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<br /> U^JIFORM Ct)YETJAN3S I�OI'fU�i'Cr NIllI LClldtf l't1!'C1io1111 atltl d�,l l'l'ilS PIiIIONS. -
<br /> 1. P�yment c�t P�inclp�l wnd Interest;i'rep�y���t A+�d I.wte CherRe�. li��irc�ycr;hall pr+�mptl}• r�y� when dur
<br /> Ihe prmc�pal of ond inte�est on the debt e�•idencecl hy�he Na��and an�•prr�►ay�menl unJ lalc rhargr.duc under Ihr N�+Ic.
<br /> 2. Punds forT�xes�nd lnsurance. Subject to i�pplicablc la«�a�lo a w��tten wa�rcr hy l.endcr,Narr�n��rr.hall pa�•
<br /> to I.,eAder on Ihe ds�y manthly paymcnt.n�e duc under thc Nolr,��nUl thc N��e is paid in Pull, a�uui l"`':�n�l�'1 rNual t��
<br /> � anrtwelfih uf: ta) }•rarly texr� ��nd as,zs.�nrnh wl�irh n�ay allain ��riur�ly .���rr thi� Se.uris� ln.trumem: lh1 >e�ri�.
<br /> � . ieasehaid pa�ments c�r gr�and cents on the Propert�•, if any; (e) ye.�rly ht�r��cf invuranr� ���emium+; a��d (.i) �ra�•1��
<br /> martgsge�n�ura�icc prcmiun�s,iPa�y.Thetc�tcros arc called "��scr��itcros." I�cndrr mAy rstimu�r thr Fu�id�dur un thr
<br /> tsasis otcuc�ent�ata and rea,sonable estimates of iwure�c��w it�ms.
<br /> 'thc�unds shail be held in an Institutian the depos�ts or accounts oPwhirh nre��surcd�►r gu.��anleed b�•a fedrr.�l or
<br /> statc agency(inciuding Lcndc� iP Lendct is such an institutian). Lenstcr shnl! c►pply thc Funds to pay �h�escn►a itrm,.
<br /> Lender may not charge far holding and npplying Ihc Funds, s�nalyring Ihe acr�unl��r �•e�Pj•i�g Ihc e,crn��•itemc, unle�.
<br /> Lender pays Iiorrower intere�t on thc Funds and appiicahle law ne�mils Lender lo makc such a ch�rge. Barr�xcer and
<br /> I.ender may agree in writing�hat interest shsll bc paid on the Funds. Unlesc an agrerment is made ar upplicable la���
<br /> rcquir��s interest to be paid. Lender shall�ot t+e required to pay Iiorruw•er a�y inten�st ar earnings an the Funds. Lender
<br /> shall givc to&�rtow•cr.withau�chargc.an�nnual accaunting oi�he Funds shuwing rrcdits a�d debits to the Funds und lhc
<br /> purpose for which each debit to Ihe Fund�was made.The Funds are pledged as udd�tinnul securit�•for 1he sums serured h�
<br /> this Securily Inst�umcnl.
<br /> If the amuunl of ihe Funds held by Le�de�,to�ether with thr Puture monthly�yments of Funds payable prio�to
<br /> the due dates af Ihe�row items,shall exceed the amount required t��pay the escrow items when due,the excess shall h�.
<br /> at Harr�w•er's option,cither promp�ly repaid ta Borrower or credited to Dorrawer an manthly payments oP Funds. If thr
<br /> amount af'the�unds held by Lender is niit suflici�nt to pay�he escrow items when due,I�r�oN•er shall�ay t��L�n.ri.a�r any
<br /> amount nec�sary to make up�he dcflciencp in one ar more paymcius a�required hy Lrndc�. •
<br /> U�n paymc�� in full aPall sums ucurcd b��this S��curity In��rumrnt, Lender shall prumptty refand to E3�ar�n.?.�.er
<br /> �ny Fundc held b�l.en�er. If uncler paragraph ly thc Prapcny is�ald�r acquirrd hy I.ender,Lender xhall appt}.�T.u���t�r
<br /> than immediately prinr to the sale oP the Proper�y u�i1s acyuicilion by I,ender, any Fund+hrld by� I_ender at tL�c ci.ii,sr aP
<br /> applicption is a credit a�ains:the sums�ecureei by th�ti Security Intitrument.
<br /> 3. Applieation ot psyments. Unless applicable law provides atherwise,all p3y�x�¢�ts received by l.ender undrr
<br /> paragr:►phs 1 and 2 shall be applied:flrst.to late charges ciue under t he Note;second,ta paee�ayment charges due under the
<br /> Note;third,to amounts payable under p�ragtaph 2;fau�th.tu�nterest due;and Inst,to pcea��.pal due.
<br /> 4. Clarges;Liens. Borrowcr+hall pay aU taxes,as�csment�.charges. fines ac�d ianpositions atttibwahlr to�hr
<br /> Yraperty wh�ch may attain prionty.o.�er Ihis Security Instrument, and leusehotd �+:�}�ents ar ground rents, if any.
<br /> 8orroN•er shaU pay th�e ot�LgatiUns in thc manncr pravideci i»parugraph 2,or if nut pse�f an that manner,purraNer.rhall '
<br /> pay them on t�me direclly to thc person ow�ed p�ymrnt. Iiarrower shall promptly furnish�a Lender a!1�c►tices of amounn "
<br /> ta be paid undcr this pa�a�raph. If fiurr�ia•cr makes the.0 paymen��directly,fiorrower shall prumpt6}-6urni�h tu l.ender ';'
<br /> recciptsevidencing the payme�its. � ._:.•'��
<br /> Harrowt.r shall pr��mp�ly dischaa�<any I�en which has priority over this Securiay Hon�e�umen� ar�les..&�rr���.wrr,�a) '
<br /> agrers in writing ro the payment of�he�a@►9cgat�on secured by the lien m a manner acccp�abir to Lender,t�t+.?contests in g.wJ f± ,
<br /> ia�ia inc iicn oy,ur eicicnus asamsi eniureetneni of ine iien in.legai procccciings wni�n in iicr i.ondrr's u��inion c►perate iu �
<br /> ptevent the enfarcement af the lien or forfeiture oPany part of'the {'ru�+erty;or(c)secures from thr holder of'thr tien an ��
<br /> agreemcnt satistactory to Lender suhcrr�f�Rating the liere t�th��SKUrity Instrumenl. IP I_e���:r detcrmines that an��part of
<br /> Ihc Property is subjcct to a lien whe�h raay atlain �r�ority mcr �h�s Security lnstrueneezr_ Lcndcr may give B�rr�wer a
<br /> notice ideotifying the lien. l3�rrower�2:sC��a�i�Py the lien or�ake one��r mure of the acUons�et forth ah�ive a•i�hin 1�da}s '
<br /> a�Ehe giving oF notire. .
<br /> S. Huud insnraa� &�rrowe�ShAll k��o�e impravemerUs now cnrsting or hereufter er��ete�'.un the Yroperty
<br /> insurod 3gain�t toss by fcQe.(.��,aaards encl�ded w•ithia eL��tcrm"extended co�•erage"aud uny�ther haiards for which Lepdzr
<br /> requires ia�ars�r.r. Th�s ccsutanre sla�E� be maintarMecl en the 7:.mounts and fi�r the periods that Lender rry�ic�. The
<br /> insurance cacner provida��,che insuranre shall be��44tsen by B�irrower subject to Lrnder'c approval which shai9 �znt be ��
<br /> unseasonably withheid_ �
<br /> All insurance poti�;orv�nd renewals shatl h�e�:septable to Lender and shall include a standsc�f r.sortgage clau�e. _
<br /> S..Qa;der shall have the right r�hold the policics and rencwals. If I.ender rcyuires,8orrower shall prompt6y give to Lender
<br /> ui'f.receipts of paid premiums and renewal notices.In the event of loss,Bor�awer shall g�.e�rvmpt notice to the�nsuranre �`
<br /> eatrier and Lender.Lender msy makq p�ccwPof loss if�ot made prompdy by Borrower. ` �
<br /> Unless i,cnder artd Borrowcr otherwise agrcd i.�r wri�ing,insurance pr�eds shall be applied[o r�storation or repa�r —
<br /> �t�ihe Propeny damaged.e£tt�e restarution or re�ac�;s ccanomicaUy feasible aad Lender's security is�sot lessened. lf the ��'�'
<br /> restoration or repair is Rae e�.,bnamicats�.feasible or l.ender's security woul�be lessened,the insurance proceeds shall be '
<br /> applied ro the sums securtd 6y this Sesr:�rity Instru�nent, w•hether or nat then due, with any eacess paid to Horroaer. lf
<br /> Borrower abartdons the Propet�y,c�r dc�±rs not answer within 30 days a natice from Lender that the ins�rance carrcer has
<br /> offered to settle a clairrn,therr,t�.ender may collect the insurance proceeds. Ler�er may use the prcx:eeds to repair or re.tore
<br /> the P�operty or to pay se�cr�s secured by this Security i�strument,whethcr�c not then due.The 3Q-d�.p:period will beg�n
<br /> when the notice is given.
<br /> Unlas Ltnder and�3orrower achcrwise agree in wriung.Wr�p application af praceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> poslpostt tht Que date of!he monthl�p�.}�rnenis refe:rec!to:n r.acs�rsphs !snd 2�r rhs�a�e ehe 3mouns c:F tht ,�aynsents.IC
<br /> under paragraph 19 the Pcoperty�s acqwred by Len�ter.Hurrouer's righ�tU any insurance{x�liries and proceeds r�wul�mg -
<br /> fr.�m damage to the Prog�ersy�rior to the acqms�tian s.li�ll pass to Lender ru�r.he ex�ent of'the sumti srcured by�h��Securi;y .
<br /> ti�strument immediateig pnr,;r,ta the acqws�tion. . •
<br /> 6. Preservstion aa��Salntensrtce of properjty;l.easeholds. Barrowcr chall nnt drstroy,dam�gc ur sub�,tanti�,llp
<br /> changt �he Property, allaw �tte Property to deteriotate or commit waste. lf th�s Secur�ry Instrument is nn a I�s�..�J.tcitd,
<br /> &�rmwet shall comply with i�e prc.yis,iuns of the teasr,and if Bort�wer acquires fee�itle�o the Pro�serty,the Irasehoiii and
<br /> iee Ii11e shall not merge unless L,ender agrees to thrin,�rger in writmg. '�–` --` `
<br /> • 7. P�atsctlan ot Leodef's [tigl�ts in the i?iraperty; RfortRaqe insuronce. lf Borrouer faih tu perfi�rm the �
<br /> covsnants and agreements c�mta�neci i�this Securiiy Instrument,or thrre iti a Ieg.�l pmceeding that ma��ti�gnifirantly affec�
<br /> i.rnder's rights m the Property tsuch sc�a prneeeding in bankruptcy, probate, for c�►rtdemnation or t�� enf��rrr lau. c�r
<br /> agula�eons),thcn�,e�nder may du ared�iay for wh;►tever�s necess.�ry to p�•ntect tt►e valuc�►f thc Pr�•rer��•and Lcndrr'+nght.
<br /> in the �'ra�etty. Lsnder's uctions may �nclude pnyittg any tiums secured hy a lien wh�ch ha��+nority u�er ahis Securir�
<br /> �nstroment,apptartng in cnurt,paymg reasonabtc attorneyc'fcec and entenng un thc{'r��prrt� �r makr rr�ait� Al�h!�ugl�
<br /> L Ixnder may take acl�nn undcr th�s paragraph 7,I cndcr dacs nnt havc to do yn
<br /> Any amuuntsdi�tiurstd hy Lrndrt under th�s paragraplt 7 chall t+ecome.sddwui�:+l dcb�uf Ik�rmucr rr:urc;i hy thi.
<br /> Securqy Instn�men;.tlnlcss Aorrower and I.rndcr agrer t��ather tcrm�e�f paymcnt,the.c ami�unt�tih:�ll hear mterr.t frum *.
<br /> the date <+P d�sM�rsemrnl �1 the Nc,te rate �u�d �h.�ll he p:�yantc. ��uh wte�rr>t. t��;�n n���i.r f��m, I c+��ler ��� 11��rr��Hrr
<br /> tet�ue�.t�ug p:►yment ��
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