_--� ... �..-- -
<br /> �_----� -— --------
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<br /> , � . �..� t � - • .
<br /> . ,,. ,. . . . . .. . 4__.�_
<br /> � . . . �h-1��'� r: .a. . . . _ _ ._.._. . � . . . . .. ,
<br /> �.� Y
<br /> C . • E
<br /> 99-�0��:�
<br /> or an interest m It
<br /> . 17.�s?e�08 the�pr�q or a II�rficEs�In4�a�i in➢��grow;:r.If all or uny part of the PreFPnY Y
<br /> Ls sald or ua�sferc�(or IY a bt�e�ieIal interest In�orrower is sald or transfemed and Barrovrer�S not a natural g2rsoa)�rithout
<br /> • ' I�eadsr's prFot written caaseni, Lender mF►Y.at it�opilon, re�uire ix�e,diate paym�nt in full of al!sums secu�ed by this
<br /> mi
<br /> ' g�uiry Insuualent.However,lhL�apiion sl:all aoi be exercised by l.ender if eaercIse is pmhibited by fedeial law ag of the dute _
<br /> • � of+this Stcurity 1ns�untant. �:-
<br /> � � , � If L�nder exercises tbls aption,Lender ahaU give BorrovrEr aodce of ascelertion.The aotice s�all pmvide 3 p2�od of nat �
<br /> �. (_.� less than 30 daya from the date the aod�ia deliveresl or msiI�d wicl�ln wl�fch Borrow�r must pay Fili surs s�u'�by�hhi5 ''-
<br /> S�utiry Insttutae�.u 8o�:ou�r��lo to p..°y th�x suaaa prior tv the eamfration of shis t���Iod.Lender may fnvoke an}+tcmediss
<br /> --- �, i Fermitted by this S�utiry Insttut�ent without furth�n�sice os d�m�td on�rrower.
<br /> 18. BoROwc�s Rd�ht to Reinsia4e. If Ban+o�er meets certain conditions. Barta�var shall have the �igh3 to have
<br /> - --j e n fo r r.z m e n t o€t h i s S�a u i ry I n s n v m g at discontia'=e�1 at an Y dmx Priar to the earlier of: (a)S days (ar such other geriod as
<br /> _. __�.,-�.,..�`_ _ ; foz reiasia.tes�nt)hefore sale of the Ft+oge�t}r pnrsuant to any pativer of s a IIe c o n t�il a e d i r s t h i s
<br /> � appli�!ble law may sg�ctfY
<br /> �.. �:�e � Securiry Inss�ument;cr N)enuy of a judgment eafa�g tbis S�nriry 3ns�um�t-Those can�tians are that Boao�ver:fa)D3YS
<br /> ` . . t � I,�•+det ail sums wLich thea waul�be due under this Seraxlry in „n nt 2Ad the PIoLe as If Lo wsceleratian h�d oocuned;(b) .
<br /> s all iacurred in enforcin�Wis Serurity Insuumeat.
<br /> • CUt+E9 8D}�QB�t Of�jl CSlli7 C09CII8IIt9 0I 3�LCL'D1CIIt8;(a)Pa7l ��.
<br /> � � i iasluting,but not limited to.reasunable rutoineys'fees;and(d)tat� s�ch�ctton as Lend$r may reasonably requice to assure
<br /> . r ti�at th�lisn of this�ecucitY Insnv��t.I.eader's rights in ths Propeay aad Borrowea's obligation to pay the sums secured bY ,-
<br /> . . , tt�is SecuritY Insuuffi�at shall conna�e unshanged. Ugan reinstatement by Bosowea, this S�urity lnstrument aa� the �__
<br /> .. _ _. t is na
<br /> • • �: obligzrions secured heteby shall zemain fully eff�xt i�if ao a.�celeration had oocurced.I�owcver, this ri�t►t to rei�staie shall �_-
<br /> ' . �-� not epply in tht case of accelera�wn nnder garaB,�
<br /> 19. Sale ot Noi� Change of I.oan 3arvdoer. 'i]ie Note or a gar.ial interest in the Note (together witb► this Se�u►=Y s_
<br /> �� �;. 1�st�um�t)nn�Y be sold oae os mare times without pnor notice to Borsower.A sale mzy result in a change in the entit3+(�orn� -
<br /> . ��' �the'Le��eivioer°)th2i oollects manthlY Payments duE undez the I�date aad this Seznntl+Instmm�n�There aL�o a+ay tse oa� _
<br /> or more c�,'�s of the Loan Servicer uas�eiated to a sale of the Note.FS'c ticera is a change of tkx Loan Se�vicer,�oYrower wc�l be --
<br /> � , given writt��fliioe of the chaage ia axardaace with paragraph 14 ahave and applicable 1aw.The notice will st�te the n��
<br /> • ��r � � add�ess of t�°new Y.oa.n�nrl;er and t��address w ahich paymenm �ou2d lse made.TIlE II011l�RNI 2LSD COIt�21R 2IIj►�C'I�"t
<br /> � '• .��,ti.' lAf0�0II Y1�l1iIC�bj/c�'�"•'1Cdb1618W.
<br /> • s .) Z0.Hawrdous Sr�m�ces.Borra�rer shall not cause or petmit the pt�sencs, eue. disFosal, storage,or rel�g t�he
<br /> • .�: Hazazdous Snbstances on ur ia t�e Pmgerty. Bomnwer shall not do, nnc.aiIcw anyone else to do. anYthix►g
<br /> � � �'r proPeriY thai is ia violation of any Eavaa�ental Law.ThE precediss�:via senteaces shall not apply to tLe prese�ae.us-,or
<br />, .,�-��r f�_ uzs of Harerdous SSibstanc�s��are genera�ly recognized to be appropriate to aormal
<br /> storage an�e Pcnperty af small qnanfl.
<br /> , residean�S�s�s aad w mauitenaacz of th.Propzrty.
<br /> � • Barmwer shall p.romptly give I.ender wntten narice of any in•�i�rfon,claim.demand,lawsuit ar atker pction bY�Y
<br /> . �. .' . .,� govett7ft1e^ra�oj�latory ageacy or private partY involviag the Pccpe:tY xnd anY Har�dous Substance or F�.vi�ronmental Ia�v
<br /> of which Bairoa�er has actuallmowledg�.If Borrower leams, or is ac�tif�:d by anY govemmental or reQulatay authorit}►+ihat
<br /> � .' any t�emoval or other remediation of�my Haaardous Sub3tance affecti�-.a�t�e P�+operty is necessary,Borrower shall promptly ta�e
<br /> all aecessaiY�m�i�1 actlons In accord2ase wIth Envimnmental Er'z.
<br /> !. .�'��� , As used in this para8raph Z0. 'Haaardous Substances' ase tha�sub�.ances defned as wxic or 6azallous substaaces lsY
<br /> '�:: �,. ',..''� ' �nvironmmtal Iaw aud W e following su�staa�es: ,,.�olfine, lceros�ae, nther flanomable or toxtc peuoleurn pmducts, couc
<br /> '. ,`'• , � pesdcides and herbici3�_•rt�!�e Solvents.m3teria���-.�taining asbesaas or fcr�Jdeayde.and radtoacttve matenals.As us�d in
<br /> -`":;;.� ,;,, ;1:.;� , thiy paragraph Z0, 'E�:.:��tal Law" means fe�:_.�l laws and laFrs of tize���.s°:.ictlon where the Pragzr�� is located that ,
<br /> ;;` .;:.:���x-. . relxte to h�I�,safe3y c,m:'�:mnmeatal pmtection.
<br /> �'`� . ;��� NON-�.'�.'�F�RM L2�VENANTS.�xrowe3 an�Lendec�a�lter ea��enant and agree as foL�:
<br /> r�%;, �� '�•�, 21.A�ral-�tfrory c^=�edtes.L�r�sDa91 giv�ttotice to Bor�mer�for to ac�celernt�c�C�_:3owtng&.�*r�owe3'�u��
<br /> ��,:'�; •,..' oi any oove��or�.^m�ue,nt in thts Secwfit9�*�r.nt (bu-� c�ot �ior to acceleaation nnder �aP1�
<br /> _ °: appifcable Ww prne!d����erwise).The nct[ce�.s3I�ecify: (aD�e�a�C�)the m�ion req�ed bs��uc�a t�detanl�
<br /> .. - .�r'� � (c)a date,ac�2 less tl�n 3a days irom the daYe ti�m�:�oe ds givem 4ot�t�notIce moy resWt in aoceler�:�ran oi��sums
<br /> _ :., �d}that[�',....'�--e to c�the detantt oa or bEfore�e date sperL:�����S�furth�inform Barrower oithe r6�st m
<br /> .;',,,, ' sea�re�by W'�:�SecUrtty�-tr�r.�t rin�sale ai E4ie Property.
<br /> "�°'-,=•, rrlmtate�"�r srseT+zasitoa aasl the r'�;t►t to 6r�.�a caurt ac�sm tn�rt the non�dstence of a defautt or any cs�u
<br /> - �' -�-� drtease o!Borrosrcr���exi�ation aad sele.L"�:�i ddauit t��t cw�ed on or before the date spesifi�in 4hc no2rc.;
<br /> _�=F_::�o_
<br /> " '-`.`'�'• immallaie��en4 in full o�aII sums�ecorid by this SesudtY I�ramrad wi�ttout
<br /> �-3��'�^�r.� Y.cader.at Ets optteL,�st�resjulre
<br /> cad
<br /> __-��='�'� fuither deman8 an��y L�voke the�wwer oi sa:.�r��P��d in t�1�.s iPuagraW►21,i�ncludur�;.�but ot limited
<br /> __�j;��:;�'— en![tled to�"�s��inc��P�
<br /> -- ,-:-,�� to�reason�e:c�5�'fees and c�L?Utde evtdeace.
<br /> -`��:•:�'' '• It the�.-��?�c1e Es invokc,�,`tih�stee shall r�osd s�uu��e c�detautt in each ce�.�.�T"9 t��;� swy part at the
<br /> w. �"'"' Pmperiy is IoeRted r��s4a1'�maU wpies ot sae�r�aflce in the nea�r prescrtb�by appQcoble lac�t��orrowcr and to
<br /> •�1
<br /> ••,�:-- �e���e�sOns pms�a"bed by appltca6le taw.�f�i"�au the time rec�icaY bY ePP��le law,Tnrstee s3r�ID;g:�e�nbiic aotice
<br /> __-�'-`�'�:.�
<br /> ,;;�„..: ot saie to��on9 ana ln the manaer Pre�rii��R by applicebBc ia�.'ilrustee. wIthou!demaad on l�atrr.vwer,shall s
<br /> ��.r�a the PeopeaRy,��1 pnbue arntlon to the hig,�est bidder at the time a�d k�ce and rrnda�4t�a tc�m���i�a't�fn the noti�e
<br /> ..�,R;r��,, sale tn e��-�x more par�oels and in eny order'Tr�asiee d�e�i�.Tfu,^t�mey postpone sale of at➢or aaY Parce�
<br /> -a-•1's_....J..[i:l
<br /> _:����a-�� Pro�erty�Y P��c avnannc�ement at the tlme aa�plarc of IIa.i prsvfously sct�c�Wed sale.Leader or its desiga�may
<br /> �_�� , pnrcl�au the Yroperty at aIDy sale.
<br /> �y�i:,-.t.-'�.t{: .
<br /> _- ,t���t���Y:
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