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1 � <br /> • -T <br /> IJNIFUR\1CC►VE'�AVi'S t3nrrowcr:�Tidl.encierco�•enAntnndagreeacfoll����ti: ""� 105948 <br /> 1. Payment ot E'rincipAl end interest; NreR�ynicnt And I.�te ChWrge9. H�rr����r sh:�ll pr�m��t!}� pa�� ���hrn duc <br /> thr pnncipal oPuntl�nteretit an the dei►t ev�denced By the Nate andan�•{�repayment and late�hnrgrr.iur under the No�r. <br /> 2. Funds tor Ts�es ond lnsuratteo. Subjeet ta applicuhlc In�►-nr t�����•r�tten��•a��c`hy 1_��id�r,t3�rr��crr�tiall p:�y <br /> ` ta Lender on thc day m�nthly payments are duc under the Nate,until the N�te i�paid in fu1L a sum("Funds")cqual to <br /> � � one-tweli�h of: (a) yearly taxes and ussessments w�hich may att�in priurity o��cr this Sccurit� fn5trument; (b) y��ifly <br /> lesschold payments ar graund renu �n the Property, iP any; fc) �•early hazard insurancc premiums; and (d) yearl�• <br /> mortgsga insurance premiums.iP any.These items are called"escrow items."I.Cflt�C(��i9y CSliilldt�the Funds due on the <br /> basis of cunFnt data and reasonable eclim�tes af future eycrow item�. <br /> The Fundsshall t�c held in an institution the depasits ar accounts af w•hich are insured�r guaranteed by A federal or <br /> statc agency (including Lender if Lender is such an institution). Lender shall Apply the.Fu�ld�to pay �he escrow itcros. <br /> Lender may not chA�ge for holding and upplying the Funds.analyzing the Account ar veriPyiog the escrow items, unless <br /> Lender pays Borrawer interest on the Funds und appliG�ble law permits l.ender ta make such a charge. Borrower and <br /> � Lendcr m�►y agrre in writing that interest shul! be paid an ihe Funds. Unle�.s an agreement is mAde or applicable law <br /> requires interest to be paid, I.�nder shAli not be required tc�pay Borrower any.interest ur earnings an the Funds. Lender <br /> shall give to&�rrower,w�thout chArge,an annual accaunting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and thc <br /> purpose far which each debit t�the Fund�wac made.The Funds are pledged as additianal security far the sums seeured by <br /> this Security Instrument. <br /> If the umount af the Funds held by Lender.together with the future monthty payments oP Funds payable prior ta <br /> tb�e dua dates of the escraw ntems,sh�ll exceed the amount required to pay tke cscrow items when due,the excess shall be. <br /> at Hc�trawer's aplion,cither pramptly repaid to Hottower or credited to Horrower on monthly payments of Funds. If the <br /> � amaunt ai the Funds heid by Lrnde;i:rot sutflcier.t tn pa}the e�mw items when due.Bcrrawer shali pay to Lender any <br /> amount necessary,ta muke up the dnfic�ency in one or more payments as required by Lendec-. <br /> Upon�:+ayment in full as all auQr,s secured by this Sccuree��tnstrument,Lender s�aEl promptly refund to Borrowe� <br /> any Funds held by Lcnder. IP iinder paragraph 19 the Praperty is sold or ac4uired by Lender,Lender shall apply,na later <br /> than immcdiately prior to the sale of the Propeny or its acquisition by Lender. any Funds held by Lender at the time of <br /> applir.ation as a credit against the sums secured hy this Securit}• instrument. <br /> 3. Appdic�tion of Psyments. Unless applicable laH�n��•ides otherwise,all pa.•ments recei�•ed by Lender under <br /> paragraphs t actd 2 shall he ap� late charges due um�ie�the Note;second,tce ph�ayment charges due under the . <br /> Nate;third,to amounts payable under paragraph'2; interest due:a���ast,to principal due. <br /> 4. C�u=es; I.iens. Borrower shall pay all tases. assessments.charges,fines and impositions attributable to the <br /> Property which may uttain priority,over this Secunty lnstrument, and leasehold pa?��ents or ground rents, if any. <br /> Borrow::shsl�pay these obligations in the manner provided ian paragraph 2,or if not paic�'sn that manner.Horrower shall � . <br /> pay them on tcme directly to the person owed payment. 8ona�s�er shall promptly fumish co L,ender all notices of amounts <br /> to be paid under this paragraph. lf Hnrrower makes these payments directly,Borrower shall promptiy furnish to Lender �:,- <br /> ��._-- <br /> � receiptsevidencingthep�yments. � �.T p� .�cPr� e� t��tr��m�n� unlccs Honower:(a) ��=` – <br /> 130rfQV►�T 5�la11 pTOmpiiy discnargd auy uc��r:iii��: :�as,:it�r:��. sh:_..__�.n., _ <br /> agrees in writing to the payment of'the obligation secured by the lien in a manner accsptabic ta LrnJer;ib)contests in good :`_ - <br /> faith the lieve by.or defends against enforcement of the lien in, iegal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to <br /> prevent the ertforcement of the lien or forfeiture of any part of ihe Property;or(c)secures Prom the hotder of the lien an ; <br /> agreement satisfactory to ixnder tiubordinating the�ien to this Security Instaurnent.If Lender determine.r that any pan of �.`�-- <br /> the Property is sub�ect to a lien which may attain priority o�'er this Security lnstrument. Lender may give Borrawer a �_ <br /> notice identifgiccg thc lien. 9orrower shall satisfy the lien or takeQne��r more of the actRC�e��set forth above withi� 10 days <br /> of the giving vfnotice. <br /> S. Hsa.ard insuruue. Borrower shall keep the impro�ernents naw existing or hereafter erected on the Property <br /> insured against loss by f�re,fiazards included within the term"extended ce��ecage"and any other harards for which I.ender <br /> requires insurana. Thjs insurance shaU bc muintained in the amounis acd for �he pericuJs that Lender requires. The <br /> insurance camer providing the insurance shall be chosen by E3t�rrow�er subject to Lender's approval which shall not be <br /> unreasonab[y w-iihhetd. <br /> All insurance perIe�:ies and renewats shall be acceptable to Lender and shall include a standard mortgage clause. <br /> Lender shsU have the rigf.t to hold the polictes and renewals. IP Lender r��ecires,Borrower shall proac:ptly give to I.ender 't�� <br /> :�. <br /> aii teceipts af'paid premrums and renewal notices. In the event of tos�.Borrow•er shall give prompt�otice to the insutance "_"' <br /> carrier and I.ender. Lender may make proof of loss if not made�romptly by Horrower. i;- <br /> L'nless Lender and 8orrower otherwise agree in writing,msurance proceeds shaU be applied to restoration or repair �� <br /> of the Praperty damaged,if 2he restoration or repair is economicafly feasible and Lendcr's security is not lessened. If the • <br /> ' restoration or repair is not economically feasible or Ixnder's security wv�,Ld be les�ened, the insurance proceeds shall be <br /> applied to the sums secured by this Secunty lnstrument. whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Borrower. If <br /> Borrowcr�t�;3ndons the Property,or does net answer within ?0 days a nat�ce from Lender that the insurance carrier has <br /> offered to settle a claim,then Lender may collect the�nsurance praceeds. l.ender may use the proceeds to repair or restore <br /> the Propeny o�to pay sums secured by this Security Instrument, w•heth�r or not then due.The 30•day period will begin <br /> witetii tht n�,sice i�giveri. <br /> Unless L.ender and Bonov►er otherwise agree in writ+ng,any appl:cation of proceeds to principal shall not eatend or <br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. It' <br /> under paragsaph 19 the Property is acquired by Lender,Borrower's right to any insurance policie�;and proceeds resulting <br /> from damage to thc Propeny pnor to the acquisition shall pa�ss to Lender to the e�tent of the�ums secured by this Security <br /> Instrnment immediately prior to the acquisition. <br /> 6. Preserrstion and 1laintensnce o!Property:I.easeholds. Horrower shall nut dcstroy,damage or tiubstan�ially <br /> change the Prapeny. aUow the Properry to detenorate or commit waste. if th�y Secunty lnstrument �s on a leasehold. .__ __ <br /> �orrower shaU cnmply Hith tixc ptovis�ans of the leasc:,and if Borruwer acqu�res fer utle to thc Property,the icasehold and , <br /> fee Utle sha11 not merge unless Lender agree�to the merger in w•nting. <br /> 7. 1'rotection af Lendcr's Rights in the Property; \tortRaRe insurance. If Rorr� Cailti u� perfc�rrn thr <br /> covenants and agteemenicconta�ned�n th�c Secunty�Instrument.��r there�s:�legal pt��ceeding that may��gmfi��nNy aR'ecl <br /> Le�ider's nghts in il�e 6'rc�pert} (such as a praceed�ng in bankruptcy. pr<�b:�tc. ti�r eimdemn:�tam or t�� enf��rre law� ��r <br /> regulahons).then Lender may d�and pay fe?r whate�er is necessary tu pratect the�alue��f the 1'rc�rert�and Lender'ti nghtti <br /> L in thr Pr��perty i,cnder's;:ct�oris rna� include pa��n�an�• �um� .erured h� a htn a�hich hati prn+nl� ���rr Uyt� Secunty <br /> InStroment.a�+pearmg in t��urt. p�+}in�re�ti�,r.:+hle attc•rne�s fecw:�nd entenn�z�,n the Yr��F•ert� i�•mah�re��eir� Alth<,ut:h <br /> l.cnd�r may�takc arh�m under tte��paragraph%.1 cnder de�es nut ha�e to de.tio <br /> ,'�n}an���uri�,di�hur�ecf hy 1 cndcr undrr thi.{,aragraj�h'.hallhc:��mr ad�lrtumal�irM��f li�vm�acr,erured b} tfm p: <br /> �e�unty I�i�tr�mecsi l'nlc« H+�rn�«cr and 1 rn�lr�d�rze ii�c�thcf term�nf�.��tnrns.t}Tr.e.inu,un!,.I�,ii!hc•.�r ii�lerr�t f��vn �Q <br /> tttc tlafr ��t d��huTticn:cni at thc ti��tc r.�te anii �.n.eti hr �a�:�b'e,c•. �•�tf� i��nr� .t ;:���n ����t��r !;:.,'� ! rt+dt�r tr ��i`I!1�11�•( �R' <br /> r• <br /> . ' <br /> rc�duc�htic;��.�y rncs�t 4� •, <br /> � <br />