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<br /> � ��3au�1'tia��aY Lend:r.if mmegage iaFwrao�raveat�qe(in the aznouut sind for the p2riad ��,;
<br /> � payutGsts tnay ao langcr�e r�$�irrr9. �`<,
<br /> thxt ireadcr r�uit�a}pravid¢s�by r..��ttct�rrtr��r�by I�e�xr ugai.a becomes avuilubte rnd is obtained. �anower shall pay �.
<br /> t�o pramtuma e�qult.�te main3cin tnmtt�,a in�t��c.,ln effest,or to provtde a Io�3 rc.�cave.nntil ths x+equirea�snt for ffi4rt��3� Fri_
<br /> ; •. ` . .i.t� iIlSU�1t:63 eIlds�t!n�CeS�,71s�e v.�sith ttis;��7�dit�D _�.i�'"'�nt bGIW2EA BomDWeT III!d LC11def ot tippji�ublg ldw: o�=-
<br /> 9.�t�l�rtt�.Lca�rr o�itc�„�z�ns�stis�sa rrasortable entriss upon and tnspeciions af the Froperty. Lea�er sball glve -
<br /> .. a �OStliVE!QO1�G1!ili EIIO�LfIIB OP QY��I?E9 vai{ti��it�ii£rJ&��iSt$Y�flII3bI6 CAU4S�OT lI1L fi15�CCI�OIl. __
<br /> �-- �-"�-� 34. �s���i.'I�e pm�".�s.aF c�� awa..'d or c1�3m fo:damages.dlrect or aonsequsntE�l. is connection wlth any _�
<br /> ` -- ,: , . � rty�or fcr wnv ase�h e r z b y a s s i�a e d emd
<br /> • ' wndemna3lon ar ot�er ta�tiag of racs Pc�mg ihp�ra+e eyua�e in Ifeu o f c:9a dem�t tan, m �_:..
<br /> � ` ''� ~ ahaU be paid t¢Lendcr. �3"p
<br /> � :�.::�y In ti�cs evant o4 a to±at t�..��ai chR Pir��±;tre prer.�ds shall h�uppHed to the sums secured by this Securlty Ia�mim..°nt, [
<br /> """ _ .� v�hether or not then due.�vitt� e�3'c•-�p�ld cn B�rcurrer. In thQ�tr�t of a paitial takIng oF the Ftoperty ia whicb th:�.3r f:Y
<br /> �a...�+R`�� to ar er than the amaunt of the sums secured by this E.
<br /> miu3iel vs►luo C�tke�kogeiry tmm�lt�i�'��►bEF1r�t�'.�IaktnB is equa1 g[eaI �-y.
<br /> Securary daE2r�mrat ia�sell�e3y b�ioro eha�tn't.€ug,�less 8orrower and Leader othsnvise agcee in Eveiting�the swms secu�by �__,
<br /> . � � this gr,curirf tusuvmen3 Fh�11 be Yvfrctioal by t�to a�.ount of ths prx�eds multtpHed 8y the foAowiag firastion: (a) th:total .
<br /> ����� smmmt�of tha sums sewscd imm�irtnt�► bt4arx tk�taYing,divlded by N)the fair maricet value af the Froperty im�di�telY
<br /> '= k hefarz ttta ta?s�ng. Any h1ta�s?�•FUl bn�dd ca Bt9imwer. fa the event of a parti�l ta�dng of the Prag�t}+ia whic�a th:fair _
<br /> market vvziIIus of the QroPenY i�tntr9ist�.'ciT b�tr�ts t�.e taking is leas than the amount of the sums secu�d immediateIy�efore tht
<br /> takinp,unlnss Borrowsr antl Lenda'r�o�x3t�u�ree ia writiag or unless agpllcable law othe�vise prevides.the pmceeds shall
<br /> be r�gplIe�t�tt�e sa�ms sa.vre�hy thls Sa�adn+�stcument whether or not the sums are then due.
<br /> � lf tho Ptnparty is zbandcm�d bS�B�mc�oz if,after not�ce by Leader w Barrower tbaz the candemnar offeis to m�an
<br /> award oc sottte a claim for da�+�s. Bwmmt�vr fa7s to cespoad to Leader within 30 days after the date the natioe is�iv,.n.
<br /> ��r i�sut�orize�to soAec2 r�d�ip tfiu pmc�ds,a�iu option,either to rastoration or�air of thr Prnperty or w th:sums
<br /> se�ured by tI�Se�curiY}'tusuum�+a3���u�r on not then due. al �all nat ext�d or
<br /> - kcatIaa of ioceeds to priBCig
<br /> � .. Uttle� tander �Bmmmv�tt artttt�vita a�rree in oyritin8, anY aPP� P
<br /> E
<br /> - postpona ths due date of tht:nnvnt�ti7�ptiil�aat�rf�to ia patagtaphs 1 aad 2 or change the amannt of�payme�YS.
<br /> � 11.]B'r�ram�s�r Nat Rd�:�m�ih�nr.e By I.endes ld'at a�'Vaiver.Batension of the rime for pa�t or�dificatioa
<br /> - of aina��n of the sums s�umrl b}•t3iis Ss�ulcY Insuu�ent gianted bY Lender to any suca�sor m is'saxst of BomaFmr shall
<br /> � not oppiate to release tha lia��ity aE tha�fi�a1 Bormw�r or Bom�crer's sucassors in im�ess.LSadsr�,.�I noi 6s res�uired to
<br /> � commeace pr000eding,�a8�a�3'�u�',aor in i�senst or�fase to ex[end time for payment oz othezcvise modify aznordration
<br /> �' of tttti snms sxrured �Y this S�itS` Yn�tturm�s bY reason of an}► de�and made by t�e o�lgina! Borrower or Borrower's
<br />_--_:•:,.;�r�;.; succ�esaois in inte�st. Aay fmbe�unas bi�Lexder in exercising aay right or remady sha11�Qt be a waiver of oz pieclu�..�ths
<br /> -_ :::�,-�;: � exe�ciss of any dght or�dy.
<br /> -'�,.:�..�,-.,:� 12. Suco�;sozs and l��fl�mtndi%aI�t uad Scver�B HdabflItyi �SII�s. The oovenaats and agteemcnts of tlils
<br /> �,a:�<.;�;;,�� Sacvrity 'nf'�'� :i�ll biad aid bend�t tlte a�s�ssors aa�assigns of IG�rsIer aad Borrower.subject to tha pmvIsiaas of
<br />�`;;�:�;.,;�,':��: p�graph 19. Bom�>>�g's em•mamu �d��� shall tse joiat aad �c-ral. Any Bortower wl�o cs�s�gas this Secutiry _
<br /> _ .-,.,,„ �g . y t and cmnve that
<br /> . _ - inx^rim►�t but does tzot ext�utB dto i��.n�t�:(t� is co-si e�is Seaurity Insm�ment onl to ffiortgage, �an Y
<br /> �=�'-"�`,��;` , , E[ltEO�t�t's intenest in the Pitspe►13'undts dt[s terID3 of this S��Y �`n5Lnlment;N)is not pe�onally obligaled to p:y t�,svms
<br /> ===�-'�::,��__ s�n�b7►�s Se�it7'6tsuua►sa�and tu��:�Lend.°r v�i.�r other Boamwer may agcee to extend,modifYs Lb�ear os
<br /> _ -`-��_-- mnke any acaommoclaaions wilh rey'�d in sl�a te�of this SecuiitY IBSan�nt or the Note aritlaout that S��w�+�m 10�charges
<br /> �:��`�;;:;�y� 1�.Lonn C�e3.If ths lt��u r�r.vm�by t�s Secunty inst:ument is subject to a!aw wblch scis �� �
<br /> ,�.:r�p�
<br /> -=�-_,..;�:Q ��. and�lwt law is fiaz3ly inte�d�t Ea tt�tu Qia inter�t or other toan�arges collected or to be coliectec]�wnaeedan wi2h th�
<br /> :r•�.��Y��,+� locm excoed s�e peimittat limitu,���:�A)�►Y�c�loaa charge shall be reduced by the ao�.:nt neoxssazY to teduce th:cha�e
<br /> -- - �`"-70° to tlte pemu�itad limiu;and(b)eal's��ms.cltnr^diy colleaed from Borrower a�hich exoeeded pra�itied llmits wW be refur,+1.�to
<br /> ----- Bor�oarer. Lender a�'3�chnnse w m�i:3 dtis r�ivn�by reducing the priusi�al uwed �der the Note.:s by m�3.n8 a direct
<br /> -----�— -- ppYment tm Borrow�r. If n �'mncl r�r,tuo� prsu-.�1. the reduciion will Ce ueaied �s a partia�l g�;,aayment without any
<br /> P�AY�►t charge undox tho Ko2L.
<br /> -_�.:::P e.�� E4�.�atias.Any notioa m Hnmom�pnmvidsd for in c4:��curity lnsuument shall be given by delivern�it or b.B a�3iu8
<br /> --T�:` it by f�s class m�il nni�a�piic�bin�rrv ruCuins u�e of a��iner methfld.'(he norix s1v:IZ be dl�ccad to the Prope��14dsirass
<br /> — -_--�= or any ottter addmss�uarri�r dus�►t�w�y nr:�wx to LeadeT. Any aoiia w l.ender "° be giv2.°.by frst class awil w
<br /> - -_--- - -- Lender's addnss staasd haeJn or.:ny a+2iar�Lender designates b�►nosice to Bamuwer.Aay L�provldod far la this
<br /> ---_- -- Set�eit9►Ia.>r3��t�h�31 be do�rnt�l w hm�a I�e���:�en to Bor_rower os l�en�er whea given as pmvtded i�t2ds paragcaph.
<br /> --_-='-== 15.Govening I.owy 9rv,•ss�bfllt:�. 'i'�:s G'..ccuriry L.,�s�,�ent sLa:l be gove�ed by federal law and tht law of tIIs
<br /> ,���;n:_-r��� in ,r�nt or tt�t Nots
<br /> --_='-.'m..=� juri�{ctioa in w�ab the Prope�tY ia•ln�u3. T��er.R t tir;m wy pmvision os clause of r1�is Seciviry
<br /> ----__=-s_;��n; ti tr.cimme+nt ot the NotewbiCh Cau be
<br /> --���y confltcts wi3h agplicr�le lu:v.fuu'n o�nfiic�sI�al�?c�a'���c c'�gravisions oP this Ssc�r�tY
<br /> -- , � given effa.ct ait�ouc cT�,wnflimi��prm}sSa�_'��i�e��c�:�mvisions ef this Securiry Insuume�:a�3 the Note are dtclarad
<br /> - _;��¢.'.�.
<br /> =^_ '� to be ss:verable.
<br /> T{:r-`��`�' � 16.Borrower's Copy.Hmm�tiv�r e�elf'�e given one aar,l.'�rsed oopy of the Noie aad of this Security Insuument.
<br /> _ .„���
<br /> =;;?^r;�ia:j� Fam�428 9
<br /> o —"�,y��f�.� pp��W6 trau'Y
<br /> °-'�_.� �dRINQ w��2t.o� �Jy
<br /> =�;��N;>�'`�:� ��r�T
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<br /> :i'^:�.':.. � i
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