_ .,>C�: �� ..
<br /> _ ._.•-,�� - _ - - - _-
<br /> _ �=
<br /> - - -` - --- .- - -�- - -. -._ - .r,—:.�. ..--- - - --. .. .._ --- '--
<br /> ' 17. �PaRt3�@i Og L1te PPOa@f�j� OT i9 ��19�'fl�dfll (Q1L8708Y I!1 �OYP��"J�P. It all or any Dsrt o!the ProP8rty or �
<br /> � IIny (nteTOSt in it is sotd or transtsrre4(or it a bensficl3l intemst tn 8onqviet is sotd or ttanstetted end Borrowar U not a natut8l �
<br /> , • .;i p^„rson}+a$hout Lend�fs prtor v�ritten cansent,Lendar rtuy.cit its option,raA�ire tmmadL�te paymrr�t�tull ot aU sums securad by
<br /> ti�{s 3^curi3y Instrumsnt Howsvsr,this option ahtitl no!bs'axereisCd by Lendar rt exercisa ts proh�ited by ted�l LZtiv es of the �
<br /> . • ' d3i9 ot thts S�eurtty Instrument � .
<br /> R LCndIIr ex3rel593 thL4 o�tion,Lend=r ShnU�:va Borto�er¢r n�Ueo ot ticcefemtfon. TPs9 nOtke sha9 prov:d�8 p2r�Od o1 r.ot
<br /> � � tess tAan 30 d3ys trom the d3te the notfco 1� d3'�r2rad or msG�d vlithin wAlch Bprror.�er must pay at! sums seeured by thts • .
<br /> ra
<br /> � Seeurfly tnsCumant It Barrowar fa[s 4o pay thesa sums prtor to tha cucp�atton of thts period.Lsndar may(�voxe any remsdtes � .
<br /> parm�tad by this Security Inairument wfthout tusther notice or Eem�►d on Barrow�r.
<br /> 98. Barro�aePs Rtgl�E to R�InaF�Ee. If Bortoviot rneats eertatri toed3lans. Botroerer shatl havo t�e right to �ava • �
<br /> � ' • ` sntor�ement ot thf3 Sxurih Instrument dGcontinued at an�r tirts� prtor to the e3riS�r of: (a)5 days (or such oth2r pettod as
<br /> - ; • „ � appC�ebb Ln�y rrt3y sprcrtyr for rc;nsmtCrt:�nU b3faro sal�of th9 Prop�rty Pursu9nt to any poxrEt of 8t1�3 contained in thts Sscurity
<br /> _._ _ lnsuumanx ar(b)entry of e judgmsnt entorcing thts Sscueit�►�nstrum�nt.TAose condittons aro tf�at Bortou�r. (n)pays l.endar aU
<br /> f sums vrhich thor+ v�autd ba dua under thts Seeuriry tnstrumant end tho Nofo as�f no aece!eratwn nae oeeurtsd: (b)cures anY
<br /> datautt of any othor covsnant or agreem2nts: (c) pays an e:psnsss �curred in enfareing this S�ur'rry tnsuumant, inch�d�sg,bnt
<br /> ' not l�n�od to,re3sonahi9 attCmays't�;and(d)takes such action as Lender may reasonftbhl requce to assure that the I',�n ot
<br /> � this 3scurity Instrument, Lendafs �Ights in tna Propsriy and Barto�v2fs abi3gatton ta pay tha sums secured by thls SECUrftY
<br />..._ .. ... . . :I
<br /> tnstrument Shal1 continue unchanged Upon reinstatement by Barto�var, thls St3curity Instrumsnt and the obf.gatEnna s�w� , ,
<br /> ' h�reby shatl rem�tn tuf.y aHectivo as if no acceteratton had accurted. How3ver,thls ttght to re�tsffitB Shsll nOt appfy in th0 Ces9 ._
<br /> of accel�ra8on und�r P�9�Ph 17. �
<br /> . 19. S3le �? 1V��4: Ch3f9�@ O� LOSn S�TV1Cef. The Note or a a p�4lal interest in the Note (toSe2har wRh this �,`��;;��
<br /> Security instrumant)r�j.��Soi�one or more tlmes wflhout prtor nottca M Borra:rcr. A sate may resuft b:a chrrpa in tha enNty
<br /> � (Icnotim es the"Loan��er")that coCeC7s monthN paymants due un�,r the Nota�.�thts S$curity Instrument TPsere also may ,
<br /> be an3 ar mcre ChBnges of the Le2� SBrvEcer unrelated t0 a SaL af t#te Note. If M8re is a Ch8ng8 of the Laflrf 38rvfccu.
<br /> , . Borrarra�vr.aT b�giv3n vmtten ncUce c'c�e cheng9 tn ticcotdence�7�it�arSgrF�h 14 8bava end BppGCable lav�. The nottce v.J . "
<br /> ...�,;,;., ' � StBte the:.am0 8t►d fld3tess of the rt3�'�Losn SFavicat end ths addr�s'.o whiCh psyrrtants ShOUk!00 m8Q9. TP�o r.Q,t�e w9 etso ` 3.�_�
<br /> ��^:'��� Conffiin any Other tntonr.yi.�reauirefl aY aDPGcab'3 f�m. ���� --
<br /> :t;���t:+' ,' ��';'c.
<br /> 20. H�ZSYdou.c�tl`.r.32�mL'u�. '?or►cwar s-.::�i•-ot cause cr cermfi tne psesenc�,use. dbposa6 storec,� cr Bfease ot ��t,'�� ,;_.•
<br /> -- --� �- - eny Hszerdaus Substan�s an or c�a���:..perty. Borrorver shati ^�do, nor a�ow enyon9 eRSe to do,BJI�T1U1g 9N9Ct�iQ CN6 ,�•rZ�r;
<br /> � ' � •_¢; � PropsAy that U tn vtofatten of any Er+�xiro^.r.antal LBw. Ths preced:g tvio sentences shaU noi apDty co the presence.use. ar . .;
<br /> „�„ ' .`�'�`ti storage on th9 Property of small quer::�~.as o! Herardous &ubstances that are gensratry reco�izad to be aQproprtate to normal .�,�,�._�
<br /> '`:�� � . r e s t d e n t i a a l u s e s a n d t o m a f n t e n a n c a o t t h e Pro pa rt y. : .
<br /> 8arrower shatl prompty give Lendar �vrkten notico ot eny h►vastigs4ion, ctaim, demand, �awsuft or other acPton by eny rx,;
<br /> s govamrttantal or regu4�tory egency or prArate party tnvoMng the Proparty and any HeiBrdous Substeneo or Environmental Law of �;,�-
<br /> �[€�,
<br /> . " , whlch Borrawer has aCtual knowtadge. If Borrower t�ams, or ts rr:�'rsd by eny govemmenffiI or regutatory aulhor�r,that any �,�-,
<br /> ; removal or otRer remadiaUon of eny Hemrdous substance affect��, �roparty is necessary, �arrowar shatl prortsp2y take aU �s,_
<br /> necesssry remedta!acUons In aeeordance wRh Envtronmenia�La+v. ��=
<br /> c. . . � �. As used tn thts�a.�.raph 20,'Haiardous SuEs�*�s"are thas9 substances dafined as to�dc or harardans�ubstances by
<br /> • ������ � Environrtsental Law ��s ��e toi:owtng suhstanca�s:: �;»�ire. ksrosene, othar P,ammable or toxic petroLuerr p-�ducts. to�c ---_
<br /> pastklQes and herbkiw� •olatile sorfents,mater�ats a»ta��n9 as�=s'�s or formatdahyde,end radioacthre materes. As used In
<br /> , paragraph 20. "Envtranmantal Latv"•+:�r�tederal lavus and laus c: :-a Jurtsdietton where the F�62rty is tactrtod that ro!ato to ___�
<br /> . � {!�'. :
<br /> hetlRh,�atety or envlronmentsl pro:�':�a'• ______
<br /> �;':. NO.t-UNIFONM1A COVENAN'fS.Bc.^wer and Lsnd�r further covenant and eg.��.�toCaws: _
<br /> '`�",','�� ' �' , 21. Accelerc�.¢n; Rertoed'.ea Lend�r ahatl giv� not��e f:s l�onav�er prlor L� ec�elere8an
<br /> - �5...:.,� -
<br /> ' � t�Q��E�;n.� ���rorr�r's breacE� �? any cavenant or agreemeeoS i�s i�.fs SscuPity lnst�umen4 (ba4 �ot
<br /> �'�� prlae t� eaceleretton under �rzgraph 97 uniess���licable V��+� provides o4herniae). The notice =-_—
<br /> �- �� shall �:iiy: (�) ttae deTaalt; (b) the �ction requir�� �a cura�'�� defaul4; (o)a date, rtot less than =
<br /> � , �' 30 days�rom ��� ��te Ure nottce is give�2 t� BorravsF�r, by �-t�i:�`tho dalau�3 mu3t �se cured; and
<br /> ���� (d) tha3 tel0ure U,r �urE the detault on se �etore tPte date r-{�ect•:�ed In tha rto4lce tts�� reautd In _
<br /> ,�'�`i� • acceteraUoR of the aama securxd by this Sscurity insVumen3��t aate os 4he Propec�y �'e rto�tce _
<br /> � � ahall 4urther in4orm Borr��acr +�f the right to retna�at� aRer a�aelera+lan tt��d t�ts rigtti:s�� brin� a� `_
<br /> � . . :..,,�� court actlon to assert tDte �sr���-sxtstsnce o! a detauit or any o3te� `f:t�ase et aorro�re�r Us �v._
<br /> �hr%' � acceteretton an� sale. It the deta�it ls rtot cured on or bet�T�9 th� date s�ecifted �� tne n�t�rs, :_:-
<br /> �������•� ��� Lender at its cai�;�r� msy requtre Immedtate peyment tn tull ��:sll suma secured ��9 t�ia Securitgl "-"`'"`-
<br /> r��,>.. .,. r,
<br /> :'Yt'�.' ' � Inatraamen4 witE«a� turther demnnd and may Invoke thc Ro•� ot sale and any ott:�r remedlea _ _
<br /> ' � . � permitt�d by appticabte Isw. Lender shall be entitied to copect aU e�enaes dncurred in pursutr�� _
<br /> � � the r�medies provide� tn thle pareginph 29, inclaeding, but nnt Umited to, reasonabfe attorne}�' -__
<br /> �
<br /> ,-�s,,: � � taes an�coats o8 4ti1e evideeaee. ���-_:
<br /> �:.>;:.
<br /> ._;;J:- �' If tha power of cale is invoked, Trustee shall reaord e notice of default in each county ln �•��=-
<br /> •• � � whlcl� any part o4 the Property ls fasated a�d sha11 m�il copies of such nottce In 4he manner �'s�
<br /> � preacribed by epplicable tacv to Bsrrower and to �►e other pereons prescribed by applicab4e larr. �_;_:
<br /> �;,r..
<br /> � After t�e 4ime required �p �1u;pUcable law,T�usiee shaq give public no�fc� of sale to tha peraona •��:�
<br /> ; : �,;;,��.� end in the mane�er preacr:��f by appt!��te law. Trustee� without demand on Borrower,shall aell �-�_
<br /> ',',:,;,;�.. ��� �� tPoe Prop�rty at �riT:",c eucUan to the 1s1.�:est bldd�r et the U�ne and ptaae and c:crdQr the terrrta `�:...
<br /> d�slg�sated ico tirrs rtc2dce o4 sale iro on� os rtrnre pa�cefa and In any order �rus� alxterrM�es. .;,:,,•:
<br /> ��'',,� �I TP�¢i�e rreay pc.�.���o eate o� al! o� any paree! �? th� Prop�rly by public anrtanrtcemen4 at t�� �
<br /> � tEntc ar�:m �Er�ce �? afly �¢PC s�eugly schedul�d ssltt.. Lenc��r or ita d�s`;�nee mey p�rc h ase t�'ta � . :
<br /> _ • , � �PQ.'riL*�:�tE3�7I;q S,w'.2. �', ..
<br /> ` i U�an rec�[�� �� p�yr�ien3 a4 the pNco bid, 4Q�3ise �u[t, dc�iver to the p�rchaser Tnaa:�e'rs ',i., .
<br /> ;.
<br /> deed conveyirt5 t1�xs �'roperty. The rcc(tais in the Trustee'a d��� shatl be prirna taole evidertce o! ,;�::•
<br /> �;:
<br /> the ta:�Cb o4 the s2ateaz�e�ba mad� ltherein. Trur�tee shall eg�Ly the ��acetda of the sale tae the �
<br /> , teit�w�ng order: (a) �o �1I co� and expen�ea of exerclsirt� the �ac��r of sate. and the s�t�, �
<br /> Inclucltng the payment o4 47�e TruaLee's 4ee�actua�ly incurred, nat to exceed three
<br /> � °b oi�rha pNncipa! ammunt of the
<br /> ... _. �� aoie at the time of 4he dectarattan of dmtault�and reasonable atterrtay'a fees aa permif4esi 6y lev3; .
<br /> � (b)tm aii suma secured by t�h19 Sscurtty ingtrumen9; and (c) eny exces;�to 1he perann or p�raana
<br /> , � ; le$aily en4iUed to it �
<br /> I
<br /> �
<br /> � F�9t0.11t.0�t0/00) vapo a ot s �
<br /> � .
<br /> "f 900t3
<br /> i _
<br />