� �
<br /> �9-- 10589�
<br /> UNIF(1RM C(1YI;NANTS Barr�wrr and E.endec cove�aunt and agra as follows:
<br /> ,� I. P�y�eat ot P►inciMl+un�i lntereat;Prcpa�easfi a►�d Late Char�es. Horrawer shal!promp�l� pay when duc
<br /> che priacipal pf Rnd�n�crest on the cMbc evisir.�ced by e+he Al�zx 3aci any pre�►y�ment and late charges due unda the Nate.
<br /> 2. Fa�tc►�Taxrs sad�r�tura�esc. Subjret to ap��e:sble ls►w or ta a uritten waiver by Lender,Dorrowcr shall pay
<br /> to Lrnder on the d�v manlhlv paymants are due under tfi�;�tp�t��ur.:il thx Nate is paid in Pull,a sum("Funds")equal to
<br /> anatMelRh of: (�)•ya�ly taxea �nr! �sse.ssment9 whirh may ar,r,a�n pria�ty over this Security lnstrument; (b) yearly
<br /> Itasehalr� p�ymrnts ar sraund rents on the Aroper4y, af any; �(c?► yearly t�azard insurance premiums; and (d) yearly
<br /> n�ortat�e iesunnce premiums,if any. Thae items ue r.a�lerl"esrtow ite�s.'"Lender mny estimate the Funds due on the
<br /> bisis al'cu�rrnt daa and reasonable atim�tes of future escr�nw items.
<br /> Tbe Funds sd�ll be held in an institution the degosiss os���c,u�nts vf w�arh sre insured or guaranteed by e fcderal or
<br /> : sute R�ency(includin� Lender if Lender is such an instisassea�n't.R,tnder sl�a91 tpply the Funds to pAy the acrow items.
<br /> l.ender msy not charge for haldin��nd applying the Funal9��maulyzing the arc��unt or verifying the acrow items,unless
<br /> l.tnder pays &►rrawe�interat on the Funds�tad spplicabk 9�►a permies �caadrr to make such a chuge. Horrower and
<br /> Lender may yrce in wnun� that �ntemt shdl be paid��e t�a Funds. U�mCes�an agreement is made or spplicable!aw
<br /> requires intuat to be paid, Gender shall not be requircd¢�,�y�rrowu am�anterest or esrnings on the Funds. L.ender
<br /> shall jive to Borrowcr,w�ihout char�e,an annual acoountinR oishe Funds shpw�ing credits�nd debits to the Funds�nd the
<br /> purpose fe►which each deb�t ta the Funds was made.The Fuatc�s m�pledged as a�ditional security for the sums secured by
<br /> this Socurity lnstrument.
<br /> IP the�unount of the Funds held Dy Lender, together we3�el�e fusc�ae cre�nthly payments of Funds payable prior to
<br /> the due dates of the acrorv items.shaU eaceed the amount requuQ�to psy tE�e�scrow items when due,the eacess shall be,
<br /> at Barrower's option.either promptly repaid ta Hosrawer or crexEiue�to Bc�ra��RCr on monthly payments of Funds. If the
<br /> an�ount af the Funds hdd by l.ender�s not suAicient to pay the cs�ana�rv�tsms w�en due�Borrowrr shall psy to Lender any
<br /> amount necessary to make up the deficiency�n one or more payme�¢s u reqaired bp Lender.
<br /> Up�►n paymeot in full of all sums secured by this Secuiit}9a�ssr�aa:a�t.9.rader sl��ll promptty rcfuad to Borrower
<br /> any Fund�held by l..ender. If u�d=r parsdnph 19 the Propeny is sa�Qa aeage�dnd by Leenaier.Lender shall apply.no later
<br /> than immediately pnor to the sale of'the Prapeny ar its acquisitcQae my�der.any Fvnds held by Lender at the tima of
<br /> spplication u a cred�t apmat the sums secured by th�s Security Ins��ent.
<br /> 3. AMBadoe o/Ptywe�b. Unless applicable law providks�therwise,a11 pay�nnrnTs received by Lender under
<br /> parytaphs I u�d 2 shall be�ppl�ad:first,to late charges due und�r the�race;s,ec�tnd,to prepas�aeeaat ct�arges due under the .
<br /> Note;third,to amounta psyable ander panjr�ph 2;fourth,to interat dur.ancD Qut.to pnr��cipaE due.
<br /> 4. �rMr,I�e�s. Borrower shall pay al!t�xa.auessments,chauges�ftnes a�ia�rnpasitions attribuubte to the �
<br /> Property Mhich may attain priority over this Secunty Instrument. and kasehold p�s�-�ea�ts ar ground rcnta. if any. �
<br /> Horrrnver shall p�y thae obliRations m the manner provided in pua6nph 2.aa if not paid in that manner,Borrower shall � ,
<br /> p�y them on time d�recUy to tNe person aMed p�yment. BorroMer shall pramp�cdy furnish xo Lender all notices of amounts ! i
<br /> to oe p�io�oer tnis pataEnph. If Horrdwer matc�thae p�yments directlg,B�rrowrer shall promptly furnish to Lender ;� -
<br /> raceipb evidrncina the p�yments. � _
<br /> Borrow�er shal!prompdy di�char�e any lien which hu priority over th�s Security Instcument unless Bonower.(a) �`
<br /> ajraes in w�ritina to the paymrnt of'the obligat�on secured by the lim in a mane�ecacceptabfieta Letedea;(b)contests in good .!
<br /> faith the lirn by,or defmds aaainst enforammt of the lim in�k�al proceedies��rAich in che Lender's opinion opente to
<br /> prevent the entorcement of the lien ar forfeiture of any part of the Property;aa�(c)aecures f�orn�the d�older of the lien an '
<br /> aac�eemrnt sstisfictory to l.ender subordinating the lie�to this Security lnstmmx.nt.If Lender detummes thu any part of
<br /> the PropeMy is subject to a lirn which may attain pnonty over this Security Insirumen�.�.ender may give Batrower a
<br /> notice idrntifyins the licn. Borro�ver shall sat�sfy the I�en or uke ane or more of the acti�ss set forth abave within 10 days
<br /> of the pvin�of notice.
<br /> S. Hssari I�wruce. Honower shall keep the�mpr�vements now eatspna or heteafter erce¢ed on the Property
<br /> insured aaainst loss by fire.hazards mcluded with,n she term"extended cover�ge"'an�aey aher haurds for which Lender =
<br /> roquit¢s insuru►ce. This insurance shall be r.�s�ntained in the amounts and for the per�uds that.Lender requires. The '"`
<br /> insurance carrier prov�dins the insurance sh�ll be chcnen by Barrower subject to l.rndea'9 approv�which shall not be �
<br /> unrasonably withheld. ' --
<br /> � All inwrance policies and renewals shall be accepabk tu Lender and shdl incEude s standu�mortgage clause. • �`
<br /> Lerider shall have thr riaht to hotd the pol�c�es and rtnewals. If Lender requires,Borrowec shalj prorecpdy give to Lender
<br /> all roaipts oP paid premiums tnd renewal not�ces.In�he event of loss.Borrower shal!geye prompt notece to the insurance
<br /> carriet and L.�nder.I.ender may maice proof nf loss�f not made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unlas Lender and Borrower otherw�se agree in wnt�ng.�nsurance proceeds shall be ap�licd tm�estoration�r repair
<br /> of the Property damaaed.if the restoration or repa�r is econamically feuible and L.ender's sececnty Es mot lessened. If the
<br /> ratoeation or repair is not economically fasible ar Lender's secunty would be le3sened;the insurancx proceeds shall be
<br /> applied to the sums secured by shis Security lnstromrnt,whether or not then due.with��ezces.s psid to Bonawer. lf
<br /> Borro�rer ab�ndons the Propeny,or does not answer with�� 30 days a notice from Lende��t�at tht iiesurance saaaizr has
<br /> offered to settk�el�im,then Lender ntay witect thc rosuranre proeeects. Lent�or msy use the asrmeoeds Eo repais or cestare
<br /> ttie AropeRy or to pay sums socurod hy this Secunty Instrument.whether or not thrn due."E'E�e 30-day period w6lf begic�
<br /> �hen ihe notice is 6iven.
<br /> Unlas Lmder and Borrawer otherw�se�gree in wntm,�,any appl�cation of proceeds to prieccipa6 shall not e�tered or
<br /> poqpone the due date of the monthly psymems referred to�n paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the arr►ac�nt.of the payen�aets.lf
<br />� under pars�raph 19 the Property�s acqu�red by Lender. Ebrrower's naht to any�nsurance policies ac�cb ptoceeds resultmg
<br /> from dimaje to the Property pnor to�he acquis�uon shall pass to I.endrr to the ex�ent of the sums stce�ced by th�s Secanry
<br /> •--__--
<br /> Instrumrnt immediately pnor to the acyws�tion .
<br /> 6. Prtser��tioa ud Md�te�anee ot Pre�t�;;,easehold�, Rorrnwer shall nrn destroy,dai2ozgear s�bscaattially
<br /> � , chanae the Property. allow tht Property ta detenurr�e ar a�mmu wacte If th�. Secunty Instrument :s on a de�sehol0,
<br /> . Borrower shall comply with the pravis�or�s nf�he Itax,and�f Ik�t��ower�cyuirrs ke t�tie to the Propert�.ahe teaseh�td and
<br /> fee c�tk th�U npt mer�e unless l.ender agrees te the mcrger in w nhnq
<br /> 7. protactiow ol I.e�er'� Ri�tt !n thc 1'ro�eny: �tortp�e lnsunn�e. If Borrower faiCs to perForm thr �
<br /> covrnants and aYraments conta�ned m th�s Secur��y InSttumen�,�►r�hrre i�r�lega!prac�eding that may si�afccs�ad&y aE3ecc �
<br /> Lendet'� nghts m the Property (curh as a pt�Kerd�ng �n n,nkrup��y, ��r��bate. fnr condecnnat�on or tcr rmfac�e [�ws or
<br /> � rejulat�ons),then l.ender may d�anA p�y for wh�tt�er��nc�es�yr�t��prutc,,•t the�alue of the Pro}+eny an�L.ct�d�r's nghts ��
<br /> m thr Ptopeny. L.ender's ractu�ns may �ntluete paymg �ny wms ucured by a ticn whufi has pr+or�ty�A•rs th:s5ecurity �.
<br /> losttumtnt.appeanng in«�urY,paying rra���riublc at���r�uyti'frts und entcnnK nn�h�Prc�rty t�ro�ake re�aon a�though ip(
<br /> I,ender may take actum under eh�s parapra��h�, I cll(�t'f cl��ti It�N hSl�f It�1����o �'1
<br /> Any emnuntE dicburuci h� (end�c uudrr�lu��+arAgra�t►�whc�ll hc4uriie:�dd�����naf AeM�d Hurrnwer�ceu�rt���� t h�� �� + �
<br /> Securi�y Inti�rument l'nle.s 4it�rrnwrr t�nsf I endrr ay,rrr u„��hrr ter�ne��t p:►�mer�t. �he�ce nm��ui�t�tihaU hear �ner.ce.;g�'r��m �
<br /> tfst dxte ��t �tisbursenr�nt n1 Ih� !V��tr r,��e nn�l �liail t�r ��•r�anlr witli �n►cr�c� ur,az n��s�,c Ir��m 1 cnJeo r-•� �r."':'K('f
<br /> rcqurwtmg paymcm
<br /> _�
<br />