br /> , • of this SecuritY�sn��"--�. i�
<br /> yf�,end�r�xereis�,t�ss option,L.ender shaU give Bomower aotice of accelentlon.'i'he notice&6all provWe o perlad oB nat i:..
<br /> I.ei 1 ��...
<br /> ' ' ' , �Ync�e+'*f If�wer fa�s t pay th e sums prior�tol the expirati nco this geriod Le dei ct�y in oke nn�/rcm�ea ,�'=..�.;
<br /> ' . p�nna2tefl by:�.s 5�..-i�Insnumeat v,+ithaut further notice or demaad on Borroa�zr. i ; `'
<br /> .- . .. .- .. I�. B��s�'s �p�t to Reinsta4e. Jf Borrower meets certain condidons, 8orrotver shall hnve the rig�tt to bnve i�"..
<br /> --.���.- ���pL LF t�nc�Triqy Tn ,m rt discontiaaed at any time prior to the earlier af: (p)� days(or such ather pcdud as ��
<br /> t ta aay power of sale cantained in tZ�ts
<br /> ,. apPlicabis l�w ^ac sp�.-i�.�+for reinstatement)before sale of the Frop�rtY P�� �`,:_
<br /> � � ��ty Tnc�ir�^ -*•o�(b�cIli�y of a judgmeult eIIYotCiu$thls SeCUYity IusttumeIIi.Those wndttlons are that Borrower:(a)paye f i..
<br /> • �T��w�t�,�would he due imder this Sec�uit3+Instnunent aad the Note as if no accelemtioa hud occurned: (b) �.�,,
<br /> � nts; s aU eagenses incvm�in enfoning thie Secudty Instjvment. �.;:
<br /> . . .. . . c�es am,�dz�?L of�y c:�r covenants or agcce� (c)FaY ;�:
<br /> . incIn�ing, �,�mt li�'•�i.��r•.asoaable attomeys' fas:and(d)takes su�Bortowerls o ligat�ion o pny the v�mn st.�ut�d by _-
<br /> that�E uen�`this Se�,�'ry i^r�,•ner•?Lender's righu ia the PmFertN
<br /> . • this �� �s�mr�..em .�.+ C1�SY.�111Y�L unchanged. Ugon rziastatement by Bortow�r, tbis Securiry Insirument and ti:e _;P_
<br /> . - -- -- e�tivE ss ig a�s���had ocsurred•However,this dght to r�inatate shull =
<br /> ' q obHgarians s�t..�eb3 s�:t�--�.�:in fnjlY
<br /> • ' " not�=y w�case a:i aoee?����:aader paraBraPh 17. �_
<br /> ' 39. �a"e cz'�:.s� �T��c3 S�±an 5e�cer.The Note or a partial interest!a the Note (to8athet tvlth thi3 3ecuciry -
<br /> ' ` � Inssr.mi�''��Tas sc'_�t+n�c i�a��witaout ats due undethe N a t e a nd this S�ri ry Easuume�There Nso tin�ny b�e onc __
<br /> a s t P t e T�o�S�.z�-i s e r`�t�.cc..�G.,..�.� Y P Y� __
<br /> - ar mam�i�c:the Loan S.�nir:r cnrelated to a s a le o f t h eh 14 abov e�aad applicab g l e e law�The oti wIll statc th�na8te t�nd s
<br /> � : given n��r��:_ce o��c3:�ge in accordance wish paragrap ents should be made.The aonce vrl1i also contaln any other __
<br /> � address a�wr • �,IIfo�n �eniser and the addres�to which PaYm -
<br /> � info�4.�.:,..-r_:.-°.�rD�app:i�bie 1aw. _-
<br /> . '�! �.g��� ��smnces, ,^m;.aower sha,l�NecaTU..��ei'do, ao p allow anYone else to'do, anything uffecting the
<br /> '° t Hazardo-,as ��s*.��s a� ar in t�� �'aPQI'►Y• o twa sentences shall aot p1y to the pr�a�►ce.use.or --
<br /> . . ' .� p�p�y�u�.z��a;a�az af a�� �:irowaenszL L.sw. T�.�iea�in8 ��to be appnopriate ta normal
<br /> �$ storage on�E L��e�ajr��f s�ll q"..�ities of H���s Snbstances that are geaerallY
<br /> a r�idential Lsas:�ca�T�-='a�ce cfthe Progz:tiy.
<br /> .. . • _ .� Borr�-,y�s s:a:i vzc�F��'�,-e t��r writte�notice of any investigation,czaim,demand.lawsuit or other actinn y a�ry
<br /> ' _ ���s � ar vate partY involving the ProPertY and aay H�zardous Substauce or Fsiviranm�ental law
<br /> � govemmea��.�or r:�,:: �'." �"= v,�nmental or re�latary aud:Qriry. that
<br /> of whtch&�r���zr�as a�ur>i�o+�.e:,;�If Bosmwer leams,or is notified by any��ss�Y.Botrower shnll prompdy take
<br /> ' ''t any removaTi��auer zeme�ixr.�z����-���%���0���g the Properry
<br /> all n�ssa�7/r�.�.^�a��'�.�r-::�Y c.:��yironm2ntal Law.
<br /> "'�.� �^ p�?-.--�,^;��Ustaaces' atc those substances defiaed as wxic or ha�rdouo substaaces by
<br /> ,� As u,ed in cF:s�yi....�..�.�.
<br /> , . g,avironmental La� an� �: f.�+1.!t4..�g s�==°.�� P�oliae. kemseae. other flammable or tosle getroleum radncta. toxtc
<br /> . � • esticldGwandherbi`;:•.�,�Jii.:�25�ii�'.3^�°zialscontainin�d a�vs offth�uristiiyctlon wher�e ttte�Pcoperty�isalecx�ted that
<br /> t�his paragcaph 20, `i::��..^�-�.r.°s�1Lr.»° r�ans federal law
<br /> . • alate to health,safe..'ryi����m��=��'.�oa.
<br /> ' NON-UNYF'0�'`tUd�irt"�a9:.'�3`'s_��TCOR;es and Ixndes fuaher covenant aad agree as follows:
<br /> • 21.Atx�leaiRtmtas,IItt�c�:�,�f°r��ve�en Nut uoi p��%��aane�a���r� i�b�a�
<br /> � oi any coveuant or �� i�r:..� T
<br /> (bD the actton reqWre�to curc the det�ul4:
<br /> appllcable law pm�c]�e2=:���E�• �Wa IID210E SLBI�S�: (e)the deY$ult;
<br /> by whlch the default mwt be cured:ond
<br /> � (c)e date,aot less�3J�.;�:�'���e da4e the aalice is gloen to�orrower,
<br /> n
<br /> n
<br /> (d)that failur�to�:L`e��'a-n7t aa cr���:re the date spectTha notice si�all ttiuth�inform Bormwer ad the rlght�to
<br /> secuced�y thtt�S � • i.�sir��:•:c��.._.°���the Property.
<br /> f.;' �.�%1 . , reinstate after�acc�':arsx:.��a�c�2�;-�t�`�.'�a court atxion W�ssert the noa�radstencr o!a�efaut¢or nny dher
<br /> •r
<br /> :.'`,;.,�, �;;,� dEfenSe ot Borcocves uD�rra.'`�r,��:'iY��i:�Yffi�!ln full of all sams s �ecared by this S turi��Instrutnen cwii�ocai3
<br /> ��.�.,. .' _ .LEAdtT�at It9 optlo�er�n�Q��° tt�by appltcable ls�w.Leader shall be
<br /> Nrthes dansmd end c�.p5�z�n���2�sar c?sale the re�edles pmv�lded In��paraBraPh Zl.tacl;�ding.but not Itmito�
<br /> . entttltd to cofled all c�x��fius�J�,�"-�S
<br /> to,re�soa�ble attomcy,��'�����sz�"�=�?����c,�dear.e. od the
<br /> - ' It the powea oS a�;��5°J��=� u�'8P=�U rewrd a nottce ot defauit tn eac6 cou�rty[n which any part
<br /> � �P�R'S'�located unc4�"]m���•�:�°�.Aft the ttme r�uirPd by�ap�pIlcable lawpllptbleee s6a1D gto pubtic nott e
<br /> the other pusons Br�ibr��° £�p1�.L1x
<br /> :.-��.� �� o!sa{a to the peisan�and i:x��h�ars:.«���ed by appltcable law.'iYusiee,withoitt demand on Bosower,sbal)
<br /> the PropertY at pubIIe auctto��s�e��r�='��'aZ�����a�1��d under the terms d¢slp�nated fn the�t thc
<br /> '� � sale tn one or mo�gsucels a�:7 in p�3•�`�'��"���d��n�.�'"�may��°RE�e ot all oa any poseel
<br /> �''-��, P1'oytit!'by PubQe uanouncemrs2�Z tha tima ur9 p9ace of any P�`'�`-!y schedWed sate.Lender or[t�destgaee may
<br /> purchasc thc Property nt nnY sr�-- .
<br /> Form 30Z8 '
<br /> . . Pa�o 6 018 �N �
<br /> _ �-AA(HE)cas�s�.o�
<br /> .- ;�
<br /> . _
<br /> : �
<br /> � -- �.
<br /> • ' - � ar�YlfAelat. . - — ;.:;,i,+ ` . . .. . . - . ., . .. . _ _ . _
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