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,. � �� <br /> ,, � , 89-- 1�609'7 <br /> l0. �np af the iaUa+�ng eventa slul! �e dterM tn event af detault hereunde�: <br /> i. 1�uetata eh�il hav�fetie4 t�va:�e F.tnent of dny inat�ll�ent af princ►�l ar interest :r nny other aus secured �erehy yhen aue; <br /> r b. TAete hse accurred a �retc� of or deftult uade�any ter�, wvenant� agreaent, condition, provrsion, reptesentet►on or vutanty containe� <br /> : ' in �hii Qttd af �t, t�e note or na�otAzr Io�.� u,str�tcnt eccuteA I:ereb7; <br /> c, t�ere�u beea a defwlt b) th�Tru�tore in the papent af anJ pnor or eubae�u�nt lien ar encu�Erance tn tt�pect to bll or snp part ot <br /> the propertT <br /> /. ?ruttori e�ll fite�vola�tah peti:ion in trakruptc� or sliall De�djudlcated han�rupt �r insolvent, ar eAall uYe �n u�igc�ent fot t�e <br /> benefit of cr�iitare in�enpect to the propertq; nr en action to enforce sny lien or encuGrertce or judg�entt eg�init the prapert�ie <br /> carenced. <br /> 11. III �I!litDL Of IIO��tfaYlLr t,�e &neficiar�w�declue a!1 indebtednes�aecured hereb� to be due nnd pi�able�ad the sue slull tbereupan <br /> he�oae due�nd pt�ible ritlwut �ni praeatacnt, ce�and, proteet ar naiice of nny'rin�. Tarre�tter, ttK o�i�eticiui �: <br /> s, eit6er ie perton or G�asent, �itD ar �itAout hriagiaQ �n� actian or prcui�iag, er b�receiver appointeG 6� n caurt end �it�eut tet►rd to the <br /> �dtguacp ot an�eecurit�, enter upan�ed take pas�eieian of t�e praperty, or enp pui inereai, lA tiy orn tiaan vi ia w�e �,�e�� tAe 1'ruetee, and <br /> do nny dcts rAic� it de�s neceasuy at�:esirable ta preserve t�e wlue, sarketebilit� or r�ntability of the praperty, or gart therecf, or <br /> intete9t thttein, increaae tae iaca�e �a:efras ar protect the security hereaf and, vithout talciag posseasian of khe property, aue far ot <br /> other�iae collect the rents, :�sses etYi pr�;res thereof, including those past due nnd unpaid, an� spply the sue, lesa costs and expensea of <br /> epet�tian and callection, including nttarce�`:es, ugon eny in�eDtedness secured�eceby, dll in auch arder as t�e 8eneficinty�s� deter�ine. TAe <br /> enteriet upan end laking posaesaian of the:rnst esute, tAA catlec�ie� �T anch t?nGs, ise�re�nd nrofit�,�n�npnlicatian tAereof as afaressid <br /> eh�ll nat cure or rsive nuy default ar notice of default herc�c�er c* :^valid3te nny act and in responae to euch defnult or pureuaat ta�uch <br /> notice af de4ault nnd notyithstandiag tQe centinuance in F:;esgicc :` �5e prepe�tp ar tAe callectiaa, receipt and dpplication af reni.s, issues ur <br /> prafits, �rustee et the 8eneficiary�sy be entitled �o eYe*::se e+�rp r��t p�avided for in anp af the loan instru�eata ar by le� epaa occurrence <br /> ot anJ event cf �^:a�l:, iacluding tAe nght W eiercise tAe pcYer ef Faie: <br /> e. co�ance sn aei.ioo to foreclase tAis Deed of nust as a�ortgsge, sppoint a receivet, or epecifically enPorce acl of t�e coYenants hereof; <br /> e, deliver to itwtee t�tLC�.�n deci�r�tian af defeult nnd de�and for sale� and n vritten aotice of default aad electiaa te cause Trustora' <br /> intetest in the propert�tu be 3ald, �hicA ootice YYuatee s�all cause to Ce duly filen f�r record in tee afficial recerdt of tde cauntp ia �Eic�, <br /> the prop�rq ia locued. <br /> 1!. Should ti�eeneficitr�elect ta forteloae b� exercise of the payer of saie �erein centaineA, the 6ena8iciar�shall notif� Ttustee end ahall <br /> depaait vith Tcuttte tt�ii Qeed ot Truat and the aote aod such receipte and e�i�i�c:� cf expta�L�,-es tabe eaC secure�Eereb� as Ttuatee�sJ require, � <br /> noC upoa request of t1�a Beneficiuy, the Trustee shal cause to te �eeorded, pu�i�^ec and �?si+.ted t: !t:a!ar tueh Natice af Fefault end lbtice of � <br /> Sale ae tEea required b� l�r snd by thie Oeed af Sr�st. Srus;ee saai. vitAout c�.a�n irustar. a�:ec s���tiae ns ray t�ea he require� by lay�ed <br /> nfter recardstioa of sucb Noticr a; �efnult end diter Noi�ce of �aie �aving been gi�e� �s requi:ed b� la�� seil t�e praperty at t�e tite atd plice of ; . <br /> s�le fized by �t in such Batice of Sale, either ea a xha?e, or in aepnrate lats or petcele or ite�e u Tr¢stee ehsll dee�eipedieat� and ia euc5 otder � y <br /> as it atj dctet�iae, at pablic uction to tAe �igEest bieder fat ca�A and shnll deliver to auch putchaser ot putchasere thereof a deed to Che property � - <br /> eald, con�i�tent�eith �he ]�r t�ea io effect. &tcitals in the Trustee's deed�ha12 be priu ticie erideace of tEe trutb of t6e atetnents�ade i <br /> tEerein. Truatee ehtll sppl� the Qtoceede of the eae ie the falloying order: (a� to all re�onible coats aed eYpenses of the s�le� iacludieg but oot <br /> liaited to Ttu�tee'� fea of not�ore tlun 2x of the gro9s enle price, reaeunab;e atmrne� feei and coste ef title evidence; (b► to ell surs se:ured <br /> by tdis Deed of l�wt; end (e� t�e exce�s, if any, to tde person ar persons legallp ent�tled thereto. Any persan, including the BenePiciary, nay <br /> puchue said prnperty et esid eale. !�ustee tay in tGe uener provided by larr, pastpane eale of ell or aap pattian af the propertp. _ <br /> 19 itu�tee uid the Beneficiary, aad each af tha, shnll be entitled to enfarce panent aad perforaanee of sey indebtedae�s ar abligation secnred <br /> hereb�ud to eietciee eil rige�s a�c Dcrete under 4'ie Deed of tr�st or uoder a�y ioan instruaent or other egreetent or any lnra nor ar hereafter <br /> enforced notvithataadi^g sae ar a�: :i the iniente2��as and obl.6ations secureo hereby Yhicl�e�y aer or hereifter 6e athervise secured, r�eiCer �p , <br /> �art��e, deed of truat, p!edge, r�e�, assign�^nt :r otcerrise. !�:; the ecceptance of this Oeed af Trust nor its enforraent, vhether b3 sa;ut <br />� sctias or purau�at to the paver of ssi:e cc �t6er parers Aerein ccntaired, ehtll prejuaice ar �a�y oenner affect Trustee's cr the 8tnefieittJ's rigAt � <br /> to real�!e upnn nr enforce enp other sec+uity now or hereafur �e::. by Srustee or the Benefict�ry, it being egreed thnt Trustee and the BenePiciarp, <br /> end each of thes, sMll be encitle8 ta enfa:ce this Deed oi Srus� and anp other security naw or Aere�fter held 'ey the Beeeficiar�or 'hustee in such �� <br /> order and aaner as thel nay tn t�eir a6solute dt�:re�ioa deters::.e. Na resedp nerein canferred upan or reser��: to iruatee or Beneficiery ia <br /> ieteraf�;.ta he eielusive of snp ot�er re�eCp �ere:a or by :dr p-:.�.:a or pereittea, but each s-ai! be cu�u:aciv�and sr.�l! be in additioa to ever� '�.�. <br /> ctna raed�Siven hereunder or nor ar hereafter Qiiat:ng nt law r. eqoitp or Dp scatute. 6v�rb paxer cr re�edy given hy e�of the loen instr�uents <br /> to?r�sYee ar the Beneticiuy cr ta vhich either of :hes v3y be othervise entitled vej be eiercisea, :�ac•�::ee��y or independtntlp� fro� tite to tiae <br /> end �s often ns �y ee dee�ed expedienc b�Sruac�e or Beneficinry, e�3 either of tAer nn�pursue inconsiste�t��e�ies. Not�ing herein shal] be <br /> car.strued as proeibitiag tAe Beneficier� fro�seetuig n deficiencp judge=ent ngainst irust�rs to the eitent aucb acticn is penitted 6y lav. <br /> f4. trusten 6ereb� reguest e c,��p of nn�nati�e of default end that nny natice of sdle cQ*eunier oe �ailed to i'rusv::s at the address set farth <br /> in tAe f irst p�r�nph of this Deed .��tust. <br /> 15. T�� �Ceneficiuy esy, bp�vr�tten instr:��t ��e�vte� sr.d ac�aviedse�! ey B?r,?ficiasy, ��i?z� :� Trs`:ars and recorded ia the r��ntf in <br /> �n�cs ths ptapert� is laeattd ted oy othetrise c�giyLng rith the pmvisiana of the aFplicahle lnv of the Stnte of Nebraskn, substitate a succeseor to <br /> the i'rwtee nued Sereie ar dctieg Eereuader. <br /> li. lhis Deed af �rvst npplies ta ar,d inutes to the beeet:: �f end bic�s a:l p3rties rereto, :heir, persc�a: -e-,:esen�acLVes, succesaors <br /> and et�ig�s. She tera'BsnePicinry" shall teaa the evc�r nnd 6oIder of the nete, vhethet ar r,oc a1tM as BeaePiciary hereia. <br /> 11. Yithaat affectiag tAe linbility �t eny otstr persan liable fer !1e pap�ent c:` any ohligntion herein aentianed, ana �it�aut affeci:ng the lien <br /> or charge oi this Ueed of h�st u�on nny ;.ort�on of tne praperty n;,: tnen or tneretof�re reiensed ns secu:itq far the full �siteet af nli unpaid <br /> �oligatians, the Bezef�cidty ��, °r� ;:ar *.� *_i�e s�a ritro�: .^.�*_�ce: (tj re!e3se ��y �ersa^s sa ;iable; (b) eiter.d the aat�rity or al+er anp oi the �-___ <br /> ter�s af aet r�:e ooiig�t�an; (e) grant otner in�ulger.c=s; (d) re�pnse or recor,rey at �ne rer,eficinrp's opt�an any ;;rcei, rar::or� ar al? �f t^� ' <br /> �rc�r!�; (es tate cr tele�se an� ot�er or a�i�iticn�l sec�ritp t�r �ny �5�igac.,r, �etein eentior.e�; �r (t) �age co9?csicians �t a:her errangeaen�s <br /> Y�C!f C4Dt0[S il! I!15:.7� !!1t.'�LG. <br /> ��. fhis �ee� of hus? s�l:l`s.k' D:Vf.'.".E�LF C�2 131i3 9e :"2 2�ACf ^f !:"DtiiB3 35.:. .9 :!�? °_:C,".: d9�? "..^.0 :.'ACre :; :4•^_ tLGJ!9;:C9 C.'.7'.91GC-] <br /> °!'lE:�� C! t�e r^te ,t sr.y secur�:p instrusent g►yen in cor,nec:::(. I:;C LhLS '.[4.",Sb:'1'.1 5�31: C° .:]'?:^,S If',53D .".P:: LO :' :!IV41:1. i11P�9: ?� � <br /> i"a^P6fCPSG�I'. 12i EG� 'O_Si2...� 5:�^ :7'14�!7:�jr iil 5311�,] Ot 'IfE�F:f"OS.::.CJ 5'.91� C8�3t��•".! •l�j� ....^.f :(T:.51'l.'.5 �I '�.:S .?^� _' i"�S'_. C... !!. `~ • <br /> � � :. �_ rf�3�S.'.�i� �2 �9�5�.^�P.�. R9 .� i�:'1 111 !' "f . . i!' " io nr� :4�'. ._ . �re:!. .L�.'.°,... � <br /> 9i17. :11 ySl '!(I��.':''3t p.:: {�� 1!i: ,e' ••8:.," ` :t <br /> . ���� <br /> r� � <br /> c. � <br /> � <br />