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<br /> ` ' S. H��or p�.o�{y �5�ance, 8orrawer shall keep the improvemsnu ao�v existing or hereafter erected on the �
<br /> ' progefty insured against loss by fire.hazards inctuded witQin the term "extended coveraae' and az►y other hazards. including
<br /> . ' tloods or flaading. for which Lender requires insura�t������l��ose�n b Borrower ti� o Leaderts agPro�
<br /> �hat Lender requires.'ITie insurance carrier pro�idin$
<br /> re.
<br /> � � wtuch shall aot bs unreas�nably a�ithheld. If Bortower fails to maintain coverage desaibsd aDove. l.ender may.at Lender's . .��.
<br /> • . � oprion,abtain coverage co pmtect l.eader's righu ia the Fmgerh+in accordance with pasagraph 7. u..<:..•-
<br /> . � All insuiance policies and reatwals shall be ascePtable to Lender and sha11 include a standard mortgage ciause. Lender J�.:;
<br /> .. � re=
<br /> shall have t�e right ta hold the galiries and reae�'laIs. If L.ender�equi�s,B°n°wer shall pro�ptly give to ixnder all receipts of `�s;:.
<br /> • . � p�d p�¢mium,y and reuewal aotices.Ia tlie event of loss.Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insurance carcier aad Lender.
<br /> _-.� I Leuder m3y make pmflf of lou if noc mzdP prompdy by Sarrower. ���b� tI���[oration or repair of the '
<br /> .- - - Unless I.eader and Borrower othQrwise a�ree ia v�riting.��P �p � �, - _-
<br />. . • . �� . �'� pmperty damaged, if the restoration or repair is ecanomically feasble and Lender's seturity is not lessened.if the restoration or -
<br /> ' namicall feasibie or Ler.der's sc..�uricy�aould be l�ssened,ihe insurance pror�s shall ise appiied t�the sums �___`��_-
<br /> repair is not eco Y
<br /> . . secured by this SQCUrity Insnument. whether or not [hen due, Evith any excess paid to Borrower. If B�rmwer abandors the }� -
<br /> � p�operty,or docs not answer within 30 days a nouce irom 1.eader that the iusuranoe cx�rier has oifered to settl i to�a��sums r-='�
<br /> . • Leusier maY collect the iasurance proce�s. Ixnder may use th� proc�eds o�vrill tse r when the no�ce is given. F y ��.
<br /> s�by this Securiry Insuument,whs�er or not then due.The 30-day g � to � ' � �� not extead or �_-.��-
<br /> ;" Unless Ixnder and Boao�ver othenxise agxee in wr►ting, anY aPPUcazion af proceeds P � y�. if --
<br /> ' gsostpane the due date of the�ontlily payments ceferred to in para�t�s 1 aad 2 or change the amou�t of the payrnen --=_ _
<br /> � �' h 2 1 the Pro is acquired by I�end.er,Barrower's right to any iasuraace pali�ies and proceeds nsvltin8 from F�,^
<br /> . ' ::..Y 7 u n d e r e t theo �P�Y Pz���4�Sirion sL�ll pass to l.ender to the extent o f t he snms s e c u r e d b 3+t D�i s S e r u r i ry I n sriumsnt �,,-_-.
<br /> . - _ , �g ,��°_-
<br /> • � _ �.'�.• immediazely prior to the acquisition. , Bflrrower's Loan Application; _
<br /> 6. Occapaacs'. Fre.seavaEion, Mainteaaace and Protesifon .� t`� �'•��Y' s after e�� `=-
<br /> . • "'� Lcaseholds.8orrowEr shall occupY,establish,and use the Prupercy as a�.-�;�'s R�'�pal residence within sixty daY d-=
<br /> , . :� w � s..Ccrsower's principal residence for at least ar.s- -- __
<br /> esecution of this Security Insavment and shall wntinue to occupy ths F��, ° . �
<br /> :�i�.";.."� • �� ear after the date of occu ancY,unless Lender otherwise agrees ia wri�,������=sent shall aot be un�easonably witbheld. __-__--
<br /> �°'���, �� y 'cu�ums�.^_ces exisc which are beyond Borrower's contrc:. iin-rr;�er shall not destroy.dama�e or impair ____f-
<br /> 1�1,, � ar anless extenuatin8 ,_-__�_
<br /> „"�`'' � t�a Pcoperty,allow the Pmgerry to deteriorate.or commit waste on the Pre��sy.�;.rswer shaU be in default if mrv forfeiture --_
<br /> � • �� �ttion or mceeding,whether civil or criminal.is begua that in lxade.-'��:.o�fa:�h judgment could result in ft�+-�:nue of the =
<br /> - '�' P air the lien created bY this Se�um}fi-aument or Lender's securiYy+3nteres�BQSOwer may
<br /> . �,--i�ertN or otherwise materially imQ h 18.by causing the action or pmc�edin8 w be dismissed with a niling
<br /> ' , y rnm such a default aad reinstaze,as provided in paragcap or crher materi�J
<br /> :;",. � •;�c,•in Lender's good faith detenninalion, Precludes fa�:iture of the Borrow:r's�terest in the PnBperty —
<br /> 'FS`"r'' �� •�r�irment of the lien createc!by this Se�urity Instn�m��ar l.ender's security i�...�-est. Borrower shall also I�e i:a default if
<br /> : `r " ' . � �'� �: ave materially false or i.-s,;.ocarate'��..�'mation or statemenu w l,e��er(o:failed
<br /> �'. ;�, sormwer.duri�the loan applicarion pmc�s,g
<br /> . !,#. m provide l���r�r with any material infoimatioa)in connection with 3�:iaan evi�~...cad bY the Note,iaclnding,�b��ai�u�
<br /> �:r•,. . '�� r,�,sepresentarions concerning 8oaower's occuPan�7+of the Property as a principaS r.sidense.If this Security --
<br /> •,c,:.• . � -
<br /> :'F,;,r` lz�hold, Borrower shall a:�ply with al1 the provisiaas of the lease. if Bs�n-cR�: arclui�s fa tide to the Property. e
<br /> '��� leasehold and th$fee dtle shail aot merge vnless Lender agrees to the�erger in w�iring- _
<br /> ' � If Borrower�;:�:o perform the coveaants aad a�reemEnu�°nta�ned in
<br /> ' 7.Protectton of I.euder s Rfghts in the ProgeTtY• �
<br /> • tlus SecuritY Insuument,or there is a legal pmcee�ing that may si�i:�r;�.tly affert Lender's righta in the ProPertY(s�ch as a
<br /> �� proceeding u►bank�uptcy,probate.for cond�mnatifln or forfeituze cr�r_.�force laws or regulations), then��desr�m�ay��o�
<br /> � pay for wlsatever is ne�cessary to protect the value of t4t:Property 2a..�.ender's rights in the ProPeTty. � ��, PaY�g
<br /> . � include paying any s�ms secured by a lien which t� cz.�ce regz'.�. :�ithough Leadiei may ntake acug'on uader i33s paragraph
<br /> „ . reasonable auorneys'fces and entering on th�PragP�tY
<br /> °.?;,,.„:�:•: ��' { 7,Lsader does not have w do so.
<br /> ar�-�j:�� � - pny aznouBts disbursed by Lender under this paragraPb 7 �i-=�i? ��ecome additional debt of Bo:rower secured by tir.;�
<br /> ,5,,
<br /> °+if::�;:;.. , �� �r�rity Inst�aent.Unless Borrower aad i�ender agr�l-�other terms of payment��these�m �ndes tu Bon ver request�c�
<br /> ,.�,�;��.
<br /> �Y;y�.. , .• �i;��e of disbussement at the Note rate and shall be pa4�.u=ie, with iaterest, upa�
<br /> ."`'_ . ;�.yment.
<br /> _•�. . 8.14Pn�t{��s,�e Insurance.If Lender cc:�uired mortgage insurance 2s a condition of making tlze loan secured by tbis Securft�'
<br /> --;�...� . t,;:,;-umeat,)i�er•�wer shall pay the p�':�s required to maintain��E moitgage insurance in effect. If, for any reason, ice
<br /> ;'"s,.i..='+`::..
<br /> "4. � . �,�����v��^�wr�r�; de�det lapses or ceases to be in effea,Borrower shall pay the premivms requir to
<br /> "'r:;�!° �;t:�:ain coverugs substanti�]?.F. ��uiv�:.c�the mortgage insuranoe previousty in effect.at a oost snbstantialiy equivalent to the
<br /> `'�'°` Y�. ,`�;; cust to Boaaver of the mcrtgage in..�ar�:.ce previously in effect, from an alteraate mortgage insurer aPProveG by I.eader. If
<br /> � ;�s�� . substantially equivalent mortgage insur"•..aa=coverage is not availaL*!:.:iloaower shall pay to Lender each manth a sum esival to
<br /> , ;�:- one-twelfth of the yearly rortgage insur�ce premium being paid BY F.,urrov�+er when the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to
<br /> � be in effect.Lender wi1S:rr.r.k`"�s.use and retain these g2;��ents as a lcss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance• 1.oss reseive
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