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a _ __ <br /> .�` <br />--, <br /> � � .� <br /> 8g� 1Q:,��S <br /> IP Lencler �e�uircc! martg�ge insur�nae ws a cendition af m�king the lo�n secured bX this Secu�ity l�strument� <br /> _i` Borrawer shall pay ehe premiums rcquired to maintain�he imur�nce in eRec�umil�uch time�s ths�Equircment far the <br /> t �nsutanct te�i�r�ta in a:eardanet with Bvrt�wer'a and I.endrr's writttn�greemsnt ar�ppticAble law. <br /> s. InMection, l.ender ar its a6ent mwy make reasczn�6te entrirs upon Rnei inspectim�s nf thr Praperly. l.ttrdet <br /> shall=i��r�oicawe�nolice at the titne oPar piinr ta an iiti3�►e..tic�s�if�•inp rcasanabtc cauu far tht ins}+criion. <br /> 9. Ca�sM�tiaa. The proceeds aPany aw•ard ar claim Por damages,direct or canuquenli� connectinn w•i1h <br /> any condemnation or ather t�king uf any part af'the 1'raprr�y, crc Pn�canve��ance in lieu oP candemna�ian, art herehy <br /> assi�ned and shaQ bc paid ta Lendcr. <br /> In the event af e total laking nf Ihe P�ope�ty, lhe praceeds shull t+e applied ta the sums ucurcd by ihis Securit} <br /> I�sttument,whether ar nat then due.with�ny excess paid to Barcaveer. In�hc evenl uf a partial taking�f'1he Proper�y, <br /> untess Bor�awer and 4ender otherw•ise aara in writi�g.the sums secu�ect by�his Scrurity Insltumait shall be�educed b�• <br /> the Amau�t at the prareeds multiplied ba the P�Ilawing Practian:(a)�he Ia1a1 amaunt aP 1he sums secuted immediatel�• <br /> bcfare the I�kiaj.divided by(b)the fai�msrkct��lue af the Prapcny immcdiately befbre the taking.Any balunre shall be <br /> p�id to Barrowe�. <br /> 1P the Propeny is a�bandoned by Borrower,or iP,afler notice by l.ender ta Borroveer that the condemnor offers tn <br /> make an�w�trd or settle a claim for dsms�es.&�rraweR fails to rapond to Lender within 30 days efter thc date t he notice is <br /> given,Lender is autharited co collect and apply the its option.either to restora�ion or repair of�he Prapeny or <br /> to the sums secured by this Security tastrumem.whether ar not thcn due. <br /> Unlas Lendtr and Bortower otherwise agree in writing,any applicatian af praceeds to principal shap not eatend or <br /> postpone thc due date oi the monthly paymeats referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amaunt oPsuch payments. <br /> 10. Borrower Not Rekax�; Forbeu� By Leader Not � Waiver. Extension oP the time for payme�t or <br /> modificatian of amortiz�tion ot the sums securcd by this Security Instrument granted by l.end�r to any successor in <br /> interest of Hor�ower shap not operate to reiease the liability of the original Borrower or 8onower's successon in interest. <br /> Lender shall not be required to commence proceeding� against any successor in intrrest or refuse to extend time far <br /> payntezao�*s otherwise madiFy amonization of the sums secu�ed by this Security Instrument by reason nf any demand made <br /> by th�6�i�in�J RQrrower or 8orrower's successors in interest.Any Por6earance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy <br /> shall nat be a vrai�er c+f or prectude the excm�sa oPany right or remcdy. <br /> 11. Srcces�r.s aad At�BouRd;Joiat and Sereral LIability;Ca�ignen. The covena�ts and agreements of <br /> this Secrtne/y Inst�uaeNatt shalE b�v.f and benefit Ihr succ�surs and ays�gns of l.ender and$orrower.subjrrt tc►lhe provisi�ns . <br /> of paroa�ph 17.l3orsa.�e�'s ca��ants and agrcemnnts shaU bc jaint end several.Any Iiorrower w ho casigns this Secutity ; <br /> In�l�umenl but dats�2 execute the Note:(3)is casigning this Security lnstrument only ta mortg�ge.granl and com�ey � <br /> that�orrower's intear�t in the Property undec tAe tcrms of this Securi.t}+Instrument;(b)is not renunally abligated to pap � ;• <br /> the sums secuted by this Security instrument;and(c)agrces tbnt Le��er and nny other Harrower may agree ta extcnd. t�- <br /> mndifv.fbrbesr or meke anv accnmmodations with reRard to the trrms af this�ec:uritv lnsttumrnt u�tlte N.u�e withuut <br /> that E3orraxrr'scansrnt. � . , <br /> !2. Lwn Charyte9. If the laa��secured by this Security Insirument is subject to a law whirh sets m�ximum toan <br /> charges. and that law is finally interpreted � that the interest ar loan charges collected ar to be collectrc! cn <br /> cannection with the Gaan exceed the permitted limits, then: (a) any swrh loan charge shall be reducc�d by the am�uetc — <br /> neressary ta reduce cKe charge tv thc permitted limit;an�!�b)uny sums already eollected from Aorrower whirh rxc��cdcd <br /> perm�eee� limits will be rrfu:tde�,4 to IIorrower. Lender era�a?� choaye tn m�ke thes e�Eund by reducin�Ihe principal aW�cd <br /> under 4�Ce Note or�y mak�ng a�Y;rrct paymrnt to Harrower.y4 a refund reduc�prir��.x�al.the reduction will be tre:�ted as a <br /> ' partia{prepayment w�thout any prepayment charge under the Nute. <br /> ' !3. Le�islatioa ARectln� Lende�'s RI�6ts. If cnactment or eapirat�an af applic�l�f� laws has the effect of " � <br /> ' � renderiteg any pravision of the hote ar Ihis Security Instrument unenforceabte accQtding to its c�e�mns,f.ender.a�its option. � <br /> � may ra�acire irr�mediate paymcrnt in fuU nf all sums secured by thi�, Scrur�ry kiscr:ecrnent and may invok��,^.:y remedieti <br /> prrmicted by paragraph 19. If Lender exercises th�s option,lxnder shap take the steps specified in the seca�:ad�aragraph af �. <br /> paragraph 17. � <br /> • 14. Notiees. Any aotice to Bnrrower provided far in�his Sch:ucty Instrument shaU bc�:cea�b�c deLrvering�I o��*g <br /> mailing it by first etass mail unless applicablr law requues use af anolher methcxi. 'fhe not6c�shatE 6e�•ie�c�ed to the ,.�� <br /> Propecr.�Address or any oiher address Bnrrower designates by notice to Lender i�n.ny notice ta Lende��t'�.,.iJ�be given by . � �� <br /> first rCass mail to L,ender's addGess stuted herein or any�ther address L.ender des►gr.r,aces by notice to 8orro��rr�c. Any n��icr �, � <br /> provided fc*r in this Secunty instrvment shall be deemcd to have been givcn to dorr.uw•er or Ler.'��r wh��n���•e�s as pro���ded <br /> �n t his paragraph. <br /> 15. Governing I.�w;Sererability. This Security Instrument shall be goti�erncd hy federaf la�� auc!the law af�hr <br /> jut�sdicti�n in which the Pro�is located. !n the e�eRt that any provisiun c�c�1:�,�:uC this Secunty Ln,tn�.cnent ur thr <br />' . Note��ctfl�cts w•ith applicaTrlr)a�uv,sech conAict shall Rot,itfect other provisioa��sr�hi+Srrunty In+trun�c��t:��r th�hutr <br /> whieFr W�n be gwen eflect without the eanflieting pravi»on. To th�s etid the provi�iun.��f�h�s Secunty In+tramrnt and the � . <br /> Nu�e are dcxlarul io be sever.ible. <br /> I6. tiorra�ea's Copy. 1lorrowrr shall be g��en one a�nSu�mcki rnpy of thc Nate anJ�rt thi�Jecur�ly in.trunicut <br />- !�. Tra��sfer of the Property or a BeneHcial Interest in Borrower. If aU ur any p�rt uf thr 1'ruprrty ur an� <br /> mter�t in�<<s sold or transferrec!(or�f a beneficial interrst in f�orrower�s�ald or transferred and Uurrc�w�rr iti nui a n:it ur,�l <br /> �ryon�K•�thout l,ender's pn��r written consent. Lender may,at LtS Aj�tlpA, fC(�UIC�{tT1D1Y(�1i111'F1J)ITlfill 10 fUI)OP JII�U111� <br /> �ecurrd by th�s Secunty lnstrument. Nowevrr, th►� uptu�n sh.+ll not be ezcrc�tird by Lender if�arrciye iti pr��hihurcE h} <br /> federal law as ot�he datc of this 5ecunty Inslrument. <br /> If Lender exerc�ces th�sopUon.l.rnder yhall gn•e Barrowcr n��tice of acc�leratiiin 'i'he n��t�cr tihall prov�dr a penu�i ;_,_ ________ <br /> cif n�it Ic�ss than 30 days from the date t�e nunce iti drinered��r rnatiled w�thm which F3orr��urr mutit pay�aU�umti+rrurrd hy . <br /> ih�s Scrurity Ic�strument. If iiorr:►ucr t'a�15 to pay these sums ,�nur tu the exp�rauun of ihis rent�d,LenJrr ma� m���ke an� <br /> remed�rs permUtcd by Ihis Secunty Instrumtnt v►�th�ut further nuuce��r dem�ttd un Nurra�cer <br /> 18. Borrawer's RiRht tn Iteinstate. I�HUi�l1WCf It1l'l'l�l'CflJtti iif0(I1111qIS. tiurruu•cr ,h�ll h.��r tl�e ri�ht t��I�a�e <br /> e�ii'urcernent uf th>>5rcueia= lustrument di�c��nunued at any��mt pn��r t��the r.�tlier nf la1 S day�f��t tiu�h��iher p�n��ci,�ti <br /> a�7�ili:able I:�w may �pec�fj (iit rr�ntitatrmeu�)tx!'c�re tialr��f th� Yre�perty punu.�r�t tu any (�s�urr �,f�.�tc r���rtainrd in Ihi, � <br /> � S��unt� Instrutne�t, Ut!b)rntr} of a�uclgrnent et�fcuriug thi5�r�unty In+trumcnt t hn�r���n�l�nc�u�arc that 13�uru�ict <br /> ta) p��� Lender aU sums which thcn uuuld be due undcr thi. Srcurn� It��trurnrnt ar�J thr \utr had uu sr�ctrtan+�u �, <br /> �ncutred, Ih) rutc5 any dcfault t+f an�� s�thcr coticnanh ur agtcimcnts, ir) �.�yti all r+►�►cnsr� �nrurrcd m cnfi�rc�nE; th�� <br /> 5ecunly Iti�lrument. m.lialing. huI n�it I�m�tec! t�r, tr:i�unahle�+ttnrney�' fee. ,�nd fif)t.�ke� �iit h ,iciu•n ,+, ! cndet tn.i� f�,`' <br /> rca•,rn;�►�iy rcyu�rc t�� ���urc• Iha! the hcn ��( th�: S«ur�ty In��rumrnt. 1 cudrr'� r�Nh�� m thi• I'tn�.cti} <<r�tt �lsit���ac��• a�� <br /> +�51�cdt�•.rn tu �r�} ltic wtnt ucutcd hti ih�� Sr�u►ity In�Ir�unent �I�.�II .utrtnuir ui��h.�ti,�c�1 1 ��.�i� trth.L�tcnicut 1,� <br /> }fa�rre.wet. lh��tir.u��t� In�trunirnt aud the��h1iE:ati.�n��c.urcd ticrc•1,�s��.�lf tcm:,in full} cflc,tnr.�,�t n,�.,t.,Ir�.��,.�u t�.� ! ;.. . <br /> �n�+��rte! FI".+e��ti��ght�u rem�tate tiha!I nut a��rly �r�tl�r�.s�e��En.�rlerau �:��,�,.1e� ��.1(J�`L+(�h� 1?��r t� <br /> .�.J <br />