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(� -1 <br /> 1 <br /> $9�105858 <br /> rcvent of l�v Hotrawcr will g�ve�mmediate notic.c hy mai!to the aay��i lhe canditEOns or agrecmcnts rantai�ted in this instramen�,or <br /> � l.ender,wlw m�y m�kr pruof uF tou ii not midt promptly 6y the note which it secures,the�the ent�re pnncip�i sum xnd accrucd <br /> Borrov►�t�.�nd esch msurana company concerned is hereby intersst shall at ance txcome due and p�yxble,al the electian of the <br /> auilwtita�and dirocte�to niake payment For such tass directly to l.endcr. <br /> the Le�[�der inuad M to IAe Bc►rraw�er and the Lenckr jointly,a�d <br /> tlk insuraecc procadn,ar any put thereaf,m�y be applied by the Lender shaU gi��e natice to Barrawer pripr to accelerution <br /> l.ender�t1 iu op4ian eitAer to thc redw:tian af the indcMcdnesc foUc�wing&�rrower's brcacA of any co�•cn�nt or agreement i��thic <br /> hercby secutai or to tlie restoratian ar re�ir oi the propeny i�strumcot(bw nat prior to accele�atian under puagraph 12 unless <br /> d�m��d.In eseat of furcelosure of tAis insuument ot ather transfer apptica6le law provides atherwise�.The aacice shall specify:(a)the <br /> of title to[he mortpaal property in e�►tinauishment of thc default;(b)�he actian requi�ed ta cure the dcfiul�;(c1 a date,�at less <br /> indebtedness secured hereby,all riEht,titic artd intcr�s�af the thsa 30 Mys from the d�te Ihe notia is�iver�to Bonower,by which <br /> Borrower in and ta a�y iruunnce policits then in fiirce ahall pa.�s ta tAe default miut bc cured;and(d)that hilure to cu�e the default o� <br /> thc purchascr or gru�ta. or befarc the date speci6ed in the notia may�esult in acc�leration <br /> af the sums secured by tl�.es instrument and sale of the Ptopeny.The <br /> 9.That as additio�al and wllaternl secu�ily far the payment oi thc ncKia shall furthu inforai Battower of the�ight to reinstste�f�er <br /> note describod,��d all sums to became due urtder�his instrument, acalcraaon and�he righs ta bring a caun actian to sssert thr nan- <br /> tAe�orrov►er lsereby assians ta thc Lender all profits,ro�enu�. caistcpce of a det�uh ar any Qthcr defensc of Borrower tu <br /> royalties,ri�htv snd benefits acc�uing to the Bo�rower under any and accelentian and� the default is nat cured on ar before the date <br /> vl al and�ss leues oo said premises,with�hc ri�F.t to rocei�-e a�d spocifed in the notice,Lsnde�at its optian msy rcquire imm�iute <br /> receipt fa Ihe stme and apply them ta said�rtdebted�ess as well payment in full of all sums sec:ured by¢P�is inslrumenl without <br /> hefore as�fter default in the ron�ditions of tAis mstrument,nnd thc further demantt and moy iavoke 1he puwtr af sale and�ay ather <br /> Lcnder may demsnd,sue far and rtco�•er�ny sucn paymentc when rem�die.s perm�tted b�applicable laW.Lender shall be entitlod ta <br /> due�od payabk,but shall oat be requued so to do.Th�s ussigament wllect all expenses er�curr+e�in pursuing the remedies pravided in <br /> is to termin�te and become null and void upon rete�se of this this paragraph 13,incSuding,but not limited to,reasonxble <br /> instrument. attorneys'fees and cosu of title evidence. <br /> 10. That the Bormwer will keep the buildinas upon said prem�ses If the power of sale is rovoked,Tra�tee shall record a notia of <br /> ia good repiir.and ne�ther commit no�permii wast�upan said land, defa�lt in each count} in which any part of tho Ptoperty is lacsted <br /> nor suffe�thc sa�d premises to be used For a�y unlawful pur�se. and shall mail copies of such�otir.e in Ihe manner pr�ribed by ' <br /> �PD���ble iaw•ta BorTOwer and to the other persons prescribed by �' ' <br /> I 1.That if tlre premises,cx rrny pan thereaf,be�ndcmned under applicsbk tsw. Attrr the time requireci by appliabk law.Trustee j ' = <br /> the wer oi emu�ent doseain,or a Wfld�Of A ublK u,ae,thr slull ��•e hlic nnucc oi sate tn the � ' <br /> P° �9 P 6� �► peQSOns and in the manner } ,_ <br /> dam�es awacdcid.the prooec+3�for the taking of,or the prescribed by applicable law.Trustce,without demand on Borrower, ' <br /> considention far suc!►�oqui�ition,to the ttteet ot the full amoun!o( shall sell the Prupertv�1 public auctian to t6e hi�6rst bidder at the <br /> if�tbeedn�ss upon tbis instrument and th�r nose which i�ic given t� teme and ptace aad nndei the trrm�d�signated in the natice of sate I <br /> secure rentainin6 unp��A,are hueby assianed by the&�rrower to the m onc or rt�are parc;els and in any otdcv Trustee determines.Trustce - <br /> Ltnder,artd shall be p�id forthwith to said l.ender to be appl�ed by may�x�stpane sale of all ur any�roel oi tha Property by public, <br /> the iatter nn aocount ef ihe noxt muuring�rtstallmeats nf such announament at the time and plstce of any pre�iously schEduled <br /> �^����• sale.l.endcr or its desisncr may purchase the Proputy at any sale. , <br /> 12.The 8orrower funher agrces that should th�s�nstrument a�d Ilpon rece�pt oi psyment of the pna bid,Tnuta shaU deliver to <br /> tbe note securea Aereby not be eliaibk for msur�nue under the the purchaser Trustee's deed convey�ng the PropeRy.The re�ytals in <br /> hational Ho�na Ac1 withirt e�aht months from the dste hereof the Trustee's doed aha11 bc prim�(scie evidencc of the truth of tAe <br /> (wriUen suterrteM of any oFfioer of the Ikp�rtment of Hou�mg and staumen�s mtdt tAerein.Tru�ta shall apply tho pructcds of the sate � <br /> Urbtn ikvelopment or authorized a�ent af the Secretary oi Houc�ng in the foUuwina ordtr;(t)to all txpenses of the s,le,including,but � <br /> and Urban Development dated subsoqutnt ta the tiaht months'tirrn not lim�ted ta,Trustee's fees as permitted by appliable law and <br /> trom tl�e date ot this instrumen�.declimn6 to�nsure said note and rtasanable�ttorneys'fe�:ib)to al�sums secured by tAis Ser,urity � <br /> this martp=e.beia�danud conclusive ptooi af suct,indig�bility►, Iastrumeac:aad(cJ any eaccss to the Qerson or persons le�lly � <br /> tAe[.ender or holder oi the note msy,at its option,decl�te all sums entitleci tcr ot <br /> socured hereby cmmed'utely due and p�yable. Notw�thstanding the `� <br /> fore;aaa,thes aption may not be exe�cucd by the Lender ur the 14. Upon acceleration under p�ragraph 13 or abandonment of the � <br /> Rolder ut the note when t�e.inel;g�b�aty for msurancx un�er the Propeny,Leader(in petson,by agent or by judicially appointed � <br /> Nationil Honsina Act is due t�the Lendar's tailure to remit thc reoewer!stsul!be enuUed to entcr upon.take possession of and <br /> martj�e insurana premiwtia co the Deputmem of Nousing and man�ae the Property and to colleq the rents of the Property <br /> Urbna Development. mcluding those past due.Any rena cnllected by I.ender ot the <br /> reaeiver shall be appl�d first to payment of the cosls o(ma�agement <br /> 13.That if the Borrower[aiLs to make any p�yments of maney of the Property and�rollection of rents,iecluding,but not limited ta, <br /> when the same become due,ar faits to wnform to and wmply w:th reoervcr's fees,premwms on rcceiver's txands and ressonable <br /> attomcy's fe�,and thtn u�th�;urns�sec+r.-cd by this instrumeat. <br /> - -- -Pag�3 of 5 _ . _r � NUD•YZ1a30T-� •-_ _� _ <br /> � • � � <br /> R� <br /> . <br /> �� <br /> e- -- <br /> L_.... ._._..f <br />