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<br /> 'it�is nF� c�F 742UST is made thia �4th day of November � 29 89 , by nnci among
<br /> Bill,y J. Brown anci �.ane�.�r vtn. husband_a2d �e , herei�
<br /> referred to as "`�r+sstara," wl�ett�ei ot�e c�r more, whose nailirg �r��s
<br /> • is R.Q. Box 383, Ca1r�. Nebraska_ ..�$$24 �. ��7'!!'1'E 8�t.�'
<br /> �j,�� � hereir�f�cr re�ferred to aa "'1lr�astee," whose a�siling
<br /> address is Box 428, Cxiro NE 68824; ttnd � STA7F, EiAt�lC 0� CAIAD► a Net�s„�lus �.n�
<br /> �s�3�n� heseins,fter referred ta ae "Bet�eficiary." whose msiling address is Box 428,
<br /> �i�� � ��•
<br /> For valuable consideratio�� Trustors irrevoca6ly grant, transfer, convey and assign to
<br /> Trustee, ir� trust. witk� pa�re: of sale, for the beneFit and security of Beneficiary, w�der
<br /> anc�l Qub,�ect *� tha ter� � �csnditions of tttiis De��3 of Tru�t, the following desaribed real
<br /> property located in Hall Caunty, Nebraska:
<br /> Lot 5 (except the south five feet thereof) in Block 4, in
<br /> Ingalls Turner Sub�ivision in the L'illage of Cairo, Hall
<br /> County, Nebraska
<br /> together with all buildings, improvements, fixtures, streets, alleys, passage�ys,
<br /> - easements, rights, privileges and app�.irtenances located therean, and all personal pmperty
<br /> that m�y be or hereafter �ecane an integral part of such buildings and improvements, all
<br /> crops raised thereon, ar�d all water rights, all of which, includiag replacements and
<br /> additions thereto, are hereby declared to be a psrt of the r�l estate conveyed in trust ,
<br /> hereby, it being agreed tt�t all af the foregoing sha2i �e ;►ereinafter referred to as the �
<br /> °p�.operty�" , �
<br /> r
<br /> , i:
<br /> F�OR '1NE AII�FiOSE OP' SDCURINIG: �.:`_:
<br /> s. Psy�oent of indebtedness evidenced by Trustors' note of even date herewith in the -
<br /> principa2. sum� of = 23,000.00 , together with interest at the rate or rates provided
<br /> therein� and any and all renewals, modifications arid extensions of such note� both :
<br /> prinaipal and interest on the note being payable in accordance with the tern�s set forth
<br /> therein, which by this rePerence is hereby mede a part hereof;
<br /> b. The perFora�ce of each agreement and covenant of Trustors herein contained; and
<br /> c. The pe,yment of all s�.ans advanced by Benef iciary under the tet�ns of this Deed oP
<br /> Trust, together with intere:st thereon at the rate provided in the nok.e.
<br /> 'In PA(r1�LT 'if� S�[,11RITY OF '1HLS DI�9 OF 'lii�1SP, 'Il�S"l�iS �IHi�Y OOVII�IANl' A1m AL�SE:
<br /> 1. 1'o p���Ee�due� the priecipal of, and the intereat on, the indebtednesa evidenced b� the nate, chargea� tees and all other au�a ne ptavided —
<br /> � ia tl�e lan it�tr�U. i�
<br /> 3. Ttwton a*e the cwnera of t�e propertq and have the right and autharitp to eYecute thie Deed of 'ftu�t in rapect to tEe propert�. ;::
<br /> �. T'o p��� rAeo due. tll tua, apecitl a��eastentt a:d aIl ather chttgea against tee property, befare the s�e 6ecae delinqnent. Truatars ' �
<br /> ehtll pt�all tuee ind nasesaknte�hich�� 9e leried a�ea�Stneficiar�'s intertst herein ar upon this Deed of tYust ar the debt aecured hereb�, �
<br /> �ithout regud ta nnl lw thtt u�be ee�ctea apaeing pelnnt at the r+Dole ar nn� pert thereof upun ��e Beneficiery.
<br /> 4. To ketp:he itprcveleats nar ar��`ter lacaiea an tht ptapert� ieaured igeiaet du�ge 6y fire aed euc6 otber hecards as the Beaeflciat�
<br /> u� require, in e�oimt�an�sa�puiia tcceptable to the EeAeficiaty, Such ineuruice polic� eEall caatein a etu►dud�ortgage clause in fevar of
<br /> &neficiuT. Tt��ttar s!�ii �ea�ptly repair, sainuin and replace the property or any part tAereof, sa that� eicept for ordinar�vear end tear, the
<br /> prapetty al�1.1 aot detericrate.
<br /> S. In tAe ereet the propertp, ur ecg;a4: thereoi, sb�l! be taked ti7 e�inent do�ain, the Bene4icfary ia entitle� to coilect a�d receive aIl
<br /> co�pens�tian which tap oe paid f•�r any Yr:rerty taken or for duegts co prop�rtq aot taker., and the 2en�ficinry eha.11 nppl�auch capeesatian, nt its
<br /> option, either to a rednctioe ef L5e indebtedeeea eecaued herebJ� or to repsir and restare the prorerCp so tatee.
<br /> i. S`he Beeefici�ry�t�, but aA�il htva no obligatioD ta, do an� ect vhich frustars have agreec but fniled W dz, and the Beneticiary uy also do
<br /> eel �ct it deea eeceaeu� to protecc tec ii�n herM4. Ttustars a;ree to repay, upan de�i, an��ss so eipenQed b� the Beneficier� for tAe a6nve
<br />� pirpota, aed tn�su� so eipended elall he e�crd ta the iede6tednae securM Aeteby end becae stc�:�3'�7 the liea �ereof. The Btneficiuy ehsll no
<br /> incut� litbilit� berauae of�e�thiag it rap do or ait to da hereveder. .--_-_—-=_-
<br /> f. the 8enef icicq shell A�ve t�e right, paret ead aut+�ority durieg the continuance of thie Deed of Truat to collect the rencs, l8HU�9 C� �
<br /> ptofits ot the propert�sed af �n�per�neil prapert� larated thereon ritA or vit6out taking p�ssesaion af tDe Diopert�affectxd hereby, nnd Trustars
<br /> berer� saoiutel��nd usco�xlitioaaliy aazi�n ail aucs rents, iaeuea and profita to the beneficinry. 1be 6en2Pici�t9, hoyever, heteDy cansents to
<br /> iru�tats' collectioo ud tetentioe ef suc6 ctnt9, ►�suts�nd protits, eo lar.g as 1Yustors nte not, nt such tiae, in eefsult vith respect to ��p=ent cf '
<br /> �np ied�tedeete eecured 6ereb�, or ►n the petfat�tce oi eo�agreetent nereua�er. !f anl evzat ef defeul� described nereafter io respe:t to t6es
<br /> L Gee3 af irast tt�il Nre cccurred ar►d be coatiau►eg, t�e Benetici�ry, es !+atter of right end �it�,aut eatice te `husto�s ar anyone ctn�ring urt4er �
<br /> itu32ars, en��,tEcut re�td to the vmlue of the tru�t erGtr ar t�e ietereet of tA?Tr�ftnte ±r.erei.^., ahsll �nve the righ[ to ep�ly to ar.p c��rt
<br /> havin� ;uis�ic?ios �a npyo�oi s re:etvcr of !.Fe F�ap�rcy.
<br /> — �. �t ��At�1Cl$t/. .r ity r�;ents� A�P 87i�."i?;7.!'� 'C P�CP� 8! S;y r�as�C9Clc �19P ';r9!1 �f :0 99p Y]f' =� !'P ::?�e�ty '�T '.".8 rJT�:SQ 'v LL���
<br /> 1Cdirr?tCt6$ C?n $93! G.'.� �9f !�!' FJf�?5° G{ �?���'QICa �iqf :,. '.L? R!'9 •"n� d!� L7?�Cd:La�: _7 y?rFCC� �.'.�°.: 'a 'f•3S :� 4py ,_3[ �f.9!.,".'.�:�r�g•i�Yn:•�t�:;
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<br /> 3. �� i.: �[ 3�Y i�S` :f !!:2 �::�t.}' :! Q."f �.,. �f5`. .. �1a;St3 . . 9i�. .'8.'5� . ^.� _. �... ^:r � r.��_ , �. ,. , .l.,�. .., ..
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