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i <br />__� � � <br /> 89=-. 105946 <br /> 1P Lertidrr requiad martgsge ir�sursncc as a c�ndition af mak'sn� thc Iwn as�ar�by this Security lnstr�mea►t, <br /> rBormwer shali�y thr prtmium�required to m�inuin ihe inwtance in eQt�ct unti!such tinH u the requirement for the <br /> insu�ance tecminatc�ia iccordanc.e with Borrawrer's and Lender's rvritten��teement or�pplicable law. <br /> �. I�setlw�, [�snder�r its a�ent m�y make nascx�ibk entries upon�nd inspections oP the Property. I,ender <br /> ahall�ive Borrurver nodce at the time oi or priot to u9 inspection specifyin�reason�ble cause for tbe inspectioo. <br /> !. Co�ia�a!{M. The p�oreeds oPwy a�ud or claim for damajrs,dircct or consaquentiAl,in cannxtion aith <br /> any co�dem�tion or otber t�lcln�of any p�rt oP the Propeny,or fot convey�nce in lieu af condemnation.ue Aereby <br /> axlReed�nd shail be qid to Lender. <br /> In the event oia tMal takinj of the Pt�aperty. the ptaceeds�hall be applied to the sums fecurad by tl�is Security <br /> t�strumen�Nhetber or not the:n dt��vith any eacxu p�id to Horro�er. ln the evdnt of a partisl takinj oi tbe Property� <br /> un3e�8orro�a aad Lmder otberwise yra ia writinj.the�um�secured by this Security lnstroment shall be red�oed by <br /> tlu aanount d'the proceeds multipfied by the followin�fnction:(a)the total uaount of the sums securad immadlacely <br /> before the t�ltia�.dlvided by(b)the[air market value of'the Prvncrty immediately beforc th�t�icing.Any balancx sl��l]ix <br /> psid to HorraNer. <br /> lf the PropeRy is abandoned by Borrow�er.or if.aftex Rotfce by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor otfers to <br /> �nate�u�aud or settle a cfaim for dams�a,Horrower f�ils to respond to 1�.errder within 30 days after c�e date the notice is <br /> pven.I.ender is authorized ta collaac and apply the proceeds,at its option.either to restontian or repair of the Propecr.y or <br /> to t6e sums securod by this Security Instrument,whether or nQe 4hm due. <br /> Uakq L.ender u�d Horrowra cxber�vise a jree in�v�iting,any applic�tion of�roce�ab.�to principal shall not eatend or <br /> patpone the due data oE the monthly p�yments referred to in}+artsraphs 1 and 2 or chuiEe the amaeu�t of such payairnts. , <br /> 10. Borrower Koe Rel�� Forbaes.ce By Leade� Not a wat�rer, Extension of the time for paymrnt or <br /> modiAa�rion of amortiratian of the sums �ecwed by tbis Security Instrument granted by Lendes to any successor in <br /> interat of BorroMtr shall not operate to relcase the liability of the original Honower or Horrower's successors in interat. <br /> I.ender sha11 not be required to commmce procadiaas aaainst any succasor in interest oc reti�se to extend time for <br /> papment or Ml�e,nvise mod'Jy amartiution of tl�e sums secured by this Security lnstrument by rrason of any demand m�de <br /> by tl�e otipnal BorroMer ot 8orro�er's suocesion in interat.Any forbearance by Lender in eaercising aay right or ranedy <br /> sh�U rat be a�►aiver ator proclude the eaercise of any ri jht or remedy. • <br /> ii. S�oetNO��aM AMips Ho�d;Ja4�t�i Se*er�l IJa611ity:Co3ip�en. The covenant�and aateema�u of <br /> � thi�Security lnsm�mmt�hsll bind and bene8t the�ucceswrs�nd usigns oP Lender snd Borrower.subject to the provisiens ' � <br /> ot'p�ra�rsph 17.Horrover's covenu�ts�nd a�raments shall be jaint�d several.My Borro�ver�vho co-sians this Security % <br /> Instrums�t but doa not�a�toeute the Note:(a)is oo-aanin`thia S�+ccuriey lnsrrument only to mo»gage,grant snd convey . <br /> that Honoxer's interat i4a rS�e Property under the t�nms of this Security Iast�rmment;(b)is not peraon�Uy obligated to pay ` <br /> , the sum�secured by this Security Instrumenr and(c)agas that Lender and any other Horrow�er may agra to extmd, �:'=� <br /> tllOOtty.t"mbe,ar af m�e�my tcevmmooadons writn repro io inc ieims cri ini5�ririiy i�iiilnxiai oi iiic i.G'ae:•;tu'viii <br /> t21!►t aOt('01YCf�i COQ!lllt. ` <br /> 12. I.o�a�G�ei. If the foan secured by this Security Inttrument is subject to a law whic!►sets maximum Iwn <br /> chu�es, and that law is (inally interpreted so that the interat or other loaa chuges collectai or to be collected in <br /> connection writh the loan e�cceed the permitted limiu, then: (a)�ny such loan chsr�e shall be reducal by the amount . <br /> naxuary to redua the chu�e to the permitted limit;snd(b)any sums already wllectod from Horrower which eaceedai <br /> pennitted limits will be rdunded to 8orroMer. Lmder m�y choo�e to make this refund by ralucing the principnl o�ved <br /> under the Note or by makinE a direet p�yment to Borrower.If a refund reduees principsl,the reduction will be treatod as s <br /> putial prcp�yment w�ithoud�ny prepaymrnt chufe r�nder the Nott. , <br /> 13. I�4tla AA�ietlq I.e�de�'s R!{�. It enactment or exqtucation of spplics�ble lsws hu the eRxt of '� <br /> readtrin=any pmvision d'the Note or this Security Instrumene unenforcable acoording to its i1s aption� `� <br /> may require immediate payment in full of all sums �ecured��+�this Security lnstrument and m�y invoke an� remedies • <br /> permitted by p�rsjnph 19.lf Lrnder exercises this option,Let�der ahall take the steps sprxified in the second parsgraph of � <br /> P�PYPb 17. ` � <br /> 14. Notiees. Any notice to Borro�er prn�u3ed for in this Security lnstrument shall be giveri�;,delivering it or by _ <br /> mailinf it by fint clsss mail unlas applicable law requira us�e of another method. Tke saticr sl�ra�!be direct�cS to the <br /> Property Addms or my osher address Borrowet ddignsus'�+g notice to Ltnder.Any rccati�x to Lea�der shall br given by � s` <br /> flnt slass mail to l.ender's address stated herein or a�s�y other ad�ras Lender designates by notioe to Bczcower.Any notice � <br /> provided'for in this Secae�it�lnttrument shall be�ed to have been�ve�r,r�.Borrower or l.ender w��.given as provided • , <br /> in this puazrapb. <br /> 1S. .�eraias�:�tw;Se�trabWty. Thi�Security Insecox�r.ent ahall be governed b�federal Faw�and the T:�a�of the <br /> jwisd'utiuRO i�s qvhich the Froperty is locsted. In the event tbac���provision or clause aE'chis 5ec�a�ty Instrurr�aea or the <br /> Idote cont�s�vith appZiable law.such con}fict sh�ll not alFie:.-�,e3ther provisions of this Security Ie�sccument or the Note <br /> wrhioh can be given dFact.�,thout the contfictinggc�►avision. To this end the provisions oi'this Securiey Lrsstrument and the . � <br /> �BtC Yit i1dC��iG��'rf,ii�ilt. . . <br /> li. Ba�towet'i�'.onr. Borr.awer ahall be�'aiven one cqaformed copy of the I�ate.and of this Security lnstreiment.. : ; <br /> 17. Trs�der ot tMe Pro�ert:�mr� BeaelkW Ieta�a�fn Borrower. If all ar�et�y part of the Proreetyr �r any � � <br /> interat in it is sold or tranderred far if s beneficial interest in Barrower is sold or transfcrred and Borrower is not a aaturaY � <br /> petson)wathout I.ender"s prior written consenc.Lender may,af its option,requi�e immediete payment in full of all sums � <br /> secured by this Security Instrument. However, this option sliall not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by <br /> federal law�s of the date of this Security instrument. <br /> If Lender eaercisc�this option,Lender shall give Banower eotice of acceleration.7'he notice shsJl provide a period •-_=_-- <br /> of not less than 30 days from the date the notict is delivered or mailed w�thin which Borrower must pay al]cums sesured by ' <br /> this 5ecurity Instrumrnt.lf Bottawer fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period.Lender msy invoke any <br /> remedia pemrittal by this Security Insttument without funher notice or demand on Borrower. <br /> lf.Barowet'�lti�t to Rti�state. If Bnnower meets cesta�n condit�ons,Horrower shall havt the right to have � <br /> enfotament of this Secunty Instrnmrnt discontinued at any time pnor to the earlibr of:(a)S d�ys(or such other penod as � <br /> appl�coble law may specify for runstatement)before sale of the propeny pursuant ta�Iny power of sale conta�ned in this <br /> L Secunty Jnstrument:or (b)entry of a judament enfotcing this Security Instrumtnt. Those condiuons are th�t &�rrower: <br /> (�) psys Leadrr�11 sums which thtn would be due under this Security lnslrumtnt and the Note had nu accelention � . <br /> occuned. (b►cures �ny defsult of any other covenants or agraments: (c) psys sll eapenses�ncurted in tnforc�ng th�s <br /> Sec:urfty Instrument,includ�ng, but not IimiteQ ta, reasonable attomeys'tees;and (d) takes surh acnon as Lender may �`' <br /> rasonably rcqu�re ���ssure thu thr I�en of th�s Secunty Instrument. Ixnder's nghts in the Prnperty and Borrower's �� <br /> obl�aation tc► �Say the sums securect Dy th�s tiecunty Instrument shail cont�nue unchanged t'pon re�n�ibtrr�,eift t►y r� `. � <br /> Fidfrower.this Stcur�ty ir+stniment and the obl�gaUCms securcd heteby shall►eme�n fufly etierm•e ec it nn acceleration had � • <br /> c►ccurred H�KCVrr,ilu�;nght u�re�ngiete shalt nc,t bpply m the cace cdacceittalirn undtr par:�greiphti i;�r 17 <br /> ..�.J <br />