- � 1
<br /> 89�- �05���
<br /> liutrower�nd l.ender corrnanl oed aRree�y folbwc: c�t d thc!rndr�aryuucti tAe�mM:ny��Ihcra•��c a(tcr deiauU,thc
<br /> I.cndrr�h��ll apply,n��hr ume ul the comm.:ncement oi tuch
<br /> I. Tt�at Borrowrr will pay�hr�rtdcbtednc.cv,a�hcrcinbc(�,rc pukcc��mgc,i��at thr�imr thr ptnperty is uthrrwis�aryuirr�t,thc
<br /> r pr�vi�lttl.PtivikEe i+rc�c�v�til a�pay the deh�in wh��le or in��t�m twlanrc�hen ccmam�nK in lhc fund�accumulatcd unJrr tal ui
<br /> f am mstattment duc ihtr �ra��aph 2�xers�elrng,ac a s�.tilti�again�i the:an�xtnt�Ff p;�ix•+�al
<br /> then rcmaimng un��td nndYr ss►d nnte
<br /> 2. Thal.together with.nnd�n addinon t�+.Ihe mnn�hly E�+yments
<br /> ��f(xinciprl anef�ntereu payable u�der the terms of the�wte xcu�e�1 4. That ihe Ei�,rruwer wdl pay gwunQ,(�nts,taxe,�,acKSSment,.
<br /> hereby,tNe Bo�rawer will paY to tho Lcnder,oo the f�tst�lay oi each w�ter rat�,irtd u�h�r�utiernme���f or�u�ji:ipa!chavg��s.fines,��o
<br /> month until thc said natc is fuUy paid,the foUnwinB sums imposiu�ns,fur wh�ch prmi5ion has,not,,(xen macic hercinbciore, •
<br /> and in def�ult thcrcaf Ihc lxndcr may, pav tht samc;and that thc
<br /> (�► A sum eq�►al tn thc�tcwncl renGc,ii ant,rtexl due,plu�the Boru►Nrr wiU promp�ly delivcr t�►o�ffi,rjpl receipts thecetor ta the
<br /> prcmiums ttud will occt bcrnmc dw:4nd psyablc on�licies of firc L.cnder.
<br /> u�d other haurd insurar►�.�e coverinj�he prc►perty.plus uxe.ti a�d
<br /> �asessnKnt�ntx�due un the propeny laJl as esriewu�d Ay dre Lrnd�r� 5. The Norrawer wiU pay all��xes which may 6e tevied upcin the
<br /> kss all sums atready pard thcrefor d�vided by thc number uf months L.endc�s intcrest m said real e�tate aad imprnvcmems,and which .
<br /> to elapbe betate one t I)mantb ptior w tAe da�e whe�such grapnd mAy be Ievied u�n this insttqm�pt or the deM tecured hereby Ibu1
<br /> reoes,premiums,ux�and assessaeents will becamG deliyuem,such only to�he extent t�at such i�na�prahibited by law and only ta the
<br /> sums to be held by l.cnde�in trutt to pay�aid gmpnd rent�, extent ibat.such vyill nat,make this loyn usurioacl,but excluctin��ny
<br /> ptrmwms,uxes�nd special acsrssmen�c,�nd, , �ocqms;,S�x,State qr(;celeral,impased an l.ender,and wiU file the
<br /> ofticial re�:4�ipt nc�►wing such p�yment with the Lende�.Upnn
<br /> (b)All p�ayments memwned�n�he precctilmg suhhection o(th�� v�alwt�on ot.this un�3ertakiog,ur if the Borruwer is prohibited by�ny
<br /> pua=nph a�►d all paymenls to t�e made unde�the note u�ured �W r�.W cv Rer�s[!�er existi�g irc�m payind the whole a�any portion
<br /> hereby sh�ll be added toaether,and the aggrcg�tc amount therrnf t,t thc�;.�resaid caxes,or upon the rendenng oi aoy caun decrcc
<br /> shsll be pnid by the Borrawer each rttonth in�s��gle payment to be pr���,h�t►�g�he paymeat by the Bu:rawer oi any such taxes,or if
<br /> applied by the l.cndcr to thr fnllowing itcros in the order ut forth: such law or dctree ptov�dcs th�t any amaunt sa paid by thc
<br /> (1�ground rents,taaes.u�cssmr��+,fire and otAer haiard insur• �rtuwer shall be credited on�he deht,the l.endet shal)have the
<br /> oight to g�vc ninety dayti wriuen notice to thc owner of the prcmises,
<br /> �nce premwms; re u�rin the
<br /> y g paymen�of the dc�ii. il�uci�riutii��e given,the s�id
<br /> 1111 mterest on the ncxe secured her�hy: debc�h�ll becamr due,payable�nd colkcuble at the expiratian of
<br /> 1111►amon�ut�on ot�he prinapaE ui sa�d notc;and ��mnety days.
<br /> (IV)late char�cs. 6 That.hauld th�Borrower fad to pay any sum ar�eep any �
<br /> co�enant protiided for�n th�s insirument,then�he Lcnde�,at its
<br /> Any de(kkncy m the amnuat of such aggrc�tate monthh p�vment �pt►un,may pay o�perfo�m tAe wme,snd all eapcnditures so made _
<br /> sAill,unle+s muk 6axf by ihe Bc»�ower pnur tu thc duc datc��f thc shal!tx addtd to the principal s�m owina on the stid note,shill i.� ��
<br /> nex�such p�yrnent.a►nstitutr an�vent oi d�fault under this tx crcured hereb�,and�hall txar mterest at the ratc set forth in the i=_
<br /> mrutn�e.The I.ender may wllect r•'late chu¢e"not m exccuE f�wr ;rs@ r.u'».:ar.'.»!*:s:��-
<br /> �ents�aC)for each dollar tSt►of each paymrnt morc than 6iter.n --
<br /> (I51 Jays in Yru:an tu w.er tAr cxtra expense�nw�tved m handl�ng 7 �fhai the��rruwcr hereby ass�gns,transfers and set�u�er tu the
<br /> delmquent�wyments l.ender,to t►c appl�ed toward the payment of�he notc and a�l sums
<br /> secured hereby in case of a default in the periocmance of any of the
<br /> 3. T�at d the totil of the p�y�er.ts made by the&uruwer under ��rms and a�ndn�uns ot th�s�ost�ument or the said note,all the rents,
<br /> (a!oi'paraara¢h 2 preced�ng ehatl tx��d the amcium u(paymemy �e��enues and�ncoc�e to be demed frvm the sa�d premises during .
<br /> �ctwlly msde hy the I.ender(ur gruund re�h.l.7Rp and a�scssm�nt� luch ame a�the mdebttdne�s sha[!icmam uapa�d,and the Lender
<br /> or iasuan�Y prem�ums,as tAr casc miy be.�wh rtcets,if the►uan�� sh�ll h��r powe�tu ap�mt ao� agem or agents it may desire far ihe
<br /> current.at tht uptwn of the Borrower,shall be cred�t�ti1 by the purpcne uf�rpau�ng s�id premises and of renu�g the same ind
<br /> 4endu on subsequent psyments cr.be tn�de by the&xruwer,�Tr «,Ilecung the rents, revenu��s and�ncome,and rt may pay ow of said �
<br /> tefuodtd to�he&xrawer I(,howeti�er,the muntAly payment>�nadc incumc�all expemcs of repainng said prcmises and neces.�ry �
<br /> by the E3orn►wer unde�la1�►f pangraph 2 preceding shall�ut br tummu�iun,an�ex�n�er incurred in renung and managing the
<br /> sufticKnt to pay grvurut rents.taxa and asx.cments ar inwrancc tiz�ne and uf culleti;hng rentats therctram;the lulana«miining,if �
<br /> premiums,as the case may lx,when the same�hall t+ecumr duc and ant. cu he appl�cd tuw•ard the d�scharge of said indebtedne.�s. �
<br /> ptyahle,thtn the Borrowcr chall�►sy to the Ixrtder ana amnune
<br /> necessary to make up the deficiency.on or before the iiatc when g Tha�the t3orrr.µcr will kcep thc impravements now cxisting or �
<br /> p�yment af sw:h ground renu,tax�.asx�5ments.ar msurancn c�reaftcr crec[c�!vr►the propeny. �nwred as may be requued from ' '�
<br /> prernwms shall he dut. If at Any umc thc Boru�uer�hall tendcr to umc t��ume by the Lender agarnst loss by fire and other h�zards, �
<br /> tht Lender,m acaorciance wuh tht provis�ons ot the nute tiecurrd ,;asualtie��nd contmgencies m such amounts and for such periods as �
<br /> hereby,full paymertt at the enure indebtcdness representeei thercby, ma� hc reywrcd by�he l.ender and w�lf pay promptly,when due.
<br /> the Ltnder shaU,�n rnmputmg tl►e amuunt of tuch indehtedne�s, any prem�ums on such insurance,pr�vision for paymenl oi which
<br /> aedi�to the accuunt e►f the Horruwe�any ha{ar►ce remain�ng in the has not been m�de herembe(ore. All�nsurana shall be qrritd in
<br /> funds accumulatcYl uader the provi3wns ot!a►ut paragraph 2 hereu( �umpan�es approved by the l.ender and the pulic�es and rcnewals
<br /> li there shall be a detault under any of the provis�ons nf th�ti thereuf sh�ll tx held by the Lender and have attached thereto Icns
<br /> Enstrument resnit►ng►n a puDt�r�ak of thc prcmi�rc�rncrr.�t hereb+:, payshlr�lau.r�.+n fsY�,r t�f and�n forrn acceptable to the Lender. In
<br /> - - P3ge 2 of 5 - - - HUO-921�30T-1
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