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<br /> ' ' the Note.including.hut not limited ro. [epie&�BitPlloaS O�IICelnlil8�no�vei's nccr�pancy of ch.Pra�ny as a
<br /> .. :', principal residaue. If this S�curiry lnstn�ent is an a leasehofd, EorrotsW� sh�ll complp with xt1 ch:
<br /> � � provisions of the lease. If Bonower�cqaices fee title to the Propercy,the iease?�cald and the f�citle sh�li n:s
<br /> ' merge unlcss f.eades a�rees to the m2r�er m writing.
<br /> � ° 7. Psai�it�n oq p.ender's flZig,4►t� in tY�e Prog�sty. If Bono�ver fails to perform tb: covenants and
<br /> �. , .. � agree�ents contained in this Security Instnua�nt,ar tmere is a leg,�1 prarxedin�that uz�y sign:ficaatly affect
<br /> Lendei s nghu in t4te Progzrty(such as a praseedinS in b'-s.rsruplsY,probate, for condemnuion or forfeirum
<br /> ` ---_-`� ar to cafore la�rs or regulations?,�1xnsler may do ansl pay for whatecer is necessary to pretect the value
<br /> _ ,,�. � � of the Prngerty and Lxader's rights in the Progerty. Leader's actions may incIude payin�any sums securzd by
<br /> ' � a liea�vhich has pnority over this Ss�auity Instnunent.app�ring in court,paying ressansble attoraEys' fees
<br /> � � . � and eateriag on the Pragerty eo m9ke repairs. Altl�ough E.e,r�K �y ta'ce astion uiv3:i this para;r.,ph 7•
<br /> L,eader dn�s uut have to do so. �
<br /> : � Any amnuats dis4rursed by I�r uader this p ° �7 sh�ll6ecom��ddiiional deb:of�t�;co�reY sevned _.
<br /> by this Securiry Ins�uumea� Unl�ss Soirower 2��der agr�co oth�tera�s of pay,vr.ui. th�e 2mr�.r•s - _
<br /> m
<br /> �. � shall i�eaz inte�st from the date of disbwse�at Ft tttE Naxe rate aud s4�z11 be payabl:. vrith imerest,upen _`
<br /> ••� notice from I.ender to Borrower�eqLtitsting pay�s.
<br /> , 8. 1►lartgag2 Iasuianoe. If Len�requirasl mortgasz�as a condition of ma3ring sl�e loan secured �-
<br /> • . : ;,�§ by this Security Insteument,Borrower shall pay the piemivans mq:.iml to maintain the iaoitga�e ia.,ru:aase in -
<br /> effect. If,for any reason,the mflrtgsige insurauce coverage c�equired Dy L�eader lapses or ceases to be in effect. =
<br /> �, Borrower shall pay the premiu�s required co obtain coverage subssantiaUy equival�t to [he mortgage �=
<br /> • *� .n�„*aRce p�viousiy in effect, at a cost substansi2Uy equivalent to the wst to B,�m�wer of the mungage _
<br /> � �no�.anre previously in effea. fmm an altemate ncortga;e insurera�proved by I�eader. If substaatialty =-
<br /> . • s" eqnivaltai mortgage �uance Covert�e is uoi available. Borcower shall pay ta L�der ea� �nth a sum =
<br /> k equal co av�twelfth of tlie yeazly rraxt�age insuiaace premivm b.ing paid by Ba�rower whea the insuraase �.
<br /> ' ' • �` cov�4�Ispsad or oe��to be in e�'�c� L,�ter�vi112ccep�,use and re3aia these payrnents as a loss res�ve _
<br /> ' "#` in f�u et�ortga�e i�uaace. Loss reserve payrx�ls may no longer b�required,at tlr�opiio�of Leader.if
<br /> • ... �;• .i.att-��:snsarance covcn-age(in the�.*nnuat an�i�r the periofl that LeudEr c�guues)Provided by an insurer _
<br /> ;� ,�.� "
<br /> •.� ;:rFrri�ed iry Leader again becoa�s ti.vailable attsl is obtaiued Borroa�r s�ait pay the premiums tequired to --
<br /> ' � maint�n mortgage insurance in E�., or to provide a loss ces�rve, until the requi�t for mortgage =.
<br /> � • • � insurauce ends in axordaace with aap written agreement between�onower ansl I.ender or a��,3�cable iaw.
<br /> �'�,:�•: 9. Inspect[on. Leader or iu agent may make reasonable eatries upon aud inspectioas of the Fraperty.
<br /> , '•,::l��r�� reasonable cause for the
<br /> ;� Leader shall give Borrower notice at the time of or prior co an inspection sRzcifymg
<br /> .,,<"�z;i. .; �
<br /> . a:>:i,•. . ' Ii1S�[IOD.
<br /> ' � • 10. Condemnatloa 'It�e �mcesds of aay award or claim for dasvages. direct or consequQntltal, in
<br /> wnaecxiva with any condemnaunn ar other takiag of any part of the Propefiy,or for conveyaace in li�u of
<br /> cond�nasion,are hereby assigned�ci shall ise paid to Lender.
<br /> � ' In;Tv.eveat of a wtal taking af tire Property,the proceeds �all be applied to the sv� secvred by this
<br /> ' gr.�urity lnsuument, whether ar nnt:�en due, tivith aay exr.ess paid to Eoaowe�. In the event of a panial
<br /> � ^�:�+.:; : tasin�af dte Pmper¢y in wt►ich the fair marL-et value of the Propercy immediately before the taking is e�ual.ta
<br /> :: �.� or g°-��tban the amount of the^•ru�s s�.�z�3 6y this S�urity Insuu�nt immazdiateIy.before the taking.
<br /> ;�;;*..-� � '••. �snles313�irrower and Lender otheswim�ia:+iiting,the suaas serured by this Security InsAnuaant shall be
<br /> � "^ reduced[ry the araount of the�erasr�multiplied by the following fracrion:(a)the total amonnt of the su�ns
<br /> .. secured immediaiely lse'fflre the t:i:�vr,divided by(b)the fair market v��slue of the PropPrty innmediately tefare
<br /> ' +'�'�'�� the taking. Any b�:£�v,�:�:4�all be paid to Bor,ro�.:r• In the event of a partizi takin�of the Property in which
<br /> � .���^�,�ci �- r
<br /> •,i�-:,f,;:r• the fair warket value cr thE Property�iacely b•afore the taking is less tlssra the amount of the svms s
<br /> 'tf:-a�,::•��., .� immediately i�fore ttie takin�,uatess Borrower�.d Lender otheiwise ap�e iu�rrriting or nnless applicable lac++
<br /> _ . ,�'. oiherw'sP provides, the proceeds sb,�:;3 lse applied to the sums secured by this Security Insuumant whether or
<br /> �-.,.'i��r' ' aot tlie s�rms aYe then due.
<br /> u-`_�;"•y�: [g�Le Property is abandoned by Borrower.or if,after now�ioy Lender to Borrower that the condemnor
<br /> `='3 h:e�.7'�y'�::„
<br /> -- •• t. ;�. offers to make an award or settle a claim for damages,Boaower fa�s to respoud to Leuder within 30 days
<br /> '".1: � '�:=;: after t�e date the notice is givzn. Letcder is su�ltorized to collxt aad apply the proceed.s,at its opdon,eith�r to
<br /> .,,,a�.:.' .estex;�t,�n or repair of the Property or to the svms secured by this Security instrument,whether o�uot then
<br /> _�`R:n�•�;�: � due. � lication of racceds to al shall aot
<br /> __;��"�i:• Unt�:ss Lender aud Boaower o�herwise agree in writin , aay app' p P�P
<br /> �.�F:.Y:; extend or postpoae the due daze of the rrtflnthly payu�ents refemed to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the
<br /> atnownt of such paymznts.
<br /> -J'�`�'"'" 11. B07MZYfY F`IdSC RfIe35F�;Forbearauce By l.cader Noi a Weiver. Extension of the time for paymettt
<br /> �•,`,;�fiY-.... .
<br /> -:�3v�;;;�'�; . �.
<br /> `.':'1�?'�'°. : NEHIit�SI�7A•Singts Fumity•Eanr.te fdivalFreSdfa Mac Unitorm instrusrtent
<br /> ' ' . ' Farm�Q2f3 8/80 =
<br /> l,as�Forms inc.(600)448�3585 �
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