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:;' <br /> "� <br />:`n <br />` � � <br /> 89�-- 10�012 <br /> 11 L�ndet reyulred mottg�Ae k►su►Ance oa •Conditbn of making tho loan ettcuted by thel Sccurtty Instrumgnl, 8onower ehall pay ihe <br /> premlum5 requked lo m+ilntain th�fniurt,nc�k�NI�►cl untii such tkne as th�requkement tor tha i�surance termin�lea In �cco�d�nce with <br /> Elorrower'a and Lend�r's writtl��9reanNVt o� �ppWcabi�law. <br /> @. InspiCtiOit. t�ndar or R� �q,ant rss�y m�ic�rasonaWe et�trios upon and fnspectlons ot the P�roperty. Lender ahall Sivs Bortower <br /> nottee�1 thi tYn� at or priut to�n insptatbn �+�c:Nyin�rNSOrnbN eau��Mr th�inip�ct{on. <br /> r� SI. COttd�lnnNlofl. TM procwds af�c►y�w�d or cNim lor d�ma�s,dinct ar cons�quw�tid,In conn�ction with�ny coadem• <br /> n�Uon at ether tafckip of arty�A M th�PrapeAy, e►1or sonvay�na h Y�u ot cond�rnrwUon.�r�h�nby�ssl�ned�nd s1uiM b�p�id to <br /> lender. <br /> In th�w�nt of a total Wdn�of th�Prop�ty, tM procMds shaN bs�ppWMi to th� sums��cund by thb S�wdty In�trument,whother <br /> or not then du�, with any �xc�as p�ka ta 8orrowa�. (n the wrnt of a putf�l taWn�ot th� Proparty, unlesa Bortowar a�d lertde►othawise <br /> a�rN k� wdNnp,th�sums ��cur�d by this 3ea�ity Mstrum�nt �haN b�nducaf by th��maunt of th�procads mu111pINd by th�topowinp <br /> Mction: (a)ths total amount of sums s�cured Inttrwdi�tNy betor�the takln�,divkl�d by(b)ths hk muket wlue of the Property immedi- <br /> �tety bMon th�takin�. My b�lu�c�tha�bs p�id ta Borrowar. <br /> li th� Roperty i� atu�don�d by 8atowK. or M.�Rer noUe�Dy UndK to BortowK that the condar�or oflero to make u� awArd o� <br /> seriM a d�m tor d�rtw�pa, Borrower f�ils to�espond to Lendet within 30 d�ya�iter the data tho notice la ylven, Lender is autho�ized to <br /> coll�d and apply th� proceecb.�t R� option, elthet to restaation or�k of th�Property or to the sums sscured by this Secudty Inatru• <br /> ment,whNher or not th�dut. � <br /> Unirss lender�nd Borrowa oths�wise��ne in writir:Q,eny appliatkn of ptocaeds to prk�cipal shaq not sxtend or postpone 1he due <br /> dats of th�monthry paym�nts rabrted to h para�raphs 1 and 2 w change th�amount of such payments. <br /> 10. 8o�row�� Not R�I�assd; Fonb�trsnco 8p L�nd�r No! a IM�ivBr. Ext�aion oi the time for psiyment or moditl- <br /> cation of�moAizatim of ihe E��rt�secured by lhis SecuRt�?r�s�ument yr�n2ed by Lenaler tu any sacceasor In interest of Bortowe�ahall <br /> not op�ata t�cct�t,:�tha�.:ba�iry of the ai�tnsl BoROw�r¢�Barowerb auccesaora ia ioteteat. lender ah�ll not ba raqutred to commence <br /> proceedings a�a+nat aoy succeaso�in interest or refus�to ex:end t►me tar payment o� athe�wlss mod�ty�mortization o!the suma secured <br /> by this Security tnshument by roasan of any darand rt�de by!ho arig�ns'!8orrorier or Bo�owcr's suctesso� In interest. My to�ea►ance <br /> by Lendar in axercislny�ny dght or remedy sh�N nat be� waivar of or pr�ecfude lhe exercise o1 ang�tyht or remedy. <br /> t 1. Succossors and Asslyns 8ound; Joint and S�v�ral Llabiltty; Co-signars. The covenanta and agreementa of �� <br /> this Security Inafrument sha�d��nd benelit th�auccesscrs�nd assiyns o1 Lende►��d Botrowe►,aubject to ths provlsbns ot panyraph <br /> 17. Borrower's covenante and ageements atiaN be Joint a�d aaveral. My Bo►rower who co-aigna this Security Instrument but does oot <br /> execute the Note: (�) ie casignirtg thia Seru�ity insVumeM onty to moRyage, grant and convey that BoROwer's interest In the P�apeRy <br /> undar the terms of thia Sscurity Itesfrum�nt;(b)Is not personaNyr oWiyated to pay the sums aecured by thi�Security inatrument; And{c) : <br /> agrces thlit Lender and�ny,clher BoROwer may aprN to extend, modity,torbe�r or make any accommodaUona with re�ud to the tertns of .i <br /> lhls Security InsUUment or th�Not�without tMt Barower'a cansent. ' ' <br /> 12. LOlq Cha►��. H th�loan a�curad by thia Security Inst�umant ia subJect to a law which sets maximum loa� charyea�.And t <br /> i1«i tw.�:ts ....�xj:-SAtG:�.i:��t:'�t::`•C d::!�!:»02k.�!".....•'!t!t_z�•yw•r'�••+i»•!� !u`L..^.N.i�!'G�!!!�^_iK!!Mtlnn wi��}th��n wYnw�f =�- <br /> the permktad limha,then: (a) any such loan chu�e ehaN be�educed by the amount necesaary to reduce the ch�r�e to the pertnitted <br /> limit;and(b) any auma aUMdy coNected hom 8orrnwer which exceesfed pem�itted Nrt�tts wiN be�etunded to BoROwer. Le�de► may choose ` <br /> to mske this refUnd by roducinq ths�ineipU owed under ihe Note or by rtuiktnp�direct payment to Boncwer. It a retund redueea p�in- <br /> cipal,the reductlon wU b�V�at�d u a par1W prp�yment wlthout�ny prep�yment charqe under the Note. • <br /> 13. L�pislation Aif�etiny ���d��'S FI1�MS. 11 enactment or expkatlon oi applicablo laws has the ettect o1�enderin��ny pro• <br /> vlsfon ot t�e Note or thls S�curiry Instrument unentorceable accordinq to its terms. Lenda, at fta option, mey requlre Immedi�te peyment <br /> in tuN of aM sums aecurnd by tMs Security Instrument and may Invoke any remedles pertnrited by paraqraph 18. If Lender exerclaes thls <br /> option, Lender shat take the steps apecifled in the aecond panyaph of pua9nph 17. <br /> 14. NOtIC�l. My notice to Bortower provided for io thls 3ecuriry Instrument sh�N be qiven by deUveriny it or by malUny It by ftrot � <br /> cl�s�mail unless �ppYcabb law requira use o1 another method. The notice shaN be dkected to the Property Address or any other address � <br /> Borrower desl9natee by notice to lender. Any notice to Lender shaN be qiven by firat d�ss mafl to Lender's address stated herein or any <br /> other address LenGer daslynates by notice to Borrower. My notice provided tor in thls Security Instrument ahall be deemed to have been = <br /> given to Bortower or Lender when qhren as prov{ded In this pu�flnph. � <br /> 15. t3ov�rnlnq L.sw; S�vonblflty.This Sac:urity fnatrume�t shatl be govamed by tedeni kw and the law o4 the Jurisdlctlon In --n-- <br /> which the Property ia bcated. tn the nvent that�ny provision or clause ol this Se�urity Instromen!or the Note conllicts with appllcabte � — <br /> law,such contlict shati not affe�ct other provlsiona of thls Secu►iry Instrument or the Note whlch can be glven eHeat without the conflicting �`."�` <br /> prexision. To this end the provisions ot thla Socurity!nslrument and the Note are declared to be severable. _, <br /> 16. Borrovw�'s Copy. Borrower sh�ll be gtven one con}ortned copy of the Note and o1 thia Security Instrument. <br /> 17. Trsnsttr o1 th� Prop�rt�l o� a B�n�ficial Int�r�st in Borrowar. ii aN or any pan ot the Properry w any �nterest <br /> in it is sold or transterred (or if s beneficial Interest in Borrower ls aold or transterred and Borrower ls not a naturat person)without Lend- <br /> er'a prlor written consen� Le�der may.�t ita optlon.requke immediate payment In tuA ot aU sums secured by thls Security tnsUument. <br /> Howeu�,lhi�optlan s!u!!so!ba exerctse0 by Lender d exerclse is prohiblteQ by tederal!aw as af the date of thls Security tnstrument. <br /> 11 Lender exerolses this opti�on, Le�der shaN givs Borrower notice o1 acceteratian. The notice shaU provide a perlod o1 not less than 30 <br /> days trom the date the notics is delivered or rru�ited within whlch Borrawer must pay sIl sums secured by this Securify (nstrument. I} <br /> Bo+rower faits 10 p�y thes�sums pdor to the expiratlon of thls perlod. Lender mey invoke any remedies permitted by thls Security tnstru- <br /> m�n without fuRher notiee or darnnd bn Bonower. <br /> 18. BOrtOw�r'S iil�ht t0 R��ntt�t�. lt Borrower meets certain conditlons. Borrower shal)have the right to have entorcement <br /> 01 this Security trrs:ument discontinued st ar�y time prlor to the eadier oi: Qa) 5 days �ot such other period as applicable law may specify <br /> !or rc+natatementt betore sak of thp Piroperty pursuant to any power of sale contai�etE in this Security InsVUmenl: or(b) entry �1 a judgment ,�_-�—_. <br /> entorctnq thia Security Inst�u:�f. Those conditions are that 8orrower : (a) pays Lers�er all sums which then wouid be due under thls <br /> Securfh�r Instrumect end the Pi�:r had no axele►atlon occuned; (b) cures any defauit oE any oiher oovenants or agreement: {c) pays all <br /> expense�lncu�red"ux enforcinq tAis C�strument, inctuding, but not fimAed to,reasonable atic�r:eys' tees: end (d) takes s�ch action ; <br /> as lcnde►may retsonably requLe to essUre that the G�sn ot thls Securify lnstrumeRs,Leosder's righ�s in!he Property end Bortowe�'s obliga- � <br /> tion to pay the sums secvred by thi� Security InsUument shall contlnuti unChanged. Uaon reinstalemenl by Borrowet, this Securlty <br /> Instrument and the ob(Ipations secured hereby shaN remaln (uly eNective as if aa atrrs�eration had occurred. However, thls right to roinstate � <br /> Ls�ap not appfy In the case oi�cceleretlon under paragrephs,l3 0�17. <br /> n <br /> ;.�:�...► , �:�,•�r•. ' �� <br /> C. .. <br /> � <br />