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<br /> ' , '. paym�ta caay no loa�ger tr�tequired,at the option of I�ader,if mart�ge insurance co4erage(in the aamunt aail for the geriod
<br /> ' that l,�nder mquiresD Fiovlded by su►insvmr eppmved by Lender again beco�es available and is obtaiaed.Borroarer shall pay
<br /> �� � , the pr�mit�s requi�cd to rttaintain mortgage insuranee in effect,oz to provide a loss resenre,uaul the requirement for mortgage
<br /> ' ' � Insurance ends in t�ordan�e wtth any wrttsen agreemant tretwxen Eorro�er and Lender or applicable la�v. L.eader shall give
<br /> 9.Iaspcctian. L�nder crr its naent msy m�ke crasoaable eatries upon aud inspecaons of the Progerty .';_
<br /> < Bflaro�ver aot[ce ut thE dme af ar prtat to an Enspeetton spssifying a�easonab2e cause for the insge.ction.
<br /> �za
<br /> � � �0.Condtmnatlan. 'Rte proseeds of any awnrd or claim for damages,ditect or consequeatial, in conaection with any ��:
<br /> . . . � . . condemn¢t�on or othQr w3ting aP any paat of thc Feaperry.os far conveyauce in lieu of c�ademnation,are hereby assigned and
<br /> � shafl he paisl ro Lcad�r.
<br /> _��: i In the event o.P a tatal tnki�g of EIlc Rra��sY.tha pTOreedg shall be aPPlieci to the sums secured by this Security Instrnm°nt.
<br /> � whether or not then dec, b�ith aAy caccs9�Satd to Baaaw�. In tis.s event af a partial ta-iung of the Progerty in whirIt the fair __
<br /> ` ` _�� �'� � mar ket v a lu�o f the P[a p e B Y immcdiatefy beforc the taking is equal to or greater tban the amount of the snms sacured by this _-
<br /> ' � Securlty Is�sstxument immediateDy before the tnkin�,unless Bonower aad Lea�cr osh�y�f 011o�wm�ggfrac,tio�()��� __
<br /> ' . t h i s S e c u r i ty l n s t i u ment shnll he reduccd by thc umount of the pmceeds `ri���
<br /> amovat of th�e sums s�.vrtd imnudiately bcfore t��t�3cing.dinided by N)the�4ir mark�t value of the PmpenY i m m e�i�1Y -
<br /> , ��� �p���y}�g. pny bala�ce ahalt be pai�to Burtower. [n the event of a parti�talan8 of the Pro�ty in ahich the fair �^
<br />- _ _-- -��.�. market value of the Property immrdiately before the ta�Ing is t�ehan tire su�ov��of t�te sus�s sec��Y i�efore d� _
<br /> , taldag,nnless Borrowar and L�ender otharwise agree In wr[ting ar unless applicable law otherarise provides,the proceeds s.� v
<br /> x:� be applied to the susus secured by thls�ecuriry fnstru�nt whgther or ant t he sums aze thea due. �_
<br /> If the pcoperty Is t�andaued by Borrawer.ar if.aft.r natice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers co mz�:�
<br /> . ' award or settle ss claim for dsu�gea.Boirower f u l ls to re s g a t td to Lender wlthin 30 days�f�s the date the notice is give^.,Q -
<br /> . ' . � at ita option,either to restornuonn os�c�r�f:��PertY or ro the su^_
<br /> 1,eadcr is authoiiud to collsct and apply th$proceeds,
<br /> . �- se�uted b3►Uila S�curlty Inztru�nt,whather or not tRen de�. B Iicarion of pror..°°..;s .�principal shall not e�ster.:�i ==-
<br /> � . .�. Unless Lender and Eonower otherwise agreo in writta . anY aPP Y
<br /> � -�- •� pastpont the due dau of the monthly paymrnta refemed to in paragtaphs 1 and 2 or chan��amouat of such p o���os
<br /> � 11.Borruwer Not I3eleased;Forbearance BY 4endcr No!v Welver.B�scepsian Q:�a timz for payment
<br /> of amorti�ation of the s�sec�ued by tbis Stcurity 1nst�ument granted by Lender to 4:.;�sn�:r�sor ia inteiest of Boaower shall _
<br /> � ' not operate to release the llabilltY of the arlginal IIoaower or Borruwer's successors in i�t�ss•1-ender shall not be required to _
<br /> ��n�p�iag9 8gaiast any successor in interest ot rtiLse to extend tiaie for payra�r ar oiherwise modify amortizat�on
<br /> ' -- . ' of the sums secured bY ttils Securiry InsttumEnt by reason of nt►y demand made by r.�� a�iSinal Borrower oz Borrower's
<br /> � successurs in incerest.Any fo r b earssnce by Lender in exercising nny dBht or reffiedy sh�11�a�be a waiver of ar preclude the
<br /> : � exercLu of any dght or rem:dY• nts of this
<br /> u. Successore ond Assip�s Bound;Jolnt and Seve�al Llablllty; Castgners. 'i�e covenants�o ����ons of
<br /> - . ' � Sccur(ry Insuua�ent ahall bind aad benefic the successore and asslgns oY Lender and Boirower,
<br /> �._�.,�. : � patagraph 17. Borrawer's covenants s�nd agreemente shall bc jalnt and sevcral. Any Borrower who co-si�this v�.�
<br /> Instru�ent but dees aat eaecute the Note: (a)is ca•sIgning this Security instrumsnt only to mortgage,graa e9"
<br /> ;':'; .��-.:. Borcower's interest in the Propeny under thc terms oY this Security[nstivment;(b)is not perEOna11Y obligate�l to pay the�s
<br /> ":;;-�,�;��;�,
<br /> s��}ry��CCUrity Instrument;and(c)agreea that Lender und nny atit�r 8orrower may agrae to extend,modify,forbea:or
<br /> , :t��.�r �Q�y�monodatloIIS witb regard to the tern�of thls Security[nettutrttnt or the Note wizhou�ths�:3orrower's consent.
<br /> �"•'�" � 13.D.oan C1�gc9•If th6loan secured by this Securiay Inst[umcnt is eubJect to a law w�ich s�'.�maxlmum loan charges;
<br /> ` ;,.;..
<br /> `_���, . ;`.,� aad that law is flnally iate�Preted so that the intenst or other loan eharge9 collected or to b•.a3i�:=:.3 in cennection with t��
<br /> =,_„r..�.... , .• loan exceed the permitted limits.thtn:(u)anY such loan chargc eh�ll be teduccd by the umounl necessary to reduce the chargc
<br /> -='�°'°�" � to the permittod itmit;aad(b)�ury sums rilready collcMCd feom Bonower which excceded permitted limiu will be refimd�to
<br /> -:_.�:,_�:�-'�P�
<br /> =�="'f%s!'� Borrower. Lender may chaose to make this retLnd by recluciag tha princtpal awed under the Note or by maWng a
<br /> ��- �m�_�;� payment to Borrower. If a refund redwre9 princiRal. dte rcductlan wlll be ueated as a parttal prepayment without any
<br /> -_-=-: yrepayment charga under the Nou.
<br /> '��;-`,,,�;�,.� 14.Nflflces.MY not[ce co Borro��er provided for in thie Securiry in�tniiment shall be 83ve�S.�'�3'�vering it or by mailing
<br /> �''"�`"�'�''r it by flrst class mail unless applicable law require9 use oY another nte�hod.Th0 ttOlite.'&31311 bt�iTeYi�:�11�=Pto1�Crt3►Addtes9
<br /> �•�_'�?a��r,sesy..
<br /> .����f�`�'.` or any�other address Bonower designates by notiee to l cnder. My notico to l.endes sha11 be given Dy first class mail c�
<br /> H;:�,�,,;�.., L e n d e r s a d d n ss stated hertin or�u�y other nddress Lcnder designnits by notice to Boaower.Aay notice�zovided for in t:::is
<br /> -- -°::+t� .� � �urity Ix�strumeat sha11 be deemed to have been given to Botrflwcr or l.e n der w hen g iven a s p r o v I d e d i n t�i�s�W'a g r a P h• .
<br /> .,�,:�-_ �.,_ Ix�s
<br /> =�;,�;w— 15.Governing I.aw; �eQeritbillty. Thls Secuslry Insttument ehall bo govamtd by fedsral law an� c:e law af::::
<br /> :�- �� jurLsdict�on in which the�ropertS+ia locatetl. In the event that tu�y provislan a:clauta of tt�ia Seturity Ins�s or the Ngx
<br /> ,.:;�:_---
<br /> '--� , canflicts with sipplicablc taw.such conflict shall aot ajfcct othce pmvtsions of thie Secudty instrument or tt�lti��:=which caa U:
<br /> -`�"`�:.�'`'�` �• given effect without the cflnfllcting pravision.To this cnd the provlslons c�f this Securiry Insuument anC tha R7�ta:�e declaza:!
<br /> ''�:�. .:.� to be sever�ble.
<br /> - � . 16.Borrower's Copy Borrovrer sh�ll be given one contotatcd copy ot the Nnse and of this 5ecuriry Ta�mvme�t•
<br /> ', k Form 3028
<br /> .',�'
<br /> �.; . rop��ct s cviaes•
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