<br /> �
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<br /> ��.�.� iaso� �
<br /> UNIFOAM COVENANTS. Borrower And lend�r cavanant nnd agree as fo'.(o•HS�
<br /> 1. P�ym�ttt o!P�Inclpal �nd Inl�r�st; Pnp�ymtnt and Latn Char�os. Bor�ower ehail prompity pay whan duo tlio
<br /> qr(nc�pal of�nd inte��st an the debt evklenced by th• Nots�n�f �ny prepeiym�nl �d I�te ch�rpea due under the Note.
<br /> 2. Funds tor Tax�s and Inauranc�. SubJ�ct ta appYsxStm kw os!i+�►writttn walvet by L�ndet, BeROwe► �hRN pAy tn Lender
<br /> �"' an tha d�y mOnthy paym�nts an du� under fh�Not�, untli lt�� Note Is paid in tuM,�eum('Funda'y equal to ons-twNth of: (�)ypriy
<br /> � � t#xes and usnsm�nts whlch rtMy attaln priorily ov�thit 3�writy Instrumtnk @)yMtfy IeaiMold p�ymenis a�ound�ent�an th�Prop•
<br /> erty. N�ny, (�?Y��Y he±srd insurancz pre!n�ume; snd (d?Y�Y��4�insurartr.s promtuma. N an}. Thesa Itema are ctkc� '�scraw
<br /> itema'. UndM m�y�siMnaN th�Funds dw on th�b��11 O�d1Rlflt�11a�t1.I tA�i011�OI�N1IIiM1�� 01 tuturo esc�ow itsm�.
<br /> Th�Fund�shaN b�hMd In an Imtitutbn 1h�drposU�or�ccounts o1 wh�th�n inux�d ar puuant�ad by� i�dani or aUte ayency
<br /> (InGudinp i.endK H L�ndu b wch an hatftutton). L�ndr sl►Y apptyr th�Fund=ta pay th��scrow fluma, Lender rtuiy not char�e tor hold-
<br /> inp�nd appyin�tM Funds,�naty=Inp th�account or vrlyinp the escrow Itans. u�tass L�ndK p�ys Botrow�►Intere�t oo the Funds�nd
<br /> appiicabN kw pem�ts Undr to mata such�c�arpe. 8arrower�d L�nda rr�ny���rN In wdNnp th�t i�te�est sheN be prid on the Funda.
<br /> Unles�an aytNrt�ent ia tr�al�or�pplicabl�I�w ���rQS interast to be p�tJ. Lvni�shaM not ba�aquked to pay Borrowar any Intereat �r
<br /> e�minps vn tM Funds. Und�s ahall9ive to 8omow�r,wkhout chupe, �n �nc��ul�ccountinp ot ths Fu�ds showiny credits and debRs to
<br /> ths Funds arsd tAe parpose fo� which each debit to tha Funds w��mada The Funda a�pledfled�e �dd�lonal securiry tor ths aums sa
<br /> cured by tfi�S�curity loatrument.
<br /> H the amount u!the Funds held by Lender, togetb�r with the Mure monthy paymenta of Funds payable pdor to tha due dates ot the
<br /> escrow Kem�,shat exceed the amoant �equked to p,aK the escrow itema When due,the axceaa shaN be,at Bortower'a optlon, either
<br /> prompty repaid to 8ortovrer or aeditecf to Barowes oet monthfy pa��ts oi Funda. H ths amount o}the Funde heW by Leader is not
<br /> sufP.elrn!fo��!ha e�r.�W n!�m�wrhe+re��.,, gcKr��er s.tiau p,�y ro Lender eny amount�eceasary to m�ke up the de11clency In one or
<br /> mwe paymaris as requicnKt by lender.
<br /> Upoo payrneM in tuN a!•all sums secured Dy th'r�6ecuriIIy Instru;nsnl, tender shall prompty refund to Bortower any Funda held by
<br /> Lender. If under p�ntyr�pA 19 the PropMy is sotd or acquired by Lertdlr, Len�er ahaq appy, no later than immodlatety prlor to the sale
<br /> of the R�serty o�ita acuulsitien by l�,-rder, �ny Funds hdd by lender at che Wne ot eppNatian as a uedit syatnat the suma aecured by
<br /> this Sec�x:it��riatrument,
<br /> 3. �iliC�tlOn Cf Paym�Ms. Untesa Appkcable taw prorricles cthe�wise,aq payments received by Lender under paragraphs 1
<br /> and 2 slsidE tse appYed:Rrst,to Mte charpes due u�det the Note: second,to prepayment charpea due under the Note; thkd,to amounta
<br /> payabie uc�der p�rayraph 2;lou�h,to ict;ecast d:it;at�d I�at,to princlpal due.
<br /> 4. Cltirgli; L.I�nl. 8oaow�c-shatl pay�M t�xaa, aasesamwsis,cliarges,Rnea and ImposiUons attrihutable tu the Piropeny:vhtch
<br /> may attain p�iority orer this Securify tnstrument an� feasehold paymenta or ground renta,if any. Borrovre�ahal!pay these obiipaUons in ;�
<br /> the manner provlded in parapraph 2,or it not pafd tn th�t manner, Borrower ah�M pay them on dme Grectty.to the person owed paymer�t. •i
<br /> Borrower shaN peompty fumiah to ihe tender aq notieea of amounta to be peld under this pares�aph.� tf BoROwer makes thesa payments � ;
<br /> directl�►, 6arower sMdl prompty fur�ah ta lender receipta evidencing the paymenta. ,_ _
<br /> �•_
<br /> �•sa��at�,.".�srsr^.�.�;''.�..."'`��9�.��:shi:.h l�s,:�ziosi:`,a:«lts::�xar�;:.sln:t:t�`.t:asnl_.s..` S�ar:� �s',!.pse�:s::�:"!tsg I�
<br /> tfie payment of the obliyation secured by the lien in a rtw�ner acceptable to Lender, (b)contests in qood faith the qee by, or detends =
<br /> �
<br /> ayelnst antorcement of the Ilen in, ley�l proceedinys whk� in the lender'a opinlon operate to prevent the entorcement of ths Nen or tor-
<br /> feiture o1 any part of the Property; or(e)aecures irom the holder o1 the lien an a�eeme�t satlsiactory to Lender subordinatlnp the Uen to .
<br /> thls Security UsUumenl. Ii Lender detertrihes that u►y part ot the Property is subject to a Gen which may attain p�lority ove►thfa Security '
<br /> Instrumer►t, Lendev m�y yN�Bonower a notice Identit�rnp thb qen. Bor►ower shali eaUfty ths Ben or take one or more of the actions sel
<br /> forth abow wRhin 10 d�ys ot tha ylvinp of noUce.
<br /> 5. Hazard InsursnC�. Bortower"shoM kee�>the improvemeotm now existlnp or Aereafter erected on the Property Insured aqalrfst.
<br /> loss by firo, hazud�induded wkhin the term 'extended coveaye'and any othe� hazards tor which Lender requ(res insunnce. Thts Insur
<br /> ance shaN be rrwi�lak►ed In the amounts and tor the peiiods that Lender requlres. The tnsuranoe caMer provldinp the Insuranca shall be
<br /> chosan by Barower subJect to LendePs�pprovai which shaN not be unreasonabty withheld. _
<br /> AN Insunnc�policie�a�d renewals shaM be acceptable to the Lender and shal inGude a stanctard mortyage ctause. Lende►ahall hav�e �
<br /> the�Iflht!o hold the poYdfs and renewals. tf LertQer requirea, Bortower sh�N prompiy�ive to Lenrfer aA recetpta et peld premlums and
<br /> renewal notice�. !n the event o1 loss,Borrowe� shaN give prompt noUce to the insurance carrier end Lender. Leoder may make proof ot �
<br /> loss H not mad� b Borrowa. ` � .
<br /> P��PUY Y
<br /> Unless lender and Bortower otherwise agree h wriUnp, insurance proceeds shdN be appNed to restocatk►n or repalr ot the PropeRy ���`
<br /> �•�
<br /> damayed. II the rostoratioe�or repai�Is economlcaily feasible and Lender's secu�y Is not lessened. 11 the restoratian or repair is not eoa�
<br /> nomlcaly teasible or Lersda's securtly would be lessened,the insurance proceeds shaA be applted to the snms sewred by thls Seairit�? • .
<br /> Instrument, whether or not then due,with sny exces�paid to Bonowe►. If Bortower abandons the PropeRy, or does not answer within 30
<br /> d��rr a notiee trom Lende� that the in�nnce c�reier has oNered to settb e daim, then Lender may coHect the insurance proceeds. Lecsder
<br /> rray use the procaeds to repair or restore the Praperty a to pay sums secxued by this Security InsGument,�whether or not then due. The
<br /> 30�day perlod wiA be�irr wtfen the noUce is Qhrert.
<br /> Unksa Lendet enQ Bcxrower otl�enrlse aQree in wdiinp. enY appNcatien ot prxeeds to pNnclpa!sha!!ne!extend or postpone the due
<br /> dote ol th�monlhy pliyn�enta tef�rred to In parayriph 1 and 2 or change the amount o1 the payments. N under parayraph 18 the Property
<br /> is acquired by Lender. Barower'a�ight to any insunnce polides and proceeds resulting hom damapa to the Property p�ior to the acquisi•
<br /> tion �haN p�ss to Len�r W the extent o1 the sums aecured by this Security Ins2rument immediatety pdor to the acquisiUon.
<br /> d. P��rvallon aod Maint�na�c� of P�op�rty: Lessoholds. 9orrower shau not destroy, damage or substantlalry change
<br /> tho PropeRy, �Aow the Properry to deterlorate a commi!waste. I}this Security InsVument is on a leasehold. BoROwer shall comply wilh
<br /> the p►avisions of the Is�se,and if Borrower ecquires tee tiHe to the PropeRy,the leashold and tee title shall not merge untess the Lender
<br /> agrees to th�meryer in writin�. • - _—
<br /> 7. P�ot�Ction ot L�ndtr's Rlghts in th� Proporty; Mortgage Inaurance. If 8onower tails to peAorm the covenanls
<br /> and aqreement�cantdnW in this Security InsUument,or there Is a tegal proceeding that may significantly aftect the Lender's rights (n the
<br /> Property (sueh aa a proceedinq in baniwptr.y,probate, for condemnation or to entorce laws or�egulations), then Lender may do end pay
<br /> tor wMtae is necesaary to protect tho vs(ue ot the Property and Lendet S �Ights In the Property. Lender's actions may (nclude paying any
<br /> sums securcK!by •Gen which haa priority over this Security Instrument, appearing In court,paying reasonable attomeys' fees and entering
<br /> L on the ArnpNty to make tepairs. Atthcugh Lender may take action under thfs pamgrsph 7, Lender does not have to do so.
<br /> Arty�rrwunta �sbursed by Lender under ihls parapnph 7 ahaN become additional debt of Horrower secured by thls Security Instiumer�t
<br /> UnICSS 84trOwti �nd LendlY�gfle t0 OthCY tCmt� Q} payment. those 8mounts sh�il bear interest Irom Ihe dato of disbursement at tlie �
<br /> IVote rRte tnd s►wH be peyable. with Interest, upon notica irom Lender to gorrower reques4mg payment ��
<br /> f' ,
<br /> T -
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