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�; _ ___._�_�. __ ______�._ _____ <br /> ; <br /> 1 � <br /> 8�-- io594s <br /> UNIFOIlM COVENA[v'15. Botrawer�n�f Lender cuvensnt and sgree�s follows: <br /> 1. Ray�eat oi Prisei�al�i I�terah.Pre/�y�tat�d i.�te G'bu�. Barrawer shall promptly pay when due <br /> �, the principd af�nd interat on the deat tvide�ced by the Nou and u�y prepayment a�d Mte charges due undsr the Note. <br /> 2. F1iMi toe TaxM�larn�ce. Subject to applicable!�w�r to a wntten waiver by Lander,8arrawer shall p�y <br /> to[.ertder on tt�c d�}moathly ps�rtnents are due ueder the Note�until the Nose is paid in fnll,a sum("Funds")equsl to <br /> onc�lw�elRh of: (a�.yarly wtes and assa�ments which may altiin priority aver this Security lnstrument; (b) yearly <br /> . kaelwld paymrnts or �mund rents an the Proptrty. if sny; (c) yesrly h�zatd insurance premiums; and (d) yeariy <br /> mort�e insurance premiums,if any.Thae items are c�lled"escrow items."Leoder may estimate the Funds due on the <br /> ba�ix of curtent data and ra�sonable atimata oPtuture acraw items. <br /> 7'he Funds sha11 be held in aa institution the deposit9 or accounta of which are insured or�uaranteed by a fedeal or <br /> atate a�cy(includina Lender if Lrnder is such an institution). Lender shall apply tbe Funds to pay the escrow items. <br /> La�der may not charst for holdit�and applyin�the Funds.analyzing the account or verifjrins the escrow items.unkss <br /> i.endet pays Horroarer inter+at on the Funds sad spplicable law�permits Lender to make such a chargt. Borrower and <br /> Lender a�sy yra in writina that interat s6all be piid on the Funds. Unless an agrament is made or applicable law <br /> requira iaterat to be pud. I.ender sball not be ra�uircd to pay Borrowcr any intcrest or earnings an the Funds. Lender <br /> slu�il pve W Horro+ver.writhout char� annual acoounting of the Funds showing credits and dcbits to the Funds and the <br /> purpo�e for w�hich each de�it to the Funds was tuade.The Funds are plctitged as additionst securcty for the sums secured by <br /> thi�Sec�uity I�t�uma�t. <br /> If tl�aafount of tbe Fuodt held by Lender,toget�.er�ritb the f�ture monthly psyments nf Funds�svmbk�riar to <br /> the due dsta of the acraM items.shaU eaceed the unount reµuired}o psy the acrow items when due,t2te�cces�shal!be, <br /> st Horrow�er's option.eitber prompdy repaid to Borrower ar crodited to Barrower on monthly payments of�cnds.If th� <br /> aawunt of tbe Ftus�s,he{d by I.rnder is not sulfirient to pay the escrow items when due,Horrowcr shall pay to I.ender any <br /> amount aecastry rQ ts�elce up the deficiency in one or more psyments as required by Lender. � � <br /> Upon py�t in full of aU sums secured by this Security Instrument,l.ender shall promptly refund to Bonower <br /> any Fnnds held by L.ender.If under puaarsph 19 the Property is sold or acquired by Lender,Lender shdl later <br /> than imm�+diately prior to the sale of the Property or its acquisition by Lender.any Funds held by Lender at the time of � <br /> application u a credit qainst the sums securad by this SeGUrity Instniment. <br /> 3. A�lipti�e o�Paywe�b. Unleu spplicable laa provida otherwise.�Il paymrnu received by Lender under <br /> parasnpha 1 and 2 sha11 be spplied:firs�.to late charges due nnder the Note; prepayenesct charga due under the ; <br /> Not�t�r�.W amounis psyabk under parainph 2;fourth,.�cn interest due;and last,to principal due. !,, <br /> 4. �r'Mr�Je�. Horrower shalt psy au�sasments.charges,flnes and impositions attributable to the <br /> Property w�hich may sttain priority_over this Secnrity Insttvment, and lasehold psyments cra ground renta, if any. ! <br /> Bo�roaer thall pay thae obliptions in the manner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paud in that manner.Borrow�er ahall 1 =` <br /> p.y c h e m o n c i m e d i r e c d y c o�h e p e r s o n o�o d p a y m e n e.B o r r o M e r s h a U p r o m p t l y f u m i s h t o L e n d e r a l l n o t i c e s o f u n o u n t s ' '� <br /> to"ve paiti anoer taiz pua��ape.�i etorrower nfalca thae payments directly,Hono�ver si�sll promptly fumish to Lrnder _ - <br /> reoeipts evidenc�na tbe p�ymints. `. <br /> Horro�ver shal!promptly di�chu6e any tien ahich has priority over this Security lnstrument unless Borrow�er:(a) _ <br /> a�ras in w�titina to the p�yment of the obligarion secured by the lien in a maaner ar.ceptable to Lender;(b)contests in good <br /> faith t1u lia�by,or defends aaainst etdorcement of the lien in.lepl praxedinp wnicb in the Lender's opinion operate to <br /> prcvmt trie enforatnent of t!u lirn or totfdture of any part of t6e Property;or(c)secura from the holdtr of the lien an <br /> a�roemn�a sstisf'acWry to Lender suboMiru�ting the lirn to this Security Instrnment.If Lender determines that sny p�rt of <br /> . the Prnpetty is:ubject to a liea which may atuin prioritt2;over this Secusity Instrument�La�der may give Botirower a <br /> notiae idattifyin�t�kien.Borrower shall aatisfy the lien os uke one or more of'the actions set forth above writhi� 10 days <br /> of tl�e pvie�of notict. ''� <br /> - S. �I�sard I�wra�ce. &Krwrer shalt icap the iadprovemeats no�v existing or hereaftet erceted on the Property <br /> inwred�ainst foss by tire.huuds included Mithin the term"extenda�caverage"and any other hazards for which Lender ' � <br /> roquira inwrance. This inwrance shall be maintained in the amounts and for the periods that Lender requira. The — <br /> inwrince carr+er providin�the insurana shaDE be cbosen by Borrow�e�subject to I.endcr's aRproval which sAall not be � �� <br /> unra�sonably rvithheld. . � <br /> All inwrance policies and rene�vak shall be acaptabk to l.ender and shall include a stand,ard mortbaae clause. " <br /> I�esder stuU have tbe ri=ht W lald the pulicies and rrne�vals.If Lender requires.Horrower slWl prompdy 6ive to Lender ��� <br /> all re�dpes of paid praniums au�d renewal nutices.In tbe ettnt of{oss.Borrorver shall give prompt notice to the insurance ` � <br /> carrier and Ixnder.Lender may make proof of icr�s if not made prvmptly by BorroMer. � � <br /> Unlas Lender and HorroMer othenvise aga in writin�,insurance proceeds shall be applied to restondon or repzir . : <br /> oE tLe Praperty dae�ed,if the ratontion or re�air is economically feasible and Lender's security is not lessenod. lf the � <br /> raWraticxt or reptir is eot a�nomically feasible or Lendec's security would be lessened,the insumnce proceeds shall be � � <br /> ihe sums secured by tbis Socurity tastrumels�whethu or not then due,with any exceu paid to Borrower. It' � � <br /> Borro�r�t a�ndoos tbe Property,or does nat a�r,�er writhin 30 dsys a notice from Lender that the insurana carrier lis.s <br /> o��rac!tc�stttk s eigi�r�t�t!!en Lencier may aiilt�E�tr insutance pmceeds.Lrnder msy use the pracoeds to repair or restare �� <br /> the Ptqperty or to psy aums socured by this 5e�riry tnstrummt,Mhether or not thcn due.7'he 30-day period will begin ;�_.� <br /> wrhrn the ncytice is pven. � <br /> �Sd�u Lrnder and Horrower otherwise agra in w�reting,any application of procads to principal shall not extend or � <br /> pottpone c�o due datr of the moRthly payments referred to irr patagnphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments.lf <br /> ueder p�tajrsph j9[i�t Property is acquired by Lender.Horrowtt's ri�hc to any insurance policies and proceeds resulting <br /> from daefsae to tdt Prc�perty pnor to the acquisitien sh:ll gus to Lertder to the extent of the sums�secured by this Sacnrity <br /> lnstrumec�t immediately prior co the scquisition. ' , -- ____ <br /> f,. �Pt�err�tio�aaa MaLte�a�et o�Pr�erty;L�ea�elal�s. Borrower shall aot dcstray,damage ar substantially � <br /> ,, chan�t#fne Prc�pertX,albw the Propeny to detenorate or commit waste. If this Security Instntanent is on a lasehold, ; <br /> , : , Borro�wer shall comp�Cy with the provisiorts of c1te:tease.and if 8�rrower acquires fa�itle to the Fropeny,the leasehold and <br /> � fa titk�?u�ll not merse unlas l,ender sarees to the meraer in writing. ' � <br /> 7. Pr�tectio� o/ 1R■der•s Ri�tts i� the Pro'eety; Mortpie Infuraece. lf Borrower iails to perform the <br /> wvensn�s aed a�reetnents contuned in this Security lnstrument,or there�s a legal proceeding that may s�gmficantly affect <br /> L Ltnder'i njhte in the Property(such as a proceeding in bankruptcy. probste, for condrmnation ur to enforce laws or <br /> rejul�tions).then Lmder may do snd pay for whatever ts necessary to protect the value of the Property nnd Lendea's nghts <br /> 1n the Propen�. I.endet's�cttons msy include payin�any sums setured by a lien which has pr�onty over th�s Secunty R <br /> lnttfumrnt,apptanna in coun,pay�n6 reuonable�Itomeys'fea and entenng on the Property to make repa�rs a Ithough �i'it <br /> L.ender may tafce as:tion unaer th�s pananph 7,I,tnder does not have to do so �At <br /> Any amount�d�sburst0 by i.ender urtder thts patsgnph 7 sh�ll yxcome adduionol deht of&,rrower srcured by�h�s �' � '� <br /> Stcuney lnstrument Unless 8orrower aRd[Jender�g�et to ather�erms of paymer,t,these amauntc.hall F+tar�nterrst from '' ` <br /> �tx d�te ot Q�shursernent at the Nore ra�r �nd sh�ll be payable, wuh m�rrest, upc�n n�uce fr�m i,ender tn Nc�rmwer <br /> rcqutyunt WYment <br /> � <br />