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<br /> � . ' ��°�����.�. � ° 8 {Page 4 of S) . . .
<br /> � on�ner of the groperty. (h) o transfer into an inter �ivos trust in nhich the Borro�er is aad remains a bene�ciary and ` ��
<br /> � nhich does not relate to a ttan�^Yer oE rights cf occupancy in the propetty.or(i} anq other transfer or disposition
<br /> � desciibed in regulations presccibsd bp the Federal Home Loan Hank Baard.Barroner shall czuse to be submitted � `
<br /> ' � � � information required by Leader to evaluute the transfe�e as ii a necv loaa nere being made to the traasferee. Borrower
<br /> � . � • � tvill contiaue to be obligtited uader the lote and tL+�s 1?e�d ai�'rust unle�Lender celeases Barrorrer ia ariting.
<br /> • ! If Lender does aot agrez to such sale or transfer.Leader may declare all of the sums sscure�by•this B�ed of Trust tn
<br /> � . '.. be immesiiately due and payable. If Lender esetcises such option to axelerate, Lender shall mail Borroner notice o4 �_ � •
<br /> - -• ` ; �ocelerntion ia accordazice with gara�'aph 12 here�f.Such notice shall pro�i de a peria d o f no t less t han 30 da ys from the ` �
<br /> daz
<br /> � �T � date the notice ic mailed or deliver�d aithia �hich Barruger inaY Pay the sums declared due.If Borroner faiis to pay �
<br /> � �" � ' such sums prior to ths eapiration of such�riod, I.cudrr r.iay, nithout further notice or detnand on Rnrroner, incoke . '�3
<br /> � , any remedies permitted by para�rraph 17 hereof.
<br /> , � e a .__,�.
<br /> hON-UATIFORYvi COVE,UAIV"fS.Borron�er and Lender further covenaut and agree as follon� .;.�
<br /> 17.Acceleratioa; Reasedies. Except as provided ia paragcaph 16 hereof, or ts othetwise required by 1�w, �`_��
<br /> ��� ugum Bonower's breach of any coveasnt or agree�nent of Bosrower in this DEed o� Trw°t, iacl�ding ---
<br /> �_�
<br /> � � � Borrowsr s failore to pa�,by the end of ten (10)caYendar days after the date tDeq are due,any sr�ms szcund �-__ _
<br /> � � Lender riaa to saxelesstion shall give notice to�orrower as provided ia pnragraph 12 � T-
<br /> � I b y t h i s D e e d v f'b'r u s t. P ' .---
<br /> . ' . • � htreof sgaecif�ia� U)th�breach; (2)Yhe aetion reqnirs8 to cose se�h breac h; (3) u d a te,no t less t h a n 2 0 d a y s
<br /> � by whicb snch breach �usE be c�ared;snd(4) tbst fsilnre to �'�--�
<br /> � t� f r o m t h e d ate the aotice is tnailed to Bmrrower, �� _---
<br /> . , � ------� cure such breach on or Qefare the daae spe�.-ified�n t��s�iice c�e$ rzs�sgt iA .^.c��tioa of thE sums secure d Y._-��:-:
<br /> by this Dad of Trust and 4ale of the Property. The no4ice shall furtfiec i�foasa3 Bonower of the right to .:_._
<br /> t�� r�inst�te after acceleration am�ttZ���tt to bring court actian to asser¢ tf�� �oaesis3ence of a dtfsul: or any F.�.-
<br /> � othtt dafease of HoYros�er to acc�Eer.at�a aad sala If the breach is not cared oa or beioro the dnta specified 6,==-
<br />. �.:c�. �n the notice. Lender. st I.esider s egC-:on, msy declare all o�the suffis secured by this Deed ot Trusi to be �,;:��
<br /> --- ----�- �'s i�ffiedistely dae and �a�s�Le without fnrther deznaad and may in�oke the gawer of sale and any other fj.,_-
<br /> . . a remedies permitted bY agg�:cable law. L�ad�r shall bE entitled to collect a11 costs and eapenses iacurnd in �t_r-�-
<br /> 517 to Ehe eatent mitted by applicable 1sw. F' =---
<br /> � y, pursuing t8e remedies prorided in this paragrap P�
<br /> If Lender invokes the power of sale, I.ender or'Trustee shall raail copies oi a aotice of sale ia the mnaner G_�ry
<br /> � ' prescn'bed by applisable law to$onower aad to tha other persons prescribed by applicsble law.Trostee shsil
<br /> :;:;. �-� ;� gi�r.: noiia af sale bp pr3�T?*� advertisement for the tuae and ia the manmsr prescribed by appliable law. �-~-�
<br /> � <.%" Trustee. withaot demaad c¢Horrower,shall�ell tha Propertg at public a¢ction 4o tha highest biddar ior c�s� ___
<br /> � � :.�I at the time and plsce an8 aa�er tL¢cerms desigaated ia the notice of sale ia one or more pareels and in such -
<br /> order as Trustee may detercaiae. �r��tee msy postpaae sale of all or any parc- sf �3�e Property to any lattr
<br /> � � �, time on the same date by public anaouncsment as the ti�o and place o# a�_ �viously szhednled sale.
<br /> `;,,�,j '°•. Leader op Lemmder's desn�.ra:enay punhase the Property at any salo.
<br /> ;.;l; u" Trastee shall deliver Ya�1t�purchaser�r�sstee s deed conveyiag the Pcct�xerty so sold wi4hout any covenaa3
<br /> • � or cvarranty, espresso& ac i..�aplied Tha recitals in the Trustee's deed s.':�Il be prims facic evidence of the
<br /> •° .' � trvt�►o#the stat�ments�a�therein.Trustes shaU apply tho nrocuds o!tbe sale in the folloWing oader: (al
<br /> :fi_ to all reasonable costs aad eapenses of the ss1�. including. but not liffinted to, reasonable Trnsteds fees�d�
<br /> , attornays fees and cos�cf xitle avidencx;(b)to all snms secured bq this D�ed of Trast;end(c�the eacess,if
<br /> . � aap.to the patson or�erscas legallg entitled thereto. � --
<br /> ' �' 18.Honowei s Right tn Rsinstate. Nornithstanding Lender's acceleratifln al the sums secured by�is Deed of
<br /> . , Trust due to Borrower's breach, Borro�,:r shall have the right to have any proceedin&s be�un by I.eader to enforce t�is
<br /> } De�d of Trwrt discontinued at any ti�ne�rior to the eartier to occur of (i)the fifth day bcfore the sale of the Property _
<br /> . . pu�var►t w the power of snle oontained in tlus Deed of Trust or(ii)entry of a judgtnent enforciag this Deed of Trust if:
<br /> ;i.;+�.t: . (a) Borrower paps Lender all sums which cvould be then due under this DEed ef Truse and the Note had ao aoceleretion
<br /> ��:�s�.,. .. .
<br /> .�r�s• aocuned; (b) Borrower cuns all bteaches of any other covenants or agreemeB.�of Bortower containe�in this Deed of
<br /> ;,•,:' . Trust: (�) B�r-�wer pays all reaso�able eapenses iacurred by Lender anc �:ustee in enforciag the covenants and
<br /> agreements¢g:ara�ower oontained in this Deed of Tnst, and in c�.forcing Lender's and T�stee's remedies as Pravided
<br /> -='�- � . in paragraph l7 hereDf,including,but not limited to,reasonable at-rx�n?eys'fces to th�eatent permitted by epplicable law;
<br /> `�;��;' '. . -!� and (d) Borroner takes ��ch action as Lender may reasonably require to as..=ure that the lien of this Deed o4 Trust. _____
<br /> :;;;�j',r't'' •. ;, L�nder s interest in the Fr.:�serty and Bonocver s obliption to pay the sums c-c�.�red by this Deed oi TnLSt sha11 eontinua -__
<br /> . � � unimpaieed. Upan such gayment and cure by HorroNer. this Deed of Tnrs: and the obligatians secured hereby shall ..-
<br /> • • ��.���: remain in full force and effect as iP no aoceieration had occurred. -_
<br /> . " t 19.Assignmeat of 3�ents: Ap�oint�eut of Receiver, Leadet ia Possession As additio�al eecwrty heteunder, -
<br /> `•.';`;,:n; � Bormr�er hereby assig�s m Ler.der the renxs of the Property, provided that Botrowet shall.prior to acceleration under ��_
<br /> ..���1 . * � paragrapb 17 hereof or ai;rusdranment of the Property,have the right w wllert end retain such rents a3 theq bocome due ____
<br /> `' and payable.
<br /> � �i . Upon acce��:rat:on under par'agraphY 17 hereof ot abandonmcs�t at the Property.Lender. in perEan,by a�ent or Ssy
<br /> � judicially appainted receiver,shall be entitled to enter upon. take gnssession of and manage the Property and to callect — _
<br /> :!,;;;.� � the rents of the Property including those past dae.�]i renta collected by Lender or the receiver shall be applied�rst to �J_;_
<br /> ''�:� ` ra;,ment of the costs of management ot the Pro�eriY and collection of renta,including, but not limited to, reoeivers +s�l,ri:
<br /> ,.',,� • Y".s-��:r
<br /> "�5�` � f ees.premiuma on receiver's bonds and reasoru�ble attoraeys iees.and then to the sums s�ecured by tlu�Dzed of Trust. ;;,.
<br /> Lender and t13e reoeiver shall br liable tn ncrount only for tha�e rents acpcnlly received. '•``^�'
<br /> " Z0.Itelea�:.L'pon pnyment of all sums secured by this I?eed of Tn�st,and,if this Deed of Trust se�ura e Revolving '
<br /> Loan Agteement. Borroner requests 1-ender to ralease this I?Eed of Trwt,Le:tder shall cause this Uesd of Trust to be .�
<br /> � � rel�sed crithout churge to Barroner.Borro�+rer shall pay all costs of reoordntion.if any. .:"s -
<br /> I �1.Sr�bstiRnte Trustee. Lender. at Lender s option. may trom time to time appoint a successor tn�s2ee to nny
<br /> Truste�ap�ointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the coun2y in�hich this D�d of Tri�t is reoorded.t'Vithout
<br /> _. � . conveyance of the Property. the successor trustee shall succad to all the title, poner and duties co�tfetted upon ths
<br /> TrusceE herein and by applicable lucv. L�,-;
<br /> 22. Itequest for Votices. BorroRer requests that copies of the notice of default and notice of sale be sent to �.7.
<br /> � ' gorro�ser's addt�ess cvhich is the Property:�ddress.
<br /> . . ' � .
<br /> . . . 1 aa-sc-es waa o+r.us�cT a»�G�rat I��,��/1,�"�„�,,,11 r�aa�s24 ` .
<br /> i . ,
<br /> . �
<br /> . ._
<br /> � �� � _
<br />