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<br /> � : . � . '`� sub�tantially equivalent moRgage insurance mverage is not available. Bc�rco�'.r shall pay to L.ender each manth a sum equ:ti to
<br /> - -- , - _. • qne-tcvetfth of the yeariy martgage insurati�premium beeng paid by fiarro�.•cr r.�hen che insurance cuver.ige lap�i ar cca�c�d to -
<br /> b�in effect. Lender�viil ascept. use and retain these paymen[s as a lu�r reserve in lieu of mangase in,urance. Loss resen•e ��,
<br /> paym�nts may no longcr be required.at[he aption of l.ender, if mortgage insur�•.nce coverage(in the amount and far the perio3
<br /> e
<br /> tt►at Ixnder requires)pruvided by an insurcr apprm�ed by Lender again becomes avaitable and is obtain�. Burrower shait pay
<br /> . the pretauums required to maintaim m�rtgage insurartce in effect.or ro provide a lotis reserve.until,the requitement far mongage �
<br /> ' insarance ends in accordance with any written agre2ment Isetween Borro�ver and Lcnder or applicabte law. � `
<br /> : 9.Icicpsrttoa. Lender or iu agent may make reasonable enuie�upon and inspections of the Propeny. Lender shall give 1
<br /> � < Sarrower notice at the tirtte of or prior to an inspection spacifying reasonable csuse for the inspectiun.
<br /> � 10.CondemnatEon.The proceeiis of any award or etaim for damages. direct �r consequential. in connection w�ith any �
<br /> condemnation or other tal:ing of any part of the Property,or for conveyance in lieet of condemnation,are�hereby:u�igrteJ and �
<br /> shall be paid to Lender.
<br /> _ - -r:. In the event of a total takiag of the Praperty,the proceerls shall tre applied ta the sums,crnred by this Security In.�trument.
<br /> ' - _ "` whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Borrowcr. [n the event of a partiai taicing of the Property in whica the fair � —
<br /> � ' �' market value of the Property immediately before the taking is equal to or�;reater than chc amount of the sums secured by this p„�, �,;;:
<br /> . � S�curity Instrument immediately before the taking,a.^.'.�s Borro�ver and Lender otherwise agree in writing.the sums secured by :�^.
<br /> � • this Security lastrument shall be reduced by tlu: ac:r_unt of the pracceds rn�zl:iplied by the fallowing fraciion: ta) the total �;__
<br /> amonnt of the sums secured immediately before the taking,divided by(b>the fair market value of the Property immediateFy =
<br /> � before the taking. Any balance sha(1 he paid to Borror.ver. In the event of a partial taking of the Property in �vhich the fait
<br /> f market valee of the ProRerty immedi3tely before the taking is tess than the amount of the sums secured immediately before the -_
<br /> � � taking, un!ess Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in wnting or unless npplicable law otherwise pmvides, the proceeds shall
<br /> be applizd to the sums secured by this Security Instrument whether or not the sums are then due. __
<br /> If the Property is abandoned by Borrower,or if,after notice by Leader to Bom�wer that the condemnor offen to make ssn
<br /> � `�_ ��.ard ar settle a claim fcr damages, Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the data th� nc�tice is given.
<br /> ;�;;�s, =�nder is authorized to cc[!�t and apply the proceeds.at its option,either to restoration or repair of the Progerty or to the sums —
<br /> • �'s:��.� secure�by this Security Instrument.tiy�txtheror not then due.
<br /> � Unless Lender and Borrower o��r�rwise agree in writing, any application of proceeds to principal shall not e�ctend or _
<br /> . , postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in patagraphs 1 and 2 ot change the amount of such paymenu. _
<br /> .` ' 11.Eorrovrer Not Releas�;Farbearaace By Lender No!a Waiver.Exteasion of the time for payment or modificatian _ _
<br /> �� .. of amortizatinn of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shali =---
<br />_ . � � ,� � not ope�'s to release the liability nf the original Borrower or Borrower's saccessors in interest. Lender shall noi be required to _
<br /> comm�.,���.-oceedings against any successor m interest or refuse to extend rime for payment or otlierwise modify amortization _
<br /> . � of the �:'� scx�ured by this Security Insuurnent by reason of any demand made by the ariginal Eorrower or Bormtyer's
<br /> �. � successors in interest. Any forb�.r��by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or prec.a�:s.the __
<br /> 1�, exercise of any ri�ht or rFanedy. _.
<br /> , � <,f.��, . !2. Sutx�essors a�cC �#.ssagns [�:j:itd;Joint s�d Several Lia6[tIty: Co-slgners. 77ie covenants arid a.�reements of this
<br /> `}:'�� Serurity Insuument shall bind an3 f���efit the successors and assigns of l.ender and Borrower, subie:.°:to��.e provisions of
<br /> � � �5���'��� paiagraph 17. Borrower's covena,;s 2�� agreements shall be,juint and several. Any Eoms::er whn h-si�s U'�is G�curiq' _
<br /> ,��:r�;,.
<br /> -..z.����' Instrument but does not exerute tha�i�te:(a) is co-signing this Security Instrument onlp t:��r•:„aa�. �:.�an�ce-��� that
<br /> Bnrrower's interest in ti�.t Proprrty under the terms of this Security Instrument;(b)is not����:taily o*:�.;;3;�to pay��:e�s
<br /> � . . '�� secured by this Securir7::�trument:and(c)agrees that Lender end any other�errower may�g:ee to exte���'. �adity.fo:ttiear ur
<br /> malce any accommoda:�xs with regard to the terms of this SECUriry Instrument c-'ae Note without that Borrower's co�sent.
<br /> • �� 13.Laan Charge�.:f the loan s$cured by this Security Inswment is sut;e:t to a law whicy sets maximum loan c�arges.
<br /> ` .����:,•S � and th<.:.a'a+ is finally inierpreted 4�':.'�at the interest or other Sa:.c cfiarges coUected or tv'�e collected in connectian�:•:;.:�the
<br /> . . „t:..•:� ' loan e:c���a`�e permitted limits,t'�a:•_ fa)any such loan char��e•�:.w_be reduced by the 2���nt necessary to re�ucz t.�a'harge
<br /> • ����,;j�r� - to the r�rmi:ted limit;and(b)anY�....'vs already collected fro:'�:���ver which exceEde::P�`r.nitted limiu will be ref�-��d to
<br /> � i�, Borrouc:. �nder n-.;; choose to rr.:ke this refund by reduci:o the princ:�x_°� owed under the Note or��. maktng a dicect
<br /> � �'�� paymer,t s;z Bntrower. If a refund :educes principal, the reduction will �. treated as a partial prea�3-nent without any
<br /> • ��+���> � prepayrr�.�'..harge under the Note.
<br /> ' �''i<��>,r.
<br /> {,:f�;;;; IlQ,'�:o�ao2s.Any notice to Borr�ti�'�r provided for in this Se�rrity Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by mailins
<br /> •�'�'��'"'° it by fisst class mail unless applicable law requi�cs use of anaihcr:nethod.The notice sha:l r�directed to the Property Address
<br /> '`��`::;`�� � or any other address Eorrower designates by notice to Lenc�;. Any notice to Lender s:.;..'i be given by first class mail to
<br /> _, .. ,. .`
<br /> � ��,,;;•. l.ender's address stuted herein or Any other address Lender des:omates by r.c*�s to Borrower. Any notice provided for in th�s
<br /> =�D•�:-.: ;. Secarity Instcument s!:::f be deemed to have been given to Borro�.+er or Le-_�•. t�'�en given as provided in•�:s paragmph.
<br /> ;i �;�'� `�;•:. 15.Governittg �w; SeverabiIIty. This Security lns[r�-ra:t s"z:.l �: ?ovemed by federal law Znd the law of the
<br /> "r . . �;.,:
<br /> ,;<,: ;`,:-.�i�`�,:;L • jurisdi�i��.�in�vhich the Propemj is lorated. In the event tii:� �-:y �:��t:sion or clause of'�;s Security Instrument or t e ote
<br /> � :�'.'!� � confliccs�'_h applicable law.such�c^flict shall not affect o:h:r--r: :.�ions af this Securir: 4,��:;ument or the Note which can bs �
<br /> �``��-�� �•"� given e::_st unthaut���coatlicting pre.vision.To this end the tc.��,.�:ons of this Security.�:a:r.:ment and the Note are d.�:lared
<br /> `'".J;, to be severable.
<br /> ''�''•`"�"`' 16.Barrawer's�C,opy.Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Securit;- �rs_xument.
<br /> '�• fl?.'Transfer of the Property or a Bcneiicial lnterest in Bnrrotiver.If all or any part of the Prope.:� or any interest in it
<br /> k , �y`
<br /> �'!y�'�g�;`�^;• is sai•a o: .�nsferred(or if a beneficiaf interest in Borrawer is sold or transferred and Eor.c i�er is not a natural person)without
<br /> ""`' Lende-�s 'or written consent, l.ender may, at its option. n;;,+_°re immediate paymer.� : full of all sums securca by this
<br /> ,�' ';�-j��;, : iP� - �, ��T.:�iLed b federal law as cf:he date
<br /> - �. ,.� ._• Serurity Instrument.i.;:�wever,this option shali not be exercise%f�.� Lender if exercise is�. y
<br /> � l' '>"' '� of this S�curity Insmi�ent.
<br /> � ' •� If Lender exerc�:+:s this option.Lender shall giv�Bonower notice of acc:�eration.The notice shall r.n;vide a period of not _
<br /> � � ,K.,.� � (ess than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered ar rrsz:?ed within which Borrowet mnst pay all sums secured by this _.
<br /> �` . "'�':;'•' ,�. Security Instrument.If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior c:•:'�e expiration of this period,Lender may invoke uny r.--,edies
<br /> •```�;:` :,�: permitted by this Security Instrument without further notice cr_e�snd on Borrower. _
<br /> . � �q 18. Borrm«er's Ri�ht to Reinstate. [f Borrower :n�a�� certain wrtditions, P.o•.-:_��rer shall have the rigt�t �� have _
<br /> .. �`_ enforcement of this Security lnstrument discontinued at any ti:ne prior to the earlier cr: �) 5 days(c,�nch other FFriod as ;
<br /> ' applicable law m3�� �Fecify for reinstatement) hefnre sale of the Property punuant to ��y power of �;i'� contained in this �__
<br /> �s-:
<br /> Sccuriry Instrument:or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this�:curity Instrument.Those�.�3itions are tl�.�t Qonower: (a)pays —
<br /> = Lender ail sums which then would be due under this Secunr I!-strument and the Nate a:.•f ao acceleration h4d occurred:(b) _
<br /> � � . cures anp default of any other covenanu or a�reements;(c� r��.:�s uU expenses incurred ir,.:nforcing this Security Imtr:ment.
<br /> 1� including, bat not limitod to,reasaeable attorneys' fees:a:d ��:��takes such uction u� L.�*��icr may rea.tonably require tu assure
<br /> ,�•� ' � that the lien of tl�is Sccurity lnsttumcnt. Lender'��ight5 in C:r?ropeny and Borrower'�obligation to pay the sums securecl by _
<br /> � this Security Instrument shall cantinue unchang�. Upn:i �:instatement by Borrower, this Security Instrument and the _
<br /> , • obligations secured hereby shall remain fully effective as if'r,��:s.celer.ttion had occurre�. However.this right to reinstate shaU q
<br /> • . �. , nat a�ly in the case of acceleration urtder paragraph 17. `
<br /> 19. Sale oP Note: C6an�e of Loan Servtcer. The Rlatc or a parti�il interest in the Note (tobetfier v�ith this Sc�curity ¢`
<br /> --- . instruumnt)may bc snld one or mnre times without prior notice to Borrower. A sale may result in a changc in the entiry(known �
<br /> • as the"Loan Servicer")that collects mnnthly payments due under the Note and this Szcurity instrument.There also may be one _
<br /> � or tnorc changes af the L.nan Servicer unrelated to a sale of ihe Note.If there is a change of the Loan Servicer. Borro�ver wi116e _
<br /> . , � given�rritten n�tice of the change in uccordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law.The notice will state the name und
<br /> • �ddress of the ne�v Loan Scrvicer and the nddress to which paymenis should be made.The natice�vill also contain any other
<br /> infnrmation required by applicable law.
<br /> ZO- Haz�rdovs Svbsianees. Bonotiser shall not ��ause or pennit thc presence. usc, dispasal, stomge. or release of uny
<br /> •- Hazardous Sub�iances on ur in the Pruperty. Borrotivcr shall not do. nor allow anyone else to do, anything affecting the =
<br /> -- - .�- -•- -•. Qrc��.�y lt�at i.�in violativn of any Environmenta!I.aw. Thc preceding two sentences�hull not upply to the presence,use, or =
<br /> stnr�ge on the Property of.mall yuuntitie�of Ha�ard��us Subtitances that are gertentty recogn�zed to i�t appmpriatr iv au�f,�a3 _
<br /> � � residentia!usc�.ind tu maintenattre uf thc Prop.ny. _
<br /> _ ' � P,���+a Form 3028 913D �
<br /> r _..
<br /> _ —
<br /> �,
<br />