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<br /> . � �� .
<br /> • • ' C'nless Leader and Borroner otheraise agreE in nriting,any'application of ptoceeds to principal shall not extend or G.
<br /> , postpone ihe dae date of the monthly paymenu referred to in pa,ra�raphs� and�or change the amount af the pay ments.
<br /> ,. � • � Ii un8er pat�aSraph 19 the Ptoperty is acquire� bp Lender. aorrone*'s right to any insurance policies and proceeds
<br /> resulting from damage to the Pro�rty prior to the acquisidnn shall pass to I.endet to the extent of the sums secured by
<br /> thi$S�curity Instrument immediately prior to the acquisiaion.
<br /> ` g,preservation aad '.liaintenance o�' Property: L�aseholds; Condominiums; Plsnned L'ait Da�•elapments.
<br /> s;
<br /> • Borro�rer shatl ke�p the Property in goad repair and shall not cammit naste or permit impairment or deterioration of
<br /> � the prupertg and shall cosnp7} nith the pm�'isions of any lease if thi.s D�ed of Ttugt is on a leasehold. If this Deed o4
<br /> �. � o .
<br /> . _.r;-: Trust is on a �mit i�► a condominium or a pl�nned unit developmeat, Borro�ve�' skall PerPornn all O� BAIfOP.Cf E ..
<br /> .. ,� onligaiioa3 under the declaration or 4ocenants creating or goveraing Yhe cofldaminium or plana:d c�nit dsti•elopment,the : �
<br /> byla�vs and re�uladons oi the coadominium or planaed unit developmen�.°Ad C°��t aa�'����n�ned in this �
<br /> 7.Proiection oi Lendet's Secvrity. If Bortoaer'fails w p�rPorm the cocenants and agreem � ._
<br /> Deed of Trust.or if aay setion or prac�ding is commenc�i�chich materially affects Len3er s inceresc in thr Pmpen�. ��:;.
<br /> then Lender. at Lender's option, upon notice to Borroner, may make such appearan�.disbut� su�h �m�s.�rtd�n� _____
<br /> � ., ceasonabl�attorney�s fces,and take such action as is necessary to Protect I-�d�s interes�ff Lend�r re� 8ag .�_•
<br /> � ;nsarance as a coadition of:naking the loan se�ured b1't�is D�d of Tnrst.Barrone�'shall pal tha premiums required to -�
<br /> � maiatain such insuraace in effect until such time as the requirement for such insuraaas terminate�in E:aotdance nith —
<br /> Bonower's and Lender's �crittea agree�ent ar applicable law. Any amounts diebwred by Lend9s pursv�nt w thi$ _
<br /> - - �-? - parageaph 7. c�ith iaterest thereon. at the ngplicable conuact rate. shFill i�come additi�nal indebte�ln�ss of Borroc�er —
<br /> secured by this Deed of Trust. Unless�arro�er aad Lender agree to other terms�f pa)'m�sai.s:�ch amo�mu�shall�
<br /> • ` � papable upon notice from Lender to Eorcnn er roquescing payment therenf.:�Iothin cantuiae3 in thfie paragraP —
<br /> � �� reqture L�eader to incw aay espen=e or take anp acQioa hereu�der. � dn£ at che Pm . �.
<br /> � .. �a �.I�ec4ion. Leader may make or cau.�e t� �e mucte �-sonable enuies upaa and insp�.'ti I�Y _
<br /> --.--� - .�'* p tovided that Lender sball�ive Barroher notice prior to any su:h inspectian specifYing re'�abie e�u�e ther�ar related
<br /> ' to Lender's interest in the PropertY.
<br /> 9. Condemastioa.The praceeds of aay a«ard or claim fot damagPS,direcc af coa�z9u�����n G�nn�ion Nith any �
<br /> ' � condetnnation or other taking af the PrapertY,or part thereof. or for conceyaace ia lieu o[can�emnation,are heteby
<br /> . 1�����..
<br /> :��'� r . assigned aad shall be paid to Lend�c,subject to the terms at any mortgage,deed a�tna..�or other secur'stY agr�es�aent
<br /> �';��.�: with a liea cvhich has priority over this Deed of Trw`'t.
<br /> g� 1Q.�orrower Nat Iteleassd; �'or�Earanr.e �Y 1-es�de: le:ot a �Jssiver. Esumsion of the time for papmeat or
<br /> � ;:� ,.. ted by Lender w any successar in intetest
<br /> modific�tion o4 amacti�tion of ehe snms&�ured bp this Deed o4 T�ust gcaa
<br /> ��'`y�?z�,„�,;: � ies who are ar h�reafter is�come second�rilg liable&hall aot operate to release. in aap
<br /> .:;,:.,�s• � of Horro�er and all other part
<br /> :'�^�.� � manaea�. t�e liability of ths ori$inel Borratver s3nd Bumsvrer's succPSSOrs ia inten:?e. Lende:shall not be required so
<br /> '::�;���1}t'!:� sucL�,successar ar refuse tn cysend time for paYmer,x cir othetsviss madify amnNi2ation
<br /> .':�.;lqs' h` COS1I11P+6Ia%pfOG.�lII�B a�tAS�
<br /> .: � of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust hy �eason of aay demand made by t�.e original Borrocver and �arrower's
<br /> ., � + successors in interest.AnY forbearance bp T��sr ia exerci�ing si►y right or remedp hereunder,as utherwise afforded by
<br /> ••�=':' applicable law,shall aot be a craiver of or preclude the esercise of aay such riP,ht or remedy.
<br /> ri'i:'�y:• .
<br /> ,�.�. 11.�uurcessora and Assignfl �ouad; Joiat and Severa! Liability: Co-si�c�'. The cor�-.:F►nts aa aF���
<br /> ��`�"' - herein contaiaed shall bind,and the righte hrreunder shall inure w.the respectice�.�:r�sors and assigns of L�der and
<br /> . • gorrov�er,subject to the provisions of paragrnph 16 hereof.All coventiats and 2�x�=`n�s of Banonrer shall be joint aad
<br /> en a
<br /> severai. AAy BOI'1'Oi;�tt tYIlO CO"3I�IIS tlllfl�4'5B�Of TfU9t• bUt dOCS ADt C%T�'Jt8 ti8 .�:bte, (a) is cr,�igning this Deed of
<br /> Trust c^1p to p'unt aa�c��vep thEt Borrorres'a interest in the Property tu Lender u��'er the terms oY this Deed of Trust,
<br /> � • (b) is nus personallY liuble on thp?tiote or uader tfris Du�of Trust,aad (c)agrees rLat Lender and any ott�Borrower
<br /> • hereunr3ic map agree to eat,en3�mudHy,forbear,or make anY other acwmmodati�nc with regard to tha ta�^s of this
<br /> � Dted of Trust or tha Note,cvithout that Bomo�ver s consent and without releasiag tIs�:Donocver or modifyirg ihis Dead
<br /> of Ttust as to tbat Hortower's interest in ths PiupertY•
<br /> � ' 12 Notice. Eacept for any notice requiivi Lnder applicable lac� to be g'ivcn in �^oiher�s�u�ner. (a� any notice to
<br /> Bormwcn provided for in this 1?�d of Tru�:�a11 be given by deliverin�it or by,sssull�g suc'r.notice by certified mail
<br /> = a$dre�sc-aJ to Borrower at tha Fm�,c�r Addres9 or at such other address as Borroc��'r. �r_sY deatignat�by notice to Lender
<br /> "�' , as provided hereia,and (b)ans n�t'ce t°Lender shall be given by certi�ed mail to Lender's address stated herein or to
<br /> " � {: such ot�er addr�w�Lender may daign°-te by aotice to Borcoerer as provided herein.AnY��ri�.e Provided for in this
<br /> te
<br /> ' '� Deed of Trust sha111�deemed to have bzen�vea to Borro�er or Lcn,3cr�hen given in the m.usrnsr designated herein.
<br /> � .� . '� �3. �overning I.sw.Se�d�nmy>>ty.Tha�zate and Inr.�I laws of the j.�risdiCtian in PltllCtl tf��roperty is lacated shali
<br /> � app1y cxnapt ahtite such lacvs c�anflict c�ith Fetiera! lan; iu cehich case, Federittt 1v�.�-s'�all apply. In the ee r�t that any
<br /> � e
<br /> � . ',� ptovision or clause o4 this Deed of Trust or the Note ca3�tticta with applicable Ia�, �zch caat"sct shall na�:�;fect other
<br /> t provisions of this Deed of Ttuss or the Nott��hieh can be given effect without the canflictin���vision,and to this end
<br /> the provisions of thia D$ed o4 Trust und th.c:'�ote are declared w be severt►ble.As used here�n, °ooste," "esPenses" and –
<br /> � . "attorneys fees"include all sums to the estent not prohibited by applicable la f�1i����d of tlus Ueed of Trust, if
<br /> � D4. Bonower's Copy. Borr+�fier shall be fumished a confo*med wPY =
<br /> �� r+equ�s,ed,at the time of eaecuriasr,or after recordation here.o4.
<br /> DS�.�ehabalitnti.on Loan Agreeraent. Borrower shall fulfill all oi Boreo�ser's obli�tions under any hotne
<br /> � rehabilitation, imp�avement, repnir, or other loan agteement whi.ch Borronrer enters �nto c ith Lender. Lender, ar.
<br /> ! I,ender'r,aption,may require Borroner to execute and deliver to Lender,in a form acceptable to Lender,an ussignment
<br /> ' of anp rights. claims or de°enses Nhich Borroner may hnve against parti� eJho supply labor, materi�ls or Eervir,es in
<br /> connection cvith impmvements made to the Property. or an interest therein,
<br /> ' 16.Trans�er ot the Property. If Borrower sells or transfets all or any part of the Property
<br /> �},. escluding (a)the cration of a lien or encumbrance subardinate to this 1�ed of Trust. (b) a uans?er by devise,descent,
<br /> •��, • t�;'; or by operutivn of tar� upon the death of a joint tenant. (c)the gront of any leasehold interest of thrae yefus or less not
<br /> � ' containing un option to purcht�se.(d) the creation oi a purchase money security interest for hovsehold appliances, (e)a
<br /> se
<br /> transfer to a relative tesulting fr�om the death o4 a Barro�ver. (P)a transfer Hhete the spsuse or children of the arcocver
<br /> � � becosne an ocvner of thz property. l$) fl tr�u�fer resulting 4rom a decree of dis;olution of marriage, legnl sep3rution =
<br /> . � agreement. or from an incidental propertY seulement agrerment, by which the spouse of the Borroner becomes an
<br /> • ' i
<br /> � . . �� � j -
<br />_ .. GE•SO'8S QaaO of Tru�t Yw- Q�IGIP'v'1L I�'�,�1,,,��„�,{�"„1 tEaD7929
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