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<br /> . C
<br /> ' __—.�_�..0 __._ __ _______. — _
<br /> .. . - `�,: . .
<br /> . .�.., � . , . - . '
<br /> . ` ..� �:.`�: . , . .
<br /> . .' 3 . `:._ �� . . . _ "� h
<br /> . . ..« ..�.�,..fS'..nl:..n.a.a..--'___. . " . .. . "'_`
<br /> . • .
<br /> .--. - ----- ��°����� ---
<br /> : f.. � ,
<br /> � ., i .
<br /> , . � .
<br /> � .
<br /> .. , ; „
<br /> . . , 3,, ,
<br /> . . ' � � �eet from the East line of said SouYh Half of th� Northwest Quarter ` ''
<br /> . . . �s fneasure�along tha centeriina of the high�va}�. •` -
<br /> . �:�-
<br /> �or the purposa of tliis inst�umee�t, the 10 vehicle movemants per
<br /> � � � `� hour will be measured and deternnia�ed Uy the following pracedure:
<br /> �.^V
<br /> � � ` _� upan its own determinat6on oP vuhe�sver tra�c congestion occurs at `�
<br /> a restricted access, the Oepartrr►ent may make a tra�c count, sucte � _
<br /> . , ,��.�! _-
<br /> 1 count ta be for a minimum 8-hour period during Y�e ho�crs of 7 AMJ �'�'-
<br /> � ` to 9 AM, 10 AM to 1 PM. 3PM to 6 PM, artd, in add�ion, for anv --
<br /> . cth�r peak hours peculi�r to the Higfiway. Th�svera��houriy traN'ic -=-
<br /> °�� -� ` ��� wi[1 6e determined by divi�ding the total nurn�e� of vehicle -:
<br /> - '��_�;:,�; ;�" enovemart� Pecorded during the time periods by the iength of the ��==
<br /> ��:';` '� ti�� pe�io�s in hours. In the ever�t a�y of the peak hour vehicle ���_
<br /> � ..�� ��nts exceeds the average by a faator crf 1.5,the higfi�r figwQ may -_
<br /> � ��.�'-��1�•�. �Oe used to determine tha n�mtaer of vehicte movements �Qr the
<br /> .,.,....
<br /> -:,,', : „�..
<br /> ::;:' �� access point.
<br /> � Y An undivided one-fourth interest in a e�ra� �f land comprising a part of the
<br /> :;,;.�,<<�• North Half of the Northwest Qua.�tcr (��b��f��t�'/,) a¢�d part af the Northuvest
<br /> • I}i.i i,Ult:., � 1�. �t I
<br /> � �;="�-�� �� � Quarter of t[�� l�ortheast Qunrter (C�i�,�3it�i�,$) of �aciian 31, Township 12 -
<br /> �,,:�. .
<br /> • ••.ne•
<br /> .�,;, . �"a�th, Range 10 West of the ��` �.f��.., Fl�;� Y"✓sa��y, N��rask�, mare =_
<br /> - � � ,. �oauticularly described as fatEows: Begin�;«� �i: the Southwest c�ener of said
<br /> • f���tf� One-Haif of the Nonhwe�t Quarte� (tt�;�NW'/a}; thenc� r�.�nning North
<br /> . �- along and u�on the West line of the North Hal# of the Northvvest Quarter
<br /> �. � • (N'/�NW%.) a distance of Two Hundred Ffty-four and Forgy-fv� Hundredths
<br /> ' • . (254.45) feet; the�ce North 69°30' East a distanca of Eight Uf.u,r.edred Sixty-
<br /> �`°�.K��;. .,� five and Sev�n Tenths (865.7) feet; thence South 69°41' E�st � �istance of
<br /> '-i,�';���,.;..;�_�' -, Six Hundred Two and Sixty-four Hundredths (602.�4) feet, ti�ance North
<br /> :`����t<;:�-.,. - 89°28' E�s� � �distance of Ona C-L�dred eighty-nin� �►ic{� �'sve Tenths (1�9.5)
<br /> -�;� � � ^� fc�tt;� thence i�orth 52°43' EasY �d�stance of Eigh4 F�a+��i�� ����:snty-five and
<br /> ����" :;�;.. �� �:�:� Yenths t875.51 ���; t9�a:��a Nortf� i��°48' East a di�t�ar�ce of One —
<br /> �-;;:��-, C-�aumdred Fefty-two and 'i��,c�r'�-t�,ro Hundr��ns (152.25) feEt; 1Mence Snuth
<br /> :. ._.. .
<br /> _— � . 35°44' East a distance a� r��. Hundred Forty+-fiivo and Ninety-eight
<br /> ; ��`"'`��' "� Hundredths 1542.98) feet; then�e South 72°47' East �a distae�ce of S�rAeca =-
<br /> ,�,.,�.,..._. =
<br /> ;�.:�p��,;_ �t±�ndred Tt�irty-#ive ae�.�; �hirty-two Oiu�dredths (735.32) ¢c�2; t�s�ctce ��^��h -
<br /> �== �'.:.:,„. . 41�°2t3' East a dis�mv:a of Two hlundred Fifty-�i�3�� ac�d Zhirty-t�see �__- _.
<br /> �'��� ��' FEr�nd�etiths (258.33) feet to a point on 4he Su�W lin� of 5�,sd North�nrest �W
<br /> ,;;tR�1�., 1:
<br /> • �'?',•,��`• .'y� Quarter of 48�e Northoast auarter (NW'/.{VEY.1: t�c��r �a�u 89°36' V!lest �=-
<br /> �� � .'��� a[c�t�� and upan the �outh Gne of the Northwest Qa�arter af �a� Northeast =-
<br /> � � �.:� �w:�cter (NW'/.N�%.) � �istance of One Thous�nd Onsz Hundrs� Sixty-six and n,�-
<br /> ' � � '�� �sven Tenths (1,166.7) feet tv tha Sosrthwest c�mer of the Northwest P
<br /> �..�4:.
<br /> auarter of the Northeast Qu�rter INWY.NIE'/s), aiso 6eing tho &outheast corner -
<br /> vf the North Hnlf of tP�E Northwest auarter (N'/sNW'/•); thence Sauth �9°23' °°
<br /> West alortg and �apan the South IinE of the North Half ofi the Northwest -
<br /> Q�a:.rter (PJ h N�/V'/.) a di�t�r�c� of Tv�►o Th�us�n� Four Flundrad Forty-five and
<br /> � Ninoty-�ivc Hun�redths (2,445.95) feet to tho poi�nt of beginning and `''"
<br /> c�ntainin� 36.977 acres,moro or l��s.
<br /> - . �
<br /> . � _
<br /> . :��:_
<br /> . . ; ,.
<br /> �
<br /> . � � ;,_
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<br /> • �
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<br /> • � 'r
<br /> _ i � .�
<br /> � i
<br /> �_ . .. ..._ . _. . ,. ._ ... . - •--� - • -
<br /> _�. . . .. . ., .. .-_ -__ . -- _ _ .. _
<br />