i :.� . �';ti:ti`. " __c_-..---�- —.• �
<br /> .—�+R _ - —_—..—_ - . _. .._ .
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<br /> . - r` �h� . . . . a ,.t , . . -�'-
<br /> ./' ui�yA,�m•� •`�y.:Z_ t .. �� . ' .,.
<br /> • ����
<br /> � � gg_ �:
<br /> -.-___ ____� {���. S� ���, ��ve l,ender written notice of any investigation, ciaim, demand, lawsuit or other sction by any �:
<br /> � �;avemmental or regulatory a�etLCy or private party invol�ing the Proprrty and any Hazardovs Substan��e ur Eu�ir�ss►mz,ittst La�' __-
<br /> � � af which Eono�rer has actual lsno�vlsd�e.If 8orro�ver leams,or is notified by any�ovemmental or regulatory authority,that __
<br /> �`; any cemoval ar other re�diation of ar►y Hazardous Substar�ce affecting the Property is necessary. Bonmce�sluill promptly takc �
<br /> � • � atl necessary remedial actions in accordance tivith Environmenta!Law.
<br /> As used in[his paragraph ZD, "Hazardous Substances" :ue thu:+e substur�es defin:d as toxic or hazardous substuni:ts by __
<br /> � � i Environment�ai law and the following substances: gasoline, kcrosene. othar itammable or toxic petroleum products, toacc
<br /> � • � �� gesticides and hecbicides.volatile solvenu,materials containing asbescos Qr fom�aldehyde,and rsdioachve materials.As us�in _
<br /> • ` � �'�� th;s paragraph 20, "Envimnraental l.aw° means federal lativs and laws af the jurisdiction where the Pmperry is lorated that _
<br /> . . • ' � relate to healt�.safQty or envimnmental pratecdon. _
<br /> '•` NION-lJ PIIFORM COV£NANTS.Borrower and Lender further covenant and agrex as follows: _
<br /> � Zl.AcoelerntEon;EBane�Ies.I.ender si�il�ive�uilce to Bnrrotitier prfor to r��e�eratIQn Pollo�vin�Bsazo«er's breQSb _-
<br /> �'; oi as�y cove�aant or agrcem�nt tn thts�i:�it3 Y�ne�t lh�i aui �r tsa a+�eleratEon �a[ler �ara�raP?� 17 untes� ..
<br /> :�x,:,.,:,�a8i��. ppplicable taw pr�vIdes othersvise).'i'he�uce shsi!!speci�y: (a)tlie default; (b)tl�e�rtion required 4o cure the default;
<br />. r- ..� (c)a daEe,aa!l�than 3fl dnys from tha d�te the u6tice is given to Borrower,!�y wtuc6 tke default musl be cur2d;ar�d
<br /> (d)thut fs+il�re to cvze the�e�anit on or bEfore the dafe sp2si�u�!ia the QoY�ce cnay re�It tn accelerat�on of the�ums
<br /> • � secu�by thfs Secarity Instrr�ment and sale af the FroperEy The nniice sliall f�er infom�Borraser of the rLg,ht to
<br /> �} reiasiate afRer ec�lemtlon sad the right to bring a c�urt action to assert the non-existense of a dEfa�it or any alher
<br /> defense of Borroea+er to ua�ierat�on and sale. If the defanit is ttat cure�on or bePore the date specIfied in th�notice.
<br /> LendPr,a4 its opiaon,raaY ceyuire immedi�te�ayment in 8ui1 of all snms secured by this Se�ritY Instrument�vtthout
<br /> ' . farther dzmand and may lnvake the po�ver of sale sud aay other remedIes permitted bY Zli aclndi� but not limited
<br /> '�'� , e�Itted W oollect all e�ens�3ncurred in pu�suIng the remedtes provide�in tbLs passigrap �.
<br /> � _ ;, to,reasonabie attorneys'f�a�d costs o�t[tle evtdPnse.
<br /> If the power oP sale f� i�ok�l,Trustee sha!! eecard a uuttce o�defaAlt iu esch coanty in tvhith any part of the
<br /> ' �roperty is Locuted and shafii rnatl eopies of such notice[n the manuQr prescaibe�Gy applIca6le law w Borrower�d to
<br /> h
<br /> - � the other ge=son��rescrTb�!bY aPP1lc�ble law.After the time reqnir�ed by ap�lIca6ie la�v,Trnsta shall give pubfic aot�ce
<br /> ' of sale t�ttee��s ana f�z tlte�anner pre�rihed by app�tcable lavr.T►vs�teE,without demaud un Borrosver,�hall seU
<br /> .' � �e g�p�r�,��:.-c E=3ctfr�to the 6ighcst bIdder at the time and place and undrar YhIIQ�of�'�na��'�;o�th
<br /> -= ��..3-,_ sule in ane or u�c�c�pas'�+�s��in any ordEr Trc�siee determines.Tn�stee�aay�r�
<br /> __- ., - - ProPertY bY P�tf�c anr�oua�eat flt the tIme and place of any pmvtously sdtr�lt�tid sale. Lender or its d�ignee may
<br /> - � ~� purchase ttt�F�;�eriy at any sal¢.
<br /> -"`�`�' �" ` Upon receip3 of payment of the pr[ce bid, 'd'rastee shall deliver to the �:aeNaser �rustee's deed conveytng the _
<br /> `'-���':-� property,The r�citals in thx Trastee's deed shtill�e priie�fade evid2ace af tir=truth oP the statemen2s made therein.
<br />_-��=-; � _ Trustee shall app�3r the prov�of the sale in the following ordYr:(a)4o a!1 sasL:,:�d expenses of exercising the Rower of
<br />:i�:,�;� .•.='• sa[e.and the sale, in:luding�e Papment of We T�ustQe's fces actually iacuned,ar�4 to exceed the�of$��w,OOor�
<br /> of t6e prtncipal aruount nf th�note nt the tlme of the declaration of dPfault,ar•�'_'�.'easonable attoraeys'fe���xs permttted
<br />,�n��'':��•.�, by law;(b) W aU:�ums secured by this 5ecurity Iastrument;and(cl�E--'''_'<atce�.s Yo the person or persons Qegaliy enlifled eo
<br /> -tis;;:;,.,y
<br /> - -s��,:, : �t.
<br />�� .=y��,:A_;-.; �. R,�;�-;-�y��. L;�.r payment of all sums s�ured by this security ���s?��ment. Leader shall req�st Trustee to
<br /> � •'� '*+r• �R�•gy tLL�P-svgerty anc �.�:1 surrender this S�cursr._; 1�zscrument and ali notc..�.,a3encing debt secur2d by� slus Security
<br /> "'"`•'�`T"�`� In�cument e�Tr.istee.Trus_�e s',all reconvey the Prope:�x•,:ithout warranty and�:si,1.t charge to the person ae p rsons legally
<br /> ='-' .,, ,�,� entitled to ic.S:r:;1 person or Fe�ons sha'.1�y any recordarion cosu.
<br /> _---'��;`�;��( ' 23.Su�.�tits_3e Trustee. Lender.at it��^.prion,may from time to t��e remove Tcustee and�oint a suocessor trustee to
<br /> __ — any Trustee app�inted hareunder by an inscrsment retorded in the court. i.�which dz'_s Security In�n��ent is recorded.Without
<br />—__��—�°�, conveyance of the Properry, tJ7:successor trustee shall sacceed to a�l the title,p����-��d duties coaferred upo�Trustee herein
<br /> ~~'��� and by applicable taw.
<br /> __�.::� ?A.Reques: for Notices. Borrower requesu that copies of the noiices of deG;rtJr und sale be sent to Bo;�ax^tr's address
<br /> -,._u���� which is th�Property Address.
<br /> - -- 25.Riders to this Security I�-t�vcr►ent.If one or more riders are executztl by Borrotver and recorded together with dtis
<br /> -- Security Insstument,the covenants and agreemenu of each such rider shall be incorperated into aud shall amend and supplemeQt
<br /> — -- tha covenanu and agreements of this Security Instrument as if the rider(s)were'a part of this Security[nstrument.
<br /> {Check app:icable box(es)]
<br /> - — ❑Adjustable Rate Rider �Condomintum Rider [�1-4 Fa�ly Rider
<br /> -------� ❑Graduatexi Payment Rider Planned Unit Devefrrrir..ent Rider L1 BIwo�'dy Paynient Rider
<br /> -- ❑Balloon Ytider 0 Rate Improvement I����� �5����f Home Rider
<br /> ❑V.A.Ridcr 0 Other(s)(specifyJ
<br /> �---�--_,���
<br /> `='��.��� BY SIIGNING B�LO«', Borrower ac�pis sue�abrees to the terms and wvenants contained in this S�curity instrument ns3
<br /> � t� ,n�sny rideP(s)executed by L�orrower and recorded with it.
<br /> __'"._�.-��_� �-,itnesses: [ O� � (S�l) _
<br /> X
<br /> �--��z*�i•_ ° Theodore C. Molc�gsc "B0"°"�
<br /> ---�,::�i:i;f�1�'
<br /> _--;;,�,i- - — .2a.yt ,� � (Seal)
<br /> ��ir -Borra:vcr
<br /> '<:.`�:=.:�`'�',��, .S��n Ann t�lolczyl�
<br /> 3�.' .4
<br /> _-nl.. ..�;^.�' (�cal) (�)
<br /> _';:^.;� �� -Borruwer
<br /> � �IIotrocrer
<br /> --_:;p-��•_ Y�
<br /> _ ;•„�;, .
<br /> . 'r:
<br /> ' +>-::�.. ' ' STATG OF AIEBRASKt�. Coa�nty s�: .
<br /> - �' � 'r '`� The faregoing inswment vias acknowledged bsfore me this 24th day of DecEmbB� • 19�8 '
<br /> ' �'''�''' by Theaa3ore C biolcz k n� Jean Ann Molc2yk, husband an� wdi�f� �
<br /> • -� �tn�ss my hana and noian�sea�at i sa► o nty,the date aforesaid.
<br /> �. .,;�-.� Grand Island, NE
<br /> - i.
<br /> - � My Commission Expires:
<br /> :..�. Notvy Public
<br /> . ,--.--=--.— ��tr�r�ar�
<br /> . . , � O1J1liA L KELLAUt3 Farm 3D28 fl/9*J
<br /> � � .,�Rt�Cemm F�D•Aaf 10.24M ,.,o m a
<br />