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I � <br /> �9"� 105948 <br /> � 1P I.en+ler requ�red m��rtguge insurance as a rond�t�nn of rr'�akin� thc luau secured by th�s Security Instruinent. <br /> Borrnw�er shnll pay thc premiums requircd ta maintnin the insurnnce in effect until such time as the�equirement G�r the <br /> insurancc term�nates in accnrdance with 8orrower's and Lender's written agreemcm or applieable It�w. <br /> � s. lnspecttan. Le�dee or �ts�gent may mnke reusanable entcies upero and inspectians af'the Pr�perty. Lender <br /> shall give Barrower notice at the time oPcsr prior to An inspection specif�ing reasonable cause tar the inspection. <br /> 9. Conden�natlon. The proceeds o1 any award�r clAim Por dnm�► or consequentiAl,in connection with <br /> any condemnatinn ar other tak�ng of nny part of the Property, or for conve�ance in lieu of candemnatian, are hereby <br /> ussigned and�hall be paid to l.ender. <br /> ln the event af a total taking al'the Property, the proceeds chall be applied to the sums sccured by this Security <br /> Instrument,whether or nat then due,w ith any excess paid to 8orrower. In the event oP a partiul tAking oi'the Pcoperty. <br /> unless Borrowar and Lender olherwise agree in writing,the sums secured by this Security Instrument shall be reduced by <br /> the amount of the proceeds multiplied by the fallawing fraction: (a)the total amount of the sums secured immediotely <br /> before the taking.divided by(b)the fair market vulue of the Property immediately befare the taking.Any balAnce shall be <br /> paia ta&�rrower. <br /> � If the Property is abandoned by Bonower,or if,after notice by Lender to Borrawer thstt ihe c��c��mnor offers to <br /> � make an award ar settle a claim Sar dpmagcs,Borrower fails to respand to I.endrr within�0 days after the date the natice is <br /> � given,i.ender is au�i�w ized to callect and appfy the prucerds,a!lLy��tie�n,ei�her ta restoration or repair of the Property or <br /> to thc sums securcd by this Security Instrument.whether or not then due. <br /> Unlcss lxnder and Borrower otherwise agree in writing,any application of proceeds to principal shall not eatend or <br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred ta in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount e�£such payments. <br /> 10. 8orrower Not Releaaed; �orbearance 8y Lender Not � Walver. Ext�nsion af the time for payment or <br /> modi6cation of amortizatian of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender ta any successor in <br /> interest at'Borrower shall not operate to release the liability of the original Bonower or Borrawer's successors in interest. <br /> Lender shaU not be required ta commence proceedings against any successor in interest or reiuse to extend time for <br /> payment ar otherwise modii'4 amortization of the sums�ecured by this Security Instrument by reasan of any demand made <br /> by the origittal Bonower or B�nowei s succes.�ors in inYerest.Any forbearance by Lender in exercising a�c�;right or remedy <br /> � shall not be a wai�er of or preclude the exercise of any right or remecf�•. �`'� <br /> 11. Succes�ors and AssiBns Bo�tnd:Joint�nd Several Liability;Co•signers. T'he covenants and agreements of ,. <br /> thi�S�ecurity Instrument sha�E i�ir►d and i�e�efit the successors and assigns of'Lender and Borrnwer,subjeet to the pravi�ians '� <br /> of paragraph 17.Bonower's cc�venants and agreements shall be joint and several.Any Barrower who c�•sLQns this Security I � <br /> Insttument but does not execute the Note:(a)is co-signing this Security Instrument only tu mortgage.grant and canvey <br /> �.•_c_.. .. ! an I 1 ic t�t rwrcnnallY Ot11iII8LCL1 t0 flV ��± <br /> that Borrower s interest in tlte Yropeny under ii�c irnna vf i,�i�.x.,.ur�.J :s,t:::s^�..t;.h,:_n_. r--. , P <br /> the sums secured by this Security Instrument; and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower rnay ag�-ee to extcnd, <br /> modify.forbear or make any accommodations with regard to the tem�s of this Security Instrument or the Note without _ <br /> tha¢Borrower's consent. � <br /> l2. Loan Chuges. lf the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan � <br /> charges, and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or ather loan charges collected or to be collected in <br /> connection wi�h thc loan exceed the permitted limits, then: (a} a�►y such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount <br /> neces.sary to eeduce the charge to the permitted limit:and(b)am sums already collected from Borrower which excezded <br /> pernrtitted limits will be refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund b�•reducing the principat uwed <br /> under,the Note or by making a direct payment to Borrower.If a refund reduces principal.the ceduetior will be treated as a <br /> partial prepayment without any prepay ment charge under the Nute. <br /> 13. Le�islation Atfeeting Lender's Rights. If enactmenl or expiration af apgiteable laws has the effect of <br /> rendering any provision of the Note ar this Security Instrument unenforceable according t�a its its option, ,,� <br /> may require immediate payment in fup of all sums secured by this Security Instrument and may invoke any remedies � <br /> �rcnitted by paragraph 19.I6l.ender exercises this Qpti.�n.Lender shatl take A�ke steps speci6ed in the second paragraph of �,,: <br /> paragraph 17. '�'� <br /> 14. Notices. Any notice to$otrower provided for in thes Security Instrument shaZC be given by delivering it or by ��.-�:` <br /> mailing it by 6rst cluss mail unless applicable law seQuires use �6 another method. "fhe nc�tiee shall be direcied to the •� <br /> PQOperty Address or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any na�ore,t�Lender shall be given by , <br /> firs4class mail to Lender's address stated herein or a�?�other address Lendet dnignates by notice to Bc��ower.Any notice <br />. Q�r�4tded for in this Security Instrument shall be deer�ed to have been given ta Barrower or Lender when given as provided <br /> �n this paragragh. <br /> 15. �a�ernieg La�r;�cverability. This Secvrity lnstrumerrt shall be governed ba fe�eral law and the law of the <br /> �;uisdictian in which the Property is tocated. 1n the e�ent that an}�provision or clause of tFis Security Instrument or the <br /> :`cte eonflicu with a�plicabt�iaw,such con�ii¢t stt;�E[�not affect other�+rrn'i�?pnt of thi:,Se�:uritv instrument or the Note <br /> which can be given efi`ect withaut the conflicting provision.To this end the ptovisions of this Security Instrument and the <br /> Note are declared to be severable. <br /> l6. Borrower's Copy. Borro•::er shall be given one coa�'��rmed copy of the Note:�nd af this Security Instrument. <br /> l7. Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in Horrower. if all or an3 part of the Property or any <br /> interest in it is sold or transt'erred(or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Borrawcr is not a natural <br /> person)without i..endtr s prior written consent. Lc�der its option, reyuire immediate payment in full of all sums <br /> secused by this 5ecurity lnstrument. However. this option shall not he cxercised by Lender if exerci�e is prohibited by _ _T <br /> federal!aw as of'thedate of'this Security instrument. � <br /> If Lender eaerci�es th�s option.Lender shall give$ottower natice af acceleratiun.Thr n��tice�hall provide a period <br /> of not fess than 3Q days irom the date the notiee is delivered or mailed within which Bnrrou•cr must p:�y all cums secured by <br /> th�s Secunty InStrument. lf Borrowec Pasls to pay these�ums prior to the exp�ration<�f this p:riod,l.ender may �:ivoke any � ' <br /> temedies permuted by this Security Instrument without further n�ttce nr dcmand on Aorrowcr. <br /> 78.Borrowec's RiRht to Reittstate. If Borrow•er meets certa�n conditi��ri�, Horroucr tihall have ttic nght t�ha�c <br /> cnfi�rcemcnt of this Security lnstrument dtsc��nhnued at any time pnur to the cartier��i':(al S day.(c�r�uch�thcr peri�xi ati <br /> L„ apPlirable law may tipecify� fur rein�tatement>befc�re tialc of the Pruperty�ur�u�nt t��a�n p�»��cr c�f�alc r�mtainrd in th�� <br /> 5ccunty lustrument: or 4b)entry of a�udFmrnt enfotcmg thiti Sc�ur�ty (ntitr�iment 7 hn�c c�mdin�m�arc that ll.,rr„ucr <br /> (a) pcay� Lcndrr all �.ums u•htch then wt}uid he due under thi� Secunt} Imtrumerit and the �iutc had ni� ur.clerau�m ti <br /> ��ccurreci. th) rures .uiy drfatll� c�f any ��ther rinenant� �,► ��greernent�. Ir) pa}� .ilt ex��cn.rti nicurreJ in rnf�,rcin� thi. € <br /> ticcur�tr lu�trurncn[. in�luding. hut Ru�t lim�ted 1n, rca��mahlc attnt nr�,' frr�. .�nd td� t:tikr,��::Ei .:::'.i+�+� .:� l �•nt1!•r n�:�t � . �3 <br /> ft.'il`tt41:1t1�1 fC(+W(C [i� d1�11ff tflill Iflt. �ICII ��f ��11\ �El'Ufll} �tl�ftl1O1C111- �Cf1l�Cf�� fIL�11� Ifl T�11' ��I��J��(t� .1flt� }���II.�NC(�ti C . <br /> a. <br /> �•hl►c��lnm tu �:�� Ihe ,umti ,e�uteil h� thi� tir�ur�I� In4tturtte•nt ,h.ell .�mtmur un.h.ui���l I E•,�ii i�•�:�•I.urm�l�i h� , <br /> l;,�rn�„tic.uYity Ih��t�itnctit.:nd thc�,hhE!��Isc�n�aCiurl'i1}�t•ti•h� •h.�ll trm.rm :�ill� ,•►!,., t��� .�� ,I �",.i..r; •�.���.��� h.t.l <br /> � : <br /> ���.utic�l {���v�e•�rr. tii��nKht tn fru«IatC�hal�n��t,�(��+1� �n�i�:��.+,r�.� �..�•I, :.i�� �i ut��fi r ��.��.�r�.���h. � , <br /> � <br />