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- 1 � <br /> s�-.�o5s�a <br /> � dorrawrr�ed l�e�carewaMt��1 �ree�.v(�w�: murc thun liftccn 115)d►ly�in :uscars t.�e�rcr ihe'erua expense <br /> ii»�d�c�1 i�i tta�xlliug daiiti�yurm pa}nuaic. <br /> 1. 'fhat Bottousv w�ilt pay tlu indeb:ccinrss. a� h:rcmi�:fuTe <br /> rrnvid�dl. Prc�����r is rr�m•ra «p�y ene d:b; in �sh�t�:�r in �rt �. Ti�a� if�hr tot��f��i�i�e paymrn�� made t+y �hc Il�rvoH•rr <br /> on an> insts�liment duc date. undcc Ib1 of pitragraph 2 preceding shall crcmi thc amount of <br /> paymcalR aclunily m�Qc by the Lendu far ground ren�s, I�xes nnd <br /> 2. Thxt. to�ether with,and in addifio» ta, tht ma�thl�• pssrssmeme nr insuran��e prcmiums, as Ihc case may be. such ex- <br /> Myme�ts ot prin.ipal and intercst payi�ble uncicr the terms af�h� crs.c, if ihu IoUn is curren�, :►t �he option oi'the Borrower, shap be <br /> nate secured hrreby, thc BoROw•er Kill�+a�•to th� Len��L�r, n»,th� :�cJitwd by thr Lcnder on subsequcn� paymcnts tu i�e madc by the <br /> lirst day ot'each mamh until the said notc ie fully�aid. tlr,� l�orcoa•cr..�r rcfunded to thc ��rro�rcr. If. IIOHC�'l'P,ihe monthi�� <br /> foilowing sums: payntents made b�•thc [iorrah�cr undcr (h)of pa�agraph 2 <br /> (�) Amaunt sufficient to pruvid��ha holdtr hsrc��f witlt,funds [�re►eding shall nat bc cufficient to pay g�aund �ents,iaxes and <br /> to pay the next nwitgage insurnn��e premium ii thi4 inst�unirnt and �`�smonts o� insur�ncc prcmiums. as �hc cac� mny tx, whca�ho <br /> the nate sctiured hereby a�e insu�t�1. or a mo�uhl�•chsr�e(in lreu �ame shall bec��me due and payable, then tha Barro��•e� shnil pay <br /> of a mort�aRr insuran�r premium)if �hry are hvfd by th�^ ���he Lender a�y amounl necessa�y �o•ntuke up the de�cicncy, �n <br /> Se.atarp of Housing and i�rban [k.�rlopmcnt, as foli�iws: �r before the da�e when paymrnt oP su4h ground renlF, iaxcw, <br /> a�sccsments, or insuranre ptemium�shnll be due. U at any tinte <br /> (11 If and so lung as sa�d note nf r�en date a�id this �nstru- tl�e Uo�roti►er �hnU iendcr to iho l.ender, in ac�ordancc �vith the <br /> mem are insured ur arc rcinrared under �h�prmisions af the Na• pro�•isions of the nate Secured hcreby�, full paymenl ��f the entire <br /> tiunal Pri�u�itu A:i, ar� amount sufti.:�nt ta�ccucnulate in th: inslel�:c�faess tepresrntc•t!!t►eeel�y, the l,:ncler shall, in compating <br /> h�nds of the hoidrr one(11 mnnth prior c<�itc due date th�annuul thc amoum of such indehtedness, credit to the account ot the Bor- <br /> mortgaltc insarance premium in ardcr �a pruvidc such holdcr �.i�h ru+�rr all pa�•men�s madc under thc proci�ion�af(a)oi'paragraph <br /> funds to pay such premium u� the 5e:retarv o!Housing and L'r• � hrreuf�chich the I.�uder has not become obligated to pa>� to the <br /> ban De�•elopment pursuant io the Va�iunai li�.using:�.t, a� Se:rctan of Nou�ing and Urban pccelopment and any balan:� re- <br /> amended, uad aprlicable Rcgulaunns thrrcun�ier. or maining m the fund. a�cumulated �mder the pro�icionv oi'�b1 of <br /> ���racraph � hcreof. If thrrc .hall Ix a default under am of ihc <br /> (II) If:�nd w long ac,aid nutc uf e�en date and thi� in:tru• l,r����c�ons uf thi� in�trumem r��ulting in a ��u[iGc.ale e�f the <br /> ment are held by the Secretaiy uf Nousing and l�rhan 1)e�cl��p- prem»es co�ered hrreb}�, or if the Lrnder acquirrs thr E�rea�L�}• <br /> ment, a monthly charge fin licu o!'a mvrrga�e insuran.c premii�ml �,����r��ice alter default, the t_rndrr shall a I �t thc time of ihe <br /> which shall be in an amoum rqual to one-tHrlfth (1'1�1 of�mr- �„mmrncement i�P wch proreeding., or atFhe�time the propeny is <br /> half(V2)per ccntum of'thc a�eraFe outstanding balancY du;vn �phrn�ise arquired, the halance then remaining in �he funds ac• <br /> the note computed aithout taking into account delinquencirs uT ���mulated under (E*1 of paragraph 2 preceding, as a credit againtit S <br /> ptepapments; thc amount of pria:iral thcn rrmaining unpaid undcr �aid notc, � '�= <br /> (b) r�sum equal to the �:round rents, �f an�, uett due, plu� the :�nd �hall properl} adju+t am �+a}ment� «hiili .hall ha�r hren � ,_ <br /> premiums that �•ill ae�t become due and pay:�bte on policies �f' madc undrr I.0 of raragraph �. ? - <br /> fire and other ha�lyd insurance cocering the prnperty, plua tares - <br /> _. .. <br /> and assessments next due on the propertti (atl a� est�matfa n} rne a. �nac nc� �orro���cr«•ui pay grounci rcnt�, ta�cs, a�«�nicnt�. <br /> . Lendcr)less all sums already�paid therefor di�ided by thr numbcr «aur ratcs, and othrr gmcrnmentat ��r municipal �harges, fine+. . <br /> of'�tmonths to clapse tkforc onc(U month pric�r to thc da�r ��hcn or imposinom, for ahi�h pn��ision ha� nut hern madr <br /> such ground rents, premiumc, taxes and assetismems ��ill Necome hereinbefore, :+nd in default Ihereof Ihe I.endcr ma> pay �hc same: t <br /> delinquent, such sums to hc held by Lender in trust co pay �aiJ anJ that the f3orru«rr ��ill prumplly dcli�cr ihc official rcreipi+ ' <br /> ground rents, premiums,taxes and special asccssmenis: and therrf�a a� the I.cnder. <br /> (c) All paymtnts mentioned in the two preceding.ubsectivns of S. rhe Horro��er �cill pay all taxes��hirh may he Iev�ed upon <br /> �his paragraph and all payments to be made undcr the notc ,�he 1_cnder'�'i�t,�st jn said realie+t�te and i�np�orQm�nts,and <br /> secured hereby sfiatl be added together, and thc aggrcgatc amount ��hirh may be le�icd u�n this m�trument or th� dcbt secured <br /> thereof shall be paid by the BorroHer each munth in a ,ingle pay• hcrrby(t+ut only tn thc e<ten� that such i� �iot pmhibited by la« <br /> ment to be applied by the Lender to the folloaing item� in the and only to thr ettent that surh �vill not make this loan u�uriou�). � <br /> order set forth: bin eticluding any incame ta�, 5tate or Frderal, imposed on <br /> (1) premium charges under rhe contrart of incurance ��:h I.ender, and Hitl tile the afficial rcreipt �hoaing such pa�•ment � <br /> the Se¢rctary of Housing and Urban Decelopment, or monthh �.uh �hr l.rncicr. �pon �iolatiun af�hiti �mdcrtaking, ur i( the — <br /> charge(in licu of mortg�¢e insuraare premium), as the�ase tttay $orro�ver is pruhibited b}• any la�c noti� or hrreaftc� e�cisting from 1�� <br /> �• paymg the whule or any purt�on of the afbresaid taxe.. or upon �� <br /> • 4@L)gtound rents,taxes, acc�ssmentc, firc and othcr har.ard the rendering �f an>• �aurt dccree prohibiting thr nayment by the —: <br /> Borrouer at�ar.y >uch taxes, or il such law ar dec�ee pro�ides that .. <br /> insurancr premiums; . <br /> an� amount co p�id b�� the Borro«•er thall be rredited on the dehc, <br /> (lll) intere�t un the nute tecured hereby: the l.ender >hall ha�r the riFht �o gi�r mnet} da}c' aritten notice ' <br /> (IV) amortization of the principal of sa�.��totc: and to thr o�►�ncr c�f ihr premi+r., rct�e�iring the ra�ment of the debt. ' <br /> ' It �uch nuti�e be���en, ihe said debt tihall be�ome due, pa>•able <br /> �V} late chazges. and cullectible a[ �h.e etpiration of�aid nine:> day�ti. ' <br /> Any deficiency in the amount oi such aggregate munth{y pay�• E, That should the Norro�ser fail to pay an>• tium ar keep any <br /> ment shall. unitss mas!e goed�� che Borreaer�rror to the dur ��,,ri:ant protiided for in this �nstrument, then the Lender, at its <br /> date of tht neat suci� pa}Tne2t.CC�i35f7lUl� d0 C�IMIS V{�IIC�auit op:�u:►,may pa}• or perform the same. and aU rKpcnditureti �o <br /> under thls mongage. The Len3er crray collat a "late charge" not <br /> to exac�four cents(4�) for eact;d�S1ar (SI1 of each paymer�t <br /> ' t� V` _ • -i <br /> .°----_°- <br /> . . <br /> Page 2 ot 5 HUO-92143DT <br /> ' + <br /> � • � ...J <br /> � <br /> �. �' <br /> L�..�. � <br />