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;, � _ �. . __ _____ <br /> _ _ �. <br /> 'i' <br /> 1 <br /> _�. <br /> A 1 � <br /> a��'ioso3� <br /> r If Leader rcquired mortja�e imurance s� a condition of m�Qina the loan secured by this Security ln�trument, <br /> � , Bcur�ver�haii psy che prerrtium:raryired to mainuin the ia:ur�naa in effect untit auch tlm�u the requirement for the <br /> in�ura�oe t�inat ar�in acc4td�ce witb BoROw�er'i and L�nder's writltn ageemeni or�►pplicable 4w�. <br /> ' r�. 'l�R. i.etwer ar it�a�ent may make ceasenaQte entries upon and inspection�of the Froperty. I.ender <br /> �11�ie SoRro�lt�ticlat tMrtiMe of or prior to�n in�pection spec'rfyin�rasonable cause for the inapxt�an. <br /> • y• !.� �o�i�tte�i. The ptoceed�uf�ny�wud or ctaim for dama� or consequential,in conncetioa with <br /> any condemnation or other takln�of any p�rt oF the�roperty,or for conveyance in lieu of condeannation�ue hereby <br /> , aMisned and�all be p�id to Lendar. <br /> In the evertt af s total takinE vf thr Property,the prxecds ahsll be apptied to the�ums secured by this Security <br /> Iastn�meat,Mhetber ar not tl�ea dua� �vitb�ny exca�paid ta 8orro�r�r.In thr event of�pueial takin�of the Pmperty. <br /> w�leM BomoMer and�.eade�otl�arwae�ree in Mdqn��the wms secured by tbi�Security In�trurnent shs11 be redaood by <br /> tbe aaaunt of t1�e � flfYlhp�Od by tlle fp1101Y�R�lraction: (a)the total amount of the sumi secured immediatdy <br /> bdo�+e tl�e taki�y� vided by(b)tbe fiuir muket vilue oithe Property immediauly before the talcin�.My b�lance�hall be <br /> pnia to�Aorm�ver. <br /> It tbe Property i�abu�daned by Horro�►u,or if.�tter noace by Lender to Borrow�er thu the condaanor offers to <br /> cnalce��wud or settle s claim fnr dun�a,BorroMer fails to rapond to Lender�rithin 30 dsys sfter the datt the notice is <br /> � pven.Le��det u suthorixed to collxt and a�+iy the praceeds,at its oMion.either to ratoration or repair of the Propait�r or <br /> . to the suro��ecwed by this Security Inatrumsnt.whether or not tbd�due. <br /> Un1ea L�dtr and Hor�oMer othsrMise a�ra in Mritin�,sny appticatian of�rocecds to principal�hall not extead or <br /> pat�.+ope tl�e due dtte atthe monthly p�yments referred to ia pan�r�phs 1 and 2�r chuiae the amount of sucb paynsaits. <br /> '10. Ba�row�r Not Rekred; Forbar��e Br I.e�der Not • Wairee; . Factension of the time for paymeat or <br /> madi8csrion of aa�ortiraticm of the sum��ecured by this Security Inswment grsnted by Lender to any successar in <br /> interat of Bomo�rr shall aot operate to release the liabllity of the ors;enal Borroaer or�orrower's successors in inta�st. <br /> L.ender shs1D nat be requirod to commrna proceedinjs agaimt any succasor in interest or refuse to extend time for <br /> p�yn�eut or Wl�a�iu modify amortization oi the wms sacuraf by thi�Security lnstrumtnt by rason of tny demand made <br /> b�l tllC OPi�I BOffMYC!Of H01'l�OM�f�f{lit7ClfiOif 1I11Atl7Cit.Any forbarsnet by Lender in exercising an}rigbt or remedy <br /> shall noe be a�+aiver of or preclude tbe exen9se of�ny ri jht or remedy. <br /> if. Sree�o�s aM Ari/r So�Jolat u�Snaral LisMliqr Co�pers. The c�vensnU�nd agrdements of <br /> shi�Security Itattument�haU bind aad be�j the snccawrs and asiip:s of�.ender and Borro�ver.subject to the pmvisio�s � <br /> of p�r�raph 17.Horcowet•s covmants uKi s=ra�naaiu i6a11 be joint u�d severat.Any Borrow+er who co-signs this Security � <br /> Instrummt but doa nat e�acute the Note:(�)is co-si�nin j thit Security lnstrument only to mort�a�e��rant and convey , ;- <br /> that Borro�er's iaterat in tbe PropGrty us�da the terms of this Secority Iastrumcnt;(b)is nos personally obli�sted to pay <br /> tbe we»�ecuned bv this Secuiitv In�tru�nent;and l�l aT�x tAat ttnder and an�y nther Rnrrn�r'r ma�a�ri!�:trnd. !-- <br /> awdNy,tocbar or make�ny acxommodac�ons with reprd to the tam�of this Sacwity lrutrument or the Note without � - <br /> tb�t HoiroMa's consrnt. �� <br /> f2. Lo��rya. If the lau�socured by this Security Inun�ment is subjeet to a law Mhich sets maaimum loan � <br /> cbar�a. �nd thst 4�r is Analiy interpreted w thst tPu interat or other loan char�a collected or ta be collected in <br /> . vonnectian w�ith the laan euceed the permitted limiu, then: (a)�ny iuch loan char�e shall be rednced by the amount <br /> naoe�ary to reduce the ch�r�e to the peraidtted limit;uid(b)any surru�lrady collected fram Borrower which ezcueded • <br /> penaitted limlts Mill be r�ndad to HarroNer. Lender may chook to make this r�efltnd by reducing the principsl owed <br /> anda t�e Note or by maklnt a dlrect paymart to Horro�ver.If a refund reduas principtl,the reductioa will be trated as a <br /> p�rtL�p�+ep�ymait�vithout any prrpayment chu�e under tbe Note. <br /> f3. L�GKioa Afhetiq I,N/rr� Ri�ib„ If enactment or eapintion of applicsble la�n has the etfect of <br /> re�derin��ny proviiion of tl�e 1Vote or this Secwity Imtrument une�aforcable accordin�to its iu option, <br /> m�y require imcoediate psytna�t in ti�ll of vl wm�secured by tbi�Security Instrumrnt and may invoke any rerriedies <br /> pe�mitted ay parajraph 19.If Lender exacisa this aptfan.Lender ahiU take the steps specified in the second psragnpb of <br /> P�i�Pb 17. �,:; <br /> 14. NaHp�. My A�aa to BorroMer provided for in this Security lnstrument shall be�iven by delivering it or by "y� . <br /> mailins it by Ar�t clsa m�ail ualas appGcable lsw requira use of another method. The notice shall be directed to the ;. <br /> Property Addres�or any other addraa Borrower dai�ta by notice to Lender. Any notict to Lcnder sball be given by = <br /> Mt cla�s mail to Lender's addrps suted harin or any othtr addras Lender daignata by notice tv Borro�ver.Any notice � <br /> provided'for ia this Sacwity Ieutrument shaU be damed co have ban givm to&snrower or Lender when given as provided <br /> in tha parajraph. , <br /> 1S. G�es�Lw;Ste�eabilfq�. 7'his Security Instruaseat shall be governed by£adenl law��nd the!aw of the <br /> juri�dictioa in wphicb the Property is located. In the evmt,that atty grovision or elsuse of tkis Security Instrument or the <br /> Note�an!licN w+ith applkabk Lw,wch conAict shall aat�ffbct other provision:of this Security Instrucnmt or the Note � <br /> �rt�can be given tlFect witho�t tha conflicting pror-is'cca.Ta this end the provisians of this Secutity Instet�ment and the <br /> Note tre dacLred to be severabTe. � <br /> lf. Harcoser's Con. Borrow�er shall be pvrn one confarrc�ed copy of the Note�nd of this Security Instrument. , <br /> 17." Trarfer ot tbe Pro�esty or • BeeellcW Iaterat L Horrower. If aU or any p�rt of'the Property or any <br /> intvaY in it is so3d or tnasterred(or if a beneficial interat in Bortower is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a natural <br /> pet�oti)without IRnder's prios writ/en consent�Lender may�at its option,require immcdiate piyment in full of all sums <br /> �ecurM by tbis Security Instrumrnt. Howrever, thi:option ahitll nat be exercisod by Lender if eaerciu is proh�bited by <br /> tederal lax u of the date of this Security Instrument. <br /> i�'Lender exercises this option�Lender shall pve Bonower nntice of accelenrion.The notice shall provide a period ' ---'-` <br /> otnot leK thsn 30 dsys from the date tlti notice is delivered ot msiled within which Horrower must psy all�ums secured by � <br /> this Security Inttrument.If Borrower fsils to p�y thae sums prior to the eapiration of this period,Lender may invoke any <br /> remedip pp�mitted by this Security Inswmmt without further notice or demand on Barrower. <br /> i�.8oerow�r'�Ri�bt to RNrbte. If Borrower mass artain conditians,Borrower shall have the right to have <br /> rnforcetnrnt of this Security lnstrummt discontinued at any time prior to the atlilr of.(s)S days(or such other penad as <br /> apQliqbk 1�w may specify for reiastatement)lxfore salt of the Property pursuint w any power of ssle conainM in this <br /> L Secunty lnauument;ar(b)entry af a jud�ment enforcin�this Security Instrument. Those conditinns are ehat Borrower: <br /> (�) �ys Lender all suma �hich then wauDd be due under this Security Instrument �nd thc hote had no occeler�t�on <br /> oct;uned. (b)cures�ny default of any other covenants ar�areements; (c)pays all eapenses �ncuned in enforc�ng th�s <br /> 5ecunty lnstrument, includm�. but not temited to, rqsonabfe utorneys'fees, and(d)eaka such acnon es LenAer may ��i <br /> rt�r.�bly t�e��re to ass�ese th�t shr l�eri nf:Csis St;.urity lr►slrurs�.nl, Lender's nghts sn th: Prop:rty �nd Bunov�rer's , <br /> obLptton ta pay the surtis srcured by this Sxunty lnstrument shsU cortt�nue uneh5nged l'�on remstattment by �` s''y� <br /> Bottower,thts Security Instrument and�he obl�gat[nns secur�d htreby shall rema�n fully�fieca�e st if no acceterat►on had '�' ` <br /> occutred.��ow•e�er,this naht to ranstatr shill nat apply�n the c»se otacselerrtion under�aregreph5 13 or 17 <br /> � <br />