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<br /> .. t�.a�;+�•�t=-'-�<= . � - -----.._.,-�--- ,._...._---------- - ---` --'_—"'
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<br /> • ' F wtder paragr�hs 1 aad 2 shzll b�agplie�: fust, co any prepaymeat ch��es due undes chs Note; second, to ,
<br /> ' amoants paysbl�:un��p�rd,raph Z: thud. co intemst &ue: faurth, to gmncipal due; and last, to any late
<br /> � , { charges due uic�r�x the i�int$.
<br /> . . � 4. Charges+Li�s. Bartos��sh211 pay all taa�.asse�sents,charg�s,fines aad imgositiaas atuibutable
<br /> � to the Progerty which m�Y utain Priority over [his S�euiq• Instnuaent. aad lea�hol�paymxaLs ar ground
<br /> � c�rnts.if any. Bnrro�ver s�all pay these obligations in th�m�ner pmvided in para,�a��2,or if not�aid in ,
<br /> � ` _� � tbat manaeT.�arrorrer shall pay them oa[ima directly to[h�gPrsoa ot��payraent. �orrow•er shalt pramptly
<br /> . ; ----c- � furaish to t.cad�a11 nutices of autflunts to?�:paid under this paiagragh. lf Barrower makes these payQCents
<br /> .. directly,Borm�ver shall promptly fumi�h tv Le�r1:r receipu eridencing the payments.
<br /> e�
<br /> ;., BaRO�ver shaU pro�tiy di:cpa2sge anp iien �vtuch has pri�riry over this SECUriry Ins[rumzut nnless
<br /> Borrowe.r{a)agras�n wraung to the payment of the obligziion setured by the lira in a manner asceptable to
<br /> Leader.(b)con:c�t u g¢ad faith the lien by,or defends against eaforcemeat of the li:a in,legal p�sngs ',. ``'
<br /> which in the I.e��i�r's opinion operaYe to prevent ttte enfor�nt of the lien;or(c)seaares from the holder of ��,_=_
<br /> � the:iea an a�� satisfuxory w Lender subordiaating the lien eo this S�curity Inscmmeat. If i.euder t.�.�.;^'
<br /> d�u�es that 2ny part of th� Prog�rty is su0ject to a lien whicth m3.3 zttein pnoriry over this Security
<br /> �Y tnrn,�,�+,t, {.euder may�i���oirower a nouce identifying the lien. B=+sroa�sh�31 satisfy the lien or take ,'_�'--
<br /> ' on:or more of the acaons se�forth above within 10 days oY tlsp giving of noticP_
<br /> ;;;'�r S. H�ard or Pt»peMy Its�ctrmuoe. Bomower shail lc9ep the improvem..�t� aamr exisring or he�eafter ��`'V
<br /> � � e�on th�Property insured z�,'M_inst loss by fim.hazards in.luded�itY�in the urm"�.tsended coverage°and _
<br /> . �� x aay other hazards.inrl¢duin flooda ar floa�ng.for which I.euder rzquir�.s insurance. This insuraace shali be [-�:,
<br /> • - m�intaiaad in tke anmouats a�d for the g:riasls [hat I.ender requins: The insurance cairier providing the
<br /> . °• �se shall be chosea by Eorrower sulojed to I.endec's agpmval which shall not be unreasonably withheld. �°`�
<br /> � '� If Horro.vu fa�1s to maintain ancetage descn'bed abave, l,ender may,at Lead�r's opuon,obrnin wverage w ��.-�=
<br /> � . �; protect I.euder's rights in the Pmgarty in zr.cardance cvith paragraph 7.
<br /> . All insuraace policies aad reaewsils�116P acceptable to Y.eader and shall iuctu�e a standard utortgage �'�� -
<br /> '_ .� �_f,�.
<br /> . . clause. Lender sh�il have the right to ho13 tSie policies and renewaL. If 1-esader mquices, Borrower shall � -�.
<br /> � � • gmmptly give to Leader all receipts of paid pr�ruums and cenewal uotic�. In the event of loss, Borroerer ;r ._
<br /> ' shzll give pmmpt notice to the insvrance caYner and l.ender- I.ende�'�.y malce pmof of loss if not made �_:�
<br /> :. � pmmpfly by$oaower. �: -
<br /> �:
<br /> -- L3nless Leader and Boaetivet othernise agree in writizr�,. insurance proceeds shs131��applied to restoration =
<br /> or repair of the P[operty d�aged,if the reswrauua or�,r°�r is eronomi�ally feasible aad Lender's securiry is -
<br /> �" • � uot lessened. If the restoradon or repair is u.nt econumicslly feasibte or L.ender's securiry would be lessened,
<br /> the insaiance prooeeds shall be applied w eiiz�ims secured by this Securiry tn�m,,,,�t- whether or not then
<br /> . .. due, wit6 any eacess paid to Borrower. If Bnztu�ver abaadons the Property. or dnes not answer within 30
<br /> . • •,.� �. days a aotice from Lendez thaY the insusance cartier t�oti�e.-ed w settle a claim.tPu�.Lender may collect the
<br /> insurance proceeds. i.en�er m3v use the praceeds to r��Rr restore the Ptapsrty ar�n pay snms se�red by
<br /> ' . � this Security Instrwa.°nt,wheth��ur aot then dne. 'Ihe's43�rLsy periud will begin w�a t9te natice is given.
<br /> . - IJnless Lender aud Boreower otheswi`e��in writing, anY aPPU�ion of prace�als to principal shall not
<br /> . . extend ot posgwne the�ue date of the �rni�fY PaYm�nis referred to in.�aragraphs 1 and 2 or change the
<br /> � � � aznouut of the paymeats. If uader paragr-..,�i��t the Rroperty is 2cqu;�ri trj Lender, Eocrower's right to auy
<br /> � � m..nstaace Policies and proceeds resulang from da�age to ehe ProP�nY Prior to the a:quisiaon shall pass w
<br /> � � Lc�f�;,r w the eatent of the sums sesured by t�.is Security�n�s-,�ent immediatsly prFar w the acquisition.
<br /> � . C^. Oacugsacy. Pe�servatlon, �nsr. :,_�ce and F��tectlon of the Fraperty: $orrod:er's Y.osn
<br /> � �PPllca4ton; L�r���holds. Eartower sh�:3.cu:s�y. establisb. and use the Property as Borrotive�r's grincipal _
<br /> -';� resideace wit��'�ctY days after the execirurQ of this Secutity Insuum�and shall co�inue to c�e:upy tbe _
<br /> ';�..._. ,. . Property as Borrower's principal residence foz at least or.�year after the date of occupancy,unlesa Lender -
<br /> ,..i;>
<br /> �''� ��:,�:...•.. oihetwise agrees in wripn�: ahich consent shall nat fin unreasonably withh�ld. or unless exteauating
<br /> '�`=`•'-'� :�:T circumstaacxs exist which azr.h:yond Borrower's cantroi. ►3�rrower shall not destroy,damage or impair the
<br /> _��x.�:.,' �•�
<br /> =�_�L�r��?� . Piroperry,allow tbe Propeny ut�eteriorate.or commit waste on the Praperty. BormWix sha11 be in default if
<br /> ��r�'�. any forferture auiaa ur g�c�ding,whet�er civil or crimiaal,is he�n i3r.^_t in Lect�r's�ood faith judgnent
<br /> ``:� �� wuld result in thrCi;iture uf the Prope�ty or othetwise materia]Iy an�s:8r:�=lien created by this S�nty
<br /> .�•�..;•;�..� �• Iumvment or I,e�deT's s ;.. interest. Bonotiver may cure such a <ir!'3uEt z�.: reiastate. szs pmvided in
<br /> �:�' .'-� P��Ph 18.by causing�l�.�e��.tio�s or proceeding to be dismis�ed vri�L a ruliag tisar,. in Leader's goad faith
<br /> -�''���',:'.° detetminatlon,precludes for(�{:ure of the Borrotiver's interest in the Property or atu.r material ir�apa�mrent of
<br /> '" ' the IIea ereated by this Securcry Instwnent or Lender's�.:rity interest. Borrower sha11 also be in default if
<br /> .� p Sorcow�r.d�uin�the loan application pracess.gave�.!�.�ly false or inaccurate information or statements co
<br /> .�.`� Lender(or fail�d co provide Lendez with any material inf�miation)in u�nnection with the loan Eui�'enced by
<br /> �..
<br /> �-• �����+
<br /> _,,,.. .
<br /> ' ?7� �°� t�iRASKA-Singla Famity-Fars�ie MaeffreddIa Moc Urti4cc.sr(ttr°rumr�t
<br /> �� , :� Gc:m 3028 f!!90
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