.1 � �
<br /> 89- 1t�5898
<br /> If �nder required mon��je �nwance a� a condition af making the IcHn secured by this Security lnstrument,
<br /> � 1l�ir�c�wer fluili p�y the prem�ums requited tv��intain the insur�nce in eRect until auch time�s the requirtment for the
<br /> inr�r�n�armin�tr�inµcarda�rx with�oftower'�and Leader's written��reemcnt or applicabfe law.
<br /> i. I�etie�. Lender nr its a�rnt may mske rasonabte cntria upon arid inspecrions of the Property. Lender
<br /> �II`IMf�01MM�t QO�ice�t tht time of or pnor to an inspection specifyin�rsasonable cause for ehe inspection.
<br /> f. Co�.atio�. The proceeds af any��vatd or claim for damsges,direct or consequential,in connection with
<br /> �ny cne4emna�ion nr o�het t�kinj af any put of the Praperty� or for c�nveyance in lieu of condemnstion, ue hereby
<br /> a�i�n�d�nd�hall bc p�id to Lendtr.
<br /> In �}�event ot�total t�kin�of the Praperty. �he procads sh�ll be apptied to the sum�secured by this Security
<br /> In�trumMt.whe�Mr or not thrn due.�vith�ny eaat�patd ta Horrower. ln ehe event of a putial takin�of the Proper�}r,
<br /> un{�llotta�et and Letber othenrise sjra in Mritinj�the sum�eecured by tbia Security lnnrument shall be reduced by
<br /> IiN�moum of�he proceed�multipMled by the followinj fnction: (a)the total amount of the sums secwad immodiately
<br /> be�ta�e tb�ukin�,drvided by(b)tbe fi�ir mufcet vdue of the Property immediately before the taking.Any balsnce shall i�e
<br /> paid to B�rtoMer.
<br /> If the Property is�b�ndoeed by Botrowet.or if.after notice by Ltnder to Borrovirer that the condcmnor c!!'��a to
<br /> make�n�wud ar�ettk�ctaim for dama�es,Horrower fail�to�apo�d to Leader R ithin 30 days aRer the date the notice is
<br /> �ivetl,�.ts�es}e authasistd to caftrri.s and apply the pr�s.at Itg uption.cither[a ratoration or repair of the Property a�r
<br /> to the�um�kcu�ed by thi�Security�n�trument.Mhether or not thrn due.
<br /> Unla�Lrnde��t�d Borrowet othenvise a�ree in writin j,any application of proceeds to principal ahall not eatetid�t
<br /> p�xtpoee the dwe Aate af the monthiy p�ymrnts referred to in para�nphs 1 and 2 or change thc smount of euch p�yn�esa�a.
<br /> 10. Sotro� Nol Re1wr1; Forl�ra�ce By Les�er Not i W�her. Extension of the time for payme�t or
<br /> moQiAcation of�mortiution of the iums �oeuted by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in
<br /> intt�st of HorroMer�hall not operate to retease the liability of the origin�l�onower or Borrower's successors ia intcrest.
<br /> l.ender �ltall nM be toquired to cotnimrnce �roceedinp a`aimt any successor in interat or refuse to extend time for
<br /> p►yment or otherwise modity amonisation of the�ums sacured by this Secnrity lnstrnment by reason of any dem�nd rnsde
<br /> by the aipeal8orrowe�or Horrower's iuccawr�i�interat.My forbe�rance by Lender in eaercising any right or remady
<br /> �hall no�be��aiver of or proclurde the eaercise of any ri jht or remedy.
<br /> 11. S�e�ert�/A�Mpr Bo�i;Jol�t aa�Ser�nl Uabillt�,Ca�sipeei. ?he coven�nt�and sgeernenta af r
<br /> thi�5�u�ity Instrument�ha11 bind and beae!!t the�ucces�on and aui=n�of Lender and 8orrower.iubject to the proM�s�ezu •
<br /> of pan jrsph 17.Borro�rer'�covenaats�nd asramenu shall be Joint aad several.Any Sonower who casigns thiy Seca�eicy `
<br /> Inurument but do�na eaecute the Note:(�)i�casip�in�thi�Security Imtrumrnt only to mort�aae,grant and convey �
<br /> tMt Hartower'�intera�in the P�operty under the terms of this Security Instrument;(b)is not peraondly ob9:�ated to psy
<br /> IM auw�a ur��wA Au tl�ia�r��,e�tu l�atn�„�w�j��_,q�A�Zl w��wir�i►.* �A�r���d ynv�!1�..K��!!!'S'�'L'�T.'.�•'•�r,••S'.!L:::.^.� �-`:•
<br /> -. •-i ���,.........�. .� a ti"'r � i::�
<br /> modify.fo�besr or mskc�ny�ccommodatiom�ith reiard co the cerms of this Security Instrument or the Note withaut .;��=-
<br /> that BorroMer'�consent. �.:
<br /> 12. LoM�r�. If the lo�n socured by this Security lnstrument is subject to a law rxhish sets maximurri taan "-
<br /> char�n. and th�t law n Anally iaterpreted so that tht interest or other loan ct�ar�es coJlectod or to be collects� en , �
<br /> connection with the lan eaceed the permitted limiu. then� (t) aoy such laa chu�e shall be rtducea!by the amount �
<br /> nace�try ro reduce the char�e to the permined limit;aad(b)rny wm�alrady collected from Bonor►e�which eaceeded
<br /> pettttittb fimit� will be retbnded ta 6orrower. Lender m�y choose to make this refuad by reducing tlse principal owod
<br /> under tlfe Nt+te or by rtuicin��dtroet payment to Borrower.lta refund reduca principal,the reduction we➢I be trested u a
<br /> partisl preqymmt withaut�ey prep�yment ch�r�e under the Notc. �
<br /> ». Iw�l�Vdo� ARatfq lw�Nt'� Nyrta. If enactment or expiration of applicable laws has the eA'ect of
<br /> renderin��ny provtsion otthe Note or!his Security lnstrument unenforcetble accQrding to its eerms.Lerscfer,at its option,
<br /> tnay requite immedute p�yment in fuil of�p sum�tecuted by this Security lnstrument and msy invoke any remedies
<br /> permitted by paraj�aph 19.!f 4endet exercises thts option,Lender�haU take the step�spec'died in the second parsgrsph of
<br /> part�rtQh 17.
<br /> 1�. Notkw. Any notice to Bc�rrowes provided for m thjs Security Instrumrnt sh�ll be given by delivering it or by `
<br /> mailin�it by Ant clau ma�l unlas appltcable law requues use of another method. The notice shall be dirxted to the �`
<br /> _'�,,
<br /> Propeny Addras or�ny other�ddras Borrower dd�rnates by notic�to Lender. Any notia to Lender shall be given by � '
<br /> Ant clut m�i!to Lrndet'6 sddreu�uted herem ot rny other addrtss Lender desi�nates by notice to Borrower.Any notice �
<br /> provided Pot�n tAn Secunty Instrument Rhdl be deemed�o have been g�ven ta Borrower or Lender when given u provided
<br /> in this p�ra jnph.
<br /> ls. G�eni��t�w:5ntnMHtr. Th��Secunty Instrument shall be govemed by fede»1 taw and the taw of the
<br /> jurisdiction in Mh��h the Property��Incated. In che event that any provision or claux of this Security lnstrument or the
<br /> Note conAiets wich spplkabk taw,wch can8�ct shall not aRect other provisions of this Security lnstrument or the Note
<br /> abicb can be pven t�xt Ntthout tltt c�t►�iettn�pr�vuion. f�ih�s enQ the provisions of this Security Instrument and the �
<br /> Note arc daclared to be uvenble � �
<br /> li. �oe»�K'�CMy. Borrower sha{I be��ven pne rontormed copy of the Note and of this Security Instrument.
<br /> f'1. Tnr/�r ot tMe Fro�ty a • Bt�eAetd l�tcrqt t� 8orrower. It all or any part of the Property or any
<br /> interest�n u is wld or t�antiterred(ur il'�beneHc�al mterest in Horrower is suld or transferred and Borrower is not e natural
<br /> petton)w�thout Lrnder'�pnar wrUten re��sent, I.ender m�y,at us opt�on,requ�re immed�ate paymem in full of all sums
<br /> secured by th�i Securrty lnstru�ment Huwe�,er, th�s upUOn sh�ll not be eaercised by Lender if exercise is prahibited by
<br /> feden!law az ol'the date�f�his�cun�y Instrument
<br /> If Lendtr exercisn�h�s upt�c►n, l,ende��h�U��ve�orruwer notice of accelention.The notice shall provide a period ` - -�
<br /> of not las than SOQ�y�f��m the Qa�e the nc�tsce��delwEred or m��led within whieh Horrovrer must pay all cums seeured by �
<br /> th��Srcur�ty Instwmrnt If H�t�rre�wer fa�ts w pay thtx sums prior t�the txp�ret�on of this pcnod,Lender may involce any
<br /> rembx�petm�tted by th��5ecunty in�trumem wuh��u�further noticr ar demxrod on Barrower.
<br /> 1�. �ow�t•�p1�M1 to Rt{�t�tt, tf lk�rruwer mats certair9 c�ndiuons, Horrower Sh�li have the nght to have
<br /> enforsemen�nf thi�5ecunty Invt�um�nt�f�w,�viu�nued Mi Nny ume pnor tn the earhtr of (a)5 days(or such other penad as
<br /> �pp{se�ble low m�y uj+e�r�fy�fnr rtmstatcmcnt l txinrr�a�tr i�f the 1'ropeny punuant to any�wer of sale contamed m this �
<br /> L �.u:say ln�trumem, ur 1b)entiy af N�ud�mr�u enfurcm�th�s 5ecunty lnstrument Thase cond�uons are th�t 8nrrower
<br /> !�)pay� t.sndtr �II �urn� whi.h the►� wuulc! f�r due under th�s Se�unty Instrument and the Nate had no acceler+�unn
<br /> accurred. /b1 cute� �nr defwl► ��f ony mhet �n�rnrntc ��r pgre�nienls. (c� ps�s ol) rKpense� +ncurred m enforcinR �his ti
<br /> 5auruy IrStrumcnr. �r��lud�n�, hut nnt i�s���te�l t��. rr��tc�nyhls r�uuaiuy�' �eeti, and Id)t�ke�+urh arnun Hc L.ender msy �cp�
<br /> SL3S:,�::��l�'f tC.it:t:: :Ct w:1US� :�1'�ii SfiC }i:,:i i:� f�ii0 iCi iitiijr fii�Siilii�Ci�t �CTf�ii�S (iafilS iii t�li ��Ti1�'F'i'2L' ufl{� E�:lfitt.!'Cf`� �C�
<br /> •-i.
<br /> u�l�`aticm tu p�} �he �um� itiure� Ir�r �h�+ ti�,,F.�r�iti InSuu�nent tihslt �tmtinue uncheng�cl ('E��n r�inctUlrment hy r 1
<br /> I3«ttuwtr.thi+.'+t:�ii�ty lutittui���r�t si�tt tF�r„hl�gat�,•ns�,t�urr,l hrr�1�� +hwll ►rm�in fullr etfieitnc nti i!nr acaelcr:�ti�,n had r` .
<br /> �►..�Uif�Q I�f�NC��t.:I715 tlg��t l(�fllh�fpf�s�i71I h„�u�•pt� �n�he,asc+d a�..cltra�ti�n undcr�,��,���rr�� t�.,r 1'
<br /> ._.,.J
<br />