1 �
<br /> ��� i0�015
<br /> UNIFOFiM COVENANTS. Bosrower md lender covanani �nd ayree�s foltowa:
<br /> t. Paym�nt of Principsl and Int�rast; Pr�psymant and Lat� Char�os. �oROwer shall prompty pay when due ihe
<br /> principal ol�nd intKal on ths d�bt avidt�Cad by th� Not��nd any prp�ymanl�nd lat�chary�i du�undor tho Note.
<br /> 2. Funds tot T�ac�s �nd Insu��nc�. Subj�cl tc►*ppNC.�Dt�I�w a to�wdtt�n w�Ma by lender, Bortower eAaN pay to l.ender
<br /> �""" on tha daY moathly p�yments�ue due undat t!►e NotR tu�tM ih�Not�b paid fe�tuN,a sum�'Fut�ds'?oqw!to onaMretth or (��Ya��
<br /> � • taxn and�ssassm�nta whtch may attatn pdo�ity owr lhis S�curity tnatrument; (b)yMrly IMi�hoW payments or aouod renta on the Prop•
<br /> aty. N enY: t�) Y�+M haz:rd hsunnca�rartduma; �nd tc�ywA►mortp�q�fnsur�nc�pr�mkun�, M�ny. Tha�ftems ar�ca0ed •escxow
<br /> Uema'. L�r�dK rtwy�stirn�t�th�Funds dw on lh�b�sls of cummt d�h�nd rwionaDh ptinwdai of futun acrow It�ms.
<br /> The Funds shaN b�hMd in sn institution tha dpo�lts or�ccounis oi wl�lch�rs Insurad ar�ua►mtNd by a t�al or siat��pency
<br /> (indudin� L�ndw N l�nd�►h auch an in�tltutioa). Lmda shaN�ppty th�Funds to p�y 1M�scrow Rama. I.ender rr�y not ohupe tar hotd�
<br /> inp a�d�pptyM�th�Funds,analy�ln�th�account or vKNyh�tM Kuow k«na,unNsa L�ncNr p�y� Barower int�nst oo ths Funds and ,
<br /> app8cabis law pwMts GndK to m�k�auch a charq�. 8orrow�r and L�nder rtMy agrN k�writlnfl th�t k�t�nst s1uiN b�pa�t�art:�.he Furcds.
<br /> �n'�ass an ay��ne�t b maaN or appYcable kw nquka Int�t to h�pa{d.L��er at�Y+noC 1a0 r,e�ukad t�p�y Eta+'a++er�'c�}r�c`.arest or .
<br /> . earni��s am tl��F�++�b+, 4,a�t9K ahM�i++s ta BaaQaw�ar wviaficasE dmu�m.��nrtx�F�ccour►ti�9 oA 9E��Func+�Shvc�va.��s�rcd�d�bita b �
<br /> .2fia�nnd�s�df Uhe p�xpoat�l�c whictr.�cR 6eD�tc+t?ys��mm�s waa mad�. Ths Funds�n pledysd�s �dditlot+al �ecutity for the suma as-
<br /> c�rod!�y thia 3ecwity Instrumen�
<br /> H ths amoun!of th�Funds hoid by le�da,toyethx with the tutuie nwnihty�yments o1 Funda payr�We p�ior to the due d�tea ot tha
<br /> o�crow itema, ahaM�xc��d th�amount rpuk�d to p�y the esuow Nams wh�n du�, th�ucc�ss ihaN b�,at BorrawK'a 6ptbn. Nthe�
<br /> ptompty r�ld to BortowK or cndltad to Bortower on monthy paymente o1 Funds. H th��rtwunt of th�Funds heid by LandK 1�n�t
<br /> sutfldent to pay tha as�ow Rwns wh�n du�, Borro+vK sh�N p+�y to Lander�ny unoun!n�cessary to make up thv dellctanay in on�ar
<br /> mon p�yn�ts�� nquir�d!�y UnO�r.
<br /> Upon paym�nl in tuM ot aM wm� s�cw�d by ihis�turity Instrurr�t, L�ndM shaN prompfy rNund to Borrowh eny Fund! hNd bY
<br /> lendn. H und�r puaqnph t�1h�Prop�rty 1� told or rcquirad by L�dK. L�nMr shaN�ppty. no I�ter ih�n knmedlatey pdar to th�s�M
<br /> 01 the Preperty or ks ecQule�!!!on by Le�da, any Funda heid by lw�d�r al lh�tim�nl�ppGcatbn aa• cndlt aqdn�t!hs aums e�cured Cy�
<br /> Ihls�ecurJly M:trum�nt.
<br /> 3. ApplicNlo� af Paym��t�. Unkss appACabte law providas othenvise,aq p�yments received by Lenda under para�rapha� 1
<br /> �nd 2 ahall be appi�d: kst,to wt�chuyes du� undK th�Notr, s�co�d, to prp�ym�nt chary�s du� under the Nots; thkd,ta�mounts
<br /> psyabl�und�r parapraph 2; IouAh,to Int�r�st du�; aod last,to prN�clpal due.
<br /> �. Gh#��1l�; 1.1f11l, BoROwef�hnN pay�q taxss,assessments,chuQee, finea and knpoaftlon��ttributable to tha Propaty which
<br /> may attaki priairy ovr this S�curityr Instrument,and taaaehold paymonts or yround rentf, N�ny. Bor�awe►ahaN pay these obigaUons in t _
<br /> the mann�r provid�d in p�rapraph 2, or N not paid in that m�nner, Borrow�►shaN pay them on tkne dir�ctly to the paaon owsd payment. • ��'
<br /> 8ortowK shaN promptiy lumish to ths L�nd�r aN notk�s of amounts to b�pald uncfer this paayraph. 118arowa m�kea these p�ymenta
<br /> directiy. BorrowK ahal ptompty tumish to Lender receipts wWencinp the payments. ?�`--
<br /> BOrtOWr ih�QtC�1G11V dfCh�ltls afly lisn which hu aioritv over thla S�cu�tv in�tn,mant �mlwe+�Rnrrnw�r fa wnrsrw�,r►,u�&� t� . _,-
<br /> - --.._..,_. �..,� ..�.,.-- Q�.. ._
<br /> ttfe payrn�nl of th�obii�tion s�cvnd by the�n in a m�nnar acceptabl�ta Laeder; (b)contests In�ood taith the Ikn by, pr ddenda
<br /> a�inal e�torcemeat ot the lien fn, Ie�l proceedinya whlch b the Lender's opinion operats to prevent the entorcement ot�the lien or tor• -
<br /> feiture oi any part of the Propaty: or(cj aacure�trom tha holder ot ths Yen an�greement satistactory to lender subordirimlirtg the Ilen to '
<br /> this Securi�ly tn�trument. H��nda d�tam�ines that�ny part ot the Propaty is subject to a 8en which mny ariatn pdority av�this Secu►ity
<br /> Instrument.i ender m�y y�e BoROwer� notice identit}ris�g the tlen. BoROwer shall saUsty the Ilen or take one o►more of the actions ses
<br /> totth�bove w�hin 10 d�ya of ih��tvin�ot notice.
<br /> • 5. Hazard Insurancl. Borrowsr shaY keep the Improvements now exlstinp or hereafter erected on the Property Ir�sured aflafnst
<br /> •foss by firr,•hazards fndudad within the tarm 'extended coveraye' and any otha hazarda for whlch Lender requires insurance. Thla Msur-
<br /> �nce ahar be makitah�d In the artaunts and ta the paioda that Lendar requkes. The inaurance cartie+c providins the kasurance ah�N be
<br /> chosw►by Borrow�r wbject to lend�►'a approval whic� shaN not be unre�aonaby wtthheld.
<br /> AN Insuranc�poUcNs and anwv�ls shaN D�acceptable to the Lende►and ahaN Indude�standard mort �
<br /> gaye clause. lender shaU have
<br /> the�ht ta L!�ald th�poNd�s u�d�anewals. tf lender requkes, Bonowar ahaN prompty�ive to Lender aN receipta oi paic6 premiums and —
<br /> renewal n�tioea. In th�event oi bss, 8orrower shaN give prompt noUee to the insurance carrier and Lender. Lender may maka prnof of "�
<br /> � toss H noi mnde prom�stt�by Sorrower. �
<br /> �
<br /> Unless lender and Bdrrowar otherwke a�ree Irt wr:ainQ,lnsurance proceeda shaN be applied to restoratiacs or repair at ihe Property ;�;,�:
<br /> damased,�the�estoration a�ep�k la ecenomlcaly te�sible and Lertder's security ls not lessened. t}the restoratlon or cepalr is not eca
<br /> nomiailly ted[+sible or lender's securtry would ba ta�saned, ihe insurence proceeds shafl be�pp�ied to the snms secured by thls Securtty
<br /> Instrumen�whether or not then due,with any excess pald to Borrower. It Borrower atundnns t„e Praperty, or does not answer within 30 � •
<br /> days a notic�t�om Lender that the Insuru�ca c�rrter tiss otfered to settte a claim,then lender may coNect the insurance prxeed�. Lender
<br /> rrwy us�th�proceeds to repalr a restore the PropeRy or to pay sums secured by tAls Securiry Instrument, whether or not then due. The
<br /> 30�daY Prrlod wlr bepin when th��otic�Is gNen.
<br /> Unkss L�nder and @orrow�r otha�wis�agra�in writing.any appGntion of proceeds to pdnclpal ahaq not exiend or postpone the due
<br /> d�ts of the monthly p�yrt�enU rdeR�d to h puayraph t �nd 2 a chan9e tha imount o1 the payme�ts. If under pan9raph 19 the Propafy
<br /> is acquind sy LandK. Borrowara ripbt to a�y insuranes poNaes�nd proceeds �esulUn�hom dama9e to the Property pdor to the scqutsl-
<br /> tlor� shaN pass to L�ndv to th��ctent o1 the sums s�ared by thls S�eudty Instrumant immed�ately p�Ior to the�cqulsitlon.
<br /> 6. Pr�s�rvation snd Maint�nsnc� of Prop�rty; Loas�halds. BoROwer ahaN no1 destroy, damage or subatantlaly change
<br /> the Propary,�Now the PropaRy to deteriorate a commit waate. If this Securky Instrument is on« le�sehold, Borrower shall compty with
<br /> the pro�sion� of th�Is�ae. and H Bonower acqulres fee UUe to the Property,the leashold and tee title shall not merge unless the LendHr
<br /> a�!!S t8 th!If1EfQlf�f)Wfitklp. , -=-•-_—
<br /> 7. G�cd�ctlon of L�ndtr's iiights Irt th� Prop�e�ty`,: Mortgage lnsurance. N Borrower faits ta perinrcn the covenants �
<br /> �a�n�d�r�moer�is contained In this Seaid�y Insirumer.±,or ihere is a�legal proceeding that may si�nificantly atEect the Lender`s riyhu En tha
<br /> Ropqrty �'such u�prcceedin9 in b�r�ivsptcy, pro6a?e,4or condemnation or to erttorce laws ov reg�latiorts),then LenQer assy Qo a^.d pay, '
<br /> ttK whrtevar i�n�ceaaaryp f.� �otecl the value of tEte Property and Lender's righCS i� the Property. Lender"s actions may sr.:.7��e�,zrp:ng any.. ,. �
<br /> aums secured by� iars wRich haa priorityr over this Sewrity Instrument, appear�g in court, payng reasonaole attomeyrs' �ctes and er�t�ng
<br /> on the PropeAy to m�ks rep�ks. Althouqh L�nda may take action under this paragraph T, Lender does not heva to do so.
<br /> LAny amounts disburaQd by Lander �nda this pirepraph 7 shaN bocome aGditional debt ol Borrower securod by thls Socudty tnst►ument.
<br /> UrtFess Borrower�nd Lrnder agree to other terms of p�ymenL these emounts shatl bear interest lrom the dat� ot disbursement at tho
<br /> w
<br /> Note rate�nd ahaN b0 payabb, vrith Initlresf. upon notice trom lender to Barrowor raquosfing payment �J
<br /> �
<br /> � �
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