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� <br /> r <br /> t, <br /> t_}� <br /> 1 � <br /> Sg� 10�015 <br /> It Lmde�requ��d moAflap� fnsuurtce t�a conciitlon of m�kinp the Iwn aecured by tha Securiry Instrumant, Bo►rowot sh�i!pay lhe <br /> premiums �equked to mtintain th�insu�nc0 in eflect until such time �a the requlrema�t for the Insurence terminetas tn accocdance wilh <br /> 8orrower's �nd L�ndet'a wdtt�n �Qnement or app�icabis kw. <br /> ..... <br /> 8. 1ltspiCtlqff. Lan�►ar Ms a�nt m�y m�k�n�sonable er►trbs upon and Insp�ctlona of tha Property. lender ahall qNd BoROwer <br /> • notics Rt th�ttme ot or pdor to an inspactton sPalfyln0 reaaon�bte caus�tor thQ insp�ction. <br /> `- � 8. COndirtln�tlOn. Th�proc�ads o!any�virard a c�Mo ior d�maprs, dtr�ct or con�aquanti�l.In cormectbn with�ny cc�dem- <br /> rtatl�on ar other takinQ ot any patt ct tha PropeRy.a tor eonveyance b Yeu of eondemnaUon.�re hereby assisned and shaq be paid ta <br /> Lender. . <br /> M ths ev�nt of a total taWnp of qlb i.�:c{smr..y,tht proceada ah�ll b��ppN�d to th�sums s�ccrc�a9�i�.r ch,is S�rribr InaWment,whether ' . <br /> w oot thM du�,with any ucc�ss p�W to Cik*ra�aw�r. In th�swnt of a p�rU�l Wdnp o11h�Prop�,�ara+��cn�+xu and I.erd�othawise <br /> R�N k►wridny,th�aums s�ax�d by thb Seauity Imtrum�nt�h�N b�nduad by t1t�amount ot the ptoc�ad�m�itiplNd by ihe toNowin� <br /> fraction: (a)the tott)rmount ot sums sacund MrtNdtttNy b�1or�the takinp,dNidod by rob ih�hir m�ulcd valus o1 the RropuRy Unriiiwi- <br /> �tNy bNon th�Wch�. My b�Unc�shaN bs paid to Bortower. <br /> If th� Prop�ty b abandon�d by 8orrowK,a q, aM►notia by L�ndK to 6orrowK that th�cood�or oflea to rtuik��n awa�d or <br /> aNtN�d�Mn 1a d�urwy„, 8arowK taib to nspond to L�dw wqhin 30 dtya aR�►th�cLt�th�notkw b piv�n, I.mder is authodx�d to <br /> ao1Nd and�pply th�proc�, at Rs opdon. Nther to nstonitbn or npak of th�Prop�rty or to th�wms s�cured by thia Security Inatru• � <br /> mmt,whNhv or nol th�n du�, <br /> Unitts lmdK and Bartowrr oth�wls�apn�in wrkinp, �ny applic�tlon ot procNd�to p�incip�l�h�N not�xte�d a postpona th�du� <br /> dat�ol th�monthy p�ym�nta rM�nd tv In panpnphs 1 �nd 2 or chan�tM�mounl ot wch p�ym�nts. <br /> 10. sonaw�� Na R•1•as�d; Fo��b�a�at�c� By L�nd�r Not � Watv�r. �ct�n�on ct tha tune tor payment o�mocNfl- <br /> catior► 01�moAa�ibn of th�suma s�cur�d by this S�CUrity In�trum�t prant�d by L�ndK to any aucca�or In intereit ot Borrower shaq <br /> not op�nt�to rNMS�th�IhbWty ol th�orf�inal 9orrowK or Borrow�r'� succKaon In Int�nst. Lendar ah�N not 6e nquked to commenc� <br /> pcoc�dinpi��In�t�ny succasor In fnlK�at or�efuis to extend tfine tor payment or othe�wias modiy amartization ot ths aum�aecured <br /> by thfa Security In�WmeM by rNSOn ol any d�nu�d made by th�oHpinal Borrower or Borrow�r's aucceasors In interea� My fabeuance <br /> by Lender in exedainy�ny dyht a�artedy shsN not be�waN�► of or preclude th�axwcis�of��y nphl or remedy. <br /> 11. Succ�ssors and Assi�ns Bound: Jofnt and S�varal Llability; Casipn�ro. 7he covenants and a�reements os. <br /> thts S�cudty Instrum�nt shall bind�nd b�nNil th�wcctsson �nd�ssipns of Lender and 9wmwer,subJect to the provtalans of peny►aph <br /> 17. Borrowa's cov�nants and��rasn�ts shaN be Joint and seveN. My BoROwer who caai9ns this Securiry Instrumem but does not <br /> execute th�Note: (a) b co-sl�ninq this Sacudfy fnstrumant ony to mort�pe, �ant and convey tha!Ho�rower's Interest In the PropeRy <br /> under the terms ol this Security lnatrumeM; (b�1�not personaNy obUQsted to pey the suma secu►e��this Securify Instrumen�end (c) <br /> ayrees tAat L�ndK�nd any othx Bo�rower may a9ree to extend, modity,torbe�r or mwke any aaacu�wdaUons wRh�epatd to the terms of • ' <br /> tnis Securiy Intirum�nt or th�Not�wkhout that Bortowa's consent. � <br /> 12. Loan Chsr��. II the loan aecured by thia Security InaVumeol u aubject to t law v+�hich set�rtwximum loan chuyes.and ��' ' <br /> �'+iK"t iiw=S M�i wi2wprini�i'i oo ii�:t in'v idi�;esi i,�vina iviri cna�ps cv�-ied or in be coiieciao in conneciion wiih the iwn mccaaii _ <br /> ' ths perrt�ttad lirt�its,then: (ay �ny such lo�n charpe shaN be reduced by the amaunt�ecessary to ►educe the cha�ye to th�pertnitted . <br /> emit; and (b)any sums akacly coN�cted hom Bortowar which exceaded pam�itted limits wiN br re/unded to Bortower. Lender m�y chooss � <br /> ta rtwke tAis�etund by reducinp the prfrtapal owed under the Note or by makin�a direct pay�nen4 to Borrower. ti e retund�educes prtn- <br /> ' cipd,ths raducdon wiN b�tro�t�d as a p�ur0i�!pnpayrt�ent without�ny prepayment charys under k'�e Note. � <br /> • 13. L�islation Athctin� L�nd�r's RIQt�ts. If mactment or expk�tior�of appkcaDie iawa has the ettect ot renderinp�ny pra <br /> vlsion of th�Not�or thb S�carity MaUument uneatnres��fe accordinp to Ra tsmre, l�nder,at ita op6on, may cequiro Immediate psyment , <br /> in tul oi�sums sacund by this S�cwity tr�sVUment and may invak�any remedies pwrtiittsd by�ca�raph 19 if Lender exerciaea this ' <br /> opUon, Undrr ahaN tak�th�at�pa specited in ths seco�d parapraplt•oF para�raph 1�. <br /> ' 14. NOtiC�s. Any oetke to Barower provided fo�In ihls Secudty tnstrument shall be give�by deNver(ng R or by maN(ny h by ftrat • <br /> clesa mul untess�ppMc�bk la�w reQukes use of another method. The notics ahaY be directed to the PropeRy Address or eny other address — <br /> Borrower desipnates by notice to Lender. My notkse to Lender shsA be yiven by first dass maii to Le�der'a addresa stated heretn o�any — <br /> other addresa lender desi�nates by notEce to Borrower. My notite provlded for in lhb Secudly Instrument shaM be deemed to have been � <br /> ghren to Bortower or Lend�t when �iven as provided in thia par�graph. }� <br />� 'i5. �OV��RItt�; S�y�rability.Thia Securiry InsVurr�t ahall be�ovemed by feCeraE taw and the law of the Jurisdictlon in <br /> whkh the PropeRy ta bcated. in the event that any proviston or cl�use oi this Secu�ity InsUumera!or the Nofe conAicts with epplicable i� _, <br /> law, sueh confllct ahad not aflect other proviaiona ot this Securityr Instrum�nt or the Note which can be given ettect without the conflicUng � <br /> provisian. To thfs end th�provisions ol this Secudty Instrument and the Note ere decWred ta be severable. • � <br /> 18. BM�Ow��'� CQpy. Barawer shal De yiven one confom�ed copy o1 the Note ar�d ot this Securfty Instrument. - <br /> 17. Trartsf�r of th� Proporty o� a B�nNiclal tni�r�d In Bo�row�r. tf aq or any part oi the Property or any intereat <br /> in it is sold or tnnsferted (or if� beneflcW intaest(n Borrowe�Is soid or Vanaterred�nd BoROwer b not e natural person) without Lend� <br /> er's prior written consen� Lender may.�t Rs option, requke irtxnediate payment in fuN o1 aN suma secured by thia Security(nsWment. <br /> Ho+,vcvcr,ttds apt3a:►shsll nat ba axercised by tender it exercise is prohibited by feQerai tsw as of the date of this Security►tnstrument. <br /> If Lend�r�xerds�s thls option, Lender ahall�ve Borrowa notice ot acceleratlon. The noUce shatl provide a peYiod o}not less than 30 <br /> daya hom th�dtt�th�notic�b cfeWverad or mailed wfthin whicA Bonowet mus! p�y aq sums secured by thls Security InsUument. !t <br /> Borrower t�ib to Ray thts�sums p►ia to the�xpiration of this period. Lender mey invoke any remedies permitted by this Security Instru- <br /> ment wkhoa!turther notk�a de�►wnd on Bor►owa. <br /> 18. Bor�Ow�r's Rlqht to R�instat�. N Bortower meets certa(n conditions. Borrower shail have lhe right to have enforcement <br /> ot this S�c�xify Instrumint disconUnued at�ny tirne p►ior to the earlier ot: (e) 5 dayss (or such other period as applicable law may specify <br /> for rNnstata►wnt)before sal� ol the PropNty pursu�nt to any power of sale contalned in this Securiry Instrument; or(b) entry of a judyment � ��� <br /> enlorcinq this S«xirtty InsVum�nt. Thos�conditions ue that Bor►ower : (a) pays Lender ail sums which then would be due under this <br /> Securlry Inatrument�nd the Note had no �ccNeration occuned:(b)cures any dctauri o1 any other covenants or agreement: (c) pays ail ' <br /> ' expenats incurted In enforcinp this SeCUrity Insttument,induding, but not limited to. �easonAbte attomeys'tees: and(d) takes such action <br /> as l.ender m�y re�sonaby roquMe to assure that the 6en of thi�Security�nsUUment, lender's righta in the PropoAy and Borrowcr's obliga- � <br /> tion to pay the eums securod by this Security Instrumcnt shaN contlnue unchanped. Upon reinstatement by Bonower, ihis Securiiy <br /> L Instrument �nd the obb�tlans secured hereby shaN remain tully eHective as i!no eCCeteratfon had vccurted. Nowever, this rlgh!to reinstnte <br /> sha►I not 1�ppy in Ih�c�ss ol acceterbtion under paregrephs 13 or 17. <br /> � <br /> � <br /> . i t:�'A ����T.h��16. Mr • <br /> � <br />