<br />-.;
<br /> � �
<br /> U�� 3�i�i Q L��1
<br /> 10. Bo�totiwr Not MNaMd:FfxW�ranfA Qy LMMr Not�Nhiv�t.E�ctar.s:on 0�thp hmo fpr paymom or man!�cauon of amorbzabon of Ino sums rocuroU by tm5 SpCUhty Instq�mOni
<br /> �ranteA Gy Lollder to eny aua4es�Or�n Inteee5)ot EtorrowOr sh211 nol opo�ato to re�ease tha 6ab�hty o)tno o��ginal Elorrower ar�orro��or's successnrs in int�rest lentler sha�l not Uo roqw�ou
<br /> f0 OOR1f0enC9 OfOCeMLfN���f1�flfly 6UCCe3lOf�n i�18�0Y�01 f8fU50 tP QII�9�0 U(�19 Tp�Peym9�1 O�PIh0nV�50�ilOtldy amOrUZahon ol tho sum5 securod Gy th„Socunry In5lrumonl by roASOn
<br /> o�eny demand m�da Cy t�e ongmal Bonower ot BurroHar's successors�n interest Any Iorb9AranCR by Londer in eYOrc�smg any ngro or rpmedy sha��npt Co a wJ�ver ot ar p�CClud�iho
<br /> 0[9r�IS0 Ot liny nqM of feRMCy.
<br /> 11. Suca�wr�snd Asfla��lbued:JoiM�nd S�vN�141�DiiHy:CaalyMr�.Tho Covonants and aflroBmsMS ol Ihis Secunfy InsUument ahall b�np pnd benofd Iho 5ucc8sSOB and �
<br /> a�s�gns of lerxlor and Borrowe�.sub�ect to the prov�sbns o�parpyraph t�.Borrowor�s covenants anC agreemant�shail be�n�nt antl sevarnl Any Bortowar who co•s�flng th��Socunty In,trumonl
<br /> , Qut d0e��1018�t�f.ltis the NO!e'(�1�e w�akJnmg ihi�Spcunty Inshument oniy to mangage,grdrtt and convgy thdt BOrrower's mtenfst in tho PropOrty undtlt fhe lerms of�h�s SOtunty Ins�rumpnt,
<br /> (p)���Ipt�ffOfl�,�ODIiQifN1�O piy tf1!BtII119 S@CUI1d by fhl9 S9CUr11y I�StNR18�1;8f1p(C)8Jf88S thBl 49�d9f A�d d�y OthO►QOttpWQt m�7y p9M8 t0 OXtCnO,ttipd�fy.(p�p0,7�Or rtf�k0 f►�y
<br /> accommoddtana w1h re�ard ta the tartna M thrs S2cunty lrtstrumen�w the(Vota w�thout that Qmowar's consont.
<br /> ��, �p�Q��.N 11+�Ip�n Na,nd hy this Security Instrument b sub�ect to a law which sets max�mum ban charaes.end lhal law fs fmally interpretecf so tAat Ihe lnteresl ar oth+��ban
<br /> sh�rpM c�oN�cNd or 10 p�coA�CUd In conneclh�+►with t�e loan exceed tfln pemuried Gmib,then•(a)any such loan charpe shall be reduced by the amouM necesaary to reduce tne cnarge
<br /> to tM p�rmMled limtt;qnd(b)any 6ums�keady colbcted from 9o+rawer which exCeeded permitted hmits will 0e retunded to Bortowe►.Londer may choose to make this retund by ratl��ng
<br /> NM pfklCipd OMNd utldfr lh�NQts 01 by rttikNtg e G�rlCf pflynteM 10 80rtovrer It a rofund reUuCes prinapai,tn6 rgtluCtbn wdl G9 treAtOd a9 a partiat prepaynleM wdhout any pnpllyrnenl cnert,�e
<br /> w,d�r tne Nots.
<br /> 1�. I.pi�Nqon AfhCifnp l�eidK's Rtphb.N enactment or expiratwn ol appl�cable 18w9 has the eNec101 renderng dny provis�on of the Note or thls Securiry Instrument unenf�rceaDle
<br /> accoMinp to iq hrme..lsnW�at ita option,may roqwre knmediate paymem in tull ot eA aums securad by thls Security Instrumenl and may invoka any remedros permiried by paraproph 19.
<br /> li LenCe�exerc�se�Mia cntan.Lender eAaO take 1M stMG9 specMied in the soco�xf pdragraph ot paraQraph 17.
<br /> 11. N�tltM.My notke to 8orrower provrded for In thw Securiry tnstrument shau De giveo dy delivenng it or by maiting tt by hrst class mail unless appticable Iaw reqwres use ol erather
<br /> msttwd�Ttis notiC�sh�t1 be dirscted to tMn P�cperty Addresa or any other address BartowOr Qc�sgnat�Dy notlCe to lender.Any notice to Lender shall be glven by hrsl ctass ma�110 Lentler's
<br /> adQnlqg stated hereM a any otASr ed0�ssa 4erxier dea�ynates by v�atiae ta Bortower.Any nohtp prp��idod for tn Mis Security Instrument shail be deemed to have heen given to 0orrow9r or
<br /> LRn�lr w1+M gIV6n�9 ptOVidW in thF9 pata�ppn.
<br /> lb. GOYNMIq(.�w;SWN�bllfly.Tht9&eCUtrty(nstmqtsM Shall be gpvomed by fedE�ral law and the Ww o►tha lunsd�ction in whlch ihe Property is IoCatad.In fhe event that eny provision
<br /> or cWuss of I►ds$samty Inatrurt»nt or the Note conflicts Wdh applicabte law.such contiict shall�ot aflect other prov�swns at thiy 3ecuriry Instrument or the Note wh�ch can be g.ven e8ect
<br /> vWtlxwt tla oonfictk�y provisbn.To ihis en0 the p{ov�9�ans ot�►+�s Secunty Instrument and tne Note are Ceclarea to he se�reraCte
<br /> t!. larowM'�Copy.Borrowa shall be g�v�en one confa�O copy ot the Note and p11n�s Secunty Insi�umem.
<br /> 17.1Fan�N►W qN Prop�rty or�Mn�fichl lnbin�l i�BO►row�r,it an or any pan of the Propecry or any�nterest m a�s sold or trunsferred(or if a bene6cial interest�n Borrowe��s sotd
<br /> or transternd end Borrow��a not e natural porson)wdhout Lender y prwr wmten conson�.l.onder may,at�ts apt,on.reqwro�mme�ia2e pdyment m full ot ull suma secure0�y thls SeCUnty
<br /> Insm;ment.Huwe+reR thi�option ahall not be exercised Oy lender i�exer�se:s prohiC�tatl by fetlerel iaw as of the date ot th�s Secuafv Inst�umenl.
<br /> ti Lenclgr exerciSea thi9 option.Lender snaii Qive norrowe�nobCe pv aCCe�e�auon Tne npUCe snau prO�Ce d penod oi noi iesS 1'�a�3V ddys f�om the date�he nptice�s delivered or md��etl
<br /> within Wn�ch Bortower muat pay aH aums seeur�l by this Sea,nry Instrument 1f Borrowe�fails to pay these sums pnor to the oxpttat�ao af�'us pertod,Lender may invoke any remedies permMed
<br /> by thia Secunty I�qtruTMnt without turther not�ce a demanq o�BonoNer
<br /> U. Norcow�Pa Ri�l�l to RNMtat�.H Borrower meets certa�n conqdrons.8orrowe�sAall have the rght to have enior::er.ie�!ot t��s�eanty In9trumenl tliscontmued at any ume pnor to
<br /> the eaAier of:(a)5 days(or such othst penod as epplicable law may sDeaty for remstatement)be}ore sale o1 the Property purs�ant to any�K�r ot 98te Contained fn thi9 Security InsirumenL
<br /> or(b)entry Of a jud9menl enlorGnp th�s Secunty Instrument.Thosv Cor�cht�ons are t�al8orrower (al pays Lender al1 sums w��Ch t�en woWd Oe cfue under th�s SeCUrity Instrument and the
<br /> Note had no�ekratqn oCCUrted:(b)cures any dalaull ot any other co��enants or agreements:�c)paya a11 expenses mCUrred in enforcing this Secunty Instrument,intluding.but no1 I�mited
<br /> t0,�easonabb�tlOrMyb'10a9;and(d)take9 suCh eCtqn ae Lender may reasonably requ�re to assure that the I�en o11h�s Secunry Instrument,l.ender's rights in the Property and BotrowePe
<br /> oWlgation to pry Me Sum�aecuroA by th19 SCCUnry I�strument s�alt cont�nue une�angetl Upon remstatement by Bonower,this Secunty Instrument antl tha obligations secured heroby shall
<br /> remain fully efMCtive a1 if no pecebr8tbn had oceuttecl Hawever,tn�s nghl to remstat9 sha�1 no�apply m the case ot accelerat�on unqer paragraphs 13 or 17.
<br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS.Bortower end Lenqe�lurther Covonant ana agr@B a9 to��ows
<br /> 19. AaoNMalbn:Mn�s.L��s1wN ytv�rafkr!o DortowK prta to�caN��tlo�tollowlnp Borrorw►'a bneeh ot�ny eownant a p��t In Mls S�curlty I�atrum�nt
<br /> (bu1 no1 p�lpr b�ooNKWa�und�r p�rpnpM 13�nd 17 unNU�ppUeabN I�w providN othKw4�).tM nollc�ahall sp�ciry:(a�the d�tault;(b)tM�etlon tiqW�d W cu�tiw
<br /> MhuN:(c)a d�M,ao!Nss Mf�n�0 d�ys han th�daN th�natta b qlvHf to BortovwR by wh�ch the d�lauR mwt W cu�d;�nd(d)that fallu�t�cur�tM dNwM on a b�ton
<br /> th�dp�p�i1Nd In th�eotlw m�y hwM In aeaNntton of tM sums s�cund by thts S�cuNty tnatrun�nt and aaN of tl»Prop�rty.TM notky ahall furtMr iMam Borrovwr of .
<br /> tM tt�IM tO fNM{N�MNr aCaMNltbn M�d tM ri�ht 10 O�inp�c0urt�ctbn to af�Nt th�oon♦xin.na ot.e�w'r«�ny an.►a�t«+s�Ot 8orrowN to aOCN�atlon and s�N.N
<br /> tM eNhuM I�not 4�r�0 on a bbr�1M drM�p�eilNd in tM notte�.L�ndM at It�optbn may r�uln Imn»din�p�ym�nt In tuN ot aN sum�Neund by 1hI�S�cuHty IMtrunNM �
<br /> w1lho�N 1urlMs eN�nd and n�ry N�vok�1h�poM�of NN Md My otlN►IrnNdIN pMmMqd py apptkabh law.Llt�t aMll E�M1itNd t0 Co1NCt all��pNaM IncYrtW In punulny
<br /> tM�nf�dle�provkNd M thl�puspraph tY.IncluWrq,but not IlmftW to,�MwnabN�ttom�ys'1eN and cwts of titM�vid�nc�. 4 .
<br /> M fM powq W sM�h invok�d.11tM1M�hall ncord�notic�ot debult i�Nch county in which i�r pat W tM Prop�rty Is�veat�d and thall mNl coplN of aueh notle�In tM
<br /> nwK�p�NCNb�d by�ppMC�6M iaw fo Borro�wr and to tM otMr O�wns P�Hb�d bl►�PWlcabb 1aw.Attw tl+�Urt»nquk�d OY�PP�ie�bN law.7Fwtw shNl qlw pubtfc eatia
<br /> of sM�to tM pKrons�nd In tM nw�nn�►pmeHb�d Ay�pplle�N law.ltustN,wkhoul d�mand on 9arovwr,shatl�II th�PropKry at publk auedon to tM Mphe�t Mdd���t tM �c
<br /> um��na pMa�t w�aer aw ann�a�pnnw rn aw eata o��t�oM a e+on pKeMS�no in�ny oroM irusa�aM�nnrnN.nw�inay pastpons a�u ot�n a N+�►Wrat -
<br /> a a»r►aa«ey�r w�wc.n�ww�oan«�N u,.wn..na v�•a a any pw�oushr.en�auaa aw.1.�nOK or It�dNip�rtMY P�rsMa�tM ProP�►b�t any�aN. '
<br /> Upo��cNPt af p�y�M d flN P�ia b�d�ShwM��hstl dNivK to tM P�+�eh��lYu�tw's dNd conwyiny th�Prop�►ty.TM ncitals In th�7tustM'�dMd�hNl b�prlma facM �
<br /> wld�ne�W tM tMh ol tM af�f�nta m�th�nin.Ttu��hdf apply tt»procMds of tM s�N In tM followlrq ordN:(a)to dl��►pMNS of th�a�N.Ineludlnp,but 1fOt IIrtNt�d
<br /> W,11wtN's fN�N pumMMd by�pplleahN I�w�nd n�aon�bt�attamys'hy;(b)to NI wms Ncund by thls S�curlty In�trumrnt;�nd(c)�ny�xc�ss tp tM p�non or p�nons
<br /> ' Np�N�I M�titUd!0 k.
<br /> 30. LNfd�r M PO�N�NOn.UpOn iiOCae►atron under paregraph 19 or abandonmeM ot the Prppgrty,Lerber Qn person,by ageM or by�ud+c�e�ty appointed reoeiveq sh811 be entdbd to
<br /> enfer upan.take po�s�albn of an0 rtw�lig�the Property and to collett tho rente ot the Properry�ncludmg ttwae pdst due.Any rents colleCted by Lender M the receiver shall bs applied firot '
<br /> to payment of the Wala ol manapsrnsnt o1 the Property and ColleCtbn of rent9.indudmg.but not IimRed to.repg�v�Br's fee5,C:emlums on reoeiver's�onds and reasonable attomey9'teea,and
<br /> then to tt�e aume axurod by th�SecuMy Instrument.
<br /> 1f. R�oonv�yM�.Upon paymeM ol all sums seeured Gy th�s SecunSy Instrumont.Lender shan request Trustee to re��r.Ly"o Propertv and shall surrender thls SeCUriry In9trumenl antl
<br /> aN notss evlE�ndng de41 aaand by thiy Sacunty tnstrument to Trustee Trustee shatl reconvey the Property w�thout waRamy antl wrtho�r cnarge to the p0�son or persons 19gally enMteci to -
<br /> � d.Such psraon a p�reona anall pay any reoorcletan cosu.
<br /> 22. Sub�tkuM 1Fw1N.Lender,at ils optan,mey hom t�me to time remove Trustee antl appomt e successor trustee to any Trustee a�omSeO hereunder by en instrument recorded ln tl:e
<br /> c0unty in wNCh Mis S�wrAy instNment�s reCOrdetl.Wdhout conveyence of the Property,the successor Wste9 shau succeed to aU the tr�e,pOwer end dutfes conTertgd upon Ttus�ee herem
<br /> erb Dy BppMC1iAN law. '
<br /> 23, ppwat for Nptk.y�.9prrpwer requeqts that cofl�es of the not�ces ot aefault antl sale be sent to Borrower's aCC�ess w��ch�s the P�cperty Address.Borrower turther requests that
<br />. Wpl�s d ttM nOfiCS3 Ot dltAUlt�nd Sab b0 Slnt t0 e3ch pprgon wlw�5 a party hereto at the addrASS ol6uch p9rson s8t forth!�?r6m.
<br /> 21. Rld�n to thb S�cu�lty M�trumNff.lf one or more rWers are executed Dy Borrower and recorded together+enth thrs SecunN tnstn::nent,the covenanta and agreements of each such •
<br /> ndM shall W inooryoratW into a:W shall amend eM supplement t�e oovenentg eM agreements o1 th�s Security Instrumem as it t�e nCer(s}M,g�e parl ot thi9 Security InStrumenf.�CheCk
<br /> eDM�b�e Do:(ea)1
<br /> Q AA�ustaNe Rate R�4e1 Q ConAOmmwm Ritler � ?-4 Fam�ly Rber ��
<br /> �Oraduated Payment Rider U PlanneC Un�t Deve�opment Rider •
<br /> ❑Other(e)(SpgcdY)
<br /> BV SIGNINd BELOW.BtxrOwe�8CC8pU an0 ag�ees to the torms and covenants OOnta�ng�1�n this SecuMy Instrurt�9�l ar:d m ar.y nder(sl ezecuted by EorrcwCr antl r@COrtl2d with i)
<br /> �/ \
<br /> !�1�.�'YY111 1�-�t`� ($@d�)
<br /> � �i� �� -8onower
<br /> � , � �
<br /> �/: c,I'. .- --�w__� ($981)
<br /> J �,�.__�_.._�.._... eanewcr
<br /> (Spaoe Bslow This Lins For AeknowledpmeM]
<br /> Sta1e of NsOraske )
<br /> Gourtyot Hdll _� �
<br /> On th�s—a.is�Jt—tlay o1 r�CLOber ,19$�.,before me,a tvatary Pubhc m the State o1 Nebraska .
<br /> ��,�„�„��„��, Jerome L. Geiger and Dianne_J. Geiger (husband and wife) _ _ :-- _—_—
<br />� bJ IM pEtSO�dtty kt1tlW11[O b!ttM pQf900(S)f18R1E0 M dM wh0 Ox@CUtBd thb tOfC(�O�ng mSt�urt1AM end ecknOwletlgeU tra: ��18,X_ . _. nxecutecf the same as. _�__.__.. ._.
<br />; voluntaty dt1 Md OQEd r,_. . • , .
<br /> /�
<br /> My Gomm�ssan Exprtea ,nMFtM�i1M�YMb ����=''- .--.r_i__ �_�:�Z,�',G�-'' -------,---.--• -.-----
<br /> 5�atedNedasxa t �������,�jm •
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<br /> ,���,Y o� -�
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<br /> fJc tY.�9 . tl0y U� . . ...... ��1 �CforA rn0 i�N;�tdrv Pq�l:r m�np C��!n o� �
<br /> ���r;�..�ap�:a��n _ _ "���
<br /> ��,•r�o pe•:+,na y kr•rrae t�IA�Rn W�p,�n�y�r�nn��t��,tirxl wh��nat•'utnd'��n fo�CYi��•�a�ngtr��np��t �.,•�a�w'�qti���t17��h���•ri �,�n.u'nr1 N�e•��r�e a•,
<br /> .••�,r�uy::re pnrf qrtMf t" ,�'
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<br /> �J�' � �e.,r• {.�.•���
<br /> , �tAu. t- Y�'t
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