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<br /> - . '_' . . - ,t'l�_�. . , __. .. _. _' _ . ' __ _.... - ! _
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<br /> � 09-,�,��s '� ����oF r�us�r 99����99 �ase� .
<br /> � � ` � �� �an t�o 7s�s90 (Cor�tinue� .
<br /> Wei�er;�esL'on of RenalIa�. A walvar by any p3rtY ai a breach o}a prav`ston of this Desd of Trust snatl nat cor+stitufs a vralv2r at or .
<br /> ' ' .. � proJud:ce the paRy'a rtaht5 cthenv�e hi damartd strtcl eom�i'artce v�fitti that provisian or any other Orovi�on. El�Ctlon by Lortd2t to putsu9 F1ny
<br /> romsdy provtdad�n th�Oand at 7Yu�t.tlfe Nots,�n enY Ra'.ate�Doeumarn.ar provlded by Isw shsll not exctude pursu!t ot eny otner rem3dy.
<br /> • Trwtor Ot 8oti0 6t t0 pE'.tfOrm sh�l ot raNOCt Lendef�s rtpA�a to de�tere a de�ias6t and to�exef rdsa any a Its re pd:p 08ed ot Tru3t t3fter flifut8 Of
<br /> ` • � Rttomeya'F�Ekpen�e�. �}L�sndar ins'atitfas afi►suit er 8�on to entorce anY oi the tsttns of this Daed af Trwf't.Londer sha.�i ba er�tad to 4
<br /> � racover suuti sun as tha court may adjudgs�e+±sonab'e es attomeys'tee3 at Mal and on¢nY 4�yaa►. Wheihe�ca not any eourt adion l3
<br /> invc!vcd,eJ reasoneb�e ex9ar�sas trtcuned by Rendsr wh:eh In Lend�s opfn:on ete nseES�ry at arr!Urtro tor the protsc�on o?its In�r�t os 12s3
<br /> . • ' enlorosm9nt at its riphts shall Oscoms a paA of the tndebtsdrtess payah:a on deman8 ertci S1tif tt�ar Ir�rw�ct tk9 f�Q2�rai�from th9 dat9 of .
<br /> . -. ,- - � •. ex�a�d:8..�unt:!r�F2i+l. ��s cov¢red by th3 paraSraAb tn Quds.w4thoul lImita9on.Aowev�r subl�et to any Umits un�e�����a ',�-
<br /> ,�� Lor�s attomsys'te�whathor or nc!there Is a IawsW�inetudin attor�:ays'i�tar osnAru�t�►-yr��s�M��d- � ,
<br /> • - vaeate anY automatic stay or InjuncUon).eAPsais artd aml antkdpatsd R�lud9msr�t co`..Lx'dnn seM.eSS.ttr�c�t o!w,:rt�s!na reesrd�. �.'
<br /> obtaiNng fiEs reparts Mcludfrtg foredasure repcttsy,SaveYar�reyo�ts,eppralsa�taes,ttlle(nsurarsce,end tae3 tor tR�Trustse,to th9 e�ant 1�
<br /> p2rmttted bY ePPL•ca6;a law.Tnistor e►so w91 pay any eourt cosb.M a8�tion to a!1 oth�sums provldrd by Inw. ��,;
<br /> �;-.
<br /> . . . ' Rl�fets pt Tntstee.Tn�stea sha7 Rava a�Of th9 dgMs end cuL'es of Len�as set tOrth in th:3 sacSoa =--•-
<br /> . . . . ROYlERS A1�D OBLI�d►TIQN8 OP TRUSTEE The taftowinp ProvL�ons re�a�r�p to ths Powers and ab�gafic�of Trust�are P�ot thts Qeed of �
<br /> T� �~=.
<br /> Pa�nrars o!Tntatee. In addition to al!poHStS of Ttuste9 8rtsitiy es a mqttet af[::n,Trustee sh2t1 have the Dow�r to tsko ths fa2o'xtrt9 acNons _:=__
<br /> ` wIth respa^t ta the Properiy ttpon the w�itten cepussl of Lender and Tntstor. (a)Io:n tn preparirtg and fiartp a map or ptat ot the Rea1 FrayertY. -_
<br /> indudirtg tha dedication of sheets ar othar rfght�to tha publ� (b)lar+in QranUeg any easemaM or ereaUng eny resh�cUOn on tha Fie21 Property, � _
<br /> , � ?�;•�i;�" -:�� a.Rd ic}jaia tn arsy subcsdirtati�on cr otlsr ag�samant att"..c6nB ths L�e"�!ot TrusT or the intsrsst ot Lendat under thls Deed ot 7n�i. �-
<br /> T r u s i e e. Trustee shsll mest all qualiP.Catior�requlod for Tntstee ur.der app�cah•e law. In admtton to tha rtghts end rame6ss sa1 casth abeve.
<br /> ��.� w[th respact to all ar any part of tha PtoAErtY.t7'�T'�'.�e shaA havs Ute dg M to i�dose by no�o e a n d s a:e.a r s d l.c�s��r s h a u A a v a t h e rt 8ht to �±}r
<br /> ' .. � � for2close 6y Ju�ictal t`oreCiosute.tn a.thet cese tn�.c38rtCe urith and to tho tu7 r-.�r-.it provlded bY apPitcBbte Iaw.
<br /> i �,or�ssor Trtislea Lender,at 4�defs option,may tsom Ume to tlme aPPoint a e:�oessar Trusteo to a�ry 7cus����ointa�hareunder by an __
<br /> . . '.�� rr5�:r��nt executad ar►d eckno�rrt�d by LsnEer and recorded t,t*.e ef.4�cf Y,�.a recarder af tf�Counhr.He'tr.�lc�. The irL°trument shail
<br /> � • , .' � ' .a°1:,n,in aQdNon to aU ather rr�:.'"�..rs requ�ed by s[ab law.th2 rt�.-sas ot the cr�tnai L9rtdsr.i n�ee.end Trustor,the baacc¢nd pags(or �
<br /> ....... .- -- '`�'.: comFuter sy�em reterer�ce}where this Deed of Ttus1 ts recordad.mtc'-^.a na.rna c^�address of f•ra saecessor trustde.snd tha iratrumsnt shaJ
<br /> be eueeuted and 8cknawtedged Dy atl the bsnaftG�tes u�r the Qeed o?Tn[�Q'�'�r s�t�so�s in t�� TR0 suc�ess�trustee+wffhnW
<br /> � � convayance of tita�ropertf+,shall suoceed to ell tha ti�e,power,and dt�tiea carir,�ro���on the Trustea in thls Qe�tf o?Trast and by ayD�CabJa _
<br /> � L•=,_�fs pro��:ra tor substihitlon of trustee chaii Qovem to th0 exetuston ot 89 c[nec Arovtstons tar substit�on. _
<br /> � ��. ��` NOTIG.�''•i TO TRUSTOA AKD OTKE3i PARTlE3. Any noL'ee under tht3 Qeed af Trust shal be in wr(Ung.maY���bY����or.�if
<br /> '-_.�.���;'�. :_=.�`. othenutse requtred bY law?.and ShaA ba effec4ua when actualN da'�vared.ar when dapasited vrith a naUorrat►Y recoQnized c+rem9h
<br /> , }'�� � maCed,shail�a deemed alf�actNe when deposttad in the Urited Siais3 mas7 Rr!ek�.t�U�e!a�5tered mail.QastaRa P�P�O.�ecteA W the _-
<br /> addrasses shown rtsar the teginntng ot thts Oeed ot Tnut. Any part7l maY chan�a Rs address tor nctlr�u�er Ws Qeed c}Trust by qhAM tormai
<br /> • � written nottrs to the other parttes.sAadMrtg fhat the purPase of the notise(s to chartQe t1+a Varhla nddress. AO cop�at nofkes at forectosuro Bem
<br /> . � the hotder a!any Gen wh!ch has prioriiy over ffis Osed tf T�,�sha11 be sent to I�ndafs addre�.es shown rtear the L•e-e�r�nin0 01 th�Oeed o!Trust
<br /> � For notice purposes.Tnrstar e9rees to kee�Lendsr an�T.�u.�'r�e Informed at ail Umes of Trustofs currerd address.
<br /> �'.
<br /> �
<br /> � � !1liSCEIlANE031S PAOYI8I0!!S.The bIlowMB misc911an8ot�s provis.�'rs�rre a P�ot this Dsed of T:.:et:
<br /> � •� Amendmenta '�s OaeO of Tn�t,tog9ther+xfth erry Re+ated Documeffis.can�i:uc�the enUre undorst�ndn8 e,��3'�err��nt o9 tfva pa��os
<br /> , , f to tna matteB s�c'��i`+in this Oeed ot 7rust. No alteraUon o!ar amendrt�arrt t��:ti��asd of Tn�t shell be effec[.��;r'les3 Qh►en in wrIS�D an3
<br /> •••� s�ad by the pu.�n p�rl:e�sou9ht to 6e chacgod or bourtd by tha eP.erafion ar�^.�°�idmo�.
<br /> •.r,;:,;3;:
<br /> . ,•���fs:; ��rani Reports. If the P�operty"s�sd for porpa�as afher than T.n�stofs�esidanoe,Tnistu ahaU tumish to Lender.upon+�r��,a eertt•ted
<br /> . • _ res qu�en"Nat oP�tl 9I trt ome'shall�mean c�.shhratElAts f�rom t�Property ta��cash expan�res ade in conneeUon u:c'"ira porati�`on
<br /> . Of the Property.
<br /> � � . s�t►aDU be�overn DY��n��t aecordance wi h the taws ot tne Etate2ot NeLra�ks.ta the State a4 et,e:rs�ca thls�eed ot Truai
<br /> �ons�ot�this D�d opf Trusta�ings in tAls Dsed o1 Trust are'for convenlent�purposes onty a^v9�.-e not to ba used to int�:�c ryr deflns ihe
<br /> �h�e d bTy ce•'kr h�s benefit o�t LeaQor n any cepaCi�twitf[ou�t ethe wiltten cort�5r,t 41.en�r.�y other ir�erest ar es�.ate in the?r'A�'�'at any —_
<br /> �-.• � .�.�` NCA:d;�e tnr'erx�Corporate�ulhor(n►• NI obfigauans of Trustor and Barroxa��:r.:der t h f s Oeed ot Tnut shan be Jotnt artd several.artd Fil'
<br /> rx�
<br /> rt�rr�9:.�s to Bcrrower sha0 mean each and every Bcrrowor.an�all retersr�ces to Trustor shell mean sach an0 every Yrustor• �''.�neans that _
<br /> . ' ':�� �na•�f tri9 persons SigNng bstow ts resDor�ib�e tor atl obUQaUcrls:��this Oeed of Tn�st.
<br /> �'�� • �tvetObiiily. If e court of compe!ont jur�dlc�on flnds amr Orovtilon a!this QeeO ot Trust to be invalid ar uttentarceab'e es f-�.tiy Peiaon a►
<br /> ••� • ctr�umstance,sueh flnding shall noi render Shat provislon invald or unBnforceabl9 es to arry oth°r ptxsorrs a ctrcumstarsces. �f teasfbi0.any
<br /> � Such o8ending provlslon sha0 bo da�smed to ba modiRed to be�Ylhtn the 11miffi o!enforooabL'i1y a vallditY.haWever•U�he oHendi�9 P��an
<br /> . � cannot tre zo modifted,ft ShaO de strlcken and all ofher provt,ions a!thls Daed o1 Trwh In atl other respects shall romain vNid artd eMOroeabla• -
<br /> . � p �u�xssprs�rfd Assi�s. Subject to the IlmitaUOns stated in this�esd ot Trust on transl�r af Trusiots in2orost,ihis Qeed of Ttust sha7 Oe
<br /> � yr^Sing upon and Inure to the bartefit of tno pari!e..thslr suooessora and a5,l9ns. It ownerLhlp ot the Property becomes vesYed�n�PePSOn —
<br /> ' 1 JEb edrtessr by rwa 0}f0tb �81t6RC9 Of 67Rert''•�1011 V119th0U1 te 80Sirt�tTIUStOTt Ort11h0 ObItQEd1D t9 Ot l�h'S D�}Tf1UT 0►lldbtll��lh9 -
<br /> , . = Indebtedness. _
<br /> �•� Ttmo Is at thc G.�enee.Tima is ot the essence in ihe pertormance of tlus C�.}Trus� _
<br /> .. ��_�
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