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�:��,��: . .... �3��. <br /> __ ._�'=' E ... __ " _. _'_. . <br /> . . _ . _ _—_.... .—_—_'._:.�,-=9;;'_.— __ ..__ . _ —_ _� . . .' . __":_-�'�_�:__ . . : . . _.. . . u_.'__--�--�,_ <br /> j_____ ___.__ . .__ _ � . <br /> � Borrowcr may cure SuCh a dafau[t end re:nstato. as providsd in paragraAh 18. by causing tha action ot prac�adtrtg to Os � <br /> aismissed e�tih a rut�sg that,tn Lenda�s good toRh Qatermh►ation,prectudrs forfai�re of tha 8ortovrefs inte�est in th3 Propariy or <br /> � • othsr matfriat tmpsirm�t o!the Gan creat£d by thts Sscurity Instrumsnt or Lsnd�s secun'tyr intetest. Bortovi2r shati also ba h► p� • <br /> � dC:3utt H 8orrowv,during tAa Iaan oAp�xatlon Prozgss•BgYa �M�Y��%o or ing�curate intormatton or statemsnb to Lsndar tcr � <br /> fai;ed to provtds Lende.t vriit� eny matertai tntomiauo�)h ConnOCtton wilt+ tP�9 toen evEdanCed Ey th0 Note, a�eNd'ng,but not � , <br /> • l'.miird to, re�resente�ofls eoneemtng Barrouefs accuRaney of th� Propsrty as a Prin�tpal restdence. if this Sscurty <br /> , • I InSUum�nt� on a (�sseho!D,Barrower sheD compry wah aD tha Provistons of tPte Ie3so. It Borro�ver acquir�es te�tii�e to the � <br /> � Prop2rty,tA0 Ieasohotd end the fe�titb shaU not rrte�go unless Lender egrees to the margsr tn writln8• <br /> � ?. Prote�tlon o4 Leader'a Eiighta In tha Porop�tt�t•�r eorro�rer �iis to ps�form the covsnants and agream�ts 'v, <br /> 'y cantainsd� this&ecurity Instrument, or there is a t2ga1 prat�ad'.ng that may sign�try aHect I.enda�s nghts in the Propeny <br /> (sueh as a pracesd�s9 in banlwPtcy,probato,tor condamnetton or torta3ure or to entoros taws or regutattens),thsn Lendsr msY <br /> ' do and pay for erhatsver i� nscessary to proteM the valu9 of tha Proparty and Lendsfs dghts in the Prop2rty. Lendsfs 8cttons <br /> .. 1 may �cN6� paying any sums seeureC by a I:er+ whl�h has prrarzty over thls Security InsUurt�.nt, cspp2aring in court, pay�8 � <br /> ' — ; reasonahta attomeys' fess end entsring on ttis PraAartY to ma.k9 iePs'vs.ARhouflh lendsr may take estton undst thi3 P�9�Fh _ � . <br /> � � .i 7,Lend2r doas not hava to do so. . <br /> j pny amounts dlsbursed by Lendet undar paragreph � sha0 b�oma addiNonal debt of Bottorrer secured by th� S�curity ; <br /> :-�- -� � { Instrum8nt Un!ess Borrorv8r and LendEr 8greF1 to athsr terms of psym°nA theso asnounts shetl bsat interest t�'om the dSts of �.t�', <br /> ,..J disbursemEnt at tha Nofa rats and shall be payabta,wfth intaiest.upon notlCe hom Lander to BorroY�er requestin8 PIIY�n�- ; :y;�; <br /> --�- �- t3. Mgatgsge Insaran�. If Lender requhed mortge�qa msurance as a cond�ion of making tha IoEn secuced bY�� ,,r�=:=" <br /> g�;�;�r tnstrumsn�Borrowar shatl pay tha prem�ms requirad ta mammtn tha mortgage tnsursnce tn eftact if.for any reascn.tfi+s '__ <br /> mo�i;::,'a insuranca cnc2raga requ5'ed by Lenda.r tapses or caases to 6a(n eHect,Borro►��r shaJ!pay the prem�ms req�ie�'.a ...,__��� <br /> i. f�`"V'._._�- <br /> ` obtain coversga rt��s''}a{"j equt�a(ent to tha mQr�sg3 insurance P�o�ry �e�[e�.at a cast subsKSntL`..'!equivaient C1'...a ;sY= <br /> t <br /> cost to Borrowar cC`t+x� mortgaga tnsurence R�rtflusry tn eRect,from an a�emate mortgage insutsr e�p:u��cd Cry Lender. It ?, ;;�K___ <br /> +x ,.__ <br /> subsmntfalY equbatarn mortgage ins.�ance coveraga is not avallabla.Borrow6r shaU pay to Lender each .r.��sf-�sum oqual to •,.�"� <br /> on�twaifth of ths yearlY morig�a r�_rance prem:vm bang paid by Bortowar rrhen the insurance coveraga�s'�o or ceassd to ,_��, <br /> �.�;5'r,;;,�::. b9 fn eftecL Lsnder wi;l aceePG �=�'�d retatn these payrrtents as a bss res9nre in Iteu af m.ostgsgs insurjr.�. Loss rssetve ' ;;i`��_ <br /> ..: . payments may no longsr be req��.*.at the opitan of Lendet,H mortaage�suranco coverage lin �he amcLr.i end for tins per[od j-:_;Y� <br /> ffiat Lendec repu�es)Orovfdsd by s��surer a:-�cved by Lendar agam beeortses avaiable ar.f�s obta(natt. �rtower shalt pay _:.r-_ <br /> � ' the prom!ums required tu mainta'.n r�ortgage insurencs in eNect, or to provtde a toss reserva.Ut1t�l the BAC=T3.T.9t11 t0i TrtOrt$3Q8 �.;ri.= <br /> �. � hsurar►es ends ta aecordanca wilh aiY wr�en agreement tisitvesn 8orrowar end Lender or epplicabie taw. --= <br /> —�----�--`�;�:�.- 8,IJ1F,p8Et104f.Lender ar l�egent may make reasan�h'o ertries upon end insPecttens e!ihe Proparty. Lende►shs9 glve �,_� <br /> : �:°��''� ger•evrar natico at the time ot or�:�`..r to ar►h+spncUon spacitytn�!Easonable cause tor the'c�tion. y�.��, <br /> , �%� , 90. Condemna4ten.The Croceeds at any award or ciaur►for damages,d;rect ar�uentla�.in connectton v�'��.iY <br /> eondemnatton or�;ch�r takin8 0�anY P�of the Propsrty, or for eonveyance n� of cans��^ation, em hereby assigned and _��;?` <br /> . , � _.;:.,: <br /> � � shali ba patd to L�r•E�. �;:F'r"=. <br /> � �� In tha e+rent •�r a tatal fakfng of the PropeAy, tha procaeds shall ba eppfied to tt!3 slms s�e.+eG by thts Secur�y T� <br /> ;i;:<� � <br /> ,i,::<�.� ••Y Instrum2n�whether or not then due,wHh any excess pald to Borrowet. In tAS event ot a a��.�'�8 c%':-•a FroPertY►n w��Cfi �;'y�.' <br /> -`r�"i�;''Y� the tatr maAcet value of the Property immediataty bstore the taktng i� equal to or greater th�.�r^`r�amount ot the 5ums se�.�ured ____ <br /> � �'J��,'��`S,`�� ' by th3s Secur�y Instrurrtent immediateJy botore the teking, unless Barrower and Ler►der otherni�e agraa � wc�rt8� the sums =- <br /> � "�.�+',�•, seeured by thEs Sseurily �nsUurrsant shell ba reducad by the amount o!the proceeds mu!Hplled by the'o'��f��:g NacUon: (a)the <br /> ��� total amount of the sums secured immadiaWty b�fore the taking.divlded by (b)the tak market vaue cf tit���eRy Itnmed3atBly <br /> " ����` be}ore tt�9 takin8.AnY bafance shail be OBtd to Bortower- [n the svent of a pertiai takine of th9 ProRenS'4- y-n�`=h the tsir madcet <br /> '��`f"'` 7 va�sa of tha Fro�ariy immsdats�; �atore the te!<ing is tess thsn ths amount of tho sums seeura�hnmadia�:y betom the t3.+chg, <br /> . . ,+'��;.1. <br /> u�� 9orrower and Leadcr c'tsmr�e egre9 tn writ�g Ot uR!6SS appt'iCable L�w OU10T1A�+s I:�tde5. ihe pTOC88dS :-lLb:�. S <br /> � . ' �� a�w 3�to tho suns secured hy:��a SecurlY InstrumEnt whetlfsr or not tha sums ere then d::a <br /> � If tha Prapc':�v cs tibandunad by 8orro�ver, or d,after notice by Ler►der ts 9orrawer that:.� candan':,�aifern to maxe an <br /> � "i�. award or settla o c'a�► for damsges, 8ortower talls to raspond to Lender �cf���^ 30 days after the d2��!a notke ts given, <br /> ��:s'`. Lendor i3 euthor(zad to coL'ect ar.d appy tRe ptoceeds, at fts opt[on,eRher c� rsstorat[on or repair ot Ltia Property or to tha <br /> ' %;:;�",� sums seCUted by th�SacurR�l►-�'3nT'-nt,whether or not then due. ���on of procc�.� �o Pr(ncfpal shatl not e�cter►d or <br /> ,,'"=,,.: • Unlass LenEar and Borron�- o#henvise ugroa In �rrritln9. �Y ePP <br /> ;.n�.,• � <br /> postpone tha due data ot the mc-'r.y paymants referted to b pare9►aPhs 1 and 2 at chzrs-scs't'r�amaunt of sueh payrtsenta• <br /> . ,�� 11. Borrswer Nat Released; Fort�earance By l.en�er Not a Watver.c-.1�+s:on ar U�e s�n�tor oaymem or <br /> • :�r � mod;flcatlon of amort�tion of tho sums sacu.-�by this Seeuriry Instrument granted by Lendar ta eny c�:rac�sor in Interes!of <br /> . ;:; .� • Baaavler shall not opetate to releasa tho liab:iity of the orignal Botrower ar Bortowefs successots h►tr�.�s7_ Lendar shat!not <br /> �;�':�.r� . ba �quWd to commenca pr���:-�;,s agatnst eny successor �n Mterest or re�use to c�� time taf ;.=?rer►1 or otherwtse <br /> � �•,.,:'•; r,.;,;:P/flmOrtlffittOn of the Su"��°C.'3d b9 i�:`��BCU�ZY �13QWttET11 by�68SOf1 0}titfy d°,?�Gt1'd�ade by i�a crlginal2xnivm.r or <br /> • Bottowers succ=�-��ts in inte:a.= Ar►y to�ca''rs:fl 9y k`�'ir�'� e�er��gh9�Y �Bht ar rCfsedy Shall nci te e uJrn'c3 ot _ <br /> .. preclude 9ho e•:c�r��sra af any right or remady. <br /> . �".3: . 12. Suc� and Aaalgna Bo:ac�d; Ja[nt and Szvera! Ltabpity; Co-aign�'�r� ��e���d � <br /> � agreemsnts ot this Security ir.t_�ment shaU btnd and benefR tha succassors and assigns¢"t.13rCEf Bt�C ti�m:v8f,subjsct to the <br /> ��•�� .� � �: <br /> - ���i,;��,; provistons af paragreph 17• ?u-swers covertants end egreements sha0 ba Jo�t and SESr•lu►• �nY Borrowet who co-signs thi� <br /> .',.{�;.�,.� .,:.� Sacurity Instn,ment but dor����w.recute the Note: (a)i�co-sl�ninH this Seeur�yr InSUum����"I to mortgage,grant and convey p-_ <br /> � ' that Borrowo�s t�tarast in th���.�,ratY undor th9 tertns of thts Seeurity t�strument; (b) �3 rn�t personsily obligated to pay the <br /> � • .. � to eutend,mod' e---�- <br /> sums seeured�y this Socuri�yr lnstrumenk r,�-d(o)agrees that Lender and any other 8orrower may a�e9 dY. <br /> f �o��pr rtuUce any eccommod9tions viR�r�f�9 to thp tertns of thls Securiry InsWment or tho Note wRhout th9t Borrowors �,,_,, <br /> , �: j i__�.,- <br /> :,.:',;.. � conSenL t.-` <br /> ;:s°, , 13. LOPD ChSTg�B. �f 11?3 toan securod by this Seeurity Irtstrumcnt i� subt2c2 ^o a Iaw v�hlch sois mydmum laan ` _ <br /> � % c�t_3�.�d that Iavi is '.�e!;�- r"s:�reted so that the inECr�� ar athor toan chargos co[iccted or to be collectad in connoctlon c <br /> `�'` .�� w:ti th0(0al1 C�"��thD pfi.�•��:s0�:mTS,the�- (a)nny ss:h �o�n cAtugo shali ba reduG:d'�y the amount noCOSSary to reduce . <br /> . � . ' �� <br /> � ; the chnrgo to :�3 derm3tod 15n:t and (7} �� svms atreaQy eol!ected tra�n Borrolvor wh�h oxcoedod OormRtaC�gn�s w(0 ba <br /> � 4 rstundOd to Ba�:��-r. Lender e��y c�ooES t� �'ce this returt0 by redueL��shu princtpal owed undor the Note ot by m9khg fl ,.,_ <br /> '`" - dir3ct pttyrrt�nt to Borrotivar. if a refund r�Cl:.os principal. tho roduction yf�h �a tea'3� 9s a Oartlal�'r:�uYm�nt wilhoul anY •� <br /> •i;,: <br /> � prepflymant chargo under t�.o n.:�n.• � ``' <br /> � • � 14. l�dOtlCCS.My rtoy..-c to 8flrrarrer provtdad tor a�thi�Socuriry Insirumsrst shaU iat�;�<ven by del'.+raring(!or by�g ft �•�''}_, <br /> � by fUSt cta5s rr�i1 unless appl'cubis t�w roqutr�s uss of another msihOd. Ttie notkv snc�:L�dfrealeC'.�the PrCpuftY AddTOSS �.�l�;'.:;- <br /> - � or eny otiret adGra�s Bortovr�r d�lgna4ss bq not�o to len�ler. My notico to Lender s!��:1 trs n�r,:a �Y flrst ctass mai!to - `'���-: <br /> Lendefs address st�tod here!n ot any otAar addross Lender d�slgnates by notice to Borrar�r. �sy rctr.r�provlEod tor in thk� � ;r. <br /> �, � . . SeCUrity In�WmEint Shall tro de�rssd to havo bCCn glron to Bonower or Lsndar vihan gh,rn W?rrsr.��i' :'fh Para9roPh. <br /> � � 9g, Goyern�ng �c�� d9verebility. Thu Security Instrurt�set shaU be govem¢d I:/ teQeral l3w tlnd tho L::v of tho <br /> � � , JurisdiCtion tn whtch the Protes°.y is Ioctito0. In the evant thnt any proviston or c�iuso c9:fiis Socurity tns4rumsnt or Yno Noto <br /> conf�:ets tiJith np�l'cebts t�v+.suCh confl:Ct shall not aN�;t oth.^t provisions o1 thi3 SCCUrity Instrurrt�nt ot th9 IVote whiCh csf�tra <br /> . givan arxt r�(i�aut tho eonfl�Cmg provtston.To thi3 end ths provi3fans of thts S�LUrdy �nSWment tlnd tha Noto tUO 6oCL�rE6 to <br /> . ta saverah�. <br /> • � 16. Barrower'a C�a�y.Borrower shep bo gNen ono eonformod Copy of Qho Noto artd ot thi�SECUrhy Innrumon� <br /> .�. <br /> - F19f0.LG'O 1�0l09� Fegs 3 0�b � <br /> - ,. ._ _. 1 =:_: <br /> i . . :� 00Dt3 .. <br /> .° • _ ___. . •. <br /> f _ <br />