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, _ . <br /> ; <br /> s <br /> ' 1 � <br /> ��iaso34 <br /> UNIFO�M COVENANT'S BorF�wtr utd Lender covenmt�nd agree as Pollows: � <br /> 1. Pay�t af PMqciM1�d Int�eatt FreM�went�tnd I.�te Clttrits, 8orrowcr shall promptly pay whan dur <br /> • the principa!ofand intereSt nn tha debt evicira�etd by the Note and any prepayment and IAte charges due under the Note. <br /> 3. F�for T�r ud IM�can�ee, 5ubject to�pplicable law or to s written waiver by i.ertde�,Horrc�wer sh;�ll p�y <br /> to Lender on the dsy mnnthFy paymeats st+a due under the Nose.unti!the Neta is Faid in Pu!!,s sum t"Funds")equ�l to <br /> one-t�velRh of: (��.yeartg tuxes and assasrnents which myy attain prinrity ovcr this Security Instrument; (b) ye��ly <br /> ka+�ehold p+�ymt�nu or �round rents an the Property, if any; (c) yearly hazard insurancc premiums; and (d) yeArly <br /> rt�ort�e in:ur�nae pramiums.if�►ny.71�cse itcros are called'•acrow i[ems."Lender nnAy estimate tbe Funds due on the <br /> b�sis of current data and reasan�bta atimatcs af futurr escrow items. <br /> T2ie rwids s�,il;��ckl�n an institut�on thc deposits or accounts of which�re insured or guannteed by a fedcnl or <br /> state ajency(inctuding Letider if Ia�dsr is,such an institution). Lender shall apply the Funds to pAy the escrow items. <br /> I.rnder may not ci�tse!or haWiny�nd�applying the Funds,u�:i�ai;,�i��c■�cuu��i v, vcrii7iug ii,e escrow items�unless <br /> l.ende�p�ys Barrower interest on the Fuads an�spplicable ta�r permits Lender to rnako such a chuge. Borrawer and <br /> La�der enay aarae in wrritioa that interest shall be paid oa the Funda. Unless an sgr�emont is made or applicable taw <br /> requira interat to be paid,l�ender shall not be roquired to pay Horrower any intercst or arnings on thc Funds. Lender <br /> s6a11 pve to Botro�ver,witho�t u�nual ucounting�f the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the <br /> purpok for which e�ch dehlt tm the Funds was made.Thc Funds are pledged as additional security for tho sums secund by <br /> tbis Security ln�trumn�t. <br /> lf the amount of the Fund9 held by I,�ether with the future monthly p�yments of Funds pay�ble prlor to , <br /> the due data of the escro�►itans.sball exceed the atnount required to pay che escrow items when due,the eacas sh�ll be� <br /> u BomnMer's option,either promptly repaid ta Horrower or credited to Bonowu on monthly payments af Fnnds.If the <br /> amount of tbe Funds held by Lender is not sutGcient to pay the escrow items when due,Borrower shall pay to Lender any <br /> amount necesssry to nuke up the deficie�ty in one or more paymeats as required by Lender. <br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall promptly refund to Honower <br /> any Furd�held by Lender.If under pua�xph 19 the Property is sold or acquired by Lender,Lender sh�11 later <br /> tban immedistely prior to the uk of the Property or its acquisition by Lender.any Funds held by Lender at the time of <br /> application u s credit aaainst the sums secured by this Security lnstrument. <br /> 3. �of I'��ts. tla�ess applicable!aw pmvida othtrwise,all paymcnts receivod by Lender under <br /> paraaraphs 1 and 2 shall be spplied:flrst,w late charges due under the Note;socond,tn prep,ayment chuges due undu the � ' <br /> Note;third,to amounts payabk under paridraph 2;fourth,to interest due;and l� priacipal due. � �? � <br /> �• �.tir�er,I.iea�. Borro�er shaU p4y all tates�assessments,charges.flnes and impositions attributable to the '�'~�=��" <br /> Praperty �vbich may utai� priority,over this Security tnstrumrnt, and kasehold paymrnts or und renu, if sn . �� r.�`:'� <br /> Borro�rw�1�a11 paY t1KSe obliaations in tbe mannet rovided in h 2,or if not � y , �''''' <br /> P �acagnp paid in thst mannet. <br /> Borrower shall �t�� <br /> 'v:s�K:u�,u,nc uiiici;y io ine person a�veci payment.�3orraMer shatl promptly furnish tb I.ender alI notic�s of amounts - <br /> to be p�id under this pansraph.If Borsoaer maka thae payments directly.Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lendtr ` <br /> receipts evidencins the paymeuts. � <br /> Bomo�ver shall promptiy discharge any fien which has priority ova this Se�curity lnstrument uniess Borrower:(a) ' <br /> a�rea in w�ritin�to the payment of the obGgation secured by tbe lien in a mumer acceptable to Lender:(b)contests in good <br /> faith the lien by.or defrnds aaainst rnforcement oP the lien in.le�sl proceedinEs�vhich in the I,ender's opinion operate to <br /> prevwt the enforcement of the lien or lorfeiture of aay put of the Property;or(c)sxura fram the holder of the lien an <br /> aaroemmt satisfactory to Lender subordinating the licn to this Security Instrument.If Lender determines that any put of <br /> thc Ptoperty is subject to a lirn whicb may attsun priority over this Secwity Instrumrnt, Ler�der may give Borrower a <br /> notia idaitifyina the lien.8orrow�tr shall suisty the Iien or take one or more of the utions set forth sbove within lU dsys � <br /> . � of tbe Sivin�of notice. <br /> • S• 1'1as�I�e. Borrow�er shall keep the improvements norv eaisting or hercaher erected on the Property ' �� <br /> intured apinst loss by 6re.haurds included within the term"extended coverage•'and any dther hazards for which Lender � <br /> nquires insurance. This insunnce shall be maintained in the unounts and for the periods that Lender require3. Tl�e � <br /> insurana earrier providing the insurance shall be c�hosen by BorroMer subject tv Lmder's spproval which shall not be � <br /> unreasooably�vithheW. � <br /> All insurance policia and renewals shall be acceptabk to I.ender and shalt include a standard mortgage clause. ���: <br /> Leader ihall hsve the riaht to hold the policies and rene�rals.If Lender requires.Borrower shall promptly give to Lender <br /> _ �p raceipts of paid prtmiums and renewal notices.In the event of loss,Borro�ver shall give prompt notice to the insurance <br /> carrier and Lender.Lender may m�lce praof of loss if not made promptly by Horrower. � <br /> Utilas Lender and Borrower otherwise agra in writing,insurance proceeds shall be apptied tQ rcstOration or repau <br /> . of the Propeity damaaed,if the ratantion or repair is economically feasible and Lender's security is not lessened.:If•the <br /> re�toration or sepair is not economically faaible or Lender's sacurity would be lasened.the insurance,proceeds sliall be <br /> applied to the sums secure�6y this Security lnstrummE,whether or not then dve.with asay c�c�ss pafc�to 8orrower. if ' <br /> Bost+�rer abueds�s the P'er�e�ty.os does eot answer within 30 days a noticc fiom Len�that t6e insurana carrier t�s <br /> oQered to settk s claim.then Lender may collcet the insurance proceeds.Lender msy ust ttie proceeds to rcpair or ratore <br /> the Property or to p�y sums aecured by thia Security tnstrummt,whethet or not thrn��e,The 30-day period will begin <br /> w�hen the notia is pveri. <br /> Unkss Lmder and Borrower othenvise agra in wtiting.any applicat�on of proceeds ta principa}shal}not eatend or <br /> patpone the due date o�the monthly paymrnts referred to in puagnphs t ard 2 or change the amount of the payments.If <br /> under parsjraph 19 the Property is acquired by Lender,Borrowrr's riaht to aay insurance policies and proceeds resulting <br /> f�n damaje to the Property prior to the scquisition shall pus to Lender to thc exrent of the sums secured by this Security .--_--_ _ <br /> Instrumrnt immediately prior to the acquisition. . <br /> f. Preaer��s�i Md�te�ke ot Pro�er�;Learelwlds, Horiower shaU not destroy.damage or substanti�lly <br /> cbanae tht PropeRy.a1bM the Property to deteriorste or commit waste. lf this Security lnstrument is on a leasehold. <br /> Borrower sh=U compty with the provisions of the lqse.and if Bonower acquires fa title to the Propeny,the leasehold and <br /> fee titk shaU not mer�a unlas l,ender a6rees to the merser in writing. <br /> 7• Proteetio� of Lt�'� ai�b i� the Pro�erty; Mortpge insunnce. If Horrower fails to perform the <br /> �ovenants and Kretmrnts contained in this Security lnstrvment,or there�s a legsl proceeding that may sign�flcantly affect <br /> LL+endet's rith�s in the Property(such as a proceeding in bankruptcy, probate, for condemnat�on or to c�force laws or <br /> re=ulattons),then l.ender may do and pay for wh�trver is nocessary to protect the value of the Propeny and Lender's nghts <br /> in the Prt�peny. Lender's actions may inelude paying any sums secured by a I�en wh�ch has pnoruy over thia Secunty '�� <br /> Instrument,.�ppeanng in roun,paytng reasonable attbrneys'fees snc3 entrnng on the Froperty t�make repa�rs AlthouRh _j�� <br /> LettGer rnsy tsice rct�on under th�s parsgr�rh'l,l,ender does nnt have to do so. � ��. <br /> Any�mountc d�sE�ur.►e�d by l,ender undrr th��paragrsph 7 shall t+ezcme�dd�uonal debt nf H��rr�wer�rcurrd hv�hic ►�• �` <br /> Sscuruy lnstrumrnt Unless I3orr�v►er and t.rrcder sgree tv othcr tettns uf p�yment,theu amc�unt��hall hear�ntcre�t frum <br /> the date of disbursemtnt at ehe f►Jntc rate a��d shall he payabte. wuh interest. u��n notice frnm ! cndcr se� i���rr�,w�r <br /> reyutstina payrner�t <br /> � <br />