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<br /> , .` �. �.� .�_ . �
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<br /> 1 �
<br /> � �_ . ,
<br /> DEED OF TRiJSI° �9�- 10�0 0 4
<br /> TMIS DE�D OF TRU9T('Sacvrity InNrument"J+y macM on tn�� 27Lh ,^day p� October ,
<br /> (' ,9 �g .TMtrUtlOr�f Jerome !.. Geiger and_Rianne J. Gejqer (husband and wif�
<br /> � �"8otrower'!.The trustea ta Comrt�atclal Foderal Sav�er�d l..oan Associa6on.
<br /> - (°Truslee� Th�ts�n�Kclary Ia Ccwnrt�rclal F�al Savuge auut Lotm AuocNtion.wh�ch i9 organiced and existirty under 1M Iawe nf NaGnuka,entt wlwse addrosa a�:'a.�o�,C�uha.
<br /> ���t��,�,�.�����,��,�,�u,�Q��Three thousand fi�e hundred ninety one dollars and 00/��,
<br /> , tu.a 3 3�591.00 �.����11fC`1/py�oww'a nde.dateu ths eame dats as thi�Sacurity Instrum�M("rWOte).wnict+providss tor montnry paymsme,witn tn�
<br /> tuN o�a.il rxN p�ld Nr1iN�du�ana p�y�0�o� 9 .
<br /> Thi�S�pxNy In11nKnMM NCUrM b LwW�r:(�)lM ropayrtfMt ol tM asbt evM�nced by Me Nots.wnA interost,and a�l ronWVab,extbns:ans and modifications;(b)tM payrtient ot all othe�
<br /> eurtq.wAh IrN�t,�11�ntb�x�p�wproph 7 M prohct the security ol ttdt 3�curily Irtatrum�nt:and(c)t�N partormamCe of Barrcw►�r'a corenants and agre�mants.Far th1�purpose.
<br /> B�trn�c tttSs�ocsbly prant8 and oonve�t0 Tru�.In lruel.with por.+er ot�,�le,lhe toI!owing descri4ed propery bCated in Ha 11 Gounty,Neb►eska•
<br /> • Lot One (1), in Block Five (5), in Morr9s Fourth Add9tion to the C9ty of Grand Island,
<br /> � ' Hali County, Nebraska
<br /> ,�n,�,,,,,,n,,,,aaK,a 119 East 20th , Grand Island ,
<br /> cst�ee�> ca+v�
<br /> �8 H 11� 688a1 �-prpperry Address•):
<br /> TOOET11Ep wiTh NI 1M fnprov�rtMnt�now or h�rsatiN nsct�d on the DroDerty,end aN easemenL,r►ghte.appuRenances.renb,roya.Ni�s,mi�al.oil�rW 4ss�hq and Profrb,vv�tw
<br /> eigMS any qp�k�nd aN��qre p tNti�N�+a pert ot ths propsrty.All r3placementa and atldfiona 9hall atso be eorered by thla Security Instrumsnt.All of th�(orogoing is ret�nsd M in
<br /> Kds S�axAY M�M1xnMx�s Ih�"PropMty.'
<br /> gpqppyyER CpVENMtTS lnat BoROw�r Is tawtuly ssia�d ot the esnte horoby oonvayad and has tAe right to 9rAnt and con��eY ths Propsrry and tt►utt tha Propeny�s unsncumbarpd. '
<br /> axc�t fa enampqnces pl roCprd.9onoxer warranle a�A w�N defend gensraxy ths titN to 1M Propeny eigalnst aM Ga1ms and CemaMs,sub�sello eny encumbrarw:ag ef�aCOrd.
<br /> Tfi13 SECURITV INSTRUMic�:cuni��ir:u��n,rm cownanb fa natto�al use and non-unNOrm cownanb wiM hmfted vanatbna by ju�ed�ction!o consh[ute e unHortR seCUrity Mahument
<br /> cov�rinp rMl ProP�IY• {... `
<br /> UNIFORM COYENANTS.BOrtowrt and L�r covenaM and agroe a�toM�nva:
<br /> t. /a�MN ol�eMOl�l a�kAMrM:P�P�Yn�nt�nd LaN Ch��.8orrower shell prompty UaY when due the pnndpa�ot and intero�t on the debl evWerocod Oy the Note and amr
<br /> pnp�ynM�►1�nd yN en�rpM du�u�dK Ih�t+lds. - --
<br /> s,E�ed�}pr l�w M�Inweano�.3ub�ct to appheabb 4iw a to a written w�iver by tendar.Bortower shall pay to Lendsr on me Gay monthy payments sro Cus und�r ths Nots,until
<br /> 1M NoM b P�in fu/.�sum 1'Fund�'1 puN b onriw�Rlh Ot:(a)Ye1�M iMxN lin0�s6�ssrtw�A wnrcn may attam prqnty over mi�s�cumy lnstrumwiC tb)Yw�Y���P��Q . �V ,
<br /> proura�na on�P�ua�f.K+�:(c)yw�Y n�wd�+sunno.a��m��and(d)Y��Y�9�9�InsuranCe P��ml.a.ny.rnese rtams ero caxed�escrow name.��enaer may ascim�te =
<br /> �n.Fu�a,aw o�m.e.d.a a,n.M aas�ana�...onaa.ssaman,a n,n,�s�ow n.ms. ..-
<br /> Th�Fundr a1�M b�hNd In an N�stlrfion tAS Wpo�its a�oounta d wt+�cn ue�nwrsd a guarantesd by�ledsral a ataie agsncy pnctudirg lends►il Lendsr i�wch an lnstituUonl.Lendsr
<br /> aheN�ply th�Fundr to p�y th��scrow iNms.Lender mry not charg�Ior hotding end�ptying the Funda.analyzing the account ar verRying the esetow items.unlASS Lendl�p�ys 8ortowsr
<br /> inHr�t On 11M FunOa M+d 1ippliabN I�w p�mNts l�nd�r to maks weh a charps.BortowN and ler�er may agro��n wri6ng lhat mterost sh�Il b!��afq on the Funds.Un�ess an agresment is
<br /> m�d�a appNe�DM law r�puk�N kK�nat to De pNtl.LerWer shNl not bs require0 to pay Bortowe:any fnterest or eamings on tM Funda.Lende�ehall groe to 8orro�Nar,Mntnoul ctiarge,en _
<br /> �nnuN s000untlrg d!M Fu��howk+p aedit�anH debrts to tM Funds and the purpose for wh:cr each tleDrt ro�he Funds wes maCO.Tha Funds aro pledged as ad.yttional security tor the
<br /> suma�cund bY Mb S�cuMN Instrum�m.
<br /> N tM�mowN d th�Funtls h�W Dy L�nO�r,topNMr wit�the Tuturo monthty paynbnis at Funds payaDk prlo►to tne�ue dates M the ssaow it�ms,etNfe�xceW ths anwunt requind io pay
<br /> 1M Mcrow iNn»wh�n dw.1M hcaa atwY b�.at Borrowsr's aW1on,eahsr P�'«nPGY�W+Q ro Bortower a croCitstl to Borrower on monthy paym�r�b�f furW�.H ths amouM al 1M Fur�
<br /> hdd by L�r b nol aufficNnf b pay tM ssuow ftems vMen due,Borrower shall pay to Lender ae�y amouM necesaary to make up ft+e ANicisnny in oris or mon p�y�as�sWiNrd by ,
<br /> LM�dM.
<br /> �Da+PM���+iuN d aN wn+s s�a,na bY m+.+Seu,r+�Y�nswment�ender snau prort+PtN�stund�o eorrower anr Funds ne+d ov�ender.H unde�P��AP►+�9 the Propsrty ia aold a :.
<br /> acq*sd by��r►d���rW�r�11�pply,no late►than immed�ately pr"qr to the sab of the Property o�its acquisitbn by LerWer,any Punds held by Lender at the time of appliCatipn ae e ered'R
<br /> �p�irNt Ma f�xrn MCUtW by ihi!Saurity IMtrumenl. _
<br /> a.A�YCNfof1 d�nlMll�.U�NSS appNCabb�e+N prov►des othetwise.BII payments reCeived by Le�xfer under paragrapAS t and 2 Sheli bs eppiiMf:first,to late CharQes due under the --
<br /> NoN:s�oorb,b pnp�yrrMnt cfwQ�e due under the Note;tMro,to emouMS psy�We uncfer paragraph 2:tourtn,to�nt�resf d�a;and laat,to principal due.
<br /> �, �Mr�M;;NM,gortpw�r ehaN pay�II taxss.as��rtbnts.d+arpes,fine�and imposiuons a'��butable to tne Property which may attain pdo6ry over th�a Securiry Inatrument,arW �
<br /> I�tqa p�yn�Nfq q yrpund renty,Aany.8orrower ahall pay these oblgatrons�n the manner prov�C�:s�psragraph 2,or ii not pald in that mBnMr,Borrower sh UI pey tnem on Gme tl�recty ��--
<br /> to ths pMSOn owrd payrMrN.8orcowar shatl P�P�N wmFSt+ro LenCer all not�ces of amou�ts to oe pa+d under th�s Deragraph I}BOrcower makes Uase paymenta Qi-gyly.Sorrower shall i��'-
<br /> pfomptyt turnMh W LM�d��nCSKns ev�dsrr'.inp the peymErns. ��37'
<br /> gprrow�r�h�N prpmpUy Elecnarge�ny Ilen whkh has p�forAy over this Secunty I�atrurtw�t unless Borcower;{a)agrees in wrdmg to the payment ol the obligatan secured Dy the Iien m a '
<br /> maroNt aoaptabN b Lender:(D�conteats i�goo0 fadh the Iien by,or detends agamsl anto�oement ot the lien m,legal proceeding9 w�fCh ln th9 Lertder's opinion operate to p�event the
<br /> e+,r«o.m.m a u,s wn«fone�ans a anr oan a m.�ov.rty:a lc)secures irom tne rwber o1 tt+e I�n en egreement satisfactory W I.entler subordinating the lien to th�9ecurity Instrument �
<br /> H L9�+d�r dM�rrtfirwa that any part of ths Property is sutHecl to a lien which mey atta�n pnonty oves Ln�s Security Instnrment,Lenaer m3y g�ve eorrower a not�oe�Cent>y�ng rne�ien.Borrower
<br /> sAW sabsl�r tM li�n or tak�ar a mor�of the�cta�s set fo:th abore within 10 days of the g;+n+a�of notwe.
<br /> a, tl�d kMyr�,Bortow�r thall kMp ths imprv�err�ts now e,eisUng a hxeat!sr ecected on me Property insured against toss by f�re.hazards i�clude<f w:L�in ths term"extende�
<br /> opNrp�•�nd�ny qMr hataMd tor wtdch LMid�r nqulrN tnwranca.TIW uuwar�seratt ae mainteine0�n the amounts and tor lhe periods that t.�r�Qer requires.The�nsurence eartier
<br /> prpvidi�p tty irtwqrx,y a1uY p�chos�n by Borraw�r aub]�:t to LsrWer's aipprovat we�ch st�aH not be unreasonabry withMld.
<br /> AN insunno�poMei�s�ntl rKwwWi ahyl W aCC�pMbb!o Lsnder and shafl ind+x70 a Stanclars mongage Gause.Lender shall have the right to hotd the po8cies arW renewals.It�LeMer
<br /> nqWns,8orro��►�M prompYy qiw to L�al1 hcsipte of pai0 pr�mrums and�ensw�l nvbces•�n me event olloss,Borrower shalt g�va prompt not;ce to the msurance camer and�.ender.
<br /> Le�Wbr may mrdce prool ot tass s�nat mede promDtry by Borrower
<br /> 1h��LRIO�t Qlfi 6pr011�t O�Wi!!�preO in rvritirq.insura�te prOCeo(js Si�&B(SY ilQpii66 k7;¢a't0�'dti0n 6r r8p3tr ot th6 Pt6p6rty G5�6d.'rt tR8 t85t6idt�6n ai r8�3it iS BCOiSOt'R�Litlty
<br /> t��tibt�and LMW�r's s�C+KAy dsnat N�s�nsd.II tM restaaUOn or repair i9�ot sco�amiCal�yr feas+ble a LenCer's security woutd ba�es5erte0.the insuranc0 proceeds shaii ba 2ippL90 to the
<br /> sums s�CUrb py MI�$�f,yXity M�VUmrM,whett»f or not then due,with eny exees9 pe�0 to BCrronev.It Borrowet abandons the Property,or does not answer within 30 d8y9 a nCtCe from
<br /> Land�►Mst th�k»urana urtiM�a ofterod 10 esttb a Gvm,the lender mey oolbct the�nsurarce proceeC9.Lender may use the prooeeds ta tepair ot rostore tne Property o�to pgy.aums
<br /> esCUred by thi!SKMity IMtrurtN�G wt�MtNt W nOf thsn due.The 30-dey period w�tl begm w►wrt the no0ce is gwen.
<br /> Unb�s LendAr�rb 6orrpvwr olnenris�apr�ss Hi wrihng,any eppliCation o1 proceeds to pnncipal shall not extenA or postpone the due Oate o►the mor�th!y payments reterred to in paragraphs
<br /> 1 and 2 a ctw�ths arnounl al ch�paym�nb•H under paragraph 19 tM Property is acqu�red by Lender.Borrowei s rgM to any insurance potwieg a�p�oceeds resultmg irom damage to
<br /> tM PtOQMty pfiOl 10 th!�OQU101b0n fhaii p{!�t0 LSnA9f t0 tM extEnt o1 th9 bum8 SgCUfEd by lhr5 SQCUrity InShUmEnt�mmgd�ately prpr to 1hE BCqui5di0n.
<br /> 0, pIM�fV�11p11 Mfd Y�klbfrffq p/pfOpN�y;L,��Mho{A�.Borrower shall not aestroy.Ca^53gs or substant�ally change the Property,albw the Property to de:eriorale or cOmmd waste
<br /> N tlwt$�CWAy k1/Y1xrMM Is On N36lAO�tl.BortOwet 5hall compty w�th tho prcvis�ons of t�e tea5e.�nd�BorroKier etqwres foe tAlp to�he PrOpertY•the Iease�old'a�C fee tAte shau nof inerge � - -�
<br /> uMN�LM�Wr aprNa b tlN nMty�r In w►ainp. '
<br /> 1. �rW�elle�pr{rwyM�IY/M�M IM►top�rly:Mpfl��MWtY�.H BGftOwEf td�l4 t0 pSAOrm th9 Cov9nant3 8nC agr8gment3 COntBmeC�n thi9 SBCUnty InslNmeM.q tMf�w�
<br /> 1eq�1 prooMtfap thM my Npniflc�rMly afNcM Lender's nghts m tM Property(suCh aa e p�oceeC�r$�n bankruptcy,proDete,tor tondornnAtbrl pt p e�torce law9 pr regutations).then Lender �
<br /> nwy tlo�nd p!y tor wNaN+�r ia Mcassary to protecl the value o}the Property and LanHe�'s ngRts in the Property.Und�r's aceom may indude ppying any sums setured py a iten rrh�cn nas
<br /> Fx,orrty ovrr MNa 8�cwity Ir.qrumasf.appsarirg M court.pay�ny reasonae�e attorneys'lees and e�::eru�gon the Property ro make repavs.AHhDugh Lpnder may tako act�a�under tn�s pa�ag�apn ,
<br /> 7.LenOM d0�!�Ot�MW Io d0 8t7
<br /> My�m0unts di�bun�0 by lander under this para9raph 7 sha�1 pecome adtlmonat debt o}Borrow9r Sgcured Dy fh�s Secunry Instrument Un1es9 Ba�rower ancl4ender agroo to ntnar torms
<br /> ot pr/rt»r�t.tfwN�naunts eMN Deu�ntere�l hom Ihe dato o�d�Sbu�SertW�t et tho NOte rato and shall be pa}rable with inlO�oSt.upOn notice frOfn LendBr t0 BOrrowo�req�e5lmg paymgnt
<br /> � il LendM requkW mOrty�pe�n6utanCA 9s A condAan o1 makmg tRA loan SeCUred Oy Ih�s Setunty Instrument.Borrower snall pay lhe prgmiums�oqu�r�W to ma�Ma�n thp mSUrAnc�m plleCt
<br /> �rrt,s sucn t;rr�ae tM rpwrement tw tne insurance torm�natoa m accoroance w�:h�prrOw@r S end Lenqpr's wntten ag:oernr�nt o�applic8b�e Ww
<br /> �. kNp�CIf011.le�bK 0�R9 aqer.l may make reaSOnaDlo or�jNas upOn flnd m3pBCt�onS o�the PropD�ty Lande�shau yrve Borrower npUco 2t ln�brnp td qr pnOt IO 0�i�SpCCLO�SpCCdyinry
<br /> �eawnybM c�tor me+ntpect�ar+
<br /> •. COf1d�IMf1�MOf1.TM p�OGC�7d!O!8ny ewdtA�r Ct�im 1or damages-a�ract ur consequonba� ��connoc��n,v,tn any condo�+�+ato:�nr ot�,c•� ,�R,�,:t uf a�v�i�t ot V,�Propnrly .n�,> !�
<br />_ LOn�y�I1C�qt LEU 4)LOM}lfrtnBt�Qr�.fl�B hOtepy ASS��Cd flnQ Sh�ll b(i pA�d l0 LOttdOt �
<br /> f�S�4!lVdtA O}8 tOGll twh�M1y)U1 lRA�fOpsif�/ IhP P�h���bh;117 bO Oj1p:�9d 10 fR0 Sur179 GCCUr�CI bY th�g�SCGUt4y InSjt�mCe! WhpthC�U•,•Uf t^Cn du0 rV�V�lny pyfElS^pditl b�;%�rivv.Or I�. ,
<br /> r�w cve��u1 e Dut,ai tar�rg o1�Mr Pr�ty unf63S iki�rpr�Ur�nA LondOr vthorwi;q�q�CO.n�nt��� tr,f1!:u'h9 SMU�Qd P'/In�g;n�.u•e� :nSth,!nPn•tihdil hp+��lu:n:l h/the omo.:•+f 'Ih(� � r
<br /> �,ra ea0s mu1Lp:.ed ty tlie t�7✓w�rr.�6ett�on la�tnn t�rtret a�no�nt�f�n0 sumq�r[ure0�mm�:0•'tlA/fi0»�n r•,p raw�y 4 v Knn n,r r. ,nr•.��••.u•rf:..::�r r,+tr..i'.n�,rtt�,-,.np:t�m��;.�,t�„r. � �
<br /> I�K}IDh�n� An�Da�d�+:�GnAl1 tm A�1 to EkX�o.vF+
<br /> �!Ri0l40LOrI/•9 Rb�N1fMt@C1 M/fklftfiyygr r�I A A�tOr ni.;,t.•p��arv�p,n�(:qtr�r6tf��r.a�qia.,n.,.. �.> ;�?r. 4� ..�.�. r�n��1 � • � r�..�•r ���'�d�Y•�. 14:•'1nNr.�� . �•.�� •,�• .
<br /> . r1R• n•h� t���y�r•i:�t•��tr.4 h:j!O Ih0�Nd..r. .�p,, i Cr.p�i ,.7 itrt..��IP'1 t�i r�•:�., .r�n-�Pf•i'' . , r c r � � '� , .� r. .�� . �. �r..:•, , �,r• �n,.���ir,��.�� .. � . .. .
<br /> r.tyt:�r11!'I"..,`.M:t•�1�Ir�9'r,.n;�;�-! M�.t�f�Nt•.i �,.I��tit ..i
<br /> �Ir•. . f�:��V flia2 Ktr�'�M3� •.K.rh:(+l3J'nN �v .,� III•I.I:q.- .11.._ i���..�� �.� .�..r. �_. . . ♦�1- ' . .. .'I. ' . ' . :.1.� i�.... . � ., � ' ' • i �� . -I �
<br /> �t:.• .i �i:�(�:I'�:I: �rA!i•,1 r.�lf 1-t.�t�.�.�� •�� �
<br /> v
<br />