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<br /> TOGET�iER WITH alI the improvemeau now or hereafter erected on t6e pmperty,and ail�ase�nts•�,PPurtenances, aad
<br /> . ` fixtures now or heceafter a part of the property. Ail replacemenu aad addiuoas shaU a1�4 b� covered by this Securiry .
<br /> ' ` Insuu��nt.All of the foregoing is referced to in this Securiry 1nst�umeat as the'Ptoperty° • '
<br /> � BORROWER COVENAN'fS that Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed aad has the righa to grant and :
<br /> � ` _ oonvey the Property and that the Properry is uaencumberefl.except for encumbraaces of record. Borrower warrants and will
<br /> � • defend geaerally th�dtle to the PropErtY against ull claims and demands.subjea to any encumbrances of rewrd.
<br /> ,. � , THIS SEC1fRITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenants for national use and non-uniform covenants with limited -.
<br /> vari�tions by jurisdicrioa to constitute a uniform security iasuument covering real prog�rty
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS• Borro�fer aad 1-ettder covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> . � ._' ;�: � 1. Psiymeat o��tiadpal sans!In3ere�Y; Prega3'm�nt anrl I.ate Chsrges. Borrower shall promptly pay �r�hen due [he
<br /> , , principal of and intesast an the debi evidemced by the Nate 2nd anY PrePaYment and laze charges dne under the Note.
<br /> T� , ,I 2. Fuads for Taxes uud Insu�aa�e. Subject to applicable law or to d wcitten waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay to
<br /> , . ::.`1 Ixnder on the day monthty paymenu are dus under the I:ote,uatil[he Adois is gai�!in full,a sum f"Funds")for:(a)Yeax'ly taxes � �� �;.
<br /> . � � , ' 1 ���enss which may attain priority over this Security Insmiment as a lien on the Progeaty:(b)Yearly teasehold payments
<br /> �:o�=
<br /> ; ��� p uisurance premiums:(d)Year1Y flood insurance preauums. :�_-
<br /> , or graund reats on the Pro if any;(c)yearly harard or roperty� �;�-
<br /> ' if any;(e)Year1Y mortgage insurance premiums.if any: ar.d(�any sums payab2e hy Borm�rer to Leader, in accordance with
<br /> [he pmvisions of patagraph 8,in lieu of the payment of mortgage;*+�TM�nce premiums.Ttiess items are called"Escrow Itenos." �_:-�-
<br /> ; i.ender may. at any ti�cz. collec2 and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the maximum amount a lender for a federally -
<br /> E__
<br /> + related mortgage losn r��require for Borrower's escrow account under the federal Real Estate Settlement Pracedures Act o �-.-
<br /> • :<�N�`��� �. 1974 as amended from��to a� I2 U.S.C.Section 2601 et seq.("RESPA"),unless r.,si�cr law that applies to the�unds =_
<br /> _ � ,•ss�,>�4�, sds a tesser amount. rr�.Le�:.sy,at any time, collect and hold 1Fu:�::s:-�z=c•:.�:�st to exceed the lesser:..mr�t. —
<br />- . . __ ., :'_}���-�. L ' '-_. .
<br /> •�Tr�fi`�.� Ixnder may estim�te r�e auount e.Funds due on We basis of current cia►a�:::.,�c�,.�.;: :seimates of exgeaditures of�x�3re
<br /> • �f"'�• Fscmw It�ns or oshe��in ac�r�:.��with applicable lacr. _
<br /> �''°�`�L� T.. imds shall be held �^.�. :�stitutioa whose depes.,:��e insured �y a feder� �n�.y, inst�umentaliry. Cr��ry
<br /> K,;,<< -.� C '*^ ' Sti
<br /> . ,�.'�F� ", _
<br /> . ('mclud�i.ender,if Lea�er is suo��institution)or in aay Fe�l Hoffie Lcan Bank.Lencter shall aPPltheescrow ta�aa�•.,or
<br /> � ' � Escrow Icems.I,endec r-.:..=,�not charge�orrovrer�`olding anti a�P1S'in$the I?,�^.ds,annually anaIY�B _
<br /> ` � ` .� i verifying the Fscrow.•::ms.unless Lender pays�:,:r_.�a�er interest on the Fur�•�d agplicable law permiL T..�nder to make such =
<br /> a charge.However.L.ender may re�ire Bomow�-::�ay a one-time charge�r.�inilePendent real estate�.reporting service
<br /> � .'�c. -�� ucable law n�vidcs otherwise. Unless aa agreement is ma�e or �-
<br /> •'!, :,�;' _. ' used b: f�zader in connection with this loaa, -�-.;ess app' P
<br /> __ ... :�yf,�. _" '�. li�'z�w�{���to he paid,I.ende*s�all not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Fuads. _
<br /> �' aPP i °
<br /> ...="t'.� � Bormwer and I:ender�+ay agre�ia writing. hor.t,�rr.that interest shall be p�id on the��'::�.Lender shall give to Bonower. -
<br /> :� �, } aithout c'�arge. an a��l ascounting of the Fu�,+�=.showing crediu and dc-Ls*.�to the Funds and t�e�ose for wluc]�each
<br /> `�. ar
<br /> 1 debit to the Funds ar'�c.3de.The Funds are pledged as additional security fc-�.svms secured by this�z��:�rY Insttument.
<br /> � � iaz�;''� If ths Fimds held by Lrender e��the amaanu permitted^�be held by �gpu�blQ law,Lender sha:�i acxount to Porrower
<br /> ��� �� for the excess Funds in accurdaace y<th the reqvirements of z���„�le law.If the aznoimt of the Fuads held by l�s�.ra any
<br /> • r• tims is not sufficient to pay the E,c:�v Items when due,Lender�:.y so notify Boirower in wdting,aad,in such ca��L�='�*=�+�
<br /> • • shall pay to Lender S.��nvnt necessazY to make up the deficiency. Borro���r shall make up the dsnc::�r.� �W� ���'=''�an
<br /> ' ta+elve monstily paymw�r.at T.cader's sole discretion.
<br /> ` � . Upon payment ia tull of all s�s secured by this Security lnstrumen� Lender shail promptly r�`„�.t�E��;YrGi 8Dy
<br /> _.i,: '.
<br /> � ' Fun�s htld by l,ender.If.uudee p�',:,�.'*aph 21.Lender sha11 ascluire or se11 the Property.Lender.prior to the acquisi'�u cr sale
<br /> ' of the Properry,shall apply any F�:a held by Lender at the time of acquisition or,ale as a credit against ehe sums sPCUred by
<br /> ' '- this Se�urity InsenimEnt.
<br /> ,� ���:r.:�,_� 3.Appllcation ot Peyments.Unless appli�.?-r�law pmvides otherwise,all paymants rec�ived by I.entler under P��P�
<br /> � 1 and 2 shall be applied• fust. to any prepaymc�:ch2rges dus un�er the Note; sQCOnd,to amounu payable uader paragraph 2;
<br /> •�� �� ''�'``"`� th�rd�w iaterest due;founh,to priacipal due:and last,to any lw.chzrges due under the Note.
<br /> n .4:r�i'1"_ n � �
<br /> �..:,�.w...+:
<br /> -_zr��.,_,�� 4.C6suges;Ueas.Borrower sha11 pay all taxes, asses„��s,charSes.fines and imposiaons amibutabte to the�copercy
<br /> � wLich may attain priority over this Security In�r�ument,aad.:.5ehold paym;nts or gmund renm, if any. Bosrower shall pay
<br /> these obligations in the�anner provided in par'�h 2,or if not paiti in ttut�anner,Borrower shall pQ���em on time directly
<br /> - ' - to the person awed payment.Boaower shall pra�tly fumish to l.ender all�;�ticPS of amoun[s to be p�iii�.nder thLs par'd�Db• -
<br /> "���`":�.' , if Bonower makes these payments dinealY,BorTOwer shall promptly fumish to Lender res�;�sevideacing the paymenu.
<br /> _'� •�.°`.s� ' U disd:arge any lien which has priority over this S�curiry in..nni;�ent unless Boirower:(a)agrces m
<br /> , --.;�,�;_.,; Borrowet sha�Pramp Y
<br /> �'`-'r`;:�'.'. � ariting to the payaient of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to LeaL.r,(b)cantests u►Bood faith the lien
<br /> 's� r."' � • by. or defends against enforcement of th$ liEU u�. legal proceedings which in the Lenc"r.r's opin:aa�srerate to prevent the
<br /> , ..,,,.-- 1�• .
<br /> - � � � enfarcement of the lien:or(c)s�ures from the Qolder of the lien an agreerc�nt satisfactan�ca Len�er�i�l�r_rdinat3ng the lien to —
<br /> " � � this Security l�stmment. if Lender determines that any part n1°1ie Properry is subject to :L!:en whic���y attain gr.ii:�:sy over -
<br /> . � this Security Insuument.Lender may give Borrower a notia:•�:��tifyin�the lien.Borro�er shall satisfy the lien ac c�;r.one or
<br /> more of the actions set fonh above�vithia 10 days of the givi-g�f notice.
<br /> . �. Form soza a�so _
<br /> .. � ��AfYE)�9x�a�.as �:;;p:or e mu�:
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