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} <br /> � <br /> � � <br /> ` 89-- j p��--- <br /> r. madr �hall bc addrd �u�he ��r�nriral .urn a��ing �m thr aha�r 12. 1 he Horru��cr turthcr agrces that shuuld th�s instrumcnt and <br /> ( nc�[r, shali l+t secured hercb�,and shalt heu mtgcesi ac �he rate set [he no�e secured hereb�� nui he eti�ibte for insurancc unQer�he Na- <br /> tunh in the said nute, u�u�l �a,d. uunal Naus�ng Aci ��nhin eight mamhs tram che date hercof <br /> n��itte� statemrnt of um� of`icer af the [)epartment oP Nousing <br /> �. That the &u�a��e� hcrchF a.,ign., Iran�fcr� and .s�s o�cr �o and ltrhao pe�elopment or au�horited axenc of the Secretan� af <br /> ihc l.endcr, to bc apphcd to��ar�thc pa�-ment oi thc notc and all Hous�ng and Urban ne�elopmcnt dated subsequent to the ei�ht <br /> sumc srcured liereby in ca�r uf a def'aul� in the performance af months' ��n:e from the date of thi5 ins�rument, declining to insure <br /> any of the tern►s and condnions ui this msirumem or the said �aid note ar�d this mortgage, being deemed conclusi�e prpof of <br /> notr, all�he rents, rc�enuce and incc+me to bc Qua•ed from the such inclig►bilit��), the 1 ender or halder af the note may, at its op- <br /> said premises dunng such ume aF �he indebtedness shaU rema�n aun, declare all �ums sccured hereby immediately due and payablr. <br /> unp�id, and the 4cnder chall hatic �•rn�er �o app��mt anv agent or No�.cith�tanding thc foregaing, thic option ma}• not be exercised <br /> agems n may drsin_ for thr pur�sc eP rcpairing aaid premises and b� thc Lcnder or the holdcr of the notc�vhen the ineligibility far <br /> af rcnt�ng the same and callecung tht �ents, �e�enucs and mrome, insurance under the National Housing Act is duc iu ihr LendGr's <br /> and it may p:iy out oi said incomes aU c��ensec of repairing ca�d failure�o rcmit the mortgage insurance premium to the Dcpart- <br /> prerniscs and ne�YSCar> �ommissions and expcnscs incurred in rcnt- ment of Housing and Urban De�eopment. <br /> ing and managing the same and of rollertmg rcntal� therefrom; <br /> ihe halan�e remaining, ii am, to be appl�ed to��ard the di��hargc 13. Tha� if�he Sorraa�er fails to make any payments af money <br /> ol+aid indebtednes�. when the same become due, or fails ro canform to and comply <br /> «ith am of the conditions or agreement� contained in this instna <br /> R That !he Sor�o�er ++ill 4ee�+;he ir.zp:o.;��e:ttti sic�u�.^xi,;;ng n;.°nt,ar the nate which it strurrs,tt�en the entire arinelpal suru <br /> or hereafter erected c�n the property, msured a. may he requ�red and ac:rued interest shall at once become due and payable,at the <br /> from time io time b>� the L.e�da� aga�n�! luss h� firc and other elcction of thc Lender. <br /> hazards. �asualtie� and ��+n=cr.�,encie: in such amaun[s and for curh <br /> ��eriucis as m�. M requued fi�•:he Lender and will pa� rrompdy. Lender shall gi�e notice to Borrow•er prior to acceleration <br /> ��hen due, ar.� p�emiums on such �n+uran;e p-o►ision tor payment folto���ng Borro��er's breach of any co�•enant or agreement in this <br /> oi which has no:}+een macie hereinbeterc. �11 insuranc�shall be mctrument (but not prior to acceleration under paragraph 12 <br /> .arried m c.��p�an�es appro�ed b�•the le^3e: �nd the �hcies and unless applieable la« pro�•ides otherwise). The notice shall specify: <br /> ser.euals ihcre�.��shall lx held by the Lender and ha�•e a�:ached la► the default; (b1 the action required to cure the default: (c) a <br /> a�rreto tos. pa�able clausc� z.rt fa�or of and m form a:.�eptable to date. nos less than 30 days from the date the notice is giv=n to <br /> tk� t.cadcr. lc e�ent of lus, Borro��er ��iU g���c immediate notire Borroxer, by w•hich the default must be cured: and(d)that t'ailure <br /> by maii tu thr IlMnder. «ho ma> make proof c�f lo�s if not made to cure the�efault on or �rfore the date specifitd in thc notice <br /> promptl�• by Bon�ower, and each ineurance campan>� conceTned is ma�� resulT m acceteration of the sums seeured by this instrument <br /> hereb� authonT�d and dire�tcd n� make payment tor such losc and �ale of the Propeny. The noticc shail iunher inform Bonower � � <br /> directl}• �o the Lender inctra��,f to the Rutro«er and the I.ender of ¢he right to reinstate after acceleration and the right to bring a - <br /> �aintl��, and the�nsurancc prckeeds, or an> part thcreof, ma> br r�urt action to assen the non-existence of a dcfault or any other �_..- <br /> apnlied h�� the Lender at it� optian cither �o tht reductiun of the defense of Borr�wer to arceleration and sale. !f the defauit is not °. <br /> - - ii�a�iCvi�ui�C:i iia.Cv� +Ciuia'u 8i 1'v iii� iCiia.iuiivi�4i i��r$iT vi i�ia' �U�2t�Vit VI` VC�tiIC iI7C untC�}IC�jttCt! lIt tliC tlUtI1X. �.CIIUCT�I IIS � . -.. <br /> property damaged. In c�•ent ut forectnsurc ot ihn mctrumcnt ar apcion may rcquirc immedlate payment in full of all sums secured <br /> other transfer of tule to the mo�tgagcd propeny m exnnguishment by� this instrument without funher demnnd and may invoice the ' <br /> of thc indebtednrss �ccurcd hereby, all right, tnle and imere�t of poaer of sale and any other remedies permitted by applicable taw, � <br /> the 8or�oaer in and ta an�• m�urance policic� then �n ���ne ahall Lender shall be entitled to callect all r�penses incurred in pursuing <br /> pass to the purchaser or grantee. thc remedies provided in this patagraph 13,including, but not ' <br /> timiced t�, reasonable attoraeys' fees and costs of title e�•idence. <br /> 9. That ati addiuonal und rollatcral ,c�unt� for thc payment of <br /> thc nute dcsrnbed,and all sums to bcromc duc undrs:F,is�nstru- If �he power of salr is invoked. Trustee shall record a notice ef <br /> mept,the Borrower hereby sss:gns tu the Lender all �r�of�ts, default �n each caunty in which any part of the Property is locatecd <br /> resenua, royah►a, rights and benefn+ acrruing to thr &�rra��er and sha11 mail copies of such notice in the manner prescribed by <br /> under any and all oil and gas leases on naid�remises, w•i�h the applicable law• to l3orrou•ec and to the other prrsons�+rectibed by <br /> right to recei�•e and rrceipt ior �he same a�d apply them to said applicable law. After the 6ime reguired by applieable law, Trustee '� <br /> indebtedness as W�ell before as after defau�v in the conditionc of chall gice public notice oF sale ta the persons and in the manner <br /> this instrummt,and the Lender :nay demand, sue for ac�d reco�er prescribed by applicable taw•. Trustee, withaut demand on Bor- — <br /> any such payments u•hen due and pa>able, but shall �a� be re• row•er,chall sell the Property at public auction to the highess bid- � <br /> quired so to do. This assignrncnt i� to terminate and become null der at the time and place and under the terms designated in the ��- <br /> and void�spon release of this instrument. natice of sale in one ov more parcels and in any order Trus�ee <br /> determines. Trustee may yostpone sale of all or an}parcel of the ��"�- <br /> 10. That the Borrower uil) keep�he buitdings upon said prem�sc�s Propenp by pubGr announcement at the time and pface of any � <br /> in good repair, and neither commit nor p�rmit �+asce u�on said previouslp scheduled sale. Lender or ics designee may purchase the <br /> land. nor suffer t;ae said premises ro be used for an> unl�wful Propeny at any�sale. <br /> purpose. <br /> Upon reaipt of payrnent.of thc price bid, Trusta shall deliver <br /> I 1. That if the prem�ses, or any part �hereof, be condrmned to the purchaser'frustee•s deed conveying the Property.The <br /> under the powet of eminent domain, or acquired for a publir use, recitals in the Trustee's deed shall be prima facie evidence of the <br /> c[ze damages awazded, the paoceeds for the taking of, ar[he con• trnth of the statements made thcr2in. Trustee shall apply the pra <br /> sr�tetation for su¢h acquisitioq, to the extent of the fu�l amount of ceeds of the sale in the following order:(a)to afl expenses of the <br /> ondebtedness upon this instrument and the note which+t 3s given to sale, including, but not limited to. Truster's fees as permitted by <br /> secure remaining unpaid. are hereby assigned by the Borrower to applicable laa• and rtasonubte attvrneys' fees; (bl to all sums <br /> eht l.ender. and shall I+e paid fonhwith to said Lender to be ap- secvted by this Security Instrument;and (c1 any excess to the per- <br /> p1+M by the latter on account of the next maturing iastallments of son or persons legally entitled to it. <br /> snch indebtedness. <br /> Page 3 of 5 , HUD:92t430T � � <br /> I , <br /> . � <br /> � � � � <br /> ��! <br /> � -R. <br /> � � <br />